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1、WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 北京地區(qū)成人本科學士學位英語統(tǒng)一考試 2016.11 Readi ng Comprehe nsion Directi ons: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some ques-ti ons or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. If the Dakota Access Pipeli ne( 輸油管道)is c

2、ompleted, it will carry nearly half a million bar-rels of oil across four states every day. En ergy Tran sfer Part ners (ETP), a Texas-based compa ny behi nd the $ 3.8 billion project, hopes to finish construction this year. But the Standing Rock Sioux, an American Indian tribe( 部落 ), is determ ined

3、 to stop the 1,172-mile pipeli ne from being built. (76)Both sides show no sig ns of back ing dow n. The Dakota Access Pipeli ne was announ ced in 2014. A secti on of it will run near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. A reservation is an area of la nd set aside for America n In dia ns. The tribe

4、says the construction threatens to destroy historical areas and ancient burial sites. They also say the pipeli ne could pollute their main water source, the Missouri River. In April, the Standing Rock Sioux began a protest against the project. They camped at the construction site. Since the n, thou-

5、sa nds of people, i ncludi ng people from America n Indian tribes, have traveled to the site to join the protest. ETP says that the pipeli ne will have built-i n safety measures to protect aga inst oil leaks. Work-ers will also mon itor it remotely, and will be able to close valves ( 閥)within three

6、minu tes if leaks are detected. America n In dia ns have bee n stag ing a non viole nt protest for mon ths. The protest took a turn last week whe n police were called to keep the peace betwee n protesters and armed security guards hired by the compa ny. (77) Twenty-eight people have been arrested si

7、 nee then and charged with interfering with the pipeline construction. 第 1 題 Which of the following is the main idea of the passage? WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 A. The Dakota Access Pipeli ne will create more markets for oil and gas.WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 B. The Dakota Access Pipeli ne will create many job o

8、pport un ities. C. American Indians oppose the construction of an oil pipeline. D. American Indians fight for equal voting rights. 答案:C 第 2 題 ETP hopes to finish this project in _ . A. 2016 B.2017 C.2018 D.2019 答案:A 第 3 題 Why do American Indians protest against the con structi on of this pipeli ne?

9、A. Because it will cost up to $ 3.8 billi on. B. Because it threate ns the regi on s water supply. C. Because it will make many people lose their jobs. D. Because it will force many people to leave their homes. 答案:B 第 4 題 According to the passage, the workers can _ in case of pipeli ne leaks. A. rep

10、ort it to the local gover nment B.ask people to leave the leak affected areas C. call 911 D.close valves 答案:D 第 5 題 According to the passage, which of the following stateme nts is NOT TRUE? WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 A. This pipeli ne will cross four states. B. This pipeli ne is 1,179. miles long. CAII th

11、e protesters are from the Sta nding Rock Sioux. D. Neither side of the dispute is willing to compromise. 答案:CWORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 As the Nati onal Park Service celebrates its 100th anni versary( 周 年紀念),Preside nt Barack Obama has announ ced the establishme nt of one new national monument, and the ex

12、pansion( 擴大 )of another. In Maine, more tha n 87,500 acres of forest will become gover nment- protected parkla nd for the first time. In Hawaii, a n ati onal monument created by Preside nt George W. Bush in 2006 will expand to about 582,578 square miles, four times its current size. Obama has now cr

13、eated or enl arged 26 n ati onal monuments duri ng his preside ncy. As a result,his adm ini strati on says, Obama has protected more of the n ati on s land tha n any other preside nt has. But some reside nts and officials, i n both Maine and Hawaii, object to the pla ns. (78)They say their local eco

14、no mies depe nd on the use of these areas. In establishing this monument, Obama took the side of con servati oni sts ( 自然資源保護者 )who want laws to protect wild Ian ds. Creati ng a n ati onal park usually requires the approval of Con-gress. But a 1906 federal law allows the preside nt to establish n at

15、i onal monuments on his own. The land s new status as a monument means that mining and drilling operations are forbidden there. (79)It may also severely limit activities such as loggi ng, road-buildi ng, and hun ti ng. Some of Maine s politicia ns who want to protect the state s logg ing in dustries

16、 say Obama should not have acted alone. They say Wash ington should not tell the states how to use their land, especially whe n people s jobs are at stake. Maine politicia n Susa n Colli ns said the preside nt should have liste ned to Maine lawmakers and reside nts, as well as to the U. S. Con gress

17、 before making his decisi on. However, those who support the preside nt s decisi on say the establishme nt of the new monu-ment will lead to new jobs through tourism. 第 6 題 Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Creati ng New Jobs B.Protecti ng Wild Ani mals C. Stimulati ng Loc

18、al Econo mies D.Creati ng New Nati onal Monuments WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 答案:D 第 7 題 Obama has established or enlarged _ national monuments duri ng his two terms.WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 A.19 B.20 C.26 D.30 答案:C 第 8 題 Innational monuments, _ is forbidden. Ao ggi ng B.h unting C.mi ning D.road-build ing 答案:

19、C 第 9 題 The phrase at stake in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to . A.i n retur n B.i n dan ger C.at prese nt D.by cha nee 答案:B 第 10 題 Accord ing to the passage, which of the follow ing stateme nts is NOT TRUE? A. The n ati onal monument in Hawaii was created by Preside nt Bush. B. There is no obj

20、ecti on to Preside nt Obama s decisi on. C. Preside nt Obama made this decisi on on his own. D. The establishment of the new monument will lead to new jobs. 答案:B Toro ntos third City Hall, now known as Old City Hall, was desig ned by Edward James Len-nox and declared ope n on Sept.18,1899. Created t

21、o provide more space for city officials, it turned out to be the largest buildi ng in the city and the largest city building in North America at the time. Lennox took three years to design the City Hall and it took 11 years to build it. Con temporaries believe that the odd carv ings ( above the Quee

22、n Street entrance were actually caricatures( 漫畫)of coun cilors at the time. Lennox even included himself in the caricatures, on the west side of the central arch 雕刻) WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 ( 拱門) ,and left a strange sig nature in the ston ework of the link porti ons of the buildi ng. The third City Hal

23、l was originally used as councilors offices and legal offices, but it is used only as a courthouse today.WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 Whe n the fourth City Hall (the one we know today) was declared open in 1965, Old City Hall was threatened to be pulled down. It was saved by a group of people called the Fri

24、e nds of Old City Hall. The clock tower stands parallel with the middle of Bay Street, rather than with the center of the building. The bells in the tower were not in stalled un til the buildi ng ope ned. Old City Hall was declared a historical site in 1989. (80) The entire structure cost more than

25、$ 2.5 million to build at the time. This is equal to $ 53 million today. 第 11 題 Toro ntos third City Hall came into use in _ . A.the 18th cen tury B.the 19th cen tury C.the 20th cen tury D. the 21st cen tury 答案:B 第 12 題 Old City Hall was constructed in _ years. A.3 B.7 C.9 D.11 答案:D 第 13 題 The third

26、 City Hall is now used as a _ . A.middle school B.hospital C.ci nema D.courthouse 答案:D 第 14 題 From the passage we lear n that _ . A. Tor onto spe nds lots of money yearly develop ing the city B. some local reside nts showed a great in terest in protect ing the city s cultural site C. the City Coun c

27、il of Toro nto has n t paid sufficie nt atte nti on to the protecti on of the city s culture D. the City Hall is still the largest city building in North America today WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 答案:B 第 15 題 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 A. To build

28、 a structure like the City Hall will cost $ 2.5 milli on today. B. The clock tower stands parallel with the centre of the City Hall. C. Old City Hall was once pulled down in the development of the city. D. Old City Hall is now a historical site. 答案:D Vocabulary and Structure Directi ons: In this par

29、t there are 30 in complete senten ces. For each sentence there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacke n the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet. 第 16 題 Shanghai is_ biggest city in _ China in terms of population. A.the; the B.

30、the; / C./; the D./; / 答案:B 第 17 題 Whe n Jenny came to my place, I _ breakfast with James. A.have B.had C.have had D.was hav ing 答案:D 第 18 題 _ I in your positi on, I would not accept the job. A.Were B.Was CAm D.Been 答案:A 第 19 題 I got _ money with me, so I was n t able to buy eve n a bottle of water

31、! A.a ny B.some C.few D.little 答案:D WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 第 20 題-Must we send in our plan this week?- No, ; you can send it in n ext week.WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 A.you n eed n t B.you must n t C.you ca n t D.you should n t 答案:A 第 21 題 Would you mind _ me some bread on your way home? A.buy B.to buy C.bu

32、ying D.bought 答案:C 第 22 題 I can t finish the work in time _ you help me tran slate the texts. A.u nl ess B.if C.where D.but 答案:A 第 23 題 The driver _ the passengers off at the supermarket and the n went to the n ext stop. A.fell B.sa nk C.dropped D.stepped 答案:C 第 24 題 That restaura nt has a good _ in

33、 the community for its delicious food and friendly service. A.mood B.mirror C.reputatio n D.report 答案:C 第 25 題 The manager at once lost his _ when he learnt that his secretary was late aga in for the meeti ng. A.mi nd B.temper C.passi on D.way 答案:B WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 第 26 題 The young soldier was _

34、 wounded in the war and died a few days later. A.ge nerously B.lo nely C.fatally D.slightly 答案:C 第 27 題 Professor Simps on _ the project carefully and made a few correcti ons.WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 A.we nt up B.we nt dow n C.we nt after D.we nt over 答案:D 第 28 題 When I go to heat the milk, please _ the

35、 baby. A.keep an eye on B.set foot on C.make a guess at forward to 答案:A 第 29 題 Mr. and Mrs. Wright have got nine children-its really a big _ . A.home B.family C.house D.room 答案:B 第 30 題 Neither Bill nor his parents _ at home. A.is B.are C.has D.have 答案:B 第 31 題 The summer vacation _ over, they then

36、got dow n to their work aga in. A.were B.was C.bei ng D.had bee n 答案:C 第 32 題 He failed in his exam, _ proves that he had nt worked hard eno ugh. A.what B.that C.which D.such 答案:C 第 33 題 _ is known to all, too much stress can cause disease. D.look WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 A.Which B.That C.It D.As 答案:D 第

37、 34 題 It was not until he came back_ I left the office. A.then B.which C.that D.whe nWORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 答案:C 第 35 題 Only when he finished his homework _ that he had made a mistake. A.he the n realized B.did he realize C.before he realized D.he realized 答案:B 第 36 題 If it _ rain tomorrow, we 11 have

38、 the party outside. A.would n t B.does n t C.did n t D.wo n t 答案:B 第 37 題 This is the dictionary youre looking for, _ 答案:C 第 38 題 It s going to rain. You d better _ an umbrella with you. A.bri ng B.take C.carry D.fetch 答案:C 第 39 題 Mary never tells anyone what she does for a _ A.life B.work C.profess

39、i on D.livi ng 答案:D 第 40 題 I saw a car in the distanee, but I couldn t whether it was red or not. A.make out B.work on Cook out D.take in A.is n t this B.is n t that C.is nt it D.is n t there WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 答案:A 第 41 題 There were a _number of students on the playgro und. A.few B.little C.short

40、 D.small 答案:DWORD 資料可編輯 第 42 題 Students are expected to _ lectures regularly. A.prese nt B.go C.atte nd D.follow 答案:C 第 43 題 The lecture was so _ that every on ewe nt to sleep. A.bori ng B.bored C.i nterest ing D.i nterested 答案:A 第 44 題 We can see a lot of people doing morning exercises in the park

41、eve n _ a cold morning. A.on B.in C.at D.duri ng 答案:A 第 45 題 The guide walked so fast that most of the tourists could not _ him. A.go in for B.keep up with C.follow up D.pass on 答案:B Identification Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C andD. Identify th

42、e one that is not correct. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the An swer Sheet. 第46題 答案:C 第47題 WORD 資料可編輯 X 5 been tv Uunig 答案:D 第48題 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 心 early as 派 cnjiAd toflay fztull A I CWORD 資料可編輯 答案:A 第49題 W hen * 答案:A 第50題 w i nL M ll 答案:A 第51題 答案: 績C 4 K 1 善I-f * JL M . | FJTU I * fel Mk - &

43、n 1 x k, : c*u wiii nc dvic u* ici B. !_!, i I 第52題 WORD 資料可編輯 答案:A 第54題 第55題 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 答案:C Cloze Directi ons: There are 20 bla nks in the followi ng passage, and for each bla nk there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE an swer t

44、hat best fits into the passage. Then blacke n the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet. 根據(jù)下面資料,回答下面試題 Green sea turtles( 海龜)are the world s largest species of hard- shelled sea turtle. While most in dividuals weigh about 136 to 181 kilograms, some can be 56 heavy as 204 kilograms. These turtle

45、s are found nesting ( 筑巢)along the coastline of more than 80 countries with the largest n est-i ng populati ons 57 in Costa Rica and Australia. WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 Gree n sea turtles spe nd most of their lives un derwater,58 they can rest for up to five hours at a time before 59 up for air. Whe n a

46、ctive, they typically stay un derwater for a few mi-nu tes and swim up to the isurfc.cel to 60 air fori a few seconds. bathe in the sun I 61 la nd. uniikem primarily plapt- Ost base iree n sea Iturtlel n |$ea turtles eat sea fat I it is en Similarl tO Other turtles, gree n sea turtles travel I ong d

47、istan ces 64 their feed ing gro unds and their n esti ng sites, with recorded dista nces 65 tha n 2,600 kilometers. They have strong flippers( 鰭形肢 )that help them 66 in the water. Female gree n sea turtles leave the water in 67 to lay eggs on the beach and will choose the same n esti ng 68 as where

48、they were born. A female will dig 69 a n est with her flip-pers and lay about 115 eggs. Then she 11 cover the eggs 70 sand and retu _ _ two mon ths the babies w|ll use a special their shells and hatch( 孵化)from t rn to the sea. After about 桃 tooth to break Ipir eggs. The first few years | sea, where

49、they feed on surface layer of the sea. As they grow older, the turtles move to 73 waters along the coast, where they find sea grass to eat. f a gree n sea turtle s life are sp$ nt 71 at tiny ani mals and pla nts 72 live in the WORD 資料可編輯 專業(yè)技術.整理分享 Adult gree n sea turtles face many threats, primaril

50、y form huma ns, including injuries from passing boats, being 74 in fishing nets and polluti on. Newly hatched sea turtles are also at 75 of being hun ted by other animals as they move from their nests out to the sea. 答案:D 答案:C 答案:A 答案:D 答案:A 第61題 答案:C 答案:D 答案:B 第56題 A.at B.for C.in D.as 第57題 A.gone B.moved C.found D.knocked 第58題 A.which B.that C.whe n 第59題 A.join B.come C.joi ning D.comi ng 第60題 A.breathe B.draw C.hold D.attract A.for B.at C.on D.in 第62題 A.putti ng B.mak ing C.containing D.con sist ing 第63題 A.take B.give C.taken D.giv


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