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1、success with english book 6teaching plan for module 1 our life unit 1 what does sue do on weekdays?一、教學(xué)對象分析:五年(2)班的學(xué)生活潑好動,求知欲強,敢于表現(xiàn)自我,他們能在豐富多彩、生動有趣的課堂活動中感知語言、習(xí)得語言。在學(xué)習(xí)本課之前,他們能用英語介紹家庭、學(xué)校、動物、運動等,具有一定的語感和良好的聽說讀寫技能,初步具備用英語進行簡單日常交流的能力。 二、教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析:本節(jié)課是module 1中unit 1的第一課時, 學(xué)生在這之前已初步掌握有關(guān)短語如go to school, have

2、lunch, get up, do ones homework;他們也接觸和初步學(xué)習(xí)了一般現(xiàn)在時第三人稱的用法。在這節(jié)課重點是繼續(xù)深入學(xué)習(xí)新單詞、短語和一般現(xiàn)在時第三人稱單數(shù)的用法:如“does she go to school?” “she goes to school”在活動組織的過程中把英語教學(xué)和學(xué)生的日常生活有機地結(jié)合起來,創(chuàng)設(shè)多樣的活動,讓學(xué)生掌握所學(xué)的語言知識點。三、教學(xué)目標(biāo):1、 語言知識:(1)掌握本課“ 四會 ”詞匯如study, early, subject, practise 和短語goes to school, does her homework等 (2)掌握句型:do

3、es she / he go to school? she goes to school 2、 語言技能:聽說為主,熟悉所學(xué)課文,用句型進行簡單的交際。3、 情感態(tài)度:通過學(xué)習(xí),讓學(xué)生懂得應(yīng)合理、有效地安排自己的日?;顒?。四、教學(xué)重點:四會單詞和短語。五、教學(xué)難點:一般現(xiàn)在時第三人稱的用法。六、教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:單詞和短語卡,相片和圖片若干張以及錄音機等。teaching procedures:procedureteachers activitiespupils activitiespurposerevision1. greeting.2. a chant.1. greeting.2.three li

4、ttle monkeyswarming up to create the happy atmosphere oflearning english.presentationandpractice.1 teacher presents some questions with sentences structures. for example:teacher asks: do you study english every day?2.show a picture of a pupil, and asks “does she get up early?” 3 show more pictures o

5、f annas life on the blackboard, let the students tell the new words and short patterns. 4. present the question:does she ?5.read and practice the words and short patterns.game1: simon says.game2: guessing gamewhat does he/she do?6. play the tape and then ask some questions.7.let the pupils read out

6、the dialogue in different ways.1. answer the question: yes, we study 2. answer: she gets up early.3. students read the new words and short patterns on the blackboard: study, early, subject, hour, goes to school, gets up, takes exercises, has lunch4. students think about the question and answer them.

7、 guide them answer in this way: she goes to school she studies she practices 5. read the sentences aloud.join the guessing game.6.listen to the dialogue and answer.7.read the dialogue in different ways. .reviewing the knowledge they have learned, and then learn the new words and sentences.practice t

8、he words and sentences.after understandi-ng the dialogue, the pupils can clearly to practice and consolidate the knowledge.summary-upask the pupils what do they know at this time.tell the teacher what theyve learned.master the new words and important sentences .developmentlet them make a survey in c

9、lass.1. make a survey of his/her timetable.1.to offer more chances to speak, listen, and write.homework1. copy the new words.2. read the dialogue very fluently and try to recite it. unit 1 what does sue do on weekdays?new words sentences study early does she/he go to school/?hour subject she/he goes

10、 to school/piano practisethan former assessmentleeds 1 2 3 4 5 6 blackboard designbook 6 module1 unit 1what does sue do on weekdays?the second period一、 教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析:這是unit 1 的第二課時,由于本篇課文較長,學(xué)生要完全掌握整個對話的難度不言而喻。因此我以work with language為藍本,既幫助學(xué)生鞏固課文、熟悉課文,又在本節(jié)課完成work with language 的exercise 1和 exercise 2,從而牢固地掌握

11、所學(xué)的知識。二、 教學(xué)目標(biāo)1、 復(fù)習(xí)所學(xué)的四會單詞和短語。2、 幫助學(xué)生進一步熟悉課文。3、 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生介紹個人的school life。4、 讓學(xué)生懂得怎樣了解他人的school life。三、 教學(xué)重難點在本節(jié)課學(xué)習(xí)怎樣用所學(xué)的句型等運用到真正的交際中。四、 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備單詞卡、錄音機、表格等五、 教學(xué)過程(一) warming-up1. greetings.2. sing a song(用歌曲this is the way改編成this is the way she goes to school教師可將一般現(xiàn)在時第三人稱單數(shù)的短語如does her homework, has lunch, g

12、ets up等呈現(xiàn)在黑板上供學(xué)生參考。)(二)、 revision1. review the wordsl read and spell the word cards aloud.l game: what is missing?2. presentation and practice.l listen to the tape for the last part of dialogue, then answer some of teachers questions. (for example: how old is sue? does xiaoling want to be sues pen f

13、riend? whats miss whites suggestion?)listen to the tape again and catch the key words.listen to the tape one more time and find out the important sentences structures.l game: big voice and small voice.(為弱化第一課的難度,我特將課文的最后一段放在這第二課時來上。新授內(nèi)容少,學(xué)生自然也學(xué)得輕松。)l dialogue: role play.l3consolidationl game1: guess

14、 what does miss hu do on weekdays.l game2: simon says ( read the short patterns)l teacher guide the pupils finish exercise 1 of in groups, and then let them report.l t: since everybody knows sues school life of weekdays, now, please try to write down your timetables on weekdays in english(exercise 2

15、), after that, give more opportunities to the pupils to report.l4.developmentl since the pupils master sues timetables, and then the teacher help pupils make a survey of their school life on weekdays, later on let some students report their friends timetables.5. summery_ up6. homeworkl recite the di

16、alogue.l dictate the new words of unit 1 at home.l surf the net with parents at home in order to know how to write an e-mail . unit 1 what does sue do on weekdays?the third periodwork with language 教學(xué)內(nèi)容分析:這是一節(jié)綜合復(fù)習(xí)課。由于unit 1的篇幅較長,新單詞和短語也多,因此我將unit 1和work with language的內(nèi)容設(shè)計為三個課時完成,以降低教材的難度。本節(jié)課是第三個課時,主

17、要是創(chuàng)設(shè)多種活動來幫助學(xué)生一起復(fù)習(xí)和鞏固所學(xué)的單詞、短語和句型,培養(yǎng)孩子們思考、歸納知識的能力和小組合作的精神。同時還提供給學(xué)生寫作的機會,如寫一封e-mail。盡管這些孩子絕大部分的基礎(chǔ)都挺好,但寫作對于他們來說仍有一定的難度。而我在第二課時已布置學(xué)生回家上網(wǎng),和父母一起討論如何寫e-mail,這對本節(jié)課最后的寫作有了一定的鋪墊。雖然學(xué)生的寫作語法亂,無規(guī)律,但我們作為老師應(yīng)多提供機會給孩子,使學(xué)生掌握一定的英語基礎(chǔ)知識和技能,形成一定的綜合語言運用能力,激發(fā)其興趣,樹立他們的英語學(xué)習(xí)的自信心。二、 教學(xué)目標(biāo)a) 鞏固和復(fù)習(xí)所學(xué)的單詞、短語和句型。b) 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生一起找出一般現(xiàn)在時第三人稱單數(shù)

18、動詞的規(guī)律。c) 學(xué)習(xí)如何用自己已有的知識寫一封e-mail.三、 教學(xué)重點to help the students find the rules of the third person singular verbs.四、 教學(xué)難點the pupils are able to learn how to write an e-mail.五、 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備閱讀材料兩篇,貼紙小金杯等。六、 教學(xué)過程(一)、warming-up. (二)、 revisionactivity 1. dictate the new words they have learned and then check the answ

19、ers in pairs. activity2. to help pupils recall what short patterns they have learned last period.activity 3. competition1: write down the short patterns of the third person singular verbs according to the blackboard, and then check the answers.activity4. competition2: make sentences. to guide them u

20、se the short patterns and sentences structures. separate the whole class into six groups, the group who speaks more sentences in a minute, it is the winner!activity 5. give a paper to each pupil, there is a short passage on it. the passage is full of the third person singular verbs. let them read ca

21、refully and then try to find the rules of the third person regular verbs.activity 6. discuss the passage in groups and then write down the third person regular verbs. after that, teacher and pupils find the rules of the third person singular verbs. try to read those words aloud.activity 7. finish ex

22、ercise 3 of work with language and then check the answers.(二)、write an e-mail.activity 1. teacher show a simple e-mail to the students, let them discuss it in groups, and try to think over how to write an e-mail.activity 2. teacher introduces how to write an email. such as it includes greetings, con

23、tent, wishes.activity3. encourage the pupils imitate the e-mail on the blackboard or on page 5 of their textbooks.activity 4. let the students report their e-mails.(三)、summery-up(四)、homeworkl surf the net and send an e-mail to your relatives and best friend! ( you can finish it with your parents or

24、old brothers sisters!) book6 module 1 unit2 what should jiam n do? 一、 教學(xué)目標(biāo):1、 to learn these words with 4-skill: worried, be worried abouttired, hand in, on time, do well (in), should, worry, catch up with, together2、 to review and practice making phone calls3、 to reinforce the simple present tense

25、of third person singular4、 to help the pupils to apprehend the form of comparative degrees (such as: thinner) and the sentence pattern: thinner now than before5、 to cultivate the pupils good learning habits and help them learn how to give advices to friends二、 教學(xué)重點、難點:1、 the simple present tense2、 th

26、e form of comparative degrees (such as: thinner) and the sentence pattern: thinner now than before3、 to provide more opportunities for the pupils to practice the form of the third singular 三、 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:pictures, tape, recorder四、 教學(xué)過程:教學(xué)過程師生活動設(shè)計意圖activity 1:leading-in1) ask some pupils to act out unit 12)

27、 guessing game: look at the part of the picture and guess the verb phrases (get up, get to school, play the computer games, watch tv, finish the homework, go to bed, hand in the homework)(who can say the correct answer his group can get one star)3) teach “hand in” through the game1) arouse the pupil

28、s interests 2) get ready for the new textactivity 2:pre-task1) tell the pupils the problems of jiamin (he looks thinner than before. he looks tired and) and ask them to guess what happens to him, then list the possibilities on the blackboard. (who says out a reason his group can get one star)2) play

29、 the tape and ask the pupils to find out the reason3) check the answers and read after the tape, underline the words or expressions they are not sure.4) teach the new words1) let the pupils have perception of the simple present tense of third singular2) let the pupils understand the dialogueactivity

30、 3:while-task1) talk with the pupils about jiamins problem and arrange group discussions about what should jiamin do (according to p8 ex.2).2) invite pupils to give advice and list them all on the blackboard. (also one advice can get one star)3) read all the advice and tell the pupils how to give ad

31、vice to others.to cultivate the pupils good learning habits and help them learn how to give advices to friendsactivity 4:post-task1) ask the pupils to read the dialogue in pairs and try to recite it2) ask some pairs to act out the dialogue can look at some key words on the blackboard.to review and p

32、ractice making phone callsactivity 5:homework 1) listen and read the dialogue after the tape three times2) try to recite the dialogue and get prepared to act out in class3) recite the new words and get prepared for the dictation 4) copy the new words and expressions twice板書設(shè)計unit2 what should jiamin

33、 do?worried may i speak to ? group contestbe worried this is speaking. 1 2 3 4tired whos? hand in on timedo well (in)shouldworrycatch up withtogether教學(xué)反思book 6 module 1 unit2 what should jiamin do? 課題:unit2 work with language五、 教學(xué)目標(biāo):1、 to review unit 22、 to reinforce contest the simple present tense

34、 of third person singular3、 to practice giving advice like: you should and you shouldnt4、 to help the pupils understand what is supposed to and not to do in order to let them have good habits 5、 new word (4-skill): seldom, shouldnt=should not六、 教學(xué)重點、難點:1、 the simple present tense of third singular2、

35、 to provide more opportunities for the pupils to practice the form of the third singular 3、 to practice giving advice like: you should and you shouldnt七、 教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:pictures, word cards八、 教學(xué)過程:教學(xué)過程師生活動設(shè)計意圖activity 1:revision4) dictate the new words of unit 25) ask some pupils to act out the dialogue of un

36、it 2 in classreview unit 2 and get ready for the new contentactivity 2:presentation and practice (1)5) finish exercise 2 on p10a) t: last period youve done a good job. you gave many helpful advices to jiamin.now some children dont behave well. can you give some advice to them? (who can say a correct

37、 sentence his group can get one star)b) display the pictures of ex2 on the screen, and the teacher take an example with picture 1.t: the girl shouldnt watch tv too long. she should go to bed now. (teach and explain “shouldnt=should not” with expression and gesture)c) the teacher write their advice a

38、nd display them on the screen, the pupils read the sentences aloud.d) tell the pupils give advice with “should” and “ shouldnt”1) arouse the pupils interest and let them willing to speak english.2) to practice giving advice like: you should and you shouldntactivity 3:presentation and practice (2)4)

39、game: who can do it quickly?display 5 word cards on the blackboard (always, sometimes, usually never, often). ask the pupils to put them into right order from 100% to 0% as quickly as possible. (who can give the right answer his group can get 2 stars)5) teach the new word “seldom”explain it and put

40、it into the right place of those five words above.6) display the pictures of p10 ex1 and ask the pupils to make sentences with the six adverbs above. and tell them pay attention to the simple present tense of third person singular (who can say a correct sentence his group can get one star.)4) ask th

41、e pupils to finish ex 1 on p10 then read the sentences individually. (teacher writes the answers on the blackboard)1) arouse the pupils interests and let understand the adverbs more easily.2) give them chance to practice the simple present tense of third person singular.activity 4:development1) game

42、: its funny! (play in four-pupil groups)each pupil has a small piece of paper .the first pupil write down “who”(must be singular) on his paper, the second pupil write down the actions, the third pupil write down “where”(the place) and the fourth pupil write down “when”(the time). they write individu

43、ally and they dont know others answers. at last put the four pieces of paper together and get a funny sentence. eg.tom does his homework in the swimming pool at two oclock.2) check their answers and tell them pay attention to the verb form.3) game on p11 (fun with language)1) let the pupils happy to

44、 learn.2) give them chance to practice the simple present tense of third person singular.activity 5:homework1) finish some exercises of activity book2) write four sentence about your fathers/mothers daily life (eg. my father often gets up at seven.) and draw some pictures to them as possible.廣州市小學(xué)五年

45、級英語 book 6unit 7 教學(xué)設(shè)計一、 分析教學(xué)內(nèi)容:unit 7 主要是掌握形容詞和副詞的比較級。能描述人或物兩者之間的比較。能熟練使用the new school is larger than the old one . is the larger than ?the library has more books than the old one. there are more pupils in your school than in ours.等句型。另外還要掌握千位數(shù)字表示法:there are about one thousand and eighty pupils thi

46、s term. 及do you still ? 等語言知識。其中dialogue , work with language 為教學(xué)重點。形容詞及副詞比較級是本冊書的重要語法知識之一,也將為后面的最高級打好基礎(chǔ)。二、 教學(xué)對象分析:對語法知識的理解一向是學(xué)生的一個難點,但只要由淺入深,把難點分層,學(xué)生還是可以掌握的。學(xué)生在前面的內(nèi)容中已初步接觸過older, thinner, later 等比較級,學(xué)習(xí)了shes one year older than me . jiamin looks thinner now than before. 等句子。故在這基礎(chǔ)上學(xué)習(xí)形容詞和副詞的比較級難度不大。只要

47、老師善于啟發(fā)點撥,學(xué)生便能在原來的基礎(chǔ)上順利掌握新知識。教師可通過創(chuàng)設(shè)真實的語言情景、簡筆畫、真人實物之間的對比,讓學(xué)生學(xué)得自然主動,從而達到教學(xué)目的。三、 教學(xué)目標(biāo):語言知識:to learn to make comparisons. to foster and develop the ability of observing and comparing. to learn to invite others to do something. to learn to give comments on things.to develop the ability of cohesive descr

48、iption. 語言技能: (1)掌握單詞:large, international, neednt, more, more than, bright, pupil, thousand, ours, his, hers, better, theirs (2)能正確理解對話內(nèi)容,流利朗讀,表演課文。并能熟練運用對話中的每個句型。四、 教學(xué)策略:根據(jù)學(xué)生掌握知識的規(guī)律,從淺入手,層層深入。 先學(xué)習(xí)形容詞、副詞的比較級,然后學(xué)習(xí)帶有比較級的句子,再學(xué)習(xí)對話內(nèi)容,并通過情景對話、簡筆畫、真人實物的對比等,激發(fā)學(xué)生興趣并逐步掌握知識點。五、 文化意識:懂得待人真誠,有禮交往,熱愛學(xué)習(xí),熱愛學(xué)校。六、 教

49、學(xué)媒體:光盤、圖片、實物等。七、 教學(xué)步驟:( 第一課時 ) 1 、teaching procedures:1 .revision :競賽看哪一組同學(xué)說的形容詞和副詞多。tall , big, large, low, small, bright, weak, old, fast2 、presentation.1) 簡筆畫或?qū)嵨镆雽W(xué)習(xí)形容詞和副詞的比較級例如:talltaller bigbigger largelarger oldolder cheapcheaper weakweaker 2) 小結(jié)形容詞副詞的比較級構(gòu)詞法3) finish ex 1 on p.334) 情景學(xué)習(xí)句子: ist

50、han . 例:就用學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)用品作比較 limings ruler is longer than his . xiaolingbag is heavier than hers . 5) 學(xué)生利用身邊的實物操練本句型。(再用課件操練。)6) finish ex2 on p33:design schools and compare them.(小組進行)7) listen and sing the song : our new school8) rhyme.3 、homework : 寫出三個有相比較的句子。例:my father is older than my mother. our cla

51、ssroom is brighter than yours. 廣州市小學(xué)五年級英語 book 6unit 7 教學(xué)設(shè)計 (第2課時)teaching procedures: 1 . warming up : 1) sing the song . (our new school)2)rhyme p32 2 . revision : 開火車說一句帶有比較的句子。例:he is one year older than me . mike is one cm taller than me . 3 . presentation1) 出示 yongxian 的舊學(xué)校和新學(xué)校圖片進行對比,老師用短文形式來介

52、紹:t:yong xians new school is much lager than the old one.there are more buildings and more classrooms in it.and the classrooms are bigger and brighter. there are about one thousand and eighty pupils in the school. 在描述的過程中學(xué)習(xí)單詞:international, neednt, larger, more, brighter, pupils, thousand, more than

53、, ours.2) 使用教學(xué)光盤,呈現(xiàn)dialogue.聽兩遍?;卮饐栴}:t:a. is yong xian going to move to the new school next monday?b. is the new school nearer to yong xians home?c. is the new school nice?d. how many pupils are there in the new school? 3) 帶讀/分角色讀。4) 學(xué)習(xí)still 與 yet 的使用; need 否定式的用法。5) 操練句子:is your new school much lar

54、ger than the old one?the library and the clinic are much bigger than the old one.the library has more books than the old one .there are more pupils in your school than in ours.6) 操練千位數(shù)的表達法:用實物或幻燈片訓(xùn)練 thousand and . 可設(shè)計為 there are thousand and students in no. 16 middle school . there are thousand and fish in the river. there are thousand and cows on the farm. 7) 完成活動手冊 p27 ex 34 . development 1) 讓學(xué)生設(shè)計school 圖,然后小組內(nèi)


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


