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1、資料來源:來自本人網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理!祝您工作順利!高三畢業(yè)班英語模擬試題 學(xué)習(xí)英語沒有捷徑,只要靠自己一步一步踏實(shí)走出來。考生們在復(fù)習(xí)高考英語科目時,可以多做一些試題,下面就是我給大家?guī)淼?,盼望大家喜愛!下面就是我給大家?guī)淼母呷厴I(yè)班英語模擬試題,盼望大家喜愛! 第一局部:英語學(xué)問運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),總分值45分) 第一節(jié):單項(xiàng)填空(共l5小題.每題l分,總分值l5分) 1.ihear that johns license has been cancelled for drunken driving. a.thatssomething b.he deserves it.c.thats all right

2、.d.he likes it. 2.jimsclose to his brother often makes people mistake one for the other. a.approachb.confusion c.resemblance d.appeal 3.thehousing price keeps rising, many people to give up the intention of buyinghouses. a.forcingb.to force c.forced d.having forced 4.itis publicly known and accepted

3、 that people from cultures behave differently fromeach other. a.diverseb.traditional c. similar d.local 5.while working on the farm,the students a good knowledge of plant life. a.heldup b.picked up c.turned away d.put down 6.wheneverwe go for a walk along the street. we will take some money with us

4、we comeacross something that we like. a.sothat b.in case c.as if d.even though 7.homeschooling is legally accepted in all fifty states of the us.and americancolleges do a home school diploma. a.realizeb.admit c.recognize d.receive 8.ourgoal is to make higher education available to everyone who is wi

5、lling andcapable his financial situation. a.inview of b.owing to c.in terms of d.regardless of 9.theearthquake victims will stay in tents before things get better. a.temporarilyb.permanently c.occasionally d.frequently 10.equippedwith modern facilities, todays hospitals are quite different fromof th

6、e past. a.thatb.those c.one d.ones 11.ifit had not been for the fact that l busy yesterday,i you. a.hadbeen;would have helped b.was;would have helped c.was,helpedd.were;would help 12.itwas his strong communication skills which in the interview that finally won hisposition as the sales manager in thi

7、s area. a.hadshown b.has shown c.has been shown d.had been shown 13.wangmeng, who got three gold medals in the 2021 winter olympic games, is known as askater. a.generousb.considerate c.fantastic d.humorous 14.thetime isnt far away you11 have to take the college entrance examination. a.whenb.as c.unt

8、il d.since 15.susansway of life is different from her brothers in she has never prepared for herold age. a.itb.that c which d.what 其次節(jié):完形填空(共20小題;每題l.5分,總分值30分) 閱讀下面短文,從l635各題所給的四個選項(xiàng)(a、b、c和d)中,選出可以填人空白處的最正確選項(xiàng)并在答題卡上將其涂黑。 itwas a rainy day and l was riding on a bus downtown to go to work.the windows o

9、nthe bus were 16 and you couldnt see outside.everyone was in low spirits.i wassitting next to a man in a business suit and didnt pay much attention 17 weboth got off at the same stop and walked to the same newsstand to get a(an)18 paper. theman 19 the stand was obviously having a bad day.he was rude

10、. 20 and unsmiling aswe purchased our papers,which only added more gloom (郁悶)to my day.thebuslnessman 21 my eyes and i saw him smiling brightly, 22 the newsstand ownerfor the paper and for being open on such a morning to 23 we were able to get ourpapers. aswe 24 away.1 asked this man why he had cont

11、inued to be 25 to the newsman when heobviously didnt respond to his expression of 26 and friendliness.thebusinessman grinned at me and said,“why would i let someone else27 what i say and what i feel or what kind of day im going to have? wethen 28 to go to our respective work places.to this day,i don

12、t know who thatbusinessman was, 29 he worked,or anything else about him.he appeared 30in my life and disappeared just as quickly.but ive never forgotten the words hesaid or the way his 31 seemed like a ray of light on a gloomy day. wecannot control people and 32 that come to us.but we can always con

13、trol ourresponse to them. and in such 33 decisions lie our control and personal 34to make a positive difierence.and its something 35 can do. 16.a.closedb.covered c.broken d.cleaned 17.a.sinceb.when c.unless d.until 18.a.morningb.evening c.exress d.fashion 19.a.holdingb.arranging c.running d.watching

14、 20.a.embarrassedb.abrupt c.crazy d.excited 21.a.caughtb.noticed c.understood d.sensed 22a.reminding b.praising c.thanking d.scolding 23.a.makeout b.make up c.make clear d.make sure 24.a.turnedb.ran c.drove d.looked 25.a.emotionalb.helpful c.pleasant d.sensitive 26.a.sincerityb.excitement c.disappoi

15、nted d.appreciation 27.a.spoilb.overlook c.influence d.manage 28a.traveled b.decided c.agreed d.separated 29.a.whereb.why c.when d.how 30.a.finallyb.briefly c.regularly d.eventually 31.a.humorb.smile c.regularly d.eventually 32.a.situationsb.difficulties c.possibilities d.positions 33.a.negativeb.in

16、stant c.quick d.positive 34.a.hobbyb.power c.energy d.secret 35.a.noone b.nobody c.someone d.everyone 其次局部:閱讀理解(共20小題;每題2.5分,總分值50分) 閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的a、b、c、d四個選項(xiàng)中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)。 a todayjust as technology changed the face of industry,farms have undergone an “agriculturalrevolution.0n the farm of today, machine

17、s provide almost all the power. oneof the most important benefits will be the farm computer.a few forwardlookingfarmers are already using computers to help them run their farms moreefficiently.the computers help them keep more accurate records so they can makebetter decisions on what crops to plant,

18、how much livestock to buy,when to selltheir products,and how much profit they can expect.many computer companies bavebeen developing special computer programs just for farmers in the future,farmerswill be able to purchase computer programs made to their needs.because of thegrowing importance of comp

19、uters on the farm,students at agicultural colleges arerequired to take computer classes in addition to their normal agricultural courses.therecan he no doubt that farmers will rely on computers even nore in thefuture.while the old time farm depended on horse power.and modern farms dependon machine p

20、ower,farms of the future will depend on computer power. anothertechnological advance which is still in the experimental stage is the robet.areal“mechanized hired handthat wilt be able to move and, in some ways,thinklike a human being. agricultural engineers believe that computer aided robotswill mak

21、e amazing changes in farming within two decades.unlike farmers of thepresent.farmers of the future will find that many dayto一day tasks will be donefor them.scientists are now developing robots that will be able to shearsheep,drive tractors, and harvest fruit.even complex iobs will be done byrobots.f

22、or example,in order to milk their cows, farmers must first drive theminto the barn,thenconnect them to the milking machines,watch the machines, and disconnect themwhen they are finished.in the future,this will be done by robots.inaddition.when the milking is completed, the robots will automatically

23、check tomake sure that the milk is pure.the complete modernization of the farm is far inthe future, but engineers expect that some robots will be used before long. 36.theauthor regards those who are already using computers to help run their farms as. a.ignoringreality b.thinking in advance c.heingwe

24、llexperienced d.1onging for wealth 37.which of the following statements is true? a.machinesare playing an important role on farms. b.both computers and robots are already in use on todays farms. c.farmersin the fulure will depend totally on computers. d.students at agricultural colleges neednt take

25、computer lessons. 38.accordingto the passage,computems can not help farmers decide . a.howmuch money they may earn from their products b.whetherto plant a certain kind of crop c.whomto sell their livestock to d.whento sell their products 39.theunderlined word“thisin the last paragraph refers to . a.

26、drivingthe cows into the barm b.watchingthe machines c.connectingthe cows to the milking machines d.milking the cows 40.whatmight be the best title for this passage? a.developmentof agriculture b.farmers in the future c.modenltechnology in agriculture d.computers and robots b jordanpittard, 14, reme

27、mbers feeling anxious ahout his father being deployed(部署) withthe u.s.anmy in iraq from 2021 to 2021.his mother,lucille,a teacher,admitsstruggling to have enough time to work,take care of the house and talk enough toher kids.“there was nobody big to look up to.jordan said.“sometimes when my momwas a

28、way,there wasnt anybody else to help me with my homework,somethingpersonal like that,or throw a football with me. themother and son participated in a new study that suggests youth from militaryfamilies may have higher stress levels and emotional problems than otherteens. thestudy found an associatio

29、n between how long a parent had heen deployed in thelast three years and the difficulties that children faced. italso found a link between the mental health of the nondeployed parent at homeand the well-being of the child.if the parent is doing worse, the child is doingworse,pointing to the importan

30、ce of also providing support to parents,chandrasaid. lucillepittard feelsparticularly pressured when her hushand serves in leadershippositions.which requires her to help other military families at the homestation.with a fulltime job and two children, “its a heavy burden to bear,shesaid. “themain par

31、ent at home is trying to juggle so many balls that some of those ballsget drupped.she said. “i find it hard to believe that you call do it all, andso by virtue of that,since im the adult in the picture sometimes i dont havetime to listen to my kids. someof the soures of difficulty during deployment

32、that children mentioned weretaking on more household responsibilities and missing school activities.shesaid. whenthe parent returned home,children said it was hard to get to know him or heragain.and some were worried about the next deployment.parentsmood changes andhow their mothers and fathers were

33、 getting along were also challenges. jordanpittard thinks ahout his fathers next potential deployment,too: “i wouldnt saya letdewn, but it would kind of hurt if he left again,he said. 41.wecan learn the following from the passage except . a.jordansfather was sent to iraq in 2021. b.lueiltepittard we

34、nt with her hushand to iraq. c.jordan used to have emotional problems. d.jordanpittard would not be happy about his fathers next deployment 42.the study mentioned in this passage shows that . a.military children may have higher stress levels than other children. b.themilitary wife often helps her ch

35、ild with his/her homework. c.thenon-deployed parent has little influence on her/his child. d.theparents like to play ball games with their children. 43.thestudy says that it is also necessary to . a.lookup to somebody big b.bear a heavy burden c.helpthe military parents d.listentothe kids 44.bysayin

36、g “the main parent at home is trying to juggle so many balls that some ofthose balls get dropped、lueille pittard really means that . a.theparents are fond of playing ball games but not good players b.childrentake up more household responsibilities c.therewere more military challenges for the parents

37、 d.theparents could hardly take care of everything at the same time 45.whichof the following can bcst replace the underlined phrase in this passage? a.involvedin the situation b.painted in the portrait c.standingon the spot d.appearing in a show c everyyear more people recognize that it is wrong to

38、kill wildlife for “sport.progress in this direction is slow hecause shouting is not a sport forwatching,and only those few who take part realize the cruelty anddestruction. thenumber of gunners.however, grows rapidly.children too young to develop properjudgments through independent thought are led a

39、 long way away by their gunningparents.they are subjected to advertisements of gun producers who describeshooting as good for their health and gun-carrying as a way of putting redderblood in the veins (血管).they are persuaded by gunner magazines with storieshonoring the chase and the kill.in school t

40、hey view motion pictures which aresupposedly meant to teach them how to deal with arms safely but which areactually designed to stimulate a desire to own a gun.wildlife is disappearingbecause of shooting and because of the loss of wildland habitat.habitat losswill continue with our increasing popula

41、tion,but can we slow the loss ofwildlife caused by shooting? there doesnt seem to be any chance if the seriouscondition of our birds is not improved. wildlifebelongs to everyone and not to the gunners alone.although most people do notshoot, they seem to forgive shooting for sport because they know l

42、ittle ornothing about it. theonly answer, then, is to bring the truth about sport shooting to the greatmajority of people. now,it is time to realize that animals have the same right to life as we do and thatthere is nothing fair or right about a person with a gun shooting the harmlessand beautiful c

43、reatures.the gunners like to describe what they do ascharacter-building, but we know that to wound an animal and watch it go throughthe agony of dying can make nobody happy.if,as they would have youbelieve,gun-carrying and killing improve humancharacter,then perhaps we shouldencourage war. 46.accord

44、ingto the text,most people do not seem to be against hunting because a.theyhave little knowledge of it b.ithelps to build human character c.itis too costly to stop killing wildlife d.theywant to keep wildlife under control 47.theunderlined word “agonyin the last paragraph probably means . a.formb.co

45、ndition c.pain d.sadness 48.accordingto the text,the films children watch at school actually . a.teachthem how to deal with guns safely b.praisehunting as character-bullding c.describehunting as an exercise d.encouragethem to have guns of their own 49.itcan be inferred from the text that the author

46、seems to . a.blamethe majority of people b.worryabout the existence of wildlife c.beinfavetof war d.bein support of character-building 50.whichof the following words can best describe the authors attitude towardsguncarrying? a.supportive.b.negative. c.uncertain. d.approving. d canadianexperts have f

47、ound that socalled self-help books may actually do more harm thangood to people who really need help.researchers say that individuals with lowrespect felt much worse after repeating positive statements aboutthemselves. intheir study, psychologists joanne wood and john lee sought to determine howposi

48、tive thinking affected people with different levels of selfconfidence.theyquestioned dozens of people both male and female,analyzed their self-worth andoptimism by means of the standard psychological methods and then asked them towrite down their thoughts and feelings.the scoring system ranged from

49、0 to35. duringthe experiment, the researchers asked a total of 68 participants to repeat theselfhelp book phrase.i am a lovable person.after that they measured theparticipantsmoods and their feelings about themselves.the results revealed thatthe participants in the low selfrespect group who repeated

50、 the mantra,werefeeling much worse afterwards,when comparod to other participants in lowself-respect group who did not repeat the phrase.those with low self-respect whorepeated the phrase scored ao average of 10 points.their counterparts withequally low selfrespect who were not asked to repeat the s

51、tatement,were able toscore a little higher average of l7 points. however,individualswith high selfrespect reported feeling better after repeating the positiveself-statement-but only slightly.they scored an average of 31 points, comparedwith an average of 25 for those with equally high self-respect w

52、ho did notrepeat the phrase. professorwood urged those who promote self-help books,magazinesl and television shows tostop telling people that simply repeating a positive mantra could change oneslife. first,people start following this idea and feel like they are notalone.they are told that all they h

53、ave to do is just to read that book and thento repeat these positive statements in a hope that things will be better,andwhen it does not work for them and they realize that nothing gets better,then itis really frustration to people. researchersconcluded:“repeating positive selfstatements may benefit

54、 certain people such asindividuals with high self-respect but discourage the very people who needconfidence the most. 51.theexperts tried to find out,when repeating positive self-statements, . a.whethermales or females will get more benefit from self-help books b.thedifferent influences on people wi

55、th different levels of self-confidence c.whichgroup of people self-help books will do the greatest harm to d.whowill get the least benefit from self-help book 52.howmany points did the low selfrespect participants get after repeating theselfhelp book phrase? a.anaverage of l7 points. b.anaverage of

56、25 points c.anaverage of 31 points. d.anaverage of l0 points. 53.socalledself-help books do some good to . a.peoplelacking confidence b.peoplewith problems to settle urgently c.people with high self-respect d.peoplerepeating positive self-statements 54.whichof the following statements istrue according to the passage? a.simplyrepeating a positive mantra couldnt possibly change ones life. b.all


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