三冊第五單元 課文翻譯及課后練習(xí)答案_第1頁
三冊第五單元 課文翻譯及課后練習(xí)答案_第2頁
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三冊第五單元 課文翻譯及課后練習(xí)答案_第5頁
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1、課內(nèi)閱讀參考譯文我是怎樣識字的海倫凱勒1 在我記憶中, 我一生最重要的日子是我的老師安妮曼斯費(fèi)爾德沙利文走進(jìn)我生活的那一天。至今,每當(dāng)我想起這一天仍會驚嘆不已,是這一天把(我過的)截然不同的兩種生活連在一起。那是1887年3月3日,離我七歲生日還有三個月。2 在那個重要日子的午后,我呆呆地站在我家的門廊上,內(nèi)心充滿了期盼。從我母親給我的手勢和屋子里眾人來來往往的忙碌中我隱約猜到將有不同尋常的事發(fā)生,于是我來到門口,在臺階上等著。午后的陽光透過覆蓋門廊的忍冬花簇照射到我仰起的臉龐上。我的手指近乎下意識地?fù)崤@些熟悉的葉片和花朵。它們剛剛抽葉開花,迎來南方溫馨的春天。至于我的未來究竟會出現(xiàn)什么樣

2、的奇跡,我茫然不知。幾個星期來,憤怒和怨恨一直折磨著我。這種激烈的感情爭斗之后則是一種極度的疲憊。3 你可曾在航海時遇上過濃霧?那時,你仿佛被困在了觸手可及的一片白茫茫中,不見天日。你乘坐的巨輪,靠測深錘或測深線的指引,舉步維艱地靠向海岸,既緊張又焦急不安;而你則心里砰砰直跳,等著什么事情發(fā)生。我在接受教育之前正像那艘巨輪,所不同的是我連指南針或測深線都沒有,更無從知曉離港灣還有多遠(yuǎn)。我的心靈在無聲地疾呼:“光明!給我光明吧! ”而就在那個時刻,愛的光芒灑在了我的身上。4 我感覺到有腳步由遠(yuǎn)及近。于是我伸出了手,以為會是母親。有人抓住了我的手,把我抱住并緊緊地?fù)г诹藨牙?。正是這個人的到來,把整

3、個世界展示給我,最重要的是,給我?guī)砹藧邸? 在老師來到我家的第二天上午,她把我?guī)У剿姆块g,給了我一個玩具娃娃。這娃娃是珀金斯學(xué)校的小盲童們送給我的禮物,勞拉布里奇曼給娃娃穿上了衣服,不過這些是我在后來才知道的。我玩了一小會兒之后,沙利文小姐慢慢地在我的手上拼出了 “d-o-l-l”(娃娃)這個詞。我一下子便對這種手指游戲產(chǎn)生了興趣,而且試著模仿它。當(dāng)我終于正確地拼出了這幾個字母時,內(nèi)心充滿了孩子氣的喜悅和自豪。我跑到樓下找到母親,伸手拼出了“娃娃”所含的字母。當(dāng)時我并不知道我是在拼一個單詞,甚至還不知道有“單詞”這么回事;我只是像猴子那樣用手指進(jìn)行模仿。在接下來的幾天里,我就這樣,雖然并不

4、知詞識義,卻學(xué)會了拼寫好些單詞。這些詞中有“別針”、“帽子”、“杯子”,還有些動詞,如“坐”、“站”和“走”。但是等我懂得每樣?xùn)|西都有名字時,已經(jīng)是我和老師在一起好幾個星期之后的事了。6 一天,我正在玩我的新娃娃,這時,沙利文小姐把我的大布娃娃放在我的膝上,又給我拼了一遍“d-o-l-l”,想讓我懂得“d-o-l-l”這個單詞適用于這兩件東西。就在當(dāng)天早些時候,我曾和她因“m-u-g”和“w-a-t-e-r”這兩個詞發(fā)生過爭執(zhí)。沙利文小姐想讓我記住“m-u-g”是“大杯”,而“w-a-t-e-r”是“水”,但我卻總是把這兩個詞的意思給弄混了。失望之余她暫時擱起這一話題,但一有機(jī)會她就馬上舊事重

5、提。我卻對她一遍又一遍的努力感到忍無可忍,于是就抓起新的玩具娃娃,狠狠地砸在了地板上。當(dāng)我感覺到腳邊摔碎的娃娃時,產(chǎn)生了一種強(qiáng)烈的快感。在這種強(qiáng)烈的情感發(fā)泄之后,我沒有一絲傷感或懊悔之情。我從沒有喜歡過那個娃娃。在我所生活的那個無聲、黑暗的世界里是沒有柔情或情感的。我感覺到老師已把碎片掃到了壁爐爐床的一邊,此時我有一種滿足感,因?yàn)樽屛也豢斓臇|西已不復(fù)存在了。她給我拿來了草帽,我知道我將要走出屋子,到溫暖的陽光下。這個想法(如果一種無法用言語表達(dá)的感覺也可以稱為想法的話),使我高興得又蹦又跳。7 我們沿著小路來到了井房,井房上布滿了忍冬,它的芳香深深地吸引了我們。有人正在抽水。老師把我的一只手放

6、到了噴水口下方。涼爽的水流過我的一只手,這時她在我的另一只手上拼寫了“水”這個詞。開始她拼得很慢,接著拼得很快。我站在那兒一動不動,所有的注意力都集中到她手指的移動上。剎那間,我朦朧地意識到了些什么,仿佛記起了被久久遺忘的什么東西那是一種恢復(fù)思維的激動。不知怎的,語言的奧秘一下子展現(xiàn)在我的面前。此刻我明白了?!皐-a-t-e-r”指的就是從我手上流過的那美妙無比的涼爽的東西。這活生生的字眼喚醒了我沉眠的靈魂,賦予了它光明、希望和喜悅,使它獲得了自由!誠然,障礙依然存在,但那是一些假以時日終究會被消除的障礙。8 我離開井房,心中充滿了求知的欲望。萬物皆有名,而每個名字又引伸出一種新的概念。在我們

7、回家的路上,我感到我觸摸到的每件東西似乎都有生機(jī)。那是因?yàn)槲以谟脛倓傎x予我的新奇的眼光看待每樣?xùn)|西。進(jìn)門時我記起了那個被我摔破的娃娃。我摸索著來到了爐床邊,撿起那些碎片,試著把它們拼接在一起,但卻徒勞無益。這時我的眼里滿是淚水;因?yàn)槲乙庾R到了自己先前干了些什么,而且有生以來第一次感到了悔恨和難過。9 那天我學(xué)會了很多新詞。現(xiàn)在我已記不清都是些什么詞了,但我還記得其中有“媽媽、爸爸、姐妹、老師”。這些詞使得整個世界在我面前綻放。就像有了“亞倫的神杖,開滿了鮮花”,在這個重要的日子快要結(jié)束時,已很難找到一個比我更加幸福的孩子。我躺在自己的小床上,回味著這一天所給予我的欣喜;渴望著新的一天的到來,這

8、是我有生以來從未有過的期盼。III. Post-ReadingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the General Organization of the Text 1) Introduction: the most important day in her life.(Para.1) 2) Her feelings before her teacher arrived/her education began.(Para.2-3) 3) The first encounter with the teacher. (Para.4) 4) How sh

9、e discovered words.(Para.5-9) A. Her initial success in learning (Para.5): she learned the spelling of a few words. B. The difficulties encountered in learning the meanings of words and her reaction. (Para.6) C. Her new insight: Everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought. (Para.

10、 7-8) D. Her feelings and her new outlook on life before she fell asleep that night after her trip to the well-house. (Para.9)2. Understanding the Details1) A. The two lives she led before and after the teacher came.B. The day when her teacher came to her.C. Before the teacher came, she lived in a s

11、till, dark world in which there was no strong sentiment or tenderness. From that day on, she began to learn not only language but also gained a new insight into life. 2) Because the day marked a turning point in her life. On that day, the teacher came to her to reveal all things to her, including lo

12、ve.3) A. Here being shut in the “white darkness” refers to a feeling of being lost, like a ship at sea almost incapable of finding her way in a white fog without sunshine. Helen Keller compares herself to a ship lost in thick fog, and is unable to find her way. Like the ship with her plummet and sou

13、nding-line, she is reaching out and crying wordlessly for light in the dark unknown world. B. The ship.4) She felt tense and anxious, waiting for something to happen with beating heart.5) Both the new doll and the big rag doll.6) The words and the real objects.7) Words are the names of things. / Eve

14、rything has a name.8) It suddenly dawned on Helen that the word “water” referred to the wonderful cool thing flowing over her hand and the word itself became alive.9) Because the world experienced a great change in Helens mind after she discovered the mystery of words, just as “Aarons rod”, which ha

15、d been a piece of dead wood, burst into flowers with Gods love. 3. “How I Discovered Words” When Helen Kellers Feelingsshe stood on the porch, waiting for the teacher to comedumb, expectantMiss Sullivan spelled doll in her handinterestedshe finally succeeded in making the letters for dollpleasant an

16、d proudthe teacher tried time and again to teach her the connection between words and thingsimpatientshe felt the fragments of the broken doll at her feetkeenly delightedshe knew she was going out into the warm sunshinepleasant/happyshe finally discovered words in the well-houseexcited, eager to lea

17、rnshe tried vainly to put the broken doll togetherrepentant and sadshe lay in her crib at the close of the day.joyful and hopefulOn the afternoon of the 3rd of March, 1887, before the teacher came, Helen Keller felt dumb and expectant, hoping for something that would open up her world. The first thi

18、ng her teacher gave her was a doll and then she spelt the word d-o-l-l on her hand. When Helen Keller finally succeeded in making the letters for doll, she felt pleasant and proud. But when her teacher tried to help her make the connection between words and objects, she became impatient. Helen Kelle

19、r expressed her dislike by dashing the doll on the floor. At that point, she felt keenly delighted. When she realized that her teacher was taking her out into the sunshine, Helen Keller was very happy. In the well-house, she discovered that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool something that was run

20、ning through her fingers. The mystery of language was finally revealed to her. And she became excited and was eager to learn. When she returned to the house and tried vainly to put the broken doll back together, she felt sad and repentant. At the close of the day, when she was lying in her crib, she

21、 felt joyful and hopeful.4. Group DiscussionThe differences between Helens learning process and what we usually experience HelenOrdinary peoplelearn by touching, feeling, smelling, etc.learn by seeing, hearinglearn by imitating the shape, etc.learn by imitating the soundstart from spellingstart by l

22、istening and speaking aloudlearn by herself from one teacherlearn with peers from more teachersVocabulary1. Section A1) A 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) C 9) A 10) ASection B1) renewed 2) apply 3) persist 4) succeeded 5) drop 6) revealed 7) wonder 8) keenly 9) vainly 10) impressed2. 1) unconscious

23、ly 2) expectant 3) eventful 4) immeasurable 5) imitation/imitating 6) continually 7) tenderness 8) impatient 9) wordless 10) childishTranslation1. Seeing all the people walking to and fro outside the office, I became more worried.2. In time he will see/realize who is his true friend to be relied on

24、in difficulty.3. That scientists experiment gave birth to a new drug, a better cure for high blood pressure.4. He got used to being in this room during the winter, shut in by the 4 walls and a sloping ceiling. 5. I realized I would need to convince them at the first opportunity that I was a policema

25、n not a politician.6. When you sweep away a feudal society, you cant overnight change the institutions of thought that have been built up over centuries. 7. By the close of this century, another 2 billion people will be born, the great majority in developing countries.8. If you long for a better fut

26、ure for yourself, your family and your country, stay and continue your studies here.After-Class Reading課外閱讀參考譯文PASSAGE I外國口音第一節(jié)1對我來說,我的確傾向于以口音來判斷我所遇到的人。我并不是說自己是勢利小人,只喜歡有上流社會口音的人;但是,跟一個新結(jié)識的人在一起,我從來都不會感到自在,只有在我能夠根據(jù)他們說的話判斷出他們是哪里人之后,感覺才會不同。如果是個英國人,我還能判斷出:“啊,他是利物浦人”,或者“他可能上過公立學(xué)?!?,我就會覺得更自在。這樣我就知道該和他談些什么以及




30、誤認(rèn)為是受過良好教育的英國人。因?yàn)樗恼f話方式,我的英國朋友便以為他對英國生活的某些方面非常了解,而這些只有在英國生活多年才會了解的。因而夜里從酒吧回來以后,他經(jīng)常得讓我解釋一些事情給他聽。我不知道他花了多少時間糾正口音,但或許他更應(yīng)該花時間擴(kuò)大詞匯量和加強(qiáng)對英國的了解。既然英語是這樣一種國際性的語言,我認(rèn)為我們應(yīng)該接受更多的口音,而學(xué)習(xí)者更應(yīng)該注重(語言)結(jié)構(gòu)和詞匯的學(xué)習(xí)而不是口音(的純正)。Part Three Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) A 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) C 6) B 7) C 8) C 9)

31、A 10) B 11) C 12) A2. English or Englishes? STEP ONE1) neighbour (color, honor, favor, humor, labor, etc.) 2) centre (theater, meter, etc.) 3) sceptics 4) tyre 5) catalogue (dialog, monolog) 6) cheque 7) analyses (specialize, emphasize) 8) plough 9) programme 10) travellingSTEP TWO Sample1) What Ber

32、nard Shaw said is quite true. The languages spoken in UK and the United States, though both are called English, are two varieties of English. 2) They not only differ in spelling of many words, as we discussed in Step One, but also in aspects such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary. We can eas

33、ily find grammar differences between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE). For example: “Do you have a car?” (AmE) and “Have you got a car?” (BrE). Differences in pronunciation between AmE and BrE include differences in accent (e.g. stress, thythm) and differences in the pronunciation of

34、 individual words in the lexicon (e.g. /e/, / in tomato). Probably the major difference between British and American English lies in the choice of vocabulary. For example: gas (AmE) and petrol (BrE) are different words but refer to the same thing. More examples include subway and underground, French

35、 fries and crisps, sidewalk and pavement, football and rugby, zip code and postcode, etc. 3) American English is more prevalent now because the United States has a larger population than Britain and it is a super-power economically and politically. The American film industry has contributed greatly

36、to the popularity of American English. The dominance of one variety of language is often related to the number of speakers, economic power and the media. British English is less dominant now because Britain is no longer the world power it used to be. These factors affect how well the language variet

37、y is known and not the quality of the language itself. The prevalence of American English does not mean that it is superior to other varieties of English. As English learners, we can have our own preference in using English when exposed to varieties of English. The most important thing to keep in mi

38、nd is to be consistent. If we decide that we want to use American English then we should be consistent in using the language. At the same time, we should know a little about the major differences between American English and other varieties of English, especially British English. 3. Experience in En

39、glish LearningStep OneExperience in Learning EnglishSuccessFailure I love learning English. I try to memorize 15 new words every day. I think my speaking skill is good because I try my best to participate in class activities. I also go to the English Corner. My father gave me a big dictionary so I c

40、an look up words very quickly. This has helped my reading comprehension. I have exchange lessons with an English native speakerone hour of Chinese and one hour of English. This has helped me greatly with my speaking and pronunciation. I email my friends in English and as a result my writing has impr

41、oved. It took time writing this way at the beginning but soon I could see my progress. I couldnt understand the listening passage at all. The people spoke too quickly and I didnt know the vocabulary. I had a lot of difficulty reading the in-class reading passage. I should have spent more time learni

42、ng the vocabulary. I feel discouraged about my spoken English. I go to the English Corner but I am frightened to speak. My grammar is not as good as my classmates. I think they had better teachers in middle school. I have to work harder to catch up with them. Im poor in writing. Words left me when I

43、 needed them. When I do finally come up with a few words I dont know how to put them together to be meaningful. Step Two1) (Refer to the students book.)2) Yes, I agree we should go over what we have learned in time and regularly. As the saying goes, strike the iron while its still hot. We have to tu

44、rn our short-term memory into long-term memory.3) Yes, I believe its true. According to some psychologists, when you meet an object on thirteen different occasions, youll never forget it. So we have to review our lessons regularly. Its also true with vocabulary learning. Some language professors bel

45、ieve that if we see a word at least six times, each time in a different context, the word will be ours. 4) It depends. Some people can memorize words well in the morning when their minds are fresh. But it doesnt apply to everyone. However, I agree that words should be learned in association with oth

46、er words. For example, words belonging to the same semantic field should be learned together.5) I agree that background knowledge is indispensable to reading comprehension. When we read the title or the first sentence, wed better predict what were going to read with the help of our background knowle

47、dge, which facilitates comprehension.6) Not necessarily. If we concentrate on every word and read slowly, we may forget what we have read previously and become frustrated.4. Beliefs about Language LearningCategories:A. Role of talent in language learning: 1), 8)B. Role of practice: 2), 4), 9)C. Cont

48、ribution of the learning environment: 5), 10)D. Attitudes towards errors and mistakes: 6), 9), 10)E. The role of grammar learning: 11)F. Role of native speakers: 7), 12)G. Role of formal instruction: 3)H. Role of vocabulary learning: 13)Reasons why I agree or disagree:1) I dont agree with this state

49、ment because it shows a very negative approach. Some people are more talented than others, but everyone can learn. You might have to work harder.2) I agree that the only way to learn a foreign language is to keep using it. I need to play with the language to develop a feel for how it works. The lang

50、uage must become a part of me rather than remain an external mechanical system. I cant manipulate the language according to a set of instructions.3) I agree that taking a course or formal learning is a way to learn a foreign language, but there are other ways to learn a language. I can study on my o

51、wn with tapes and books.4) Yes, I agree that speaking with other learners can be useful. Every time I pronounce a word or use an expression I find it helpful. My classmates often correct me. That helps a lot.5) I disagree that you have to live in an English-speaking country in order to speak English

52、 well. I know many people who speak excellent English and they have never been abroad. But it doesnt mean environment is not important. Being in an English-speaking country, you can not only be exposed to the language but also learn the culture of the community. 6) I agree that I will learn English

53、better if my teacher corrects my mistakes. If I make grammar or spelling mistakes in my compositions, I want to know them, so I can improve. But I feel embarrassed when a teacher corrects a mistake in class. Sometimes I am so embarrassed that I forget what I said and what the mistake really was.7) I

54、 agree that it is difficult to find a native speaker to practice with on a regular basis. There are so many students and so few foreigners. I go to English Corner and often find that there are too many people around the few native speakers.8) I agree that some people have a gift for learning languag

55、es. I have noticed several of my classmates who learn much more quickly than I do. It is discouraging sometimes.9) I disagree that the only way to learn a new language is by speaking even if you make many mistakes. I think it is better to wait until you learn more, otherwise you will lose self-confi

56、dence.10) I dont know whether I agree or disagree that it is not good to listen to my classmates poor English. Sometimes I think my English gets worse when I talk with them, but other times I feel I learn from their mistakes.11) Learning grammar is certainly a good way to learn a foreign language, b

57、ut it may not be the best way. Knowing a few rules facilitates our reading comprehension. When we write we need to know many basic roles or structures to make meaningful sentences. 12) I disagree. Based on my own experience with foreign students and foreign experts, I think they are very kind and patient. Of course you should be thoughtful enough not to take too much of their time, especially when they are busy.13) I agree that learning new vocabulary is really the key to successful language learning. But I disagree that knowing


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