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2、某些特定單詞出現(xiàn)次數(shù)和位置。功能需求:用戶可以輸入單詞來查詢單詞出現(xiàn)次數(shù)和位置; 程序可以正確顯示查詢結(jié)果; 用戶可以選擇是否在一次輸出后繼續(xù)查詢; 在一次查詢中的結(jié)果記錄到一個(gè)二維鏈表中。概要設(shè)計(jì) 為達(dá)到設(shè)計(jì)要求,本程序采用二維鏈表存儲(chǔ)單詞結(jié)點(diǎn)和相關(guān)的位置信息。抽象數(shù)據(jù)類型:struct nodeint col; /行坐標(biāo)int row; /所在行的列坐標(biāo)node* next; /指向下一個(gè)坐標(biāo)結(jié)點(diǎn)的指針; /單詞坐標(biāo)坐點(diǎn)類型struct nodechar words20; /單詞數(shù)組node* ptr; /指向單詞坐標(biāo)結(jié)點(diǎn)的指針node* next; /指向下一個(gè)單詞結(jié)點(diǎn)的指針int nu

3、m; /單詞所含字符個(gè)數(shù); /單詞結(jié)點(diǎn)class tlinkpublic:tlink() head = null; /構(gòu)造函數(shù)tlink() /析構(gòu)函數(shù)while( head != null )node* temp;temp = head;head = head - next;delete temp;void insert( char* item );/前條件:參數(shù)item為一個(gè)字符數(shù)組。/后條件:item所包含的單詞被插入到鏈表。void calcute(char *szfile,int size);/前條件:szfile以正確保存了文本字符,size為文本字符長(zhǎng)度。/后條件:統(tǒng)計(jì)鏈表每一個(gè)

4、插入的單詞的個(gè)數(shù)及所在行、列坐標(biāo)。node* gethead();/前條件:鏈表已初始化/后條件:返回鏈表頭指針private:node* head;char a_to_a( char alp );/前條件:alp為一個(gè)正確的英文字母/后條件:如果alp是大寫字母,則轉(zhuǎn)化為小寫字母,否則不變。void showwindow();/后條件:顯示統(tǒng)計(jì)結(jié)果。void show_text();/前條件:在正確的路徑上存在一個(gè)英文文本。/后條件:讀入英文文本到字符數(shù)組并顯示在屏幕上。void input();/后條件:讀入用戶輸入的字符并插入到單詞鏈表。數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)構(gòu)圖解: 將從文件流讀入的文章字符存到szf

5、ile字符數(shù)組中,以空格計(jì)數(shù)行單詞個(gè)數(shù),以換行符記錄文章列數(shù),將輸入后插入到鏈表中的單詞與字符數(shù)組中的單詞比較,遇到相等的則將當(dāng)前的行列數(shù)插入到鏈表的位置結(jié)點(diǎn)中,并且單詞個(gè)數(shù)加1。本程序允許用戶選擇是否重復(fù)進(jìn)行,并且對(duì)于在一次操作中重復(fù)輸入的單詞,在鏈表中不進(jìn)行重復(fù)插入。功能模塊: 模塊調(diào)用: 程序流程圖:主要模塊偽碼概要設(shè)計(jì):插入函數(shù)(參數(shù):item【】數(shù)組): 新建單詞結(jié)點(diǎn);while( itemi != 0 ) 復(fù)制各字符到單詞結(jié)點(diǎn)的單詞數(shù)組中; 記錄單詞字母?jìng)€(gè)數(shù); 插入單詞字母?jìng)€(gè)數(shù)到鏈表相應(yīng)域;temp - wordsi = 0;查找并比較鏈表中是否已有要插入的單詞; 如果有 不進(jìn)行插

6、入并銷毀新建結(jié)點(diǎn); 否則 插入新建的單詞結(jié)點(diǎn);/*/統(tǒng)計(jì)函數(shù)( 參數(shù):char *szfile, int size)while( 沒有到文本字符的結(jié)尾 )依次遍歷文本字符,遇到非字母字符時(shí)計(jì)數(shù)單詞所含字母?jìng)€(gè)數(shù);while( 沒有到鏈表尾 )if( 單詞結(jié)點(diǎn)所含單詞的字母?jìng)€(gè)數(shù)與計(jì)數(shù)相等 )忽略大小寫比較本次遍歷到的單詞和鏈表中的結(jié)點(diǎn)單詞; if(相等) 插入行列值 遇空格行單詞個(gè)數(shù)加1; 遇換行列數(shù)加1;/*/結(jié)構(gòu)顯示模塊while( 沒到鏈表尾 )輸出結(jié)點(diǎn)單詞;如果存在,則輸出單詞的所有行、列值及出現(xiàn)次數(shù); 否則輸出沒有該詞或輸入錯(cuò)誤信息;/*/輸入模塊doif( 鏈表不空 )清空鏈表;輸出提

7、示信息;接受用戶輸入; while( true )輸入的是結(jié)束字符; 退出;記錄輸入逗號(hào)前的單詞;插入到鏈表;繼續(xù)輸入;if( 鏈表空 )輸出 沒有插入任何單詞?。籩lse 統(tǒng)計(jì); 顯示結(jié)果;提示是否繼續(xù);輸入;while( 不繼續(xù) );詳細(xì)設(shè)計(jì)程序清單:/file:source.h#ifndef source_h#define source_hstruct nodeint col;int row;node* next;struct nodechar words20;node* ptr;node* next;int num;class tlinkpublic:tlink() head = nu

8、ll; tlink()while( head != null )node* temp;temp = head;head = head - next;delete temp;void insert( char* item );void calcute(char *szfile,int size);node* gethead();private:node* head;char a_to_a( char alp );void showwindow();void show_text();void input();#endif#include#include#include#include source

9、.husing namespace std;tlink link;int i=0;char szfile2000;int main()show_text();cout wordsi = itemi;+ i;temp - num = i;temp - wordsi = 0;node* ptrr = null;ptrr = link.gethead();while( ptrr != null ) if( ptrr - num = temp - num )int n;for( n = 0; n wordsn ) != a_to_a( itemn ) )break;if( n = i )flag =

10、1;break; ptrr = ptrr - next; if( flag != 1 ) temp - ptr = null; temp - next = null; node* temp = head; if( head = null ) head = temp; else while( temp - next != null ) temp = temp - next; temp - next = temp; elsedelete temp;/*/char a_to_a( char alp )if( ( alp = a ) & ( alp = z ) )alp = alp + 32;retu

11、rn alp;/*/void tlink:calcute(char *szfile, int size)/cout calcute is called! endl;int i = 0; /記錄已搜索過的字符數(shù)-1intcol = 1;/列標(biāo)int row = 0;/行標(biāo)int count;/記錄空格數(shù)-1node* ptrr = null;while( i = a & szfilei = a & szfilei num = j )int n;for( n = 0; n wordsn ) != a_to_a( szfilei - j + n ) )break;if( n = j )node* t

12、emp;temp = new node;temp - col = col;temp - row = row;temp - next = null;node* temp = ptrr - ptr; if( ptrr - ptr = null )ptrr - ptr = temp;else while( temp - next != null ) temp = temp - next; temp - next = temp;/插入行數(shù)ptrr = ptrr - next;if( szfilei = | szfilei = n )count = -1; while( szfilei = ) + i;

13、 /設(shè)置列數(shù) + row;/行的單詞個(gè)數(shù)加 + count;/單詞之間空格-1 row = row - count; if( szfilei = n ) + col; /列遇到換行累加 + i;row = 0;/單詞的行個(gè)數(shù)清零 else+ i;cout wordsk != 0; + k )cout wordsk;cout ptr = null )cout 沒有該詞,或輸入不正確! ptr != null )cout (;cout ptr - col ;cout ,;cout ptr - row ;cout );cout ptr = curptr - ptr - next;word_num +

14、;cout endl;cout 該單詞共出現(xiàn) word_num 次! next;/*/void show_text()ifstream fin;fin.open(d:english.txt);if (fin.fail()coutinput file opening failed.n;exit(1);char next;fin.get(next);while (! fin.eof() szfilei = next;+ i; fin.get(next);szfilei = 0;for( int k = 0; k i; + k )cout szfilek;cout *total number : i

15、 endl;cout * endl;/*/void input()char item40; /暫存數(shù)組char in; /接受輸入字符char ans; /判斷是否重新開始doif( link.gethead() != null )link.tlink();cout 請(qǐng)輸入要統(tǒng)計(jì)的單詞,單詞之間用逗號(hào)隔開(輸入鍵結(jié)束,本程序忽略空格): in;int flag = 1;while( true )if( in = )break;int m = 0;while( in != , ) itemm = in;+ m;cin in;if( in = ) flag = 0; break;itemm = 0

16、;link.insert( item );if( flag = 0 ) break;cin in;if( link.gethead() = null )cout 沒有插入任何單詞! endl;else link.calcute( szfile, i ); showwindow();cout ans;while( ( ans != n ) & ( ans != n ) );運(yùn)行結(jié)果 結(jié)果分析輸入要查找的單詞之后,單詞插入鏈表,停止輸入后,程序開始在文本字符中查找鏈表中的單詞。程序從文本數(shù)組順次掃描,并在掃描到空格時(shí)記錄一個(gè)單詞的掃描結(jié)束,并記錄單詞所含字母?jìng)€(gè)數(shù),然后查找鏈表,如有和該單詞字母?jìng)€(gè)數(shù)



19、1 microsoft windows is a complex operating system. it offers02 so many featuresand does so much that its impossible for 03 any one person to fully understandthe entire system. this 04 complexity also makes it difficult for someone to decide05 where to start concentrating the learning effort. well, i

20、 06 always like to start at the lowest level by gaining a solid 07 understanding of the systems basic building blocks. once 08 you understand the basics, its easy to incrementally 09 add any higher-level aspects of the system to your knowledge. 10 so this book focuses on windows basic building blocks and11 the fundamental concepts that you must know when architecting 12 and implementing software targeting the windows operating system. 13 in short, this book teaches the reader about various windows features 14 and how to access them via the c and c+ programming languages.15 altho


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