1、計算機科學與技術學科博士研究生發(fā)表論文的補充條例院研字 20102 號各研究中心、研究所、教研室:為鼓勵博士研究生發(fā)表高水平論文,進一步明確博士研究生發(fā)表論文 的基本要求,經(jīng)計算機科學與技術學科學位分委員會討論決定,在哈爾濱 工業(yè)大學學位委員會對博士研究生在攻讀學位期間發(fā)表學術論文要求的基 礎上, 對我院博士研究生發(fā)表論文補充條例如下: 1發(fā)表一篇頂級國際學術會議論文等同于一篇國際期刊論文但不等同于國 際頂級期刊論文;2發(fā)表一篇重要國際學術會議論文等同于一篇國內一級期刊論文。 注:頂級國際學術會議及重要國際學術會議認定見附件。以上通知,自發(fā)布之日起執(zhí)行。計算機科學與技術學科學位分委員會二 0
2、一 0 年 十 月 二十五 日附件:國際會議列表、頂級國際學術會議序號會議名稱所屬領域評價發(fā)起單位舉辦周期舉辦地區(qū)備注1.STOC: ACM Symp on Theory of ComputingAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A+ / NUS Rank 12.COLT: Computati onal Lear ning TheoryAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A+ / NUS Rank 13.LICS: IEEE Symp on Logic in Computer Scie neeAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A+ / NUS Ra
3、nk 14.SODA: ACM/SIAM Symp on Discrete AlgorithmsAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A+ / NUS Rank 15.ISSAC: Intl. Symp on Symbolic and AlgebraicComputati onAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A+ / NUS Rank 16.CRYPTO: Adva nces in CryptologyAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A+ / NUS Rank 17.ICCAD: I ntl Conf on Computer-Aided Desi
4、g nApplicati onsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 18.3DG: ACM-SIGRAPH In teractive 3D GraphicsApplicati ons and MediaAUS A+ / NUS Rank 19.SIGGRAPH: ACM SIGGRAPH ConferenceApplicati ons and MediaAUS A+ / NUS Rank 110.DCC: Data Compressi on ConfApplicati ons and MediaAUS A+ / NUS Rank 111.ACM-MM: ACM Multimedia Co nf
5、erenceApplicati ons and MediaAUS A+ / NUS Rank 112.AAAI: America n Associati on for AI Nati onalCon fere neeArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 113.IJCAI: I ntl Joi nt Conf on AIArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 114.ICCV: Intl Conf on Computer Visi
6、onArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 115.ICML: Intl Conf on Machine LearningArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 116.KR: IntlConf on Principles of KR & ReasoningArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 1序號會議名稱所屬領域評價發(fā)起單位舉辦周期舉辦地區(qū)備注1
7、7.NIPS: Neural Information Processing SystemsArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 118.UAI: Conference on Un certai nty in AlArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 119.AAMAS: IntiConf on Autonomous Agents andMulti-Age nt Systems (past: ICAA)ArtificialIn t
8、ellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 120.ACL: Ann ual Meeti ng of the ACL (Association of Computati onal Lin guistics)ArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 121.SIGIR:ACM SIGIR Conf onInformationRetrievalArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 122
9、.WWW: World-Wide Web Co nferenceArtificialIn tellige neeandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS Rank 123.SIGMOD:ACMSIGMODConf on Management of DataDatabasesAUS A+ / NUS Rank 124.PODS: ACM SIGMOD Conf on Principlesof DBSystemsDatabasesAUS A+ / NUS Rank 125.VLDB: Very Large Data BasesDatabasesAUS A+ / NUS Ran
10、k 126.ICDE: Intl Conf on Data Engin eer ingDatabasesAUS A+ / NUS Rank 127.KDD: Kno wledge Discovery and Data Mi ningDatabasesAUS A+ / NUS Rank 128.ASPLOS: Architectural Support for Prog Lang and OSHardware and ArchitectureAUS A+ / NUS Rank 129.ISCA: ACM/IEEE Symp on Computer ArchitectureHardware and
11、 ArchitectureAUS A+ / NUS Rank 130.HPCA:IEEE Symp on High-PerfCompArchitectureHardware and ArchitectureAUS A+ / NUS Rank 131.SIGMETRICS: ACM Conf on Meas. & Modelli ng ofComp SysHardware and ArchitectureAUS A+ / NUS Rank 132.PECCS: IFIP Intl Confon Perf Eval of Comp &Comm SysHardware and Architectur
12、eAUS A+ / NUS Rank 133.POPL: ACM-SIGACT Symp on Principles of ProgLan gsProgram ming Lan guages andSoftware Engin eer ingAUS A+ / NUS Rank 1序號會議名稱所屬領域評價發(fā)起單位舉辦周期舉辦地區(qū)備注34.PLDI: ACM-SIGPLAN Symp on Prog Lang Desig n & ImplProgram mingLan guagesandSoftware Engin eeri ngAUS A+ / NUS Rank 135.OOPSLA: 00 P
13、rog Systems,Langs andApplicati onsProgram mingLan guagesandSoftware Engin eeri ngAUS A+ / NUS Rank 136.ICFP: Intl Conf on Fun cti on Program mingProgram mingLan guagesandSoftware Engin eeri ngAUS A+ / NUS Rank 137.ICSE: Intl Conf on Software Engin eeri ngProgram mingLan guagesandSoftware Engin eeri
14、ngAUS A+ / NUS Rank 138.CAV: Computer Aided Verificati onProgram mingLan guagesandSoftware Engin eeri ngAUS A+ / NUS Rank 139.FOCS: IEEE Symp on Fou ndati ons of ComputerScie neeSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 140.SIGCOMM: ACM Conf on Comm Architectures,Protocols & AppsSystem Tech no logyAUS A+
15、 / NUS Rank 141.INFOCOM: Annual Joi nt Con f IEEE Comp & CommSocSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 142.SPAA: Symp on Parallel Algms and ArchitectureSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 143.PODC: ACM Symp on Principles of DistributedComputi ngSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 144.RTSS: Real Time
16、 Systems SympSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 145.SOSP: ACM SIGOPS Symp on OS Prin ciplesSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 146.SOSDI:Use nixSymp on OS Desig n andImpleme ntati onSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 147.CCS: ACM Conf on Comp and Communications SecuritySystem Tech no logyAUS A+
17、 / NUS Rank 148.MOBICOMACMIntl Conf on Mobile Computing and Networki ngSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 149.USENIX Conf on In ternet Tech and SysSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS Rank 1、重要國際會議列表序號會議名稱所屬領域評價發(fā)起單位舉辦周期舉辦地區(qū)備注1.SCG: ACM Symp on Computatio nal GeometryAlgorithms and TheoryNUS Rank 1 /AUS
18、 A2.FOGA : Foundations of Genetic AlgorithmsAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A+ / NUS無認定3.CCC : IEEE Symposium on Computational ComplexityAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A / NUS Rank 24.ESA : European Symposium on AlgorithmsAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A / NUS Rank 25.ISAAC :Intern ati onalSymposiumonAlgorithms and Co
19、mputationAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A / NUS Rank 26.STACS : Symposium on Theoretical Aspects ofComputer Scie neeAlgorithms and TheoryAUS A / NUS Rank 27.CANIM : Computer AnimationApplicati ons and MediaAUS A / NUS Rank 28.CGI : Computer Graphics InternationalApplicati ons and MediaAUS A / NUS Rank 29.
20、MMCN : ACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing andNetworki ngApplicati ons and MediaAUS A / NUS Rank 210.CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Visio n andPatter n Recog niti onApplicati ons and MediaNUS Rank 1 /AUS A11.CSCL : Computer Supported CollaborativeLear ningArtificial In tellige nceandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS無
21、認定12.ICAPS :Intern ati onalCon fere neeonAutomated Pla nning and Scheduli ngArtificial In tellige nceandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS無認定13.ICIS : In ter nati onal Conference on In formatio n SystemsArtificial In tellige nceandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS無認定14.IJCAR : In ter nati onalJoint Conference
22、onAutomated Reas oningArtificial In tellige nceandRelated SubjectsAUS A+ / NUS無認定15.AMAI : Artificial Intelligence and MathsArtificial In tellige nceandRelated SubjectsAUS A / NUS Rank 216.CoNLL : Conference on Natural LanguageLear ningArtificial In tellige nceandRelated SubjectsAUS A / NUS Rank 217
23、.CSSAC : Cognitive Scienee Society Annual ConferenceArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 218.DocEng : ACM Symposium on DocumentEngin eer ingArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 219.ECAI : Europea nCon fere neeon ArtificialIn tellige nceArtificialIn tellige
24、 nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 220.ECCV : Europea n Con fere nce on ComputerVisio nArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 221.ICDAR : IEEE In ter natio nalCon fere nceonDocume nt An alysis and Recog niti onArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 222.ICI
25、P : IEEE Intern ati onal Con fere nce on Image Process ingArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 223.ICNN : IEEEIn ter natio nalConference onNeural NetworksArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 224.ICPR : In ter nati onalConference on Patter nRecog niti onArt
26、ificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 225.ICONIP : In ter nati on al Co nfere nceon NeuralIn formatio n Process ingArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 226.NAACL : North America nAssociation forComputati onal Lin guisticsArtificialIn tellige nceRelated Subject
27、sandAUS A/ NUS Rank 227.WACV : IEEE Workshop on Apps of ComputerVisio nArtificialIn tellige nceRelated SubjectsandAUS A/ NUS Rank 228.COLINGIn ternatio nalCo nfere nceonComputati onal Lin guisticsArtificialIn tellige nceRelated Subjectsand29.RECOMB:Ann ualIntl Conf on CompMolecular BiologyBiomedical
28、 in formaticsNUS Rank 1 /AUS A30.ISMB: Intern ati onalCon fere nce on In tellige ntSystems for Molecular BiologyBiomedical in formaticsNUS Rank 1 /AUS A31.CIKM:Intl.Co nfon In formationandKno wledge Man ageme ntDatabasesNUS Rank 1 /AUS A32.ICDT: Intl Conf on Database TheoryDatabasesNUS Rank 1 /AUS A
29、33.DASFAA : Database Systems for AdvaneedApplicati onsDatabasesAUS A / NUS Rank 234.EDBT : Exte nding Database Tech no logyDatabasesAUS A / NUS Rank 235.SSDBM :In ternatio nalCo nfere neeonScie ntificandStatisticalDataBaseMan ageme ntDatabasesAUS A / NUS Rank 236.ICPP : InternationalConference on Pa
30、rallelProcess ingHardwareAUS A / NUS Rank 237.MICRO: I ntl Symp on MicroarchitectureHardware and ArchitectureNUS Rank 1 /AUS A38.ICS : ACMIn ter natio nalCo nfere neeonSupercomput ingHardware and ArchitectureAUS A / NUS Rank 239.ISWC : IEEE InternationalSymposium onWearable Comput ingHardware and Ar
31、chitectureAUS A+ / NUS無認定40.PERVASIVE : In ternati on alCo nference onPervasive Comput ingHardware and ArchitectureAUS A+ / NUS無認定41.UbiComp : Ubiquitous ComputingHardware and ArchitectureAUS A+ / NUS無認定42.CONCUR :In ternatio nalConferenceonCon curre ncy TheoryHardware and ArchitectureAUS A / NUS Ra
32、nk 243.FSE: ACM Co nf on the Fou ndatio ns ofSoftware Engin eeri ng (inc: ESEC-FSE)Program mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingNUS Rank 1 /AUS A44.FM/FME:FormalMethods,WorldCon gress/EuropeProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingNUS Rank 1 /AUS A45.CaiSE : International Conference on Adv
33、aneedInformation Systems EngineeringProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 246.Coord in ati on : Intern ati onalConference onCoord in ati on Models and Lan uguagesProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 247.ECOOP :Europea nConferenceonobject-orie nt
34、ed program mingProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 248.ICCL : IEEEIn ter nati onalConference onComputer Lan guagesProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 249.ICECCS : IEEE In ternati on alCon fere nee onProgram mingLan guagesAUS A / NUS Rank 2Eng
35、in eeri ng and Complex Computer Systemsand Software Engin eer ing50.ICSM : Intern ati on al.Conferenceon SoftwareMaintenanceProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 251.PEPM : ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on PartialEvalutati on and Program Mani pulati onProgram mingLan guagesand Soft
36、ware Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 252.RTA : In ter nati onal Conference on Rewriti ngTech ni ques and Applicati onsProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 253.SSR : ACM Symposiumon SoftwareReusabilityProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 254.TACAS
37、 : Tools and Algorithms for Construction and An alysis of SystemsProgram mingLan guagesand Software Engin eer ingAUS A / NUS Rank 255.ASE : AutomatedSoftwareEngin eeri ngConferenceProgram mingLan guagesan d8Software Engin eeri ngAUS A / NUS Rank 256.IWQoS : IFIP International Workshop on QoSProgram
38、mingLan guagesan d8Software Engin eeri ngAUS A+ / NUS無認定57.IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacySystem Tech no logyNUS Rank 1 /AUS A58.PPoPP:Principlesand Practice of ParallelProgrammi ngSystem Tech no logyNUS Rank 1 /AUS A59.ICNP: I ntl Conf on Network ProtocolsSystem Tech no logyNUS Rank 1 /AUS A
39、60.PACT: Intl Conf on Parallel Arch and CompilTechSystem Tech no logyNUS Rank 1 /AUS A61.RTAS:IEEE Real-Time and EmbeddedTech no logy and Applicati ons SymposiumSystem Tech no logyNUS Rank 1 /AUS A62.ICDCS: IEEE Intl Conf on Distributed Comp SystemsSystem Tech no logyNUS Rank 1 /AUS A63.DSN :Intern
40、ati onalCon fere neeonDepe ndable SystemsSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS無認定64.IPSN : InformationProcessingin SensorNetworksSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS無認定65.OSDI : Use nix Symposium on Operat ingSystems Desig n and Impleme ntati onSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS無認定66.RSS : Robotics: Systems and S
41、cieneeSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS無認定67.SENSYS : ACM Conference on EmbeddedNetworked Sen sor SystemsSystem Tech no logyAUS A+ / NUS無認定68.CSFW : IEEE Computer Security Foundations WorkshopSystem Tech no logyAUS A / NUS Rank 269.IC3N : In ter nati onal Conference on ComputerCommu ni cati on and Net
42、worksSystem Tech no logyAUS A / NUS Rank 270.ICC : IEEE Intern ati onalCon fere neeonCommu nicatio nsSystem Tech no logyAUS A / NUS Rank 271.LCN : IEEE Con fere nee on Local Computer NetworksSystem Tech no logyAUS A / NUS Rank 272.USENIX-Security : Utyse nix SecuritySystem Tech no logyAUS A / NUS Rank 273.IPDPS : IEEEIn ter natio nalParallel andDistributed Process ing Symposium (was IPPS and SPDP)System tech no logyAUS A / NUS Rank 274.MASCOTS : Symposium Model An alysis & Simulatio nofComputer&Telecommu ni cati ons SystemsSystem tech no logyAUS A / NUS R
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