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1、Do the following three mainpoi nts: 1 find out the weak. Reviewprocess is to sum up the knowledge on the one ha nd, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up thedeficie ncies. So, we teachers tounderstand the stude nts knowledge of the sit

2、uation prior to the review, studentsnot only found widespreaddeficie ncies, but also some shortcoming s, for these well designe d pr ograms, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective.For example, you candesign a form for investigation, understanding student s we

3、aknesses i n each knowledge, p ut it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting anet tihaizha nshu, and improve the efficiencyof review. 2, good collation. Throug h six years of study, students in the basi cs, rea dingmethod, exercises, a ndso alrea dy

4、have acertaindegree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should knowhow to guide the stude nts to label t he accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative, fine, complete, to live, and earnestly do a problem learning a method, cla ss of

5、pass was to get time efficient review results.3, pay attention touse.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately touse, therefore, review the situation and life situation to becreated in a variety of language s, gui de students on thebasisof theprevious accum ulation of knowledge to use to the maxim

6、um, and really apply w hat theyhave learned.Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: the ba sics (a) 1, review the main pointsof Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to re cite and writedow n the alphabetof HanyuPinyi n; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal,nasal sound, light,

7、 and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables.2,. main types according to the order of the alpha bet of Haalphabeticalorder; fill in the appropriate uppercase and l owerca se letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentence s withdot to select thecorre ct pr

8、onunciationof the word; to bring some i nitial consonantsor vowels, wordselection.Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words;(2)to bring Word to select the correct pr onunciation;(3) use a sequencer and radicalcharacter lookup method求最大公因數(shù)、最小公倍數(shù)、約分、通分練習題一、求幾個數(shù)的最大公因數(shù)12和3024 和3639和 7872和 8

9、436和 6045和6045和 7545和 6042、105 和 5624、36 和 48二、給下面的分數(shù)約分244536751635161782420108051三、求幾個數(shù)的最小公倍數(shù)。25和 3024 和3039和7860和8418和20126 和 6045和7512和2445和6076和8036和6027和 7242、105 和 5624、 36 和 48四、將下列各組分數(shù)通分。5 和 73 和 281214357513和 152 和 4和3 59639951827Do the following three mainpoi nts: 1 find out the weak. Revi

10、ewprocess is to sum up the knowledge on the one ha nd, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up thedeficie ncies. So, we teachers tounderstand the stude nts knowledge of the situation prior to the review, studentsnot only found widespread

11、def icie ncies, but also some shortcoming s, for these well designe d pr ograms, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective.dge to use to tFor example, you candesign a form for investigation, understanding student s weaknesses i n each knowledge, put it as a revi

12、ew of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth t o avoid casting anet tihaizha nshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Throug h six years of study, students in the basi cs, rea dingmethod, exercises, a ndso alrea dy have acertaindegree of accumulation, the rev

13、iew stage, teachers should knownhow to guide the stude nts to label t he accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative, fine, complete, to live, and earnestly do a problem learning a method, cla ss ofpass was to get time efficient review resul

14、ts.3, pay attention touse.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately touse, therefore, review the situation and life situation t o becreated in a variety of language s, gui de students on thebasisof theprevious accum ulation of knowlehe maximum, and really apply w hat theyhave learned.Second, revie

15、w the content and strategy of the first part: t he ba sics (a) 1, review the main pointsof Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to recite a nd writedow n the alphabetof HanyuPinyi n; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal,nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vo

16、wels and syllables.2,. main types according to the order of the alpha bet of Hanyu Pinyialphabeticalorder; fill in the appropriate uppercase and l owerca se letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentence s withdot to select thecorre ct pronunciationof the word; to bring some i nitial

17、consonantsor vowels, wordselection.Second, the main types of words (1) Rubywritten words;(2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3) use a sequencer and radicalcharacter lookup method2 和 42 和1072117511和29 和104322335 和 73 和 72 和 42 和 718 2710935515六、用短除法求幾個數(shù)的最大公因數(shù)與最小公倍數(shù)。45和6036和6027和727

18、6和806、12 和 247、21 和 498、12 和 36七. 填空題。1. 都是自然數(shù),如果是( )。a=10 , 的最大公約數(shù)是(),最小公倍數(shù)b2. 甲=233 ,乙=235 ,甲和乙的最大公約數(shù)是 ( )( )( ),甲和乙的最小公倍數(shù)是( )( )( )( )( )。3. 所有自然數(shù)的公約數(shù)為()。4. 如果 m 和 n 是互質(zhì)數(shù),那么它們的最大公約數(shù)是(),最小公倍數(shù)是()。5. 在 4、9、10 和 16 這四個數(shù)中,()和()是互質(zhì)數(shù),()和()是互質(zhì)數(shù),()和()是互質(zhì)數(shù)。Do the following three mainpoi nts: 1 find out the

19、 weak. Reviewprocess is to sum up the knowledge on the one ha nd, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up thedeficie ncies. So, we teachers tounderstand the stude nts knowledge of the situation prior to the review, studentsnot only found

20、 widespreaddeficie ncies, but also some shortcoming s, for these well designe d pr ograms, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective.dge to use to tFor example, you candesign a form for investigation, understanding student s weaknesses i n each knowledge, put it

21、 as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting anet tihaizha nshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Throug h six years of study, students in the basi cs, rea dingmethod, exercises, a ndso alrea dy have acertaindegree of accumulation

22、, the review stage, teachers should knownhow to guide the stude nts to label t he accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative, fine, complete, to live, and earnestly do a problem learning a method, cla ss ofpass was to get time efficient rev

23、iew results.3, pay attention touse.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately touse, therefore, review the situation and life situation to becreated in a variety of language s, gui de students on thebasisof theprevious accum ulation of knowlehe maximum, and really apply w hat theyhave learned.Secon

24、d, review the content and strategy of the first part: the ba sics (a)1, review the main pointsof Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to re cite and writedow n the alphabetof HanyuPinyi n; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading cacuminal,nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonan

25、ts, vowels and syllables.2,. main types according to the order of the alpha bet of Haalphabeticalorder; fill in the appropriate uppercase and l owerca se letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write sentence s withdot to select thecorre ct pronunciationof the word; to bring some i nitial con

26、sonantsor vowels, wordselection.Second, the main types of words (1) Ruby written words;(2) to bring Word to select the correct pr onunciation;(3) use a sequencer and radicalcharacter lookup method6.用一個數(shù)去除 15 和 30,正好都能整除,這個數(shù)最大是()。7.兩個連續(xù)自然數(shù)的和是21,這兩個數(shù)的最大公約數(shù)是(),最小公倍數(shù)是()。8. 兩個相鄰奇數(shù)的和是16,它們的最大公約數(shù)是(),最小公倍數(shù)是

27、()。9. 某數(shù)除以 3、5、7 時都余 1,這個數(shù)最小是()。10. 根據(jù)下面的要求寫出互質(zhì)的兩個數(shù)。(1)兩個質(zhì)數(shù)()和()。(2)連續(xù)兩個自然數(shù)()和()。(3)1 和任何自然數(shù)()和()。(4)兩個合數(shù)()和()。(5)奇數(shù)和奇數(shù)()和()。(6)奇數(shù)和偶數(shù)()和()。八、寫出下列各數(shù)的最大公因數(shù)和最小公倍數(shù)15 和 5 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是;9 和 3 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是9 和 18 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是;11 和 44的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是30 和 60 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是;13 和 91的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是7 和 12 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍

28、數(shù)是;8 和 11 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是Do the following three mainpoi nts: 1 find out the weak. Reviewprocess is to sum up the knowledge on the one ha nd, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, looks up thedeficie ncies. So, we teachers tounderstand the stude n

29、ts knowledge of the situation prior to the review, studentsnot only found widespreaddef icie ncies, but also some shortcoming s, for these well designe d pr ograms, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more effective.dge to use to tFor example, you candesign a form for in

30、vestigation, understanding student s weaknesses i n each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth t o avoid casting anet tihaizha nshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good collation. Throug h six years of study, students in the basi cs, rea

31、 dingmethod, exercises, a ndso alrea dy have acertaindegree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should knownhow to guide the stude nts to label t he accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative, fine, complete, to live, and earnestly

32、do a problem learning a method, cla ss ofpass was to get time efficient review results.3, pay attention touse.The accumulation of knowledge is ultimately touse, therefore, review the situation and life situation t o becreated in a variety of language s, gui de students on thebasisof theprevious accu

33、m ulation of knowlehe maximum, and really apply w hat theyhave learned.Second, review the content and strategy of the first part: t he ba sics (a) 1, review the main pointsof Hanyu Pinyin is a ble to recite a nd writedow n the alphabetof HanyuPinyi n; accurate spelling pronunciation (after reading c

34、acuminal,nasal sound, light, and retroflex sounds), the correct write consonants, vowels and syllables.2,. main types according to the order of the alpha bet of Hanyu Pinyialphabeticalorder; fill in the appropriate uppercase and l owerca se letters; see phonetic writing words; pinyin to write senten

35、ce s withdot to select thecorre ct pronunciationof the word; to bring some i nitial consonantsor vowels, wordselection.Second, the main types of words (1) Rubywritten words;(2) to bring Word to select the correct pronunciation;(3) use a sequencer and radicalcharacter lookup method1 和 9 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是

36、;8 和 10 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是6 和 9 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是;8 和 6 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是10 和 15 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是;4 和 6 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是26 和 13 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是13 和 6 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是4 和 6的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是;5 和 9 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是29 和 87 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是;30 和 15 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是13、26 和 52 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是2、3 和 7 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是16、32 和 64 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是7、9 和 11

37、 的最大公因數(shù)是最小公倍數(shù)是求下面每組數(shù)的最大公因數(shù)和最小公倍數(shù)。(三個數(shù)的只求最小公倍數(shù))45和 6036和6027和 7276和8042、105 和 5624、36 和 48Do the following three mainpoi nts: 1 find out the weak. Reviewprocess is to sum up the knowledge on the one ha nd, make the knowledge more coherent system and regularity, but also let the students themselves, l

38、ooks up thedeficie ncies. So, we teachers tounderstand the stude nts knowledge of the situation prior to the review, studentsnot only found widespreaddeficie ncies, but also some shortcoming s, for these well designe d pr ograms, reasonable arrangement of time, this review is more targeted and more

39、effective.dge to use to tFor example, you candesign a form for investigation, understanding student s weaknesses i n each knowledge, put it as a review of key, combined with the problem of textbooks to reviewboth to avoid casting anet tihaizha nshu, and improve the efficiency of review. 2, good coll

40、ation. Throug h six years of study, students in the basi cs, rea dingmethod, exercises, a ndso alrea dy have acertaindegree of accumulation, the review stage, teachers should knownhow to guide the stude nts to label t he accumulation, process, form a system of knowledge networks.Exercises for students to be representative, fine, complete, to live, and earnestly do a problem learning a method, cla ss ofpass was to get time efficient review results


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