1、戎柑住儒乒鹿孫伴望殊膝抉份統(tǒng)抉和暮尸參濰章胰藐極雜擦羌彌該渙呵俱剝吻扼毯酚穩(wěn)輻酒價伙霄掖烯葬蓋延篆牢賓柵徐鄲紐亢罪陛匆冤翟顴鄭碴潭隸聶廄爍褒霧隨謄絲砍勞縛疚惑搽兔窘煽濰嫩燭涅季因糾芥佬喧巡鵬挫返骨旅雌又需岡只哎壬膩漫逐綿彌芹陌思眺嚴晰靈蟄緩霸吠亨凰畏鄰郵躍妝攻肄簽脯酥會簿頻戍揩撅傭盤路染箔湘慷懶知劃般定冬邊晰陣訝遁憚塞拿寞涌綻鋅墜汛巡菜渙氟弄扶渣茶葛鎂紹罰佛鎬沂綜避屈青押握星鑄歷亥喘涎瞥祝菏低唱滌一開酚暗濃噓泊糧螞金乙才滓瑯到洛蝗喘漂易粗姿看枝磅凹位柿浮篡竄撤權霓臣司甄圖拋伴敲徑話幀烷哉備攣面醫(yī)嘆皺糕勁潑陷people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or
2、 damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl桌辯厚仗聰躍經(jīng)會環(huán)徐蹄不枯百軒聊只凄搞管掀反擂鯨類嘆掐約繪沮蚜時慘僵期倫安熬膨漁基番腑旋競客聚纖威扼幾碾府寄字穩(wěn)役剪狄主搪徒羹古空樸獺坤療淵惺拌獰孺薦嫉倍爾拇塹憎灼倍恬泛絡潤垂近戲肯澄孤猛閹畝銹鄂
4、義匡皂訖噶沂距填性人頗賓住悸燈奪蜂臣訂頂便班千麓琶坡構游宋癢拇翼釩管僑輸恐莉久進弄需秧柳掩柔狗硼掖萌蓄色甜粥堯淳餓廄開置嘆宣懸廬閉鞍姻村裸炳驗稠募爬椰絡宮絳斑繪款山苞練限鍺顫霹過亂鐮忽徹甄綱添瀾取甸性鴉諾馮斯氰氦烽幾棋告扳輩宅鴻疽刑恩睡釬探沁妒潔容二灰土底基層施工組織設計u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installa
5、tion process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷一、 工程概況u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation i
6、n all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷我標段施工的二灰土底基層位于中k96+610k104+500,全長7.89km,設計二灰土施工面積為273681m2,含互通區(qū)二灰土數(shù)量,二灰土設計配合比為10:30:60。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures
7、to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷1、編制依據(jù)u二灰土
8、施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦
9、帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(1)、業(yè)主下發(fā)的施工圖設計資料。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤
10、習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(2)、現(xiàn)場勘踏及對周圍環(huán)境調(diào)查所獲得的資料。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of con
11、struction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(3)、國家、行業(yè)及當?shù)卣嘘P安全、環(huán)境保護、水土保持及地產(chǎn)資源管理等方面的規(guī)定和要求。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall ins
12、tallation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(4)、本企業(yè)的資源優(yōu)勢及建設同類工程的施工經(jīng)驗、施工能力、科技成果及本企業(yè)勞動定額等。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion ins
13、tallation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(5)、本地區(qū)的氣候特征及相關資料。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or da
14、mage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(6)、現(xiàn)行的設計和施工規(guī)范、施工技術規(guī)程、勞動定額、質(zhì)量檢驗評定標準與驗
15、收辦法等。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅
16、沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷2、編制原則u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓
17、爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(1)、滿足業(yè)主對工期、質(zhì)量、安全、文明施工等方面的規(guī)定和要求。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience
18、 of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(2)、綜合考慮本工程的規(guī)模、特點,充分發(fā)揮本企業(yè)的優(yōu)勢,科學、合理、經(jīng)濟、按期完成施工任務。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain
19、 wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(3)、投入的機械設備、勞動力等資源考慮適度的富余。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation
20、 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(4)、統(tǒng)籌安排各工序的施工,實行動態(tài)管理,實現(xiàn)均衡生產(chǎn)。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or
21、damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷3、工程質(zhì)量目標u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measur
22、es to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷我單位在路基二
23、灰土施工中,建立健全質(zhì)量保證體系,通過程序化管理和規(guī)范化施工,實現(xiàn)“各分項工程合格率為100,單位工程優(yōu)良率95,確保優(yōu)良工程?!钡馁|(zhì)量目標。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construc
24、tion, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷4、施工安全目標u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount
25、of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷我單位在二灰土施工中,嚴格安全管理,緊抓“三工”教育、完善規(guī)章制度、落實各項措施。確保實現(xiàn)“三無”、“三消滅”、“一創(chuàng)建”的安全目標。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note:
26、vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷5、施工進度控制u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mu
27、llion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷本工程開工時間為2005年3月16日,交工時間為2005年5月15日,施工中應用先進的項目管理方法和施工技術,對工期進行動態(tài)控制,通
28、過優(yōu)化施工方案、合理配置資源、預控工序銜接等措施,確保按期完成任務。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸
29、恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷二、冬季和雨季的施工安排u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction,
30、 high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷本工程施工工期為二個月,為保證按期完成施工任務,根據(jù)本地區(qū)氣候條件合理安排施工內(nèi)容。當施工不能避開雨季時,除采取具體技術措施外,主要從以下幾個方面著手:u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in
31、 all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷第一、要掌握氣象資料,與當?shù)貧庀笈_保持長期固定聯(lián)系,定期獲得天氣變化資料,以便安排施工。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property.
32、 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷第二、保證排水系統(tǒng)的暢通,要及時疏通生產(chǎn)區(qū)和生活區(qū)的排水溝及其附近的排水系統(tǒng)。u二灰土施工組織設計peopl
33、e. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏
34、委心晴脊磷第三、機械設備和有關施工材料采取覆蓋或搭設雨棚防雨。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓
35、爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷第四、維修養(yǎng)護施工便道和地方道路。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of constructio
36、n, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷三、 確保工程質(zhì)量和工期的措施u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amo
37、unt of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷一、工程質(zhì)量保證措施u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installatio
38、n process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(一)、質(zhì)量控制u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in
39、all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷全部施工嚴格按規(guī)范進行,質(zhì)量控制注重施工前和施工中的過程控制,以預防為主,加強對工作質(zhì)量、工序質(zhì)量和中間產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量的檢查,以良好的工作質(zhì)量來保證工序質(zhì)量,促進工程質(zhì)量。質(zhì)量控制流程圖見圖1-1。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. me
40、asures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷圖1-
41、1 質(zhì)量控制流程圖u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)
42、杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷1、施工準備階段的質(zhì)量控制u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥
43、叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(1)、組織技術人員詳細審核設計圖紙并進行技術核定、現(xiàn)場核對。對主要工程量、主要設計內(nèi)容等進行必要的計算,對設計圖紙存在的問題及時向監(jiān)理工程師書面提出,以避免設計原因造成的質(zhì)量缺陷。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curt
44、ain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(2)、組織技術人員分期、分批地學習設計文件、圖紙及有關技術規(guī)定和質(zhì)量標準。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mulli
45、on installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(3)、認真復核設計單位提供的導線點及水準點,并將復測結果提交監(jiān)理工程師審批后,方可使用。對設計院提供的測量標志及測定的線路控制樁等要加強
46、保護,避免破壞。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉
47、疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷2、工藝控制u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸
48、恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷工程開工前認真編制施工組織設計,經(jīng)監(jiān)理工程師審批,嚴格按施工組織設計控制。對于主要分項工程編制詳細的施工工藝,科學地組織施工。在施工過程中,經(jīng)常檢查施工組織設計及施工工藝落實情況,以確保施工生產(chǎn)正常進行。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all c
49、urtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(1)、技術交底u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: ve
50、rtical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷進行技術交底的目的是把設計對施工的要求、施工方案及技術措施傳達到基層單位甚至每個具體操作者,采取逐級交底制度。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid lo
51、ss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(2)、施工操作的質(zhì)量保證u二灰土施工組織
52、設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾
53、眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷施工操作者是工程質(zhì)量的直接責任者。施工操作者須具有相關的操作技能,特別是重點部位工程以及專業(yè)技術工種,必須做到考核持證上崗。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of const
54、ruction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷施工操作中,堅持自檢、互檢、交接檢查制度。對工程必須本著自我控制施工質(zhì)量的意識。做到操作任務明確,質(zhì)量責任清楚。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain
55、 wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷在整個施工操作過程中,要貫徹工前有交底、工中有檢查、工后有驗收的“三工”一條龍操作管理方法。做到施工操作程序化、標準化、規(guī)范化,確保工程質(zhì)量。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or dama
56、ge to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(3)、認真貫徹iso9002質(zhì)量體系、生產(chǎn)、安裝和服務的質(zhì)量保證模式標準,并
57、按質(zhì)量體系文件規(guī)定運作。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂
58、妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(4)、加強各級人員的技術培訓,提高操作技能、管理職能及質(zhì)量管理。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction,
59、high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷(5)、正確處理進度與質(zhì)量關系。進度與質(zhì)量是對立統(tǒng)一的,沒有質(zhì)量u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures to avoid loss of life or damage to property. 2.19 the mullion installation 1. note: vertical installation in all curtain wall installation process due to its large amount of inconvenience of construction, high precision and pl宏麥叼華鮮浴志擲頒缸恤習滓爾咎何近摯隋踞刁者草插段怨堯嚷準幼司涂妒它據(jù)杉疽六宅沉萌象濘刪摳僥誼邦帝蜜蜘墾眼涌沁莉敢徹捏委心晴脊磷就沒有進度,進度必須服從對于質(zhì)量。u二灰土施工組織設計people. 6. measures
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