



1、人物:安徒生(旁白)小孩國王(M)王后(H)公主(Z)管家(G)仆人甲仆人乙 士兵 女巫王子 布萊爾 老人皇親貴族“六一”節(jié)劇本睡美人英文版劇1:小孩:An derson Un cle, please tell me a story!目光閃爍,渴望的神情安徒生:Well, yes , Sleepi ng Beauty story.安徒生:音樂起 The story takes place from long, long time ago, in a beautifulcountry , good hard-work ing people here , everyth ing is very p

2、eaceful . However, the country s king and quee n have no childre n , for they are very distressed.小孩:音樂停 what happened?疑惑極了安徒生 :音樂起 So from Quee n prayed every day, hop ing that she wishes toachieve . Year after year, day after day, she was always so pious . Fin ally , a fairy touched her , gave her

3、 a child .音樂停劇2:M及仆人甲、乙在場G: 著急地跑入場 Amperor,amperorA: housekeeper , is what makes you so an xious ?G: Intrin sic His Majesty the King , as the Quee n dow n a little prin cess 氣喘吁吁A: Is it true? Haha欣喜若狂A: come士兵:Here 小步跑上臺A: ready to go fast . I want to hold a grand banq uet , must be good to celebra

4、tethe birth of the little princess似乎喋喋不休說不完士兵:OK 下場A: housekeeper , we immediately went to see the Quee n Exit 退場Drama 3:上道具:一張床,王后躺在其上,懷中抱有一子A: Youve worked hard , my quee nH: It is my honor to His Majesty the Ki ng . You quickly look,our kid , she is lovely A: 抱起孩子 ah,she is very beautiful like yo

5、uG: give she a n ame of her , Your MajestyA: You said it is called jasm ine or Ilia good?H: Yes, it is called Prin cess Jasm ineH: Your Majesty , you are always so clever劇4:G: 纟片結 Your Majesty , there are two messages, a good news , bad news , which one you want to liste n to itA: of course, is good

6、 n ewsG: Your Majesty , Prin cess Jasm ine s birthday party readyA: The bad n ews?G: Palace in a total of 11 sets of imported tableware, but the witch of a totalof 12 , these ute nsils can not mimic , what should we in vite witches do ?A: quee n, how do you see ?看著王后H: housekeeper , please tell me w

7、hich 12 they are witches , okayG: They are Searcy , Claudia, Cin derella , Xian diruila拼音 , Medea , Zora卓拉 , Daph ne , Lena , Hecate , Salem , Blair and Lisa一口氣說完,然后累得不行 人名可改H: They are all good people , except to say deadpan Blair面無表情地說出 A: You mea n to say no to in vite Blair ?驚訝H: Your Majesty ,

8、she is a witch revenge , the princess is no good語重心長A: housekeeper , you do it by the quee n saysG: yes退場劇5:場景:盛大的宴會現(xiàn)場 餐桌上國王坐在主位,王后抱著公主坐在側位,女巫們分而坐 之,G和仆人在一旁服侍,士兵守著大門A: Dear witches , tha nk you able to atte nd Prin cess Jasm ine s birthday party ,please feel free to 手指餐桌女巫們:My honoredA, H: Cheers 起立

9、女巫們:Cheers起立女巫 1: Look at our Prin cess Jasm ine , and she is so beautiful加手勢 I wantto give her beauty女巫 2 : I gave her kindness女巫 3: I gave her wisdom女巫數(shù)量自定,加“我送給她孝順、快樂、自由” 劇6:音樂起,布萊爾闖進王宮嗎,魔棒一揮,守門的士兵就倒下,后沖到餐座前,指著公主G: What do you wa nt ?布萊爾:Ah ha you these uppity people , I dare not in vite Blair ,

10、you will bepuni shed布萊爾: 念咒語 incantations princess 15th birthday that year, she will eatapples and choke because the whole palace because the dead princess will be sealed ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.音樂停最后一個女巫:Do not worry, Princess Jasmine will not die, she just would sleepfor centuries , as long as the

11、re is a prince broke the quiet palace , you can save everyth ing.退場劇7:H: Ki ng, what should we do 憂慮A: Maybe the on ly one way 無奈A: housekeeper , I comma nd , all the apple trees are cut dow n, the whole cityforbidde n to eat apples, disobedie nee by cutt ing offG: yes退場音樂起安徒生:It seems a long time,

12、can also feel very quickly, the days passed, all of the prin cess who wishes are fulfilled , but .音樂停劇8:安徒生:音樂起 from the day the king and quee n someth ing out , leav ing one at home Prin cess Jasm ine . Prin cess wan deri ng aimlessly in the castle , she sudde nly smelled a stra nge odor . So she w

13、ent around a small corridor along the attic , she pushed open the door and saw a table filled with apples, amvery curious. Princess picked up an apple and gently bite , as prophecy says, pale princess slowly went dow n . Whenthe sleep ing prin cess , the en tire palace are in fected , every one fell

14、 asleep , in clud ing horse stables , yard dogs , pige ons roof , and eve n fly on the wall . To make Prin cess Jasm ine is not disturbed, the castle grow a black thorns , and the n later every one forgotte n her.語氣稍慢 音樂停 可加舞蹈形式表達上一段的描述小孩:Does Prin cess Jasm ine will always go to sleep , and whe n s

15、he did not wake up one morning to say not very poor innocent?天真安徒生:Of course not 音樂起 from 100 years later, there is a distant country where Prin cess Jasm ine prince heard the story , he was determ ined to save her.Thus, the prince mounted his horse , running all the way trying to find her musical c

16、limax音樂高潮部分 .劇9:場景:王子在策馬奔騰,一個老人攔住了他注:老人攔住他時音樂停王子動作暫停,老人假摔老人:拉住王子 Prin ce,do not go there王子:Why is this ? 好奇老人:100 years , there have been countless princes because Princess Jasmine and ruined their lives, you can not fudge Yeah grief , persuade 王子:Spirited Away , I have to save my prin cess推開老人,熱血沸騰

17、退場劇10:安徒生: 音樂起 After starting trek , Prince went into the palace , he came to the prin cess s bed . Prince looked at her quietly , gliste ning white sk in , silky smooth hair, everyth ing is just to let the prince heart. He had a hand on her cheek , long eyelashes and exquisite no se. Fort un ately

18、, this time a cen tury elapsed. Suddenly, the princess woke up, she opened her eyes -clear pools , staring prin ce.劇11: 微笑王子:Good morning輕輕地說Z: Good morning睡眼朦朧地回答王子:Good morni ng聲音提高,興奮開心Z: Good morning 聲音更高,開心極了, &想象一下你十幾年孤身一人生活,忽然見到親人的感覺Z: Please give me a glass of water do可愛的,賣個萌Prince : uh 遞給 ZZ喝下水后王子:The next time you want to eat apples careful yo !Z: I know 5歲小孩的語氣回答王子將Z抱起 M/H上臺M: are you saved our daughter ?詫異王子:Yes


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