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1、辦公室里常用短句當(dāng)別人在你旁邊羅嗦個(gè)沒(méi)完,你煩透了,說(shuō)you are soboringl.(你真煩?。?,shut2 up!(閉嘴?。┳匀粵](méi)錯(cuò),可人家受得了嗎不如來(lái)一句: oh, e on. give me a break! (幫幫忙,讓我 歇歇吧?。┻@多地道 多幽默。要想說(shuō)人氣色好,you look fine!當(dāng)然不錯(cuò),可如果你說(shuō) youre in the pink!就妙得多了。實(shí)際上,在英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)中,表示 顏 色的詞用起來(lái)非常形象生動(dòng)。他精力充沛美國(guó)人說(shuō):he is bouncy.而不說(shuō)he is energetic, 牢記一些日常對(duì)話中的活句式是你一把必備的鑰匙。比如:久仰,i get mi

2、nd3 of you.比 i heard a lot about you.輕松得多。代問(wèn)他人好當(dāng)然能用 please remember me to your sister. 或 please give my best wishes to your fat her. 不過(guò), 若是彳艮 好的朋友,何不說(shuō): please give my love to 在中國(guó)可不能隨便說(shuō)我想你,然而,當(dāng)和西方人分手時(shí)說(shuō)i will miss you.要比說(shuō) goodbye 或 see you soon.深情得多,不 妨一試。有人開(kāi)會(huì)遲到了,你若對(duì)他說(shuō)you are late.,聽(tīng)起來(lái)像是廢 話,若說(shuō)did you

3、get lost,則更能讓他歉然,可別說(shuō)成get lost! 那可是讓人滾蛋的意思。別人問(wèn)你不愿公開(kāi)的問(wèn)題,切勿用 its my secret5 ,dont ask such6 a personal? question .回答,一來(lái)顯得你沒(méi)有個(gè)性,二來(lái) 也讓對(duì)方尷尬。你可以說(shuō)i would8 rather9 not say.(還是別說(shuō)了 吧!)。交談時(shí),你可能會(huì)轉(zhuǎn)換話題,不要只說(shuō)的j the way,實(shí)際上, to change the subject, before i forget, while i remember, mind you都是既地道又受歡迎的表達(dá)。遇到你不懂的問(wèn)題時(shí)可別不懂裝

4、懂,i know可能是中國(guó)人用 得最多、 而美國(guó)人最不能接受的一句話。當(dāng)一美國(guó)教師向你解釋某 個(gè)問(wèn)題時(shí),你如果連說(shuō)兩遍i know,我敢保證,他不會(huì)再跟你說(shuō)什 么了。用i see或i got 10 it就順耳得多,要是不懂就說(shuō)im not clearll about it.不過(guò)如果你會(huì)說(shuō) its past my understanding. 或its beyondl3 me.你的教師定會(huì)驚訝不已的。擴(kuò)展:工作經(jīng)歷不可少上次長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的秘笈你掌握了沒(méi)有這里還有一些??刹灰佣?,簡(jiǎn) 歷寫(xiě)好了才能有更大的把握找到滿意的工作。1. what if your job titie doesnt reflect

5、your actual level of responsibilitywhen you list it on the resume, either replace it with a more appropriate job titie (say office manager instead of administrative! assistant if thats more realistic) or use their job titie and your fairer one together, i. e.administrative assistsnt (office manager)

6、2. - how can you avoid age discriminationif youre over 40 or 50 or 60, remember that you dont have to present your entire work history! you can simply label that part of your resume recent work history or relevant work history and then describe only the last 10 or 15 years of your eperienee. below y

7、our 10-15 year work history, you could add a paragraph headed prior relevant eperienee and simply refer to any additional important (but ancient) jobs without mentioning dates.3. what if you never had any real paid jobs 一一 just self-employment or odd jobsgive yourself credit, and create an accurate,

8、 fair jobtitle for yourself. for ele:as hauling cleaning (self-employed) - orhousehold repairman, self-employed 一一 orchild-care, self-employedbe sure to add customer references available on request and then be prepared to provide some very good references of people you worked for 4. - how far back s

9、hould you go in your work history far enough; and not too far! about 10 or 15 years isusually enough - unless your juiciest work eperienee is from farther back.5. how can a student list summer jobsstudents can make their resume look neater by listing seasonal2 jobs very simply, such as spring 1996 o

10、r summer 1996 rother than 6/96 to 9/96. (the word spring can be in very tiny letters, say 8-point in size.)6. what if you dont quite have your degree or credentials3 yetyou can say something like:eligible4 for u.s. credentials orgraduate studies in instruetional design, in progress ormasters degree

11、anticipated december 19977. what if you worked for only one employer for 20 or 30 yearsthen list separately each different position you held there, so your job progression within the pany is more obvious.8. what about listing hobbies and interestsdont include hobbies on a resume unless the activity

12、is somehow relevant to your job objective, or clearly revealsa characteristic that supports your job objective. for ele, a hobby of sky diving (adventure, courage) might seem relevant to some job objectives (security guard) but not to others.9. - what about revealing race or religiondont include eth

13、nic5 or religious affiliations6 (inviting pre-interview discrimination) unless you can see that including them will support your job objective get an opinion from a respected friend or colleague about when to reveal, and when to conceal?, your affiliations.10. what if your name is robin8 williamsdon

14、t mystify the reader about your gender9; theyll go nuts until they know whether youre male or female. so if your name is lee or robin or pat or anythin else not clearly male or female, use a mr. or ms. prefilo 11. what if you got your degree from a different countryyou can say degree equivalent to u

15、 s. bachelors degree in economics-teheran, iran.12. what about fancy-schmancy paperemployers tell me they hate parchment paper and pretentiousll brochure-folded resume presentations - theythink theyre phony, and toss them right out. use plain white or ivory, in a quality appropriate for your job objective. never use colored paper unless theres a v


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