



1、1/ 4模板一:Dear Prof. XXX:I am in . P.R. China.I am writing to request your assistance. I search oneofyour papers:“ .”is publiVshoeludmaet .,.I.s.s.u.e.年.,Pages .but I can not read full-text content, would you mind sending yourpapers by E-mail? Thankyou for your assistance.Best wishes!模板二:Dearxxx,Im a

2、researcher in _(國家或大學(xué))and just read an abstract of yourpaperXXXXXXXXXXXXIm very interested toknow _(對方文章內(nèi)容). Itwouldbemuch appreciated if you can reply me about this. Also, could you please sendme the copyof your full paper. Thanks in advance.Best regards,XXXXXXXXXXXX模板三:Dear Mr./Mrs.: _(作者名)I am a

3、graduate student of Xx University(大學(xué)名)in China. I major in_EducationalTechnology_(您的專業(yè)). Recently, I found one of yourarticles, titled _(文章名)in -(雜志名). I found it may help meachieve my goals in this research field.This would make a really positive contribution tomy work. I would like to be able to r

4、eadthe full text of this article. The abstract makes thearticle sound very interesting. I knowthere is usually a fee required to2/ 4obtain the full article from -(雜志名); however, as astudent, my only incomeis a small scholarship which is about U S $30.00 per month.Iwonderifyouwouldconsidersendingmeth

5、efulltextbyEmail.Perhapsyouwouldconsiderthis as an act of friendship between our two countries.Thank you for your kind consideration of this request.Sincerely: _(您的名字)模板四:Dear . (author name):I am interested in your paper titled . published in .I would appreciate it if you could send me a soft copy

6、of this paper.Thank you.Kind regards,. (your name)模板五:(索要質(zhì)粒)Dear Dr XXX,I am a post-doctoral researcher at XX University.I have recently read your paper _(文章名). I am interested intrying yourapproach for detecting mutations in yeast.IwaswonderingifyouwouldbekindenoughtosendmethepETTthMutSplasmidrepor

7、ted in your paper.My mailing address is:David GreshamXX UniversityBeijing, 1001013/ 4ChinaKind regards,模板六:Id appreciate a file (pdf) containing yourr article: Mutat Res. 2004 Mar 22;547(1-2):41-7.DirectlyfishingoutsubtlemutationsingenomicDNAwithhistidine-taggedThermusthermophilus MutS. Wang J, Liu

8、J.Thank you in advanceBest wishesLiu模板七:Dear Dr. XXX,I read with interest the abstract of your article in - (雜志名), _(文章名)Unfortunately,ourlibrarydoesnotsubscribeto-(雜志名).Iwouldbemostappreciative if you could please send me a .doc or .pdf file of thearticle by e-mail.Thank you,_ (你的名字)PHD candidate_

9、(你的單位)China模板八:我最喜歡這個Dear .,Iamworkingon.(工作背景).Andoneofmyprojectsfocuseson.(工作內(nèi)4/ 4容)Isolating ROG cDNA seems to be a problem hard to get over for u(s為什么要 要).Oneof my graduates has been working on it for a couple of months, but no progress(定以導(dǎo)師和教授口氣寫,學(xué)生寫人家可能不愿意給).We are happyto find that your labor

10、atorywas the major source of the ROG cDNA in many publications.Therefore, I am writingtoexplorethepossibilityofgettingROGcDNAfromyourlaboratory.Ifyouwerekindlyofferin gus the DNA(pCI-ROG), it would be very helpful for us. Of course, the DNA willnever beused for commercial purpose.We will acknowledge the DNA resource and citeyourpapers in all our publications based on the DNA. We are also willing to put youintotheauthorlistthatsnecessary.Sure


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