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1、2017屆高三語法復(fù)習(xí)(七)非謂語動(dòng)詞一、非謂語動(dòng)詞作主語1.A. To be here is a great pleasure.B. It is a great pleasure to be here .Its important to learn English well .Its hard for him to learn two languages . Its very nice of you to help me. C. How to get rid of pollution is a big problem.When and where to build the house has

2、nt been decided yet.2 .A. Listening to music is one of my favorite hobbies.B. As we all know, smoking does harm to ones health.C Its no use crying over spilt milk.It is simply a waste of time discussing such matters with him.D. My sisters being ill made me worried.E. Your being right doesnt necessar

3、ily mean my being wrong. F. Marys not passing the exam made her mother very angry二、非謂語動(dòng)詞作表語1. A.Your task is to clean the classroom. B.This problem is for you to decide. C. What I want to know is how to the new machine.2. A. His job is teaching physics in a local middle school.B.The film was so movi

4、ng that we were all moved to tears.C.What worried Mother was Toms staying up too late.D.The trouble is their not having enough food.3.A.She was dressed in her finest skirt at the party that night.C.The little girl seemed frightened at the sight of the poisonous snake.D.Several problems remained unso

5、lved when the manager came back.對(duì)比.We were disappointed at the result of the experiment.The result of the experiment was a bit disappointing.三、非謂語動(dòng)詞作賓語1. A.I want to go home. B.He helped ( to ) sweep the floor.C.I dont know what to do next.I havent decided whether to go or not.Rob gave us some advic

6、e on how to learn a foreign language.D.I found it necessary to talk to him again2. A. Joan suggested asking her father for his opinion. B. The man left the party without saying goodbye to the host. C. Do you mind my (me) / Toms (Tom) opening the window?D. I was afraid of the tent falling down during

7、 the night E.Do you remember John and his father coming to see us last Christmas? F. She didnt mind her books being taken away and used by other studentsG.I know nothing about his having gone to Beijing四、非謂語動(dòng)詞作賓語補(bǔ)足語1. A.The teacher told me to clean the blackboard. I expect you to give me some help.

8、B.They helped us ( to ) get in the crops.C.see/watch / notice/observe/look at; let/make/have; hear/listen to; feel sb do sth D.We consider him ( to be ) a wise leader.E. We are waiting for the rain to stop.2.1)A.I heard her sing an English song just now.I heard her singing an English song when I pas

9、sed by her room yesterday.I heard an English being sung by a little girl when I passed by her room yesterday.I often hear the song sung in English .B. I smell something burning in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? C.The next morning they found the man lying in bed, dead.When the manager

10、came back, he found all the difficult problems settled. 2)A.-Excuseme,sir,whereisRoom301?-Justaminute.IllhaveBobshow youtoyourroomThe farmers had the tractor working day and night at the harvest time.Whydidyouhavethelightburningallnightlong?He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people l

11、ies.I wont have you speaking to your dad like that.Id like to have the package weighed .He had his leg broken in the match yesterday.B.I got him to post the letter for me.Can you get the clock going again ?You must get your article finished before going home.C.The boss made his workers work 12 hours

12、 a day. The speaker raised his voice to make himself heard.D Im sorry to keep / have kept you waiting for so long.Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. (諺語:少說多看)E. Dont leave the water running while you brush your teeth. We mustnt leave the work unfinished.F. His question set me thinking.G The ex

13、plosion sent us running in all directions. H. He looked around and caught a man putting his hand into the pocket of a passenger.注A. The manager didnt want such questions discussed at the meeting.B. I would like my house painted white. 3. with+賓+賓補(bǔ)A. With a lot of difficult work to settle,the newly e

14、lected president is having a hard time.B. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise going on. C. The students sat still at their desks, with their eyes fixed upon the teacher.五、非謂語動(dòng)詞作定語1. A. I have something to say. He has a lot of homework to do .B.He is looking for a room to live in . Please gi

15、ve me a pen to write with.C. He is always the first to come but the last to leave.D. He got a chance to go abroad.2. 1)A. building materials / drinking water / a reading room a puzzled expression / a satisfied voiceboiling water / boiled water falling leaves / fallen leaves a developing country / a

16、developed country2) A.The man speaking to the teacher is our monitors father. =The man to the teacher. B.The tree standing there is an old pine tree.= The tree there is an old pine tree.C.The girl who is carrying flowers must be waiting for someone. = _ .D.They lived in a house which faces south. =

17、_ _3) A. The problem being discussed now is very important.= _ _B.The machine which is being used is made in China.= _ _3. A.A tall tree broken by a strong wind is lying across the road. =_ B.The plans already made are being given a thorough check-over. =_ C.What is the language spoken in Canada ? =

18、_ 比較1.A.He didnt turn up at the meeting yesterday afternoon. (hold) B.You are expected to be present at the meeting tomorrow. (hold) C.The meeting now is of great importance. (hold)2. A. A boy (call) Tom is waiting for you.B. A boy (call) himself Tom is waiting for you.六、非謂語動(dòng)詞作狀語1.A. He got up early

19、 to / in order to / so as to catch the bus. =To / In order to catch the bus, he got up early.He got up early in order not to /so as not to miss the bus. B. He is too young to go to school. He is not old enough to go to school.Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle?Hes such a fool as to beli

20、eve the cheat.He hurried to the station (only) to find the train had gone.C .Im very glad to see you.She was surprised to find herself in a different place.She wept to hear the news.2. 1) A. Hearing their teachers voice, the students stopped talking at once.B. Being ill, he didnt go to school yester

21、day. C.Working hard, youll succeed. D.She sat at the desk, reading a newspaper. E.A small plane crashed into a hillside, killing all people on board.2) A.Not feeling well that morning, he went to see the doctor.B.Having finished all his homework, the boy went out to play football.=After his homework

22、, the boy went to the cinema.=After his homework, the boy went to the cinema.C.Not having been invited to the party, he had to stay at home.3) A.When walking down the street, I came across an old friend of mine.B.While reading the book, he nodded from time to time3.1) A.Seen from the top of the towe

23、r, the city looks beautiful.B.Written in a hurry, this article was not so good.C.He went into the office, followed by some children .2). A.Generally speaking, when taken according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.B.Though warned of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice.C.Th

24、e research is so designed that once begun nothing can be done to change it.4. A.The teacher entered the lab, two of his students following him.B.The last bus having left, we had to walk home.C.Weather permitting, I will go camping.D.It being Sunday, the library was closed E.There being no bus , they

25、 had to walk home.A.My key lost, I had to wait outside. B. He was lying on the grass, his hands crossed under his head.比較. A. from the top of the tower, our city looks very beautiful. B. from the top of the tower, we can get a wonderful view of our city. (see)注:固定的非謂語動(dòng)詞結(jié)構(gòu)1.generally/strictly/honestl

26、y speaking 2. judging from/by3.supposing/providing/ provided (that) 4. seeing that 5. considering 6.given (由于,鑒于,考慮到) pared with/to9.all things considered / everything taken into consideration10. to tell you the truth / to be honest / to begin with to be brief (簡言之) / to be exact (精確地說) / to sum up

27、to make matters worse11.concerning/regarding/respecting (關(guān)于) includingGiventhegeneralstateofhishealth,itmaytakehimawhiletorecoverfromtheoperation.Judgingfromhis accent,hemust be an American.Consideringhisage / he is still a child,hedoes it well.七、非謂語動(dòng)詞的主動(dòng)形式表被動(dòng)意義1. A. The text is easy to understand.

28、The reason is not far to seek. The river is dangerous to swim in.B. I find English hard to learn. C. He was to blame for this accident. D. The house is to let.2. A.The house needs repairing This problem requires studying with great care. The flowers want watering.B.The book is well worth reading.附:不

29、定式的進(jìn)行式和完成式1. A.He is said to be translating a new novel. He is said to have gone abroad.The novel is said to have been translated into several languages.B.An elephant happened to be passing by. He happened to have gone out.C.They seemed / appeared to be talking about something.She seemed / appeared

30、to have heard of it.D.He pretended to be sleeping. She pretended to have known it before.Were happy to have been working with you.2. I meant to have telephoned, but I forgot it. He was to / would like to have attended the meeting, but he fell ill.針對(duì)訓(xùn)練.運(yùn)用非謂語動(dòng)詞轉(zhuǎn)換簡單句1We were touched by the teachers wor

31、ds. We decided to work hard.2I didnt receive her letter. I had to write again.3The boy came to school late again. This made the teacher very angry.4The boys were making the most of time. They wanted to finish the work earlier.5I saw an old granny. She lay on the ground. I went over to help her.運(yùn)用非謂語

32、動(dòng)詞轉(zhuǎn)換復(fù)合句1When we arrived at the company, we were shown around the workshops first.When we were talking to the employees, we found it was necessary that we should learn a foreign language._, we were shown around the workshops first.When we were talking to the employees, we found _.2I took part in the

33、meeting, which was held in Beijing last Friday. It was very instructive, which was hosted by a manager who came to our company yesterday.I took part in the meeting _ last Friday. It was very instructive, which was hosted by a manager _ yesterday.3As soon as they saw a few people still in the burning

34、 house, they rushed into it to save them without hesitation._, they rushed into it to save them without hesitation.4Mother went to work in a hurry, and she didnt have breakfast. She was as busy as a bee these days and came back home very late.Mother went to work in a hurry _ _.She was as busy as a b

35、ee these days, _. 用非謂語結(jié)構(gòu)優(yōu)化句子1.因?yàn)樵谶@國家又沒有朋友,她覺得要想找到工作是不可能的。Because she has no friend in the country she found it impossible to find a job.2.發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)生下午昏昏欲睡的樣子,老師竭盡所能來激發(fā)arouse他們的興趣。The teacher found students sleepy in the afternoon and did everything he could to arouse their interest.3.這本用簡易英語寫成的書很容易讀懂The b

36、ook which was written in simple English is easy tounderstand.4.他們是來自于幾個(gè)國家的游客。They are visitors who come from several countries.用英語寫一篇關(guān)于四川地震的簡介: 寫作內(nèi)容: 2008年5月12日,一場特大地震襲擊了四 川省,造成了成千上萬人無家可歸。大量的 人員受傷,甚至喪命。 為了營救那些受困和被埋的人,政府及時(shí)采取有效的措施,派遣士兵到受災(zāi)地區(qū) 聽到這個(gè)噩耗后,全世界的 人們都伸出了援助之手。 盡管他們失去了 一切,但他們正全力以赴,克服重重困難,重建家園。 On

37、May 12th,2008, a worst earthquake struck Sichuan Province, (cause)thousands of people homeless. A great number of people (injure) or even killed. (rescue)the (trap) and (bury) people, the government immediately took effective measures, (send) the soldiers to the earthquake-stricken areas. (hear) the

38、 terrible news, the people all over the world came together (help) them. Although (lose) everything, they are trying their best (overcome)all kinds of difficulties (rebuild)their home.用非謂語結(jié)構(gòu)美化句子1.因?yàn)樵谶@國家又沒有朋友,她覺得要想找到工 作是不可能的。Having no friend in the country she found itimpossible to find a job.2.發(fā)現(xiàn)學(xué)生下

39、午昏昏欲睡的樣子,老師竭盡所 能來激發(fā)arouse他們的興趣。Finding students sleepy in the afternoon theteacher did everything he could to arouse theirinterest.3.這本用簡易英語寫成的書很容易讀懂The book written in simple English is easyto understand .4. 他們是來自于幾個(gè)國家的游客。They are visitors coming from severalcountries.運(yùn)用非謂語動(dòng)詞轉(zhuǎn)換簡單句1We were touched b

40、y the teachers words. We decided to work hard.Touched_by_the_teachers_words,_we_decided_to_work_hard.2I didnt receive her letter. I had to write again.Not_having_received_her_letter,_I_had_to_write_again.3The boy came to school late again. This made the teacher very angry.The_boys_coming_to_school_l

41、ate_again_made_the_teacher_very_angry.4The boys were making the most of time. They wanted to finish the work earlier.The_boys_were_making_the_most_of_time_so_as_to_finish_the_work_earlier.5I saw an old granny. She lay on the ground. I went over to help her.Seeing_an_old_granny_lying_on_the_ground,_I_went_over_to_help_her.運(yùn)用非謂語動(dòng)詞轉(zhuǎn)換復(fù)合句1When we arrived at the company, we were shown around the workshops first.When we were talking to the employees, we found it was necessary that we should learn a foreign language._, we were shown around the workshops first.When we were talki


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