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1、機械專業(yè)中英文文獻翻譯畢業(yè)設計(論文)開題報告題目: 定量給料機控制系統(tǒng)設計 信機 系 機械工程及自動化 專業(yè)學 號: 0923153 學生姓名: 盛陽陽 指導教師: 黃敏 (職稱:副教授 ) 課題來源自擬題目科學依據(1)課題科學意義隨著工業(yè)生產的迅速發(fā)展,導致了定量給料機的需求量日益增大。定量給料設備已廣泛應用于冶金、建材、電力、化工、食品等各種行業(yè)中。比如藥物的生產,機械澆鑄生產。定量給料機是對散狀物料進行連續(xù)稱量給料的理想設備,是集輸送、稱重計量和定量控制為一體的高科技產品,是根據我國現有工藝工況改進后的新一代產品,它以技術先進、穩(wěn)定可靠、性價比高、經久耐用而著稱。能適應各種生產環(huán)境,

2、對各種塊、粒狀物料(如石灰石、鐵粉、粘土)和粉狀物料(如粉煤灰、水泥)等進行連續(xù)給料、計量,為各種工業(yè)現場的生產控制、管理提供準確的計量數據。配有rs485上位機通訊接口,可與中央控制機組成dcs系統(tǒng)。定量給料機的出現解放了人工勞動力,使給料更加智能化,更加精確。促進了工業(yè)的發(fā)展。(2) 定量給料機的研究狀況及其發(fā)展前景在的日常生活中,已經很少見到純單體的物質了,復合材料在工業(yè)、農業(yè)、日常生活中起著越來越重要的作用。如常見的家電、汽車、飛機制造過程中用的塑料,是由 pp 或 pe 等原材料以一定的配方和工藝制成的;食品中的巧克力、高檔餅干等等是由多種食品按照一定的配比,經過一定的工藝制成的;醫(yī)

3、藥領域中的多種中西藥都是由多種藥材按照一定的配比,制造成特殊功效的藥品;日用品中用的洗發(fā)液,洗衣粉/劑,滅蟲劑等等均為配方產品。研究內容 熟悉定量給料機的發(fā)展歷程,使用領域; 熟練掌握定量給料機的基本工作原理; 熟練掌握并且完成系統(tǒng)的硬件選型、接口電路設計; 掌握并完成控制軟件設計;擬采取的研究方法、技術路線、實驗方案及可行性分析實驗方案:通過參閱借來的參考資料,網上的介紹以及對定量給料機進行實體觀察,了解定量給料機的工作原理。提出任務分析對控制系統(tǒng)需求確定任務要求,完成設計任務書。選定最優(yōu)方案該階段目標為提出原理性的設計方案。技術設計階段明確系統(tǒng)控制要求完成硬件選型、接口電路設計,控制軟件設

4、計,并畫出電氣圖、寫出使用說明書、標準明細表、其他技術文件等。實驗通過通過自行設計控制系統(tǒng),從而達到預期的控制。研究計劃及預期成果研究計劃:2012年11月12日-2013年12月2日:按照任務書要求查閱論文相關參考資料,填寫畢業(yè)設計開題報告書;完成一篇英文文獻翻譯;2012年12月3日-2013年2月17日: 進行專業(yè)實訓,填寫畢業(yè)實習實訓報告;2013年2月18日-3月9日: 進行需求分析和可行性分析。構建論文框架完成第一章節(jié)緒論部分,按格式要求確定參考文獻和四篇英文文獻;2013年3月10日: 將在此之前做的所有的相關資料交給導師檢查,填寫中期進表;2013年3月10日- 3月20日:

5、對定量給料機機械部分做一個簡單的設計、描述;2013年3月21日- 4月9日: 對控制系統(tǒng)做初步的設計、介紹,選擇好系統(tǒng)的硬件選型,接口電路;2013年4月10日- 4月24日: 完成系統(tǒng)全部設計,并提供一份控制軟件;2013年4月24日-5月5日: 進行實驗檢驗,撰寫畢業(yè)論文和相關資料。2013年5月6日-5月20日:完善畢業(yè)論文以及相關資料,為答辯做好充分的準備。預期成果:照計劃安排進行本設計,對給料機設計的系統(tǒng)能良好的完成需要的動作。完成控制系統(tǒng)總體方案設計、控制系統(tǒng)的硬件選型、接口電路設計;寫出控制軟件1套。完成設計說明書的撰寫,并翻譯外文資料1篇。特色或創(chuàng)新之處 主題明確,有針對性,

6、穩(wěn)定, 易操作, 通用性強。 使用簡易,功能完善。已具備的條件和尚需解決的問題 實驗方案思路已經非常明確,已經確定總目標,策略。 給料機控制部分的設計,plc電氣方面的硬件選擇,所需軟件。指導教師意見 指導教師簽名:年 月 日教研室(學科組、研究所)意見 教研室主任簽名: 年 月 日系意見 主管領導簽名: 年 月 日英文原文plc control system design elementssubmitted: -; accepted: march 27, 2002; published: september 25, 2002pavan k. heda 1 , kapiamba muteba

7、2 and larry l. augsburger 21 personal products company, division of mcneil-ppc, skillman, nj 085582 department of pharmaceutical sciences, university of maryland, school of pharmacy, baltimore, md 21201abstractoriginally, the plc was represented by the acronym pc. there was some confusion with using

8、 this acronym as it is commonly accepted to represent personal computer. therefore, plc is now commonly accepted to mean programmable logic contoller.a plc is a user-friendly, microprocessor-based specialized computer that carries out control functions of many types and leves of complexity. its purp

9、ose is to monitor crucial process parameters and adjust process operations accordingly. it can be programmed, controlled, and operated by a person unskilled in operating computer. essentially, a plcs operator draws the lines and devices of ladder diagrams with a keyboard onto a display screen. the r

10、esulting drawing is converted into computer machine language and run as a user program1.the computer takes the place of much of the external wiring required for control of a process. the plc will operate any system that has output devices that go on and off (known as discrete, or digital, outputs).

11、it can also operate any system with variable (analog) outputs. the plc can be operated on the input side by on-off devices (discrete, or digital) or by variable (analog) input devices.keywords: plc, programmable logic contoller.in the automated control domain, plc is one kind of important control de

12、vice. at present, in the world has more than 200 factories to produce more than 300 varieties plc product, applies in the automobile (23%), the grain processing (16.4%), chemistry/drugs manufacture (14.6%), the metal/mine (11.5%), the paper pulp/papermaking (11.3%) and so on the profession. in order

13、 to make fellow beginners conveniently to understand plc, this article to the plc development, the basic structure, the disposition, using and so on the elementary knowledge makes a synopsis.first, plc development coursein the industrial production process, the massive switches quantity sequential c

14、ontrol, it carries on the smooth movement according to the logical condition, and defers to the logical relations to carry on the chain-like protection movement the control, and massive data acquisition. in the tradition, these functions are realize through air operated or the electricity control sy

15、stem. in 1968 american gm (general automobile) the company proposed the substitution continues the electricity control device the request, the second year, the american numeral company developed based on the integrated circuit and the electronic technology control device, used sequenced the method t

16、o apply for the first time to the electrical control, this was the first generation of programmable foreword controller, called programmable controller (pc)2. after the personal computer (is called pc) to develop, in order to be convenient, also in order to reflect the programmable controller the fu

17、nction characteristic, the programmable foreword controller chooses a name is programmable logic controller (plc), now, still frequently was called plc pc. the plc definition has many kinds. the international electrician committee (iec) to plc the definition is: the programmable controller is one ki

18、nd of digital operation operation electronic system, specially for applies under the industry environment designs3. it uses the programmable foreword the memory, uses for to carry out the logic operation, the sequential control in its internal storage, fixed time, counts with operation the and so on

19、 arithmetic operation instruction, and through digital, the simulation input and the output, controls each kind of type the machinery or the production process. the programmable foreword controller and its the related equipment, all should according to easy form a whole with the industry control sys

20、tem, is easy to expand its function the principle design.on the century 80s to the 90s intermediate stages, are plc develop the quickest time, the yearly rate continuously maintenance are 30-40%. in this time, plc in the processing simulation quantity ability, the digital operation ability, the man-

21、machine connection ability and the networking capability obtains the large scale enhancement, plc gradually enters the process control domain, substituted in certain applications has been at the dominant position in the process control domain the dcs system.plc has the versatility strongly, the easy

22、 to operate, the adaption surface broad, the reliability high, the antijamming ability strong, the programming is simple and so on the characteristic. plc in the industrial automation control specially is in the sequential control status, in future which may foresee, is unable to substitute.second,

23、plc constitution from the structure the minute, plc divides into the stationary type and the combined type (module type) two kinds. stationary plc including the cpu board, the i/o board, demonstrated the kneading board, the memory block, the power source and so on, these element groups synthesize a

24、not dismantable whole. module type plc including the cpu module, the i/o module, the memory, the power source module, the ledger wall or the rack, these modules may defer to the certain rule combination disposition. second, plc constitution4.third, cpu constitutioncpu is the plc core, plays nerve ce

25、nters role, every time wraps plc at least to have cpu, it function receive and storage user program and data which entrusts with according to the plc system program, with scanning way gathering the condition or the data which sends by the scene input device, and stores the stipulation in the registe

26、r, simultaneously, diagnoses the power source and in the plc internal circuit active status and the programming process grammatical error and so on. after enters the movement, reads from the user program memory by the strip takes the instruction, the duty which stipulated according to the instructio

27、n produces the corresponding control signal again after the analysis, directs the related control circuit5. cpu mainly by the logic unit, the controller, the register and realizes the data, the control and the condition main line constitution which between them relates, the cpu unit also includes th

28、e periphery chip, the main line connection and the related electric circuit. the memory mainly uses in the stored routine and the data, is the plc essential composition unit.looked like in the user, nonessential multianalysis cpu internal circuit, but or should have the enough understanding to each

29、part of work mechanism. the cpu controller controls the cpu work, reads by it takes the instruction, the interpretive order and carries out the instruction. but the work rhythm by shakes the signal control. the logic unit uses in to carry on the numeral or the logic operation, works under the contro

30、ller direction. the register participation operation, coexists stores the operation the intermediate result, it also is works under the controller direction. the cpu speed and the memory capacity are the plc important parameter, they are deciding the plc working speed, the io quantity and the softwa

31、re capacity and so on, therefore is limiting the control scale.fourth, i/o moduleplc and the electrical return route connection, is (i/o) completes through the input output unit. the i/o module integrated the plc i/o electric circuit, its input temporary storage device reflection input signal condit

32、ion, output point reflection output latch condition. the load module transforms the electrical signal the digital signal to enter the plc system, the output module is opposite. i/o divides into the switch quantity input (di), switch quantity output (do), simulation quantity input (ai), simulation qu

33、antity output (ao) and so on module.the switch quantity is refers has and closes (or 1 and 0) two kind of conditions signals, the simulation quantity is only a quantity which refers continuously changes. commonly used i/o classifies as follows:switch quantity: divides equally according to the voltag

34、e water, has 220vac, 110vac, 24vdc, divides according to the isolation way, has the relay isolation and the transistor isolation. simulation quantity: divides according to the signal type, has the electric current (4-20ma,0-20ma), the voltage (0-10v,0-5v, -10-10v) and so on, divides according to the

35、 precision, has 12bit,14bit,16bit and so on. besides above general i/o, but also has the special i/o module, like module and so on thermal resistance, thermo-element, pulse. according to the i/o points determination module specification and the quantity, the i/o module may be many may be few, but it

36、s biggest number the basic disposition ability which can manage cpu, namely biggest ledger wall or rack key slot number limit.fifth, power source modulethe plc power source uses in is the plc various modules integrated circuit provides the work power source. at the same time, some also provides 24v

37、for the input circuit the work power source. the mains input type includes: (what the alternating current supply (220vac or 110vac), the direct-current power supply is commonly used is 24vac).sixth, ledger wall or rackthe majority module type plc use ledger wall or the rack, its function is: on the

38、electricity, realizes during various modules relation, enables cpu to visit on the ledger wall all modules, on the machinery, realizes during various modules connection, enable various modules to constitute a whole.seventh, plc system other equipment1st, programs the equipment: the programming is th

39、e plc development application, the monitor movement, the inspection maintains the essential component, uses in to program, makes some hypotheses to the system, monitors the system working condition which plc and plc controls, but it not directly participates in the scene control movement. small prog

40、ramming plc generally has the grasping programming, at present generally (movement programming software) acts as the programming by the computer. 2nd, man-machine contact surface: the simplest man-machine contact surface is the indicating lamp and the button, at present the liquid crystal screen (or

41、 touches screen) a formula writing style operator terminal application to be more and more widespread, (movement configuration software) acts as the man-machine contact surface by the computer extremely to popularize. 3rd, input-output device: uses in permanently the memory user data, like eprom, ee

42、prom reading in, bar code microreader, input simulation quantity potentiometer, printer and so on.eighth, plc correspondence networkingdepends upon the advanced industry network technology to be allowed rapidly effectively to collect, the transmission produces and manages the data. therefore, the ne

43、twork is more and more remarkable in the automated system integration project importance, even some people proposed the network is the controller viewpoint view. plc has the correspondence networking the function, it causes between plc and plc, plc and on between the position computer and all that i

44、ntelligent equipment can exchange the information, forms a unified whole, the realization disperser common control. most plc has the rs-232 connection, but also has some in sets has supports respective correspondence agreement the connection.plc correspondence, but also the realization mutually has

45、not been operational, iec had stipulated the many kinds of field bus standard, the plc various factories have the use. (specially is center large-scale control system) says regarding an automated project, the choice network count for much. first, the network will have to be open, facilitates the dif

46、ferent equipment the integration and the future system scale expansion; next, in view of the different network level transmission performance requirement, the choice network form, this must in thoroughly understand this network standard the agreement, under the mechanism premise carries on; once mor

47、e, the synthesis considered system cost, equipment compatibility, scene environment serviceable and so on concrete question, determined the different level uses network standard.today, the big unit growth in the plc industy is at the low end-where small keeps getting smaller. when a few years ago th

48、e micro plc entered the market, some thougt that these devices had “bottomed out”. now,nano plcs-generally defined as those with 16 or fewer i/o-are spreading. some can fit into your shirt pocket, being no larger than a deck of cards and at the time of this writing, plc direct plants to introduce a

49、plc the size of a box of tic-tac candy that will include many features of current micro models.the first plc systems evolved from conventional computers in the late 1960s and early 1970s. these first plcs were installed primarily in automotive plants. traditionally, the auto plants had to be shut do

50、wn for up to a month at model changeover time. the early plcs were used along with other new automation techniques to shorten the changeover time. one of the major time-consuming changeover procedures had been the wiring of new or revised relay and control panels. the plc keyboard reprogramming proc

51、edure replaced the rewiring of a panel full of wires, relays, timers and other components. the new plcs helped reduce changeover time to a matter of few days.there was a major problem with these early 1970s computer/plc reprogramming procedures. the programs were complicated and required a highly tr

52、ained programmer to make the changes. through the late 1970s, improvements were made in plc programs to make them somewhat more user friendly; in 1978, the introduction of the microprocessor chip increased computer power for all kinds of automotion systems and lowered the computing cost. robotics, a

53、utomotion devices, and computers of all types, including the plc, consequently underwent many improvements. plc programs, written in high-level language, became more understandable to more people, and plcs became more affordable.in the 1980s, with more computer power per dollar available, the plc ca

54、me into exponentially increasing use. some large electronics and computer companies and some diverse corporate electronics divisions found that the plc had become their greatest volume product. the market for plcs grew from a volume of $80 million in 1978 to $1 billion per year by 1990 and is still

55、growing. even the machine tool industry, where compute numerical controls (cncs) have been used in the past, is using plcs. plcs are also used extensively in building energy and security control systems. other nontraditional uses of plcs, such as in the home and in medical equipment, haved exploded

56、in the 1990s and will increase as we enter the new millennium.a person knowledgeable in relay logic systems can master the major plc functions in a few hours, these functions might include coils, contacts, timers and counters. the same is true for a person with a digital logic background. for person

57、s unfamiliar with ladder diagrams or digital principles, howere, the learning process takes more time.a person knowledgeable in relay logic can master advanced plc functions in a few days with proper instruction. company schools and operating manuals are very helpful in mastering these advanced functions. advanced functions in order of learning might include sequence/drum controller, register bit use, and more functions.following are 8 major advantages of using a programmable controller.flexibility.


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