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1、關于賓館入住英語對話篇1 mike is talking to the front desk about his complaint in this hotel. he wishes to change to a quieter room. 邁克正在前臺和酒店經(jīng)理對話,他想投訴一下并換一間清靜的房間。 mike:excuse me. who is the person responsible for handling complaints here i would like to make a few complaints. 邁克:你好。請問你們這里誰負責接受投訴我想投訴一下。 front d

2、esk:i am the manager here. you can complain to me. how may i help you 前臺:我是這里的經(jīng)理,您可以向我投訴。發(fā)生什么事情了呢 mike:here is the thing. i was woke up by strange noises of the telephone several times last night. even i unplugged it, it wouldnt stop beeping. i am also not satisfied with the housekeeping service in

3、my room. so i want to change to a cleaner and quieter room. 邁克:是這樣的。昨晚上我好幾次被酒店電話發(fā)出的奇怪聲音吵醒。我把電話線拔出來,它還是不停嗶嗶地響。還有我房間里的衛(wèi)生打掃得也不是很干凈。所以我希望你們能給我換一間更安靜整潔的房間。 front desk:i apologize for everything disturbing you. we will give another room to you right now. please wait a moment. 前臺:針對您說的情況,我向您表示歉意。我們馬上給您換房間,

4、請稍候片刻。篇2 on october 2nd, steven checks in. 十月二號,史蒂文入住賓館。 clerk: good afternoon. can i help you 職員:下午好,請問您有什么需要 steven: yes, i would like to check in. 史蒂文:我要入住。 clerk: do you have a reservation 職員:您有預訂嗎 steven: yes, my name is steven smith. i have a reservation from october 2nd to october6th. i calle

5、d last week. 史蒂文:是的,我叫史蒂文史密斯,預訂了10月2日到10日的房間。我上周打的電話。 clerk: wait a moment, please. oh, yes, steven smith. its for a single room with a bath. is thatright 職員:請稍等。是的,史蒂文史密斯。您訂的是帶浴室的單人間,對吧 steven: yes, thats right. 史蒂文:是的。 clerk: now, mr. smith, could you fill out this registration form, please 職員:史密斯

6、先生,現(xiàn)在請您填一下這個登記表格好嗎 steven: ok. by the way. where is the restaurant 史蒂文:好的。順便問一下,餐廳在哪里 clerk: the restaurant is on the second floor. here is the key to your room. its on the 6thfloor, room 62022. the elevator is over there. and we also have a cafeteria on the top floor, ifyou would like something to

7、drink, you can also call room service. 職員:餐廳在2樓。這是您房間的鑰匙。您的房間在6樓,62022房間,電梯在那邊。我們在頂層還有一個自助餐廳,如果你想喝點什么,也可以撥打房間服務電話。 steven: thank you. 史蒂文:謝謝你.篇3 you: hello, my name is dennis. i have a reservation. hotel clerk: certainly, sir. (checks the reservation system) yes, would you like a room facing the pool or the ocean you:. is there a difference in price between the two hotel clerk: yes, the rooms that face the ocean are $100 per night, while the ones facing the pool are $80 per night. you:. ok, ill go with the one facing the ocean, please. hotel clerk: and you would like that for three nights,


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