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1、青,取之于藍(lán)而青于藍(lán);冰,水為之而寒于水英語警句格言摘抄大全 【導(dǎo)語】我為大家整理“英語警句格言摘抄大全”以供參考,感謝大家的閱讀與支持,希望可以幫助到大家! 1、用心觀察成功者,別老是關(guān)注失敗者。 observe the successful, dont always focus on the losers. 2、你用一百分的努力和成功做交換,沒有不成交的。 you use a percentage exchange, efforts and success will not clinch a deal. 3、人的價值,在遭受誘-惑的一瞬間被決定。 the value of people,

2、is decided at the moment of suffering - lure and confused. 4、給自己多一點疼愛,對生活多一點信心。愛每分每秒的自己。 give yourself a little more love, more confidence to life. love every minute. 5、心若沒有棲息的地方,到哪里都是流浪。 if no perched place heart, where are wandering. 6、人的品格可能在重要時刻才表現(xiàn)出來,但絕對是在無關(guān)緊要時形成的。 mans character may be in the i

3、mportant moments, but it is formed when it doesnt matter. 7、生活就是一種態(tài)度,倒霉也是一種另類人生。 life is an attitude, bad luck is also a kind of alternative life. 8、人之所以痛苦,在于追求錯誤的東西。 people are suffering, lies in the pursuit of the wrong things. 9、一個人的價值,應(yīng)該看他貢獻(xiàn)什么,而不應(yīng)當(dāng)看他取得什么。 the value of a person, should see him wh

4、at contribution, should not look at what he achieved. 10、很多失敗不是由于才能有限,而是由于沒有堅持到底。 a lot of failure is not due to the limited ability, but because no stick it out. 11、鄭宏岑,反是不思去后悔,而是為前進(jìn)鋪路。 covariates zheng hong cen, not to regret, but paves the way for progress. 12、錢是好東西,但是不要為錢活著。那樣生活沒有意義了。 money is a

5、 good thing, but dont live for money. life is meaningless. 13、要是你的心本來就在燃燒,那么一旦需要,掏出來就可以當(dāng)火把。 if your heart was burning, so if necessary, i can when a torch. 14、只有傻瓜才會千方百計去討好所有的人。 only a fool would one thousand ways to please all the people all the time. 15、用平常心來生活,用慚愧心來待人。 use common heart to life, w

6、ith shame heart to treat people. 16、希望下節(jié)課,你是第一個回答問題的人! hope next time, you are the first person to answer the question! 17、浪花愈大,凝立的磐石在沉默的持守里,快樂也愈大。 the greater the waves, the rock stands in the silence of the hold, the more happiness is. 18、忘掉你的一次次失敗,但不要忘記你奪取的勝利。 forget about the times youve been de

7、feated, but dont forget the victories youve won. 19、天行健,君子以自強不息,地勢坤,君子以厚德載物。 day line, the gentleman to self-reliance, kun topography, the gentleman to hold world with virtue. 20、人并不是不可以有虛榮心,但虛榮心不能建立在他人真實、真誠之上。 people cant not have vanity, but vanity is not based on true and sincere from these. 21、青

8、春如夢,又如一個美好的瞬間,讓我們共同努力,開創(chuàng)更美好的未來。 the youth like dream, like a beautiful moment, let us work together to create a better future. 22、人生就像一段旋律,在跳動的音符中完成生命的過程。 life is like a melody, beating the notes in the complete process of life. 23、向今天獻(xiàn)出自己的人,沒有哪一個昨天是給浪費掉的。 to give his people today, yesterday, no one

9、 is for to waste. 24、本性的蘇醒,往往在遭遇真實之后。 the resurgence of the nature, often after a real. 25、耐心之樹,結(jié)黃金之果。 the fruit of the tree of patience, gold. 26、當(dāng)你盡了自己的努力時,失敗也是偉大的。 when you are doing their best to, failure is also great. 27、人生就像一幅畫,應(yīng)該多一些亮麗的色彩,少一些灰暗的色調(diào)。 life is like a painting, should be more brig

10、ht beautiful colour, less shades of gray. 28、永遠(yuǎn)不要埋怨你已經(jīng)發(fā)生的事情,要么就改變它,要么就安靜的接受它。 never blame you already happened, or change it, or quiet accept it. 29、做事有始有終值得開始的事就值得完成。聰明人做事總是有始有終。 if a thing is worth to start cleaning up after oneself is complete. a wise man always stead fast. 30、堅持是一種信念,堅持是一種理解,堅持是

11、一種責(zé)任。 persistence is a kind of belief, persistence is a kind of understanding, the persistence is a kind of responsibility. 31、一分鐘經(jīng)理的精髓是:一分鐘目標(biāo)、一分鐘表揚、一分鐘懲戒。 the essence of the one minute manager: one minute goal, a minute praise and punishment in a minute. 32、改變自己,是自救,影響別人,是救人。 change yourself, is a

12、self-help, influence others, is to save. 33、勇氣是控制恐懼心理,而不是心里毫無恐懼。 courage is to control fear, not the in the mind have no fear. 34、擁有了一顆赤城的心,便擁有了朋友;擁有了一顆善良的心,便擁有了友愛。 have a heart of akagi, have a friend; have a kind heart, have the love. 35、樂觀本身就是一種成功,烏云后面依然是燦爛的晴天。 optimism is a success, behind the c

13、louds is still a bright sunny day. 36、握手不一定是友誼,指責(zé)不一定是敵對。 shaking hands is not necessarily the friendship, accused is not necessarily the enemy. 37、人生沒有彩排,只有現(xiàn)場直播,所以每一件事都要努力做得! a life without a rehearsal, only live, so everything to try to do the best! 38、生活的智慧,大概就在于遇事問個為什么。 the wisdom of life, is tha

14、t it probably ask a why. 39、你瞧,通過努力,你成功了,祝賀你! you see, through the efforts, you are successful, congratulations! 40、有一個名字,它不在我心里,在所有不甘的悲傷的混亂的青春的終點。 has a name, it is not in my heart, in all unwilling sad chaos of the end of the youth. 41、時時好心,就是時時好日。 every kind, is always a good day. 42、回憶也許能給人以力量,但

15、個人不能光靠回憶來生活。 memories maybe can give a person with power, but - people cant live on memory. 43、如果我想要,我就一定能。 if i want, i can. 44、無論你覺得自己多么的不幸,永遠(yuǎn)有人比你更加不幸。 no matter how much you feel unhappy, always someone more unfortunate than you. 45、如果你給我的,和你給別人的是一樣的,那我就不要了。 if you give me, and you give others is

16、 the same, that i dont. 46、小人本當(dāng)疏遠(yuǎn),但決不能明顯地仇視他,君子本當(dāng)親近,但也不能專心地附和他。 little alienating the transgression, but must not clearly hate him, a gentleman should have close to, but also cant go along with him intently. 47、所謂天才人物,指的就是具有毅力的人,勤奮的人,入迷的人和忘我的人。 the so-called genius, refers to people with perseveranc

17、e, diligence, ecstasy and selflessness. 48、時間告訴你什么叫衰老,回憶告訴你什么叫幼稚。 the time to tell you what is aging, memories tell you what is naive. 49、時間是不可占有的公共財產(chǎn),隨著時間的推移,真理愈益顯露。 time is not possession of public property, with the passage of time, the truth exposed increasingly. 50、糊口的悲劇主要不在于人們受多少苦,而在于人們錯過了什么。

18、the tragedy of the family main is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. 51、會過去的,就會過去的。我們的痛苦,我們的悲傷,我們的負(fù)罪。 will the past, will be the past. our pain, our sadness, our guilt. 52、生活中,很多時候都需要我們要耐心,耐心做人,耐心做事,更要耐心生活。 in life, and many times we need to be patient, patience, patience to do things,

19、 more be patient life. 53、學(xué)會奉承領(lǐng)導(dǎo),多擺笑臉,不做惡人,三緘其口,三思而后行。 learn to flatter leaders, more smile, dont do the wicked, mum, look before you leap. 54、家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫過于家。 home! sweet home! home is the most beautiful place in the world. 55、把一切平凡的事做好就不平凡;把一切簡單的事做好就不簡單。 do all the ordinary things well is not or

20、dinary; do all the simple things well is not simple. 56、只要比別人更努力,相信自己一定會成功。 as long as more efforts than others, believe you will succeed. 57、當(dāng)我們還買不起幸福的時候,我們絕不應(yīng)該走得離櫥窗太近,盯著幸福出神。 when we cant afford love, we should never go too close to the window, staring at a happy trance. 58、青春一往不復(fù)返,事業(yè)一縱永無成。 youth

21、is a thing of the past, cause a zongyong. 59、想學(xué),會學(xué),勤學(xué),拼命學(xué)。 want to learn, will learn, study, study hard. 60、不向前走,不知路遠(yuǎn);不努力學(xué)習(xí),不明白道理。 dont go, dont know road far. dont study hard, dont understand the reason. 61、當(dāng)你正在放下那個人的時候,就真的一身輕松了。 when youre down the man is really a relaxed. 62、行動是成功的階梯,行動越多,登得越高。 a

22、ction is the ladder of success, the more, the higher the. 63、人生如蠟燭,火的燃燒和吞噬使蠟燭在燭光消失的一瞬間得到永恒。 life is like a candle, the fire burn and devour the disappearance of the candle in the candle light get eternal moment. 64、上帝說:你要什么便取什么,但是要付出相當(dāng)?shù)拇鷥r。 and god said, then take what you want, but its quite a price

23、 to pay. 65、人往往年輕時用健康換財富,老時用財富換健康。 people often use health wealth at a young age, when the old trade wealth for health. 66、勤勞盈有財富,知識蘊含成功。 diligence surplus wealth, knowledge is successful. 67、我死了嗎?沒有,所以我不能活得像死了一樣。 im dead? no, so i cant live like a dead. 68、忘掉昨天的煩惱。新的一天。用新的態(tài)度。來面對! forget about yeste

24、rdays troubles. a new day. with a new attitude. in the face! 69、做一個花開不敗旳女人,像仙人掌一樣旳堅強。 do a flower unbeaten women, like cactus as strong. 70、除非你自己低頭,沒有人會讓你感到自卑。 unless you lower the head, no one will make you feel inferior. 71、人生就像騎單車,想保持平衡就得往前走。 life is like riding a bicycle, to keep balance will ha

25、ve to move on. 72、學(xué)習(xí)有如苦咖啡,先苦后甜。只有嘗過了的苦澀,才會收獲成功的喜悅。 learning is a bitter coffee, business before pleasure. only tasted the bitter, can harvest the joy of success. 73、逆風(fēng)的方向,最適合飛翔。不怕被萬人阻擋,只怕自己投降。 the direction of the wind, the most suitable for flying. not afraid to be ten thousand people stop, maybe their surrender. 74、一等二靠三落空、一想二干三成功。成功屬于那些曾付出努力的人。 first three failed and the second one to two


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