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1、1.0 Section 11.1 PESTLPolitical: There was increasing public and government concern about binge dri nking and the consequent antisocial behaviour, particularly in city centres. S o that the Martin is a no ted euro-sceptic and in 2002 prin ted 500,000 beer mat s and put up 10,000 to save the pound.Ec

2、onomic: The supermarket began selling drinks. This result in people drinkin g at home and this company lose its competitive prices. So J D saved the pound.Social: J D Wetherspoon does not serve complimentary crisps with baguettes.Customers thought that the fried food is not healthy.Also, they began

3、to reduce the wine drinking.Then J D Wetherspon plc develops a kind of low ethanol wine.Tech no logical:J D have plasma scree ns and can show TV programmers.Thereisa ventilation system (costing more than 400,000) which aims to ensure that customers do not leave smelling of smoke.Legal: The tied hous

4、e system had been broken by a ruling from the Monopoli es could operate. The government concern about binge drinking, so the p ub need establish a range of rules. There was a law severely limited the nu mber of pubs, so J D as a retailer stepped into market had gotten many advan tages.1.2 SWOTStreng

5、th: The kids can eat in the bar parents. In addition, they lower the pric e of beer sold to a wide range of real beer. Moreover, J D places great import ance on liste ning to and act ing on, it has two-way com muni catio n from membe rs of staff on all aspects of the bus in ess about the feedback.We

6、akness: J D cannot meet the social-culture even it did have TV scree ns and its peaceful motto is also no Ion ger fitted. So that the pubs cann ot solicit those customer like music or TV lover. In 2001, J D had long be en a stock market favourite but the share price also fell.Opportunities: Pubs are

7、 not only provide breakfast, but also built a dedic ated family dining area which make children and adults eat together. J D also begun developing budget hotel, this can develop another market and in crease the profit of J D . J D used to have a clear idea that it can choose wha t sort of pubs it wi

8、shed to operate and combined them perfectly while the othe r operators cannot did this.Threat: There are more and more competitors, such as Regent Inns, Punch Taverns and the supermarkets. The market appears too many suppliers so that the marketi ng competiti on is become fierce. External en vir onm

9、ent will in flue nee on J D through opport un ity and threate n. Threat could use opport un ities to make weak ness become stre ngth.1.3 Effect of SWOTGuideli nes for SWOT An alysis: First, keep it simple. It importa nt to focus on your organization. Moreover, be rooted in the now and dont get lost

10、in the future. (http:/www.ryers on .ca/kje nsen /strategic_pla nnin g/swot.html)With the cha nge of time, the in ternal and exter nal en vir onment will cha nge. So SWOT would cha nge also. Stren gth and weak ness bel ongs to internal which can an alysis the internal in formati on, and the opport un

11、 ity and threate n bel ongs to exter nal. Some stre ngth, but also may be a weak ness. So the orga ni zati on should disti nguish what is the stre ngth or the weak ness.A SWOT analysis is only be used for consulting, we couldn tuse SWOT analy sis to make strategy. Opport unity and threate n can be f

12、oun ded in PESTEL that implies many factor of exter nal en vir onment.精品資料2.0 Sectio n 22.1 Value of CultureOrganizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization. (The Busin ess Dictio nary. Orga ni zati onal cul

13、ture 2015 ) In other words, cul ture is a kind of values and Shared a group of person take together constitut e a surviving design standard system.Shared value is a high-profile symbol, and a formal form. It can become embodied in the orga ni zatio n ideology or philosophy and act as a guide tobehav

14、ior and ways of dealing with anxiety, uncertainly and difficult events. The organizations need “hare value ”.From one part, it can help them to guide the behavior of employees and regulate the workers. On the other hand,sharevalue ” is the essential part of organizational culture. Assumption value i

15、s low-profile symbol, informal form and unspoken rules. The basic assumptions at very fun dame ntal, almost sub-c on scious, level tell employees how to perceive, think and feel about things. Due to unseen and not openly identified in the day to day interactions, these factors also called asunspoken

16、 rules ”.In the case, pubs are commonly considered as socialize area, so the pubs always supply cheap food and comfortable com muni cat ing atmosphere. Eve n more when people have awareness of non-smoking, the pubs will set up a special area for non-smok ing which meets the customer n eeds.2.2 Type

17、of CultureDeal and Kennedy created a model of culture that is based on 4 differe nt types of organizations. They each focus on how quickly the organizati on receives feedback, the way members are rewarded, and the level of risks taken: Work-hard, play-hard culture; Tough-guy macho culture; Proc ess

18、culture and Bet-the-company culture. (/explan ations/culture/deal_kennedy_culture.htm)The mode of Deal and Kennedy will be used in judging which type is fit for this company. Through the case, we can found that Tim Martin man ages the compa ny with his mind and idea, it c ompa

19、ny is include by the food industry, all the staff work hard every day, and th en they will have a holiday for several days. So J D is suit the work hard/pla y hard culture. They also have high level energy and customer-orientation.J D provide lower prices of beer and good service, and maintenance. T

20、 he company always pays highly attention to the staff and the customers, and th e information high-speed recreation, the feedback will rapid.The employe es always have high-speed actions which result in high-speed recreation activities. J D also does these suggestions quickly. So the risk is low.2.3

21、 Relatio nship betwee n Behavior and CultureOrganizational Behavior is “he study of human behavior in organizational sett in gs, the in terface betwee n huma n behavior and the orga ni zati on, an d the organization itself (Moorhead, G., & Griffin, R. W. /1995). Organis ation behavior is the respons

22、e of the system or organism to various stim uli or in puts, whether internal or exter nal, con scious or subc on scious, overt o r covert, an d vo lun tary orinvolun tary. (Elizabeth,2014). The relati on ship bet ween organisation behavior and organisation culture is consistent relation ship. In thi

23、s case, there are numbers of ideas and suggestions are discu ssed each week in company meeting and staff are rewarded for their su ggestion, staff can also discuss company issues with board members.2.4 Ano ther culture typeAccord ing to DK model, J D could choose tough guy, which have higher risk an

24、d slower feedback tha n work hard/ play hard. J D can carry out more party to attract customer and take cost-adva ntage to confront competitor. And the type of tough guy mostly applies to this type of compa ny which fast-m oving finan cial and police force or athletes competi ng in team sports, and

25、they are focus on the prese nt rather tha n on the Ion ger-term future, they make more short-term decisions. As the drawing of Christmas Eve, J D can plan a activity to promote their product and service. So the feedback is rapid, and exist high risk. However, even the reward of tough guy is high, it

26、 also may result in stress of staff and has in flue nee on the performa nee of employees.3.0 Sectio n 33.1 Busin ess strategyThe mai n strategies are classified in to four types: cost leadership, differe ntiatio n, focus differe ntiati on and pen etrati on.Cost leadership: is a con cept developed by

27、 Michael Porter, used in bus in ess strategy. It describes a way to establish the competitive advantage. Cost leadership means the lowest cost of operation in the industry (Stahl, Grigsby , 1997) . The cost leadership is often driven by company efficiency, size, scale, scope and cumulative experie n

28、ee (lear ning curve). A cost leadership strategy aims to exploit scale of producti on, well defi ned scope and other econo mies, produci ng highly sta ndardized products, using high tech no logy. Bus in ess en vir onment: strong competitio n and a threat of substitute products.Differe ntiatio n: is

29、the process of dist in guishi ng a product or service from others, to make it more attractive to a particular target market. This invoIves differentiating it from competitors products as well as a firms own products(Chamberli n,1949). Busin ess en vir onment: The chose n basis fordiffere ntiati on s

30、hould be in here ntly difficult to imitate, and will probably n eed to be developed over time. It could reduce rivalry with competitors and improve customer loyalty.Focus differe ntiati on: seeks a high price premium in retur n for a high degree of differe ntiati on .It means focus on a well-defi ne

31、d and probably quite restricted market segme nt. Busin ess en vir onment: If the market was saturated, the focused differe ntiati on could provide opport un ities.Pen etrati on: It measures the brand popularity. It is defi ned as the nu mber of people who buy a specific brand or a category of goods

32、at least once in a give nperiod, divided by the size of the releva nt market populatio n( Farris, Ben die, Pfeifer, et al, 2010). Market pen etrati on is one of the four growth strategies of the Product-Market Growth Matrix as defi ned byA nsoff. Bus in ess en vir onment: In a stag nati ng market in

33、 crease in sales cause there is only possible by grabb ing market share from rivals.3.2 Strategy during the 1980s and 1990sDuring the 1980s and 1990s, J D Wetherspoon adopted the differentiation. In the case, J D Wetherspoon is a pub chain, which has many pubs. The compa ny aims to man age the pub t

34、o satisfied with the customer, and it was always make its strategy in the pub cha in, all acti ons of JD like provide cheap beer and non-smok ing area and so on, which are all of set the mai n point to its pub man age style. During the1980s and 1990s, JD built non-smok ing and provide health food to

35、 the customers. The compa ny thi nks that the stuffs are its best asset.There are four ben efits if J D Wetherspo on choose the differe ntiati on: the compa ny build its own style and brand, form own customer group, the quick grow ing of expa nsion about share and scope, and the in come is more tha

36、n before.3.3 Strategy dur ing the 21st ce nturyDuring the 21st cen tury, J D Wetherspo on adopted the focus differe ntiatio n. In the case, they provided the differe ntiated products and services to meet the dema nds of customers. For in sta nee, there are a dedicated family dining area, which child

37、re n and adults can eat together. The differe nt strategy could make the different effect to the organization structure, management style and orga ni zati on culture.During the 1980s and 1990s the company relied on organic growth by acquiri ng suitable sites and con vert ing them into J D Wetherspo

38、on plc, in stead of buying the other pubs. At that time, all the pubs style is same, so it could use the same management style. But in the 21st century, while it also pays atte nti on to the staffs, it try to cha nge its style, man age model and the food what has provided.3.4 Two factorsBefore chang

39、ing the strategy, J D Wetherspoon may considerexterioren vir onment and in dustry life cycle.Exterior en vir onment: When the compa ny can not adapt to the cha nges in the external environment, the strategic drift occurs. Strategic management invo Ives the formulatio n and impleme ntati on of the ma

40、jor goals and in itiatives taken by a companys top management on behalf of owners, based on con sideratio n of resources and an assessme nt of the internal and exter nal environments in which the organization competes (Nag R, Hambrick D C, Chen M J.,2007).Duringthe21stcentury, the retail licensing m

41、arket had adapt to the changes in thetied house system.Otherpubshadbee nadapted it and developingtheir bus in ess.Therefore,therearemuch more competitorsfor JD. It ledto the marketsaturati onof pub.So J D Wetherspo on n eeds to cha nge its bus in ess strategy.Industry life cycle: The stages are the

42、same for all industries, yet industries cycle through the stages in various lengths of time. Even within the same in dustry, various firms may be at differe nt life cycle stages. Strategies of a firm as well as of competitors vary depe nding on the stage of the life cycle. The growth of an industrys

43、 sales over time is used to chart the life cycle. The dist inct stages of an in dustry life cycle are: in troductio n, growth, maturity, and decli ne (refere nee for bus in ess, 2013). Whe n the in dustry developme nt to maturity, the compa ny should con sider the cha ngeIn this case, the pubs indus

44、try has entered a mature stage so that the competitors will be more and more. So J D Wetherspo on n eeds con sideri ng differe nt product form other pubs to attract customers. J D Wetherspo on pubs now serve breakfast and ope n earlier in the morni ng before no rmal lice nsing hours begi n at 11.00

45、a.m.3.5 Busin ess strategy and strategic choiceBusin ess strategy: A bus in ess strategy typically is a docume nt that clearly articulates the directi on a bus in ess will pursue and the steps it will take to achieve its goals. It facilitates en terprise to achieve competitive adva ntage in the market, and create more ben efits.Strategic choice: Choose one of the most appropriate strategies as the compa nys str


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