



1、An alysis: 2013 Chi na Mobile In ternet main profit model(Research papers Downl oadCommuni cati ons)mobile Internet has three no table features: First, ope nn ess, in clud ingn etworkope nn ess,ope napplicati onprogram ming in terfaces, content and services, ope nn ess, along with thedeepe ningof th

2、e mobile Internetdevelopme nt,ope nn esshas become mobile Internetservices, applications and services of basic standards, more inno vativebus in ess will appear on mobile deviceswithout having to rely on the current mobile operators, and sec ond, shari ngand collaborati on,in an ope nnetwork environ

3、ment, users can share with othersthrough a variety of ways various resources to achieve in teractiveparticipati on, collaborative work, users willhave greater aut onomy and more choices will be passive recipie nts of in formatio n tran sformed into active content creators, three are inno vative, mob

4、ile internet for differe nt users with endless possibilities, so that a wide variety of new bus in ess con ti nues to emerge, to meet the differe nt n eeds of users.Mobile In ternet in dustry cha in determ ines the status of each stakeholder in the curre nt and future period profit model of the mobi

5、le Internet is main ly the followi ng:“ term in als and services ” in tegrati on model,“ softwareplus services ” model, traditional mobile operators added service mode, the operator-led symbiotic profit model.First, the “terminals and services ”integrationmodelMobile terminals is an importanttrend i

6、n thedevelopme nt of in tellige nee, from the orig inal only carry voice traffic becomes not only carry voice can transfer data, pictures, video and other multimedia services, but also connect to the In ternetwith e-mail, mobile office,on li ne trad ing service features such as Internet termi nals,

7、a multimedia messag ing in tellige nt in formatio n termi nal.“ terminal + service ”integrationmode is the presentand future of mobile In ternet is one of the importa nt profit model, this model has the followi ng characteristics: First, to be able to handset manufacturers to bring new growth poi nt

8、s of in terest. Secon dly, con siderably weake n the monopoly mobile operator channels, mobile phone users in the use of mobile Internet, you can not usethemobile operator s portal,resultingin the value chaingain the initiative.third, handset manufacturers lack ofexperie nee in the mobile Intern et,

9、 mak ing it n ecessary to stre ngthe n the cooperatio n of other members of the value cha in.Second, theasoftware + services ” modelMobile In ternet services widespread use among users, many of them depe nding on the software and the services it provides, the software platform and applicati on servi

10、ces, competition and cooperation is a new trend in the industry. Google s Desktop and Amazon s AWS is the “software + services ” a typical representative of theprofit model to mobilesoftware platform as the coreapplicati onservices inthe in dustrywillplay anin creas in gly importa nt role.Third,the

11、operators mobile value-addedservicemodel of traditi onalNamely the traditionalprofit model of the mobilevalue-added services, such as the operator in accorda nee with the flow of earnings,profits, etc. according to thenu mber of text messages.Fourth, the lead ing operator of the symbiotic profitmode

12、lIn the mobile In ter net in dustry value cha in, with the interests of operators associated with the user, SP / CP, terminal manufacturers,equipment/ softwareproviderwhich, SP / CP betweenoperatorscompetingwith therelatio nship will be mobile Internet game in dustrial cha in, the most importa nt li

13、nk in the 3G era, mobileoperatorsand other stakeholders in the success of competiti on and cooperati on will be related to whether the mobile Internet boom, operators and other stakeholders of the symbiotic profit model in the future for will exist for a long time, whichin cludesoperators and termi

14、nalmanu facturersprofit model of cooperati on, such as China Telecom, ChinaUnicomand iPhone cooperative profit model, operatorsand SVA Group profit model of cooperation,such asmobile TV, telecom operators resp on sible for provisi on of equipme nt, tech no logy and other aspects of support andbilli ng,customerservice,fees, etc., while the radioisresp on siblefor provid ingthe content, operators andmobile portals of cooperationprofit model, operatorsrequire customersto pay traffic charges, in accordaneewith the flow or mon


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