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1、中醫(yī)基礎(chǔ)理論關(guān)鍵名詞術(shù)語(yǔ) 緒論 intro duction中醫(yī)學(xué) traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)中醫(yī)學(xué)理論體系 theory system of TCM中醫(yī)基礎(chǔ)理論basic theory of TCM整體觀念 holism concept五臟一體觀 holism of five organs形神一體觀 holism of body and spirit天人一體觀 holism of huma n beings and uni verse醫(yī)學(xué)模式 medical pattern辨證 syndrome differentiation論治 treatment

2、vari ation疾病 disease證候 syndrome癥狀 symptom體征 physical sign辨病 disease diagnosing同病異治 different treatment for the same disease異病同治 the same treatment for the different disease 第一章中醫(yī)學(xué)的哲學(xué)基礎(chǔ)ancient philosophic basis of TCM精 jing (as the world origin in ancient philosophy)氣 qi (as the world origin in the a

3、ncient philosophy)精氣學(xué)說(shuō) theory of jingqi生命life中介medium氣機(jī) qi activity氣化 qi trans form ation感應(yīng) induction水地說(shuō) hypothesis of jing orig in at ing from water and earth云氣說(shuō) hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air氣一元論 mon ism of qi元?dú)庖辉?mon ism of qi陰陽(yáng) yinyang; yin and yang陰陽(yáng)學(xué)說(shuō) theory of yinyang陰陽(yáng)對(duì)立 in

4、ter-oppositionbetween yin and yang陰陽(yáng)互根 inter-dependencebetween yin and yang陰陽(yáng)消長(zhǎng) wane and wax between yin and yang陰陽(yáng)交感 inter-inductionbetween yin and yang陰陽(yáng)互藏 inter-containingbetween yin and yang陰陽(yáng)轉(zhuǎn)化 inter-transformationbetween yin and yang陰陽(yáng)自禾口 reestablishment to yin-yang equilibrium陰陽(yáng)平衡 both yin an

5、d yang in equili brium五行 five elements五行學(xué)說(shuō) theory of five elements五行相生 inter-promotionof five elements五行相克 inter-in hibition of five elementseleme nts五行制化 relati on ship of promoti on and restricti on of five五行相乘 inter-invasionof five elements五行相侮 reverse restriction in five elements五行勝?gòu)?fù) resista nee

6、 of oppressed eleme nts母病及子 mother-organdisorder involving its child-organ子病及母 child-organdisorder involving its mother-organ滋水涵木 replenishing water to nourish wood培土生金 rei nforci ng earth to gen erate metal益火補(bǔ)土 tonifying fire to supplement earth金水相生 mutual generation between metal and water抑木扶土 inh

7、ibiting wood and strengthening earth培土治水 cultivating earth to control water佐金平木 assisting metal and calming wood(water)瀉南補(bǔ)北 purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north 宏觀觀察 observation on macroscopic level中禾口 golden mean類比 analogy第二章藏象 viscera state藏象 viscera state藏象學(xué)說(shuō) doctrine of viscera stat

8、e臟腑 viscera; zangfu organs五臟 five zang organs心 heart肺 lung脾 spleen肝 liver腎 kidney六腑 six fu organs膽 gall bladder胃 stomach小腸 small in test ine大腸 large in test ine三焦、i tri-jiao; sanjiao膀胱 urinary blader奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu organs腦 brain髓 marrow骨 bone脈 vessel女子胞uterus滿而不實(shí) full of esse nee without foods

9、tuff實(shí)而不滿 full of foodstuff without esse nee心主神明 heart eontrollingmental activities心主血脈 heart controllingblood eireulation心藏神 heart storing spirit肺主氣 lung governing qi肺主呼吸之氣 lung governing respiratory qi肺主一身之氣 lung governingphysical qi肺朝百脈 con verge nee of vessels in the lung肺主行水 lung governing water

10、 metabolism肺主治節(jié) lung governing coord inative activities of viscera肺為華蓋 lung being the canopy肺為嬌臟 lung being the delicate organ肺主宣發(fā)肅降 lung con troll ing dispers ing outward and in wards氣門(mén)pore后天之本sourceof acquired constitution脾主運(yùn)化 spleen governingtran sportati onand transformationWord文檔脾氣主升 spleen gov

11、erning ascending脾主統(tǒng)血 spleen governingblood脾喜燥惡濕 spleen preferring dryness to dampness肝主疏泄 liver governing regulating肝主藏血 liver storing blood肝體因而用陽(yáng) liver of yin nature with yang functioning肝為剛臟 liver being the resolute viscera罷極之本 source of en dura nee先天之本 congenital foundation 腎藏精 kid ney stori ng e

12、sse nee 腎陰 kidney yin腎陽(yáng) kidney yang腎精 kid ney esse nee腎氣 kidney qi天癸 tiangui腎主水液 kidney governing water腎主纟納氣 kidney reeeiving respiratory qi命門(mén) vital gate七沖門(mén) seven important portals膽主決斷 gallbladder governing deeiding胃主通降 stomach managing downward transportation of food喜潤(rùn)惡燥 preferring moisture to dryn

13、ess受盛化物con tai ningand digesting泌別清濁separatingthe clear from the turbid上焦如霧 upper-jiao resembling mist中焦如漚 middle-jiao resembling fermenter下焦如瀆 lower-jiao resembli ng drain age元神之府 mentality house月腦為髓海 brain being the marrow sea心腎相交 coord in ati on betwee n heart and kid ney水火相濟(jì) regulation between w

14、ater and fire肺為氣之主 lung being the governor of qi腎為氣之根 kidney being the root of qi肝腎同源 liver and kidney sharing the same origin乙癸同源 Yi and Gui sharing the same origin (liver and kidney sharing the sameorigi n)精血同源 esse nee and blood shari ng the same origi n藏泄互用 interdependencebetween storing and dis

15、charging纟納運(yùn)相得inter-promotionbetween containing and digestion升降相因 interdependencebetween ascending and descending燥濕相濟(jì) interdependencebetween drying and moistening胃潤(rùn)喜惡燥 stomach preferring moisture to dryness第三章精氣血津液神 esse nee, qi, blood, body fluid and spirit 氣qi元?dú)?primordial qi元陰 primordial yin元陽(yáng) pri

16、mordial yang氣機(jī) qi activity氣化 qi transformation氣海qi sea衛(wèi)氣 defensive qi宗氣 thoracic qi營(yíng)氣 nu trie nt qi原氣 primordial qi氣能生血 qi promoti ngblood product ion氣為血之帥 qi being the governor of blood氣主升之qi promoting氣能生津 qi promoti ngbody fluid product ion氣能行血 qi promotingblood circulation血為氣之母 blood being the mo

17、ther of qi血主濡之 blood nourishing氣能行津 qi promotingbody fluid circulation氣能攝血 qi governing blood津能載氣 body fluid conveying qi血能載氣 blood conveying qi氣能攝津 qi governing body fluid津停氣滯 body fluid retention causing qi stagnation血 blood精 essenee神 spirit精能化氣 esse nee tran sform inginto qi先天之精 congen ital esse

18、nee后天之精 acquired esse nee水谷之精 foodstuff esse nee氣能生精 qi promoti ngesse nee produeti on津血同源 body fluid and blood sharing the same souree血汗同源 blood and sweat sharing the same souree膻中 danzhong虛里 heart apex津液 body fluid第四章 經(jīng)絡(luò) meridians and eollaterals經(jīng)絡(luò) meridians and eollaterals經(jīng)絡(luò)學(xué)說(shuō) theory of meridian

19、and eollateral; meridian doetrine經(jīng)氣 meridian qi經(jīng)脈 meridian; ehannel絡(luò)脈 eollateral十二經(jīng)脈 twelve meridians十二正經(jīng) twelve regular ehannels手太陰肺經(jīng) lung ehannel of hand taiyin(L)手陽(yáng)明大腸經(jīng) large intestine ehannel of hand yangming(LI)足陽(yáng)明胃經(jīng) stomaeh ehannel of foot yangming(St)足太陰脾經(jīng) spleen ehannel of foot tayin(Sp)手少陰心

20、經(jīng) heart ehannel of hand shaoyin(H)手太陽(yáng)小腸經(jīng) small intestine ehannel of hand taiyang(SI)足太陽(yáng)膀胱經(jīng) urinary bladder ehannel of foot taiyang(U足少陰腎經(jīng) kidney channel of foot shaoyin(K)手厥陰心包經(jīng) perieardiumehannel of hand jueyin(P)手少陽(yáng)三焦經(jīng) tri-jiao channel of hand shaoyang(TJ) 足少陽(yáng)膽經(jīng) gall bladder channel of foot shaoya

21、ng(G 足厥陰肝經(jīng) liver channel of foot jueyin(Liv) 奇經(jīng)八脈 eight extra channels 督脈 governor vessel; Du meridian 任脈 conception vessel; Ren meridian 沖脈 flush vessel; Chong meridian 帶脈 belt vessel; Dai meridian 陰蹺脈 yinqiao meridian 陽(yáng)蹺脈 yangqiao meridian 陰維脈 yinwei meridian 陽(yáng)維脈 yangwei meridian十二經(jīng)另 U twelve dive

22、rge nt cha nn els 十五另U絡(luò) fifteen large collaterals 孫絡(luò) minute collateral浮絡(luò) superficial collateral十二經(jīng)筋 twelve meridianmusculatures十二皮部twelve coetaneous areas陽(yáng)脈之海 sea of yang meridian (governor vessel)陰脈之海 sea of yin meridian (conception vessel)任主胞胎 conception vessel governing uterus and gestation十二經(jīng)脈之海 sea of the twelve meridians (flush vessel) 血海 blood sea (flush vessel)第五章體質(zhì) body constitution體質(zhì) body constitution形神合一 harmonizatio頂端?回復(fù)?引用?分享友情提示:如何以最快的速度獲得威望?新手必看test1 樓 發(fā)表于:2007-05-1920:36只看該作者|小中大緒論 introduction中醫(yī)學(xué) traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)級(jí)別:俊才? ?中醫(yī)學(xué)理論體系 theory system o


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