unit2 English around the world(2)_第1頁
unit2 English around the world(2)_第2頁
unit2 English around the world(2)_第3頁
unit2 English around the world(2)_第4頁
unit2 English around the world(2)_第5頁
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1、第二學(xué)時(shí)第二學(xué)時(shí)Learning about Language English around the world 1. Do you know that there is more than one kind of English? (P.9) 你知道世界上不止一種英語嗎? 詞語鏈接詞語鏈接 more than over more.than.與其說倒不如說,更甚 觀察下列各句中more than的意思。 (1)Mr.White has more than 10,000 books. 懷特先生有一千多本書。( “more than數(shù)詞”意為“超 過”) (2)Music is more than

2、 just soundit is a way of thinking. 音樂不僅僅是一種聲音它是一種思考的方式。(more than:不僅) (3)She is more than pleased with her daughters performance. 她對(duì)女兒的表演非常高興。(more than:非常) (4)She was more sad than angry when her son lied again. 當(dāng)她的兒子再次說謊時(shí),她的悲傷甚于憤怒。 思維拓展思維拓展 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 (1)21st Century School Edition is_ a newspaper.

3、 It helps us to improve our English a lot. ( ) Ano less thanBno more than C1ess than Dmore than (2)Lizzie was _ to see her friend off at the airport. ( ) Aa little more than sad Bmore than a little sad Csad more than a little Da little more sad than D B (3)It was _ the way he said it _ what he said

4、that made her sad. ( ) Amore, as Bmore, than Clike, that Dall, that B 2.and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.(P.9) 因此,許多別的國家開始說英語了。 詞語辨析:because of, because because of 是復(fù)合介詞,后接名詞、代詞、或賓語從 句,作原因狀語。 because 作連詞,后跟句子。以原因狀語從句形式表 明主句的根本原因。 He was late not only because of

5、 his illness but also because he missed the train. 不僅因?yàn)樗牟⊥炊乙驗(yàn)樗`了火車他才遲到的。 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 用because of 短語改寫下列劃線部分。 (1)The sports meet was put off because it rained heavily. (2)He didnt attend school yesterday because he was ill. (3)Mary failed again because she was too careless. (1)because of the heavy rai

6、n (2)because of his illness (3)because of her carelessness 3Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.(P10) 以英語作為母語的人, 即使他們所講的語言不盡相 同,也可以互相交流。 native adj.出生地的, 土生土長的, 本地產(chǎn)的, 天生的 詞語鏈接詞語鏈接 native speaker 說母語的人 ones native language 某人的母語 the nativ

7、es 土著人 be native to (動(dòng)物)特有的 ones native place某人的出生地 完成下列句子。 (1)Her _(母語)is German. (2)The ability to swim is _(魚所特有的) (3)He has a great deal of_(與生俱來的智力、 能力和魅力) (4)He was born in Guangzhou, that is, Guangzhou is _(他的出生地). (1)native language (2)native to fish (3)native intelligence, ability, and char

8、m (4)his native place 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 4Id like to come up to your apartment.(P.10) 我很樂意到你的公寓去。 come up 走近;從(土中)長出發(fā)芽; 提出,提及; 發(fā)生,發(fā)現(xiàn);(太陽)升到地平線 (1)A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station.(走近,上來) (2)The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up.(升起) (3)Your question came up at the mee

9、ting.(被提出討論) 詞語鏈接詞語鏈接 come down 下來,下降 come up with 想出(計(jì)劃,答案) come out 出來,(花)開,被出版;結(jié)果是 come about 發(fā)生 come across 偶然遇見 come along 一起來,一道走;進(jìn)展;進(jìn)步 come over 過來 come to 共計(jì),達(dá)到 come upon/on (災(zāi)難,恐懼)突然向襲來 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 單項(xiàng)選擇 (1) Four dollars a pair? I think its a bit too much. If you buy three pairs, the prices for

10、 each will_ to three fifty. ( ) Acome down Btake down Cturn over Dgo over (2)I hope scientists will _ with a cure of the disease. ( ) Acome about Bcome up Cbring about Dget along A B (3) I looked at it and found that including the wine, the bill_ $100. ( ) Aarrived at Btopped at Creached to Dcame to

11、 (4)Please tell how the accident _.I am still in the dark. ( ) Acame by Bcame upon Ccame to Dcame about D D 5It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. (P10) 當(dāng)時(shí)的英語更多地是以德語為基礎(chǔ)的, 而現(xiàn)代英 語不是。 base sth.on/upon以為根據(jù)(基礎(chǔ)); 把建立在 be based on 以為根據(jù)(基礎(chǔ)); 把建立在 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 A 將下列句子譯成漢語。 (1)What are

12、 you basing this theory on? (2)The film is based on a famous novel. (3) One should always base his opinion on facts. (1)你這種理論的根據(jù)是什么? (2)這部電影是根據(jù)一部著名的小說改編的。 (3)一個(gè)人應(yīng)該始終以事實(shí)為依據(jù)發(fā)表自己的觀點(diǎn)。 詞語鏈接詞語鏈接 present adj.出席,到場(chǎng)的; 現(xiàn)在的, 目前的 vt.贈(zèng)予,頒予; 提出, 呈遞; 表示,呈現(xiàn) n. 禮物,禮品 be present at( the meeting) 出席(會(huì)議) at present 目前,

13、現(xiàn)在 for the present 就目前來說,暫時(shí) present sb.with sth.送某人某物 present sth.to sb.送某人某物 presently現(xiàn)在, 不久(soon;before long) 閱讀下列句子,注意present在句中的意思及用法。 How many people were present at the meeting? ( 出席)(作 表語) There are twenty children present.(到場(chǎng)的)(作后置定語) What is your present address? (現(xiàn)在的)(作前置定語) The mayor pres

14、ented a silver cup to the winner.(頒予) The committee is presenting its investigation report next week.(呈遞) He gave his mother a present.(禮物) 思維拓展思維拓展 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 B 完成下列句子。 (1)All the people _(出席晚會(huì)的)were his supporters. (2)Jacks parents, as well as mine, _ (出席了學(xué)校 的會(huì)議) (1)present at the party (2)were pres

15、ent at the school meeting /attended the school meeting (3)This habit is hard to form _(目前), but in the long run,it will do you good. (4)Daddy said he would _(立刻回來) (5)He promised to _ (送我一個(gè)好禮物) (3)at present (4)be back presently (5)present me with a nice gift 詞語鏈接詞語鏈接 6.Shakespeare was able to make

16、use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. (P.10) 莎士比亞用的詞匯量比以往任何時(shí)期都大。 make use of 利用,使用 make good use of充分利用 make full use of 充分利用 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 完成下列句子。 (1)We should _(充分利用)the internet when we do research work. (2)_(充分利用時(shí)間)to prepare for the coming examination. (1)make full use of (2)Make good use of y

17、our time 7. The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling.(P.10) 后者體現(xiàn)了美國英語拼寫的不同特色。 the former 前者 the latter 后者 Of dogs and cats, I prefer the former to the latter. 狗和貓比, 我更喜歡狗。 8.because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947.(P.10) 這是因?yàn)橛鴱?765年到1947年統(tǒng)治著印度。 詞語鏈接詞語鏈接 rule vt.(常與over

18、 連用) 統(tǒng)治,支配 n規(guī)則,法規(guī),章程,統(tǒng)治權(quán) keep /obey / follow the rules 遵守規(guī)則 break the rules破例,犯規(guī) carry out a /the rule 執(zhí)行規(guī)則 work out a/ the rule 制定規(guī)定 under the rules of 在的統(tǒng)治下 as a rule 一般說來;通常 make it a rule (to do) 定為規(guī)律,經(jīng)??偸?by/ according to rule按慣例行事 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 用上述詞語完成下列句子。 (1)_(學(xué)校的制度)must be obeyed. (2)_(通常), he g

19、oes out early every morning looking for work. (3)He _(規(guī)定)to do an hours work in the garden every day. (4)Please _(制定規(guī)則)before you take over the company. (1)The school rules (2)As a rule (3)made it a rule (4)work out the rule 9. English is also spoken in Singapore and Malaysia and countries in Africa

20、 such as South Africa.(P.10) 在新加坡、馬來西亞和非洲其它國家,如南非, 人們也講英語。 詞語辨析:such as, for example such as 意為 “例如,諸如之類的”,用來列舉同類 人或事物, 但所列舉事物的數(shù)量不能等同于前面所提事物的 總數(shù),否則就用that is 或 namely。 如:A lot of things can be recycled, such as waste paper, waste plastic bags, and old batteries. 很多東西能回收再用,例如廢紙,廢塑料袋和舊電池。 for example 主

21、要用來舉例說明,一般只列舉同類人或事物 中的 “一個(gè)”。它在句中的位置比較靈活,可用于句首,句 中或句尾。 放在句首時(shí),其后用逗號(hào);放在句中時(shí),前后用 逗號(hào);放在句末時(shí),其前用逗號(hào)。而such as 只能置于所列事 物之前,as之后切不可用逗號(hào)。 用such as, for example 填空。 (1)I know many students of your school,Tom,_. (2)He can speak five foreign languages,_ German and French. (3)Some students, _, John, lives in the neig

22、hborhood. (4)Many great men _ Lincoln and Edison have risen from poverty 即學(xué)即練即學(xué)即練 (1)for example (2)such as (3)for example (4)such as 10Only time will tell.(P.10) 只有時(shí)間將能證明。 Will Chinas national football team enter for the next finals of the World Cup? Only time will tell.中國國家足球 隊(duì)能進(jìn)入下次世界杯的決賽嗎?只有時(shí)間能夠證

23、明。 翻譯下列句子,并分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)。 (1)日本大地震的罹難者將近兩萬。 (2)漢代修建的宮殿與清朝修建的宮殿不同。 一、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 1. If you keep talking _ (frequent) with your foreign friends,youll soon pick up _ (fluency) English. 2 Could he still walk after he was drunk? No,not at all._ (actual) he went _ (straight) down to the floor and went asleep.

24、3. The best way of learning a foreign language is to speak to the _ speakers and of course treat the _ friendly. (native) 1.frequently;fluent 2.Actually;straight 3.native;natives 4. Can you make full_ of these _ tyres (use)? 5. The _ are the people who come from _ and speak _.(Spanish) 6. _ are peop

25、le living in the _ which is the _ part of a country. (south) 4. use;used 5Spanish;Spain;Spanish 6Southerners;south;southern 二、 詞語活用 用break the rules, carry out a /the rule ,work out a/ the rule, as a rule ,make it a rule(to do), by/ according to rule 完成 下列小段落。 At the beginning of this term, our clas

26、s (1)_so that we could do better than we did last term.(2)_, no one was allowed to be late or whisper in class. If anyone (3)_, he or she must do something good for the class. We also (4)_to memorize ten new words every day. We thought it necessary (5)_ strictly and we hoped everyone should (6)_ (1)

27、worked out a rule (2)According to the rule (3)broke the rule (4)made it a rule (5)to carry out the rule (6) obey/keep the rule 三、動(dòng)詞專練 用所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 1.Later in the 17th century, English began _ (speak) in many other countries. 2.As we know, English _(change) over time. 3. The English in 1150 was different from the English _(speak) today. 4. The in


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