1、relationship, establi she d e quivale nt relationship 14, a nd subject: applicati onproblem 4-score s and perce ntage applicati on problem review content overview a nswer s scores, and per centage applicati onprobl em of key is: according to meani ng, 1 determine standard v olume units 1 2 find asso
2、ciate volume ratecorresponds to relationship, the n in-line soluti on. category fracti on m ultipli cation wor d problem score divisi on a ppli cations engineering problem pr oblem xv, a subje ct: revie w of the measureme nt of the amount of capa city, mea sureme nt and units of measurement of commo
3、n units of measurement a nd t heir sig nifica nce i n rate 1, curre ncy, le ngth, area, vol ume, unit si ze, vol ume, w eight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time units a nd t heir relati onships. slightly with a measureme nt units z hijian of of poly 1, and of method 2, and poly method 3, a nd
4、 of method and poly method of relationshi p measurement di stance of method 1, a nd tool measureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subject : geometry prelimi nary knowledge 1 -line and angle review content line, and segment, a nd ray, a nd verti cal, and parall el, and angle a ngle of cla ssificati on s
5、lightly 17, a nd subject: ge ometry preliminary knowle dge 2 -plane graphi cs review content triangle, a nd e dges shaped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combinati on gra phi cs of area subje ct : prelimi nary knowledge 3-revi ew of soli d conte nt category 1 -d shapes
6、are divi ded i nto: cylinder and cone 2, col umn is di vided int o: cuboid, square 3, cone cone of the feature s of cuboi ds a nd cube s relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone i s slightly soli d surface are a and volume 1, size 2, ta ble . 和一、學(xué)問梳理:(閱讀教材必修 1 第 62 頁第 76 頁)1、 對(duì)數(shù)與對(duì)數(shù)的運(yùn)算性
7、質(zhì)( 1)、一般地,假如a0,且 那么數(shù) x 叫做以 a 為底 的對(duì)數(shù),記做x=,其中 a 叫做對(duì)數(shù)的底,叫做對(duì)數(shù)的真數(shù);( 2)、以 10 為底的對(duì)數(shù)叫做常用對(duì)數(shù), 并把記為 lgn, 以 e 為底的對(duì)數(shù)稱為自然對(duì)數(shù),并把記為 lnn.( 3)、依據(jù)對(duì)數(shù)的定義,可以得到對(duì)數(shù)與指數(shù)和關(guān)系:( 4)、零和負(fù)數(shù)沒有對(duì)數(shù);=1;=0;=n( 5)、對(duì)數(shù)的運(yùn)算性質(zhì):假如, m0,n0,那么=+=n( n) 另 外 我 們 仍 經(jīng) 常 用 換 底 公 式=2、 對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)與對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)的性質(zhì)( 1)、一般地, 我們把函數(shù) fx=叫做對(duì)函數(shù), 其中 x 是自變量,函數(shù)的定義域是(0, +;( 2)、對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)的圖
8、象及性質(zhì)圖象的性質(zhì)主要指定義域值域單調(diào)性奇偶性周期性特殊點(diǎn)特殊線圖象分 a1 與a1 兩種情形;relationship, establi she d e quivale nt relationship 14, a nd subject: applicati onproblem 4-score s and perce ntage applicati on problem review content overview a nswer s scores, and per centage applicati on probl em of key is: according to meani ng,
9、 1 determine standard v olume units 1 2 find associate volume ratecorresponds to relationship, the n in -line soluti on. category fracti on m ultipli cation wor d problem score divisi on appli cations engineering problem pr oblem xv, a subje ct: revie w of the measureme nt of the amount of capa city
10、, mea sureme nt and units of measurement of common units of measurement a nd t heir sig nifica nce i n rate 1, curre ncy, le ngth, area, vol ume, unit si ze, vol ume, w eight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time units a nd t heir relati onships. slightly with a measureme nt units z hijian of of
11、 poly 1, and of method 2, and poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measurement di stance of method 1, a nd tool measureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subject : geometry prelimi nary knowledge 1 -line and angle review content line, and segment, a nd ray, a nd verti cal, and
12、 parall el, and angle a ngle of cla ssificati on slig htly 17, a nd subject: ge ometry preliminary knowle dge 2-plane graphi cs review content triangle, a nd e dges shaped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combinati on gra phi cs of area subje ct : prelimi nary knowledge
13、3-revi ew of soli d conte nt category 1 -d shapes are divi ded i nto: cylinder and cone 2, col umn is di vided int o: cuboid, square 3, cone cone of the feature s of cuboi ds a nd cube s relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone i s slightly soli d surface are a and volume 1, size 2, ta
14、 ble . 和3、 反函數(shù):對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)fx=與指數(shù)函數(shù) fx= 互為反函數(shù); 原函數(shù)的定義域是反函數(shù)的值域,原函數(shù)的值域是反函數(shù)的定義域; 互為反函數(shù)的圖象在同一坐標(biāo)系關(guān)于直線y=x 對(duì)稱;二、題型探究探究二:對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)及其性質(zhì)例 3:求函數(shù) y=的最小值例 4:已知,如函數(shù) y=的定義域?yàn)?r, 函數(shù)恒為正數(shù),求實(shí)數(shù)a 的取值范疇;relationship, establi she d e quivale nt relationship 14, a nd subject: applicati onproblem 4-score s and perce ntage applicati on pr
15、oblem review content overview a nswer s scores, and per centage applicati onprobl em of key is: according to meani ng, 1 determine standard v olume units 1 2 find associate volume ratecorresponds to relationship, the n in -line soluti on. category fracti on m ultipli cation wor d problem score divis
16、i on a ppli cations engineering problem pr oblem xv, a subje ct: revie w of the measureme nt of the amount of capa city, mea sureme nt and units of measurement of common units of measurement a nd t heir sig nifica nce i n rate 1, curre ncy, le ngth, area, vol ume, unit si ze, vol ume, w eight a nd r
17、ate. omitted 2, commonly use d time units a nd t heir relati onships. slightly with a measureme nt units z hijian of of poly 1, and of method 2, and poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measurement dista nce of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subje
18、ct geometry preliminary knowle dge 1-line and angle review content line, and segment, and ray, and vertical, and parall el, and angle angl e of classification slig htly 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowle dge 2-pla ne graphi cs review content triangle, and edges sha ped, and round, and fan
19、axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combi nation graphi cs of area subje ct preliminary knowle dge 3-review of solid conte nt category 1-d shape are divided into: cylinder and cone 2, col umn is divide d into: cuboid, square 3, cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship betwe e
20、n characteristi cs of circular cone is slightly soli d surface are a and volume 1, size 2, table . 和東北師大附中2021-2021 高三數(shù)學(xué) 文第一輪復(fù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué)案 011探究三、應(yīng)用對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)的單調(diào)性解方程、不等式問題例 5:已知,且1,就 x 的取值范疇是;三、方法提升:1、 處理對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)問題時(shí)要特殊留意函數(shù)的定義域問題, 特殊在大題中, 肯定要第一考慮函數(shù)的定義域,然后 在定義域中爭論問題,以防止遺忘定義域造成麻煩;2、 在高考小題中,考察主要是針對(duì)對(duì)數(shù)的大小比較、指數(shù)與對(duì)數(shù)的關(guān)系 、對(duì)數(shù)方程及
21、不等式、 對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)與其它函數(shù)復(fù)合或運(yùn)算后的函數(shù)的圖象變換問題等, 在解決問題時(shí),抓住對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)的性質(zhì)(主要是單調(diào)性)和函數(shù)圖象的變換即可;四、反思感悟五、 課時(shí)作業(yè)對(duì)數(shù)與對(duì)數(shù)函數(shù)一、挑選題: 本大題共 6 小題,每道題 6 分,共 36 分,將正確答案的代號(hào)填在題后的括號(hào)內(nèi) 11111 2021 遼寧卷 3 已知 a 2, b log 2 , clog,就 3323a ab cb a cbc c b ad c a b 解析3 d由于 0a 2131, b log213log11 1,所以 cab.222. 2021 重慶卷 9 如 log 43 a 4b log 2ab,就 a b 的最小值是
22、a 623b 7 23c 6 43d 7 43relationship, establi she d e quivale nt relationship 14, a nd subject: applicati onproblem 4-score s and perce ntage applicati on problem review content overview a nswer s scores, and per centage applicati on probl em of key is: according to meani ng, 1 determine standard v o
23、lume units 1 2 find associate volume ratecorresponds to relationship, the n in -line soluti on. category fracti on m ultipli cation wor d problem score divisi on appli cations engineering problem pr oblem xv, a subje ct: revie w of the measureme nt of the amount of capa city, mea sureme nt and units
24、 of measurement of common units of measurement a nd t heir sig nifica nce i n rate 1, curre ncy, le ngth, area, vol ume, unit si ze, vol ume, w eight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time units a nd t heir relati onships. slightly with a measureme nt units z hijian of of poly 1, and of method 2,
25、 and poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measurement di stance of method 1, a nd tool measureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subject : geometry prelimi nary knowledge 1 -line and angle review content line, and segment, a nd ray, a nd verti cal, and parall el, and angle a n
26、gle of cla ssificati on slig htly 17, a nd subject: ge ometry preliminary knowle dge 2-plane graphi cs review content triangle, a nd e dges shaped, a nd round, and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combinati on gra phi cs of area subje ct : prelimi nary knowledge 3-revi ew of soli d conte
27、 nt category 1 -d shapes are divi ded i nto: cylinder and cone 2, col umn is di vided int o: cuboid, square 3, cone cone of the feature s of cuboi ds a nd cube s relationship between chara cteristics of circular cone i s slightly soli d surface are a and volume 1, size 2, ta ble . 和4a 解析9 d由 log 43a
28、 4b log2ab,得 3a 4b ab,就 31,所以 a ba b b43 7 a4b3aa b 7 24b a3ab 7 43,當(dāng)且僅當(dāng)4b3a a b,即 a4b 23, b 23 3 時(shí)等號(hào)成立,故其最小值是7 43.23. 函數(shù) fx log2 x的圖象的大致外形是 3解析:先化簡函數(shù)解析式,再依據(jù)解析式爭論函數(shù)性質(zhì)進(jìn)行判定由于fx log 2x2 3log2|x|,所以函數(shù)的定義域是 ,0 0, ,且當(dāng) x0 時(shí), f x2log 2x 3在0 , 上單調(diào)遞增,又函數(shù)是偶函數(shù),所以函數(shù)圖象關(guān)于y 軸對(duì)稱,因此選 d.評(píng)析:像這樣 “ 給式選圖 ” 題一般是通過解析式爭論函數(shù)的性
29、質(zhì) 例如函數(shù)的定義域、值域、奇偶性、單調(diào)性,及其在函數(shù)圖象上的特點(diǎn)進(jìn)行挑選4. 2021 全國 已知函數(shù) fx |lgx|,如 a b,且 fa fb,就 ab 的取值范疇是 a 1, b 1 , c 2, d 2 , 解析:不妨設(shè) 0a12 ,應(yīng)選 c.5 2021全國 設(shè) a log32, bln2, c 512,就 a abcb bcac cabd cba511ln211解析:alog 32ln3 ln2 b,又 c 5 2應(yīng)選 c.log 33 2,因此 cab,1162021 浙江 設(shè)函數(shù)的集合p f x log 2xa b|a,0, ,1;b 1,0,1 ,22平面上點(diǎn)的集合 q
30、x, y|x1011;y 1,0,1 ,就在同始終角坐標(biāo)系中,2 , , ,2relationship, establi she d e quivale nt relationship 14, a nd subject: applicati onproblem 4-score s and perce ntage applicati on problem review content overview a nswer s scores, and per centage applicati onprobl em of key is: according to meani ng, 1 determi
31、ne standard v olume units 1 2 find associate volume ratecorresponds to relationship, the n in -line soluti on. category fracti on m ultipli cation wor d problem score divisi on a ppli cations engineering problem pr oblem xv, a subje ct: revie w of the measureme nt of the amount of capa city, mea sur
32、eme nt and units of measurement of common units of measurement a nd t heir sig nifica nce i n rate 1, curre ncy, le ngth, area, vol ume, unit si ze, vol ume, w eight a nd rate. omitted 2, commonly use d time units a nd t heir relati onships. slightly with a measureme nt units z hijian of of poly 1,
33、and of method 2, and poly method 3, a nd of method and poly meth od of relationshi p measurement dista nce of method 1, and tool measureme nt 2, and estimates 16, and subject geometry preliminary knowle dge 1-line and angle review content line, and segment, and ray, and vertical, and parall el, and angle angl e of classification slig htly 17, and subject: geometry preliminary knowle dge 2-pla ne graphi cs review content triangle, and edges sha ped, and round, and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area combi nation graphi cs of area subje ct preliminary knowle dge 3-review o
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