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1、核 心 考 點課 堂 突 破 案unit 4films and film events英英 語語2022內(nèi) 容 索 引核心考點 課堂突破隨堂鞏固 遷移運用核心核心考點考點 課堂課堂突破突破1.in defence of為為辯護辯護;防衛(wèi)防衛(wèi)教材原句kathy,i dont like to argue,but in defence of the venice film festival,.我不想爭辯,kathy,但是想為威尼斯電影節(jié)說幾句(p50)語境巧練單句填空“small does not mean weak,sir,” she defended (she).(2020天津卷)parents

2、,of course,will do everything they can to defend their children harm.herselffrom/against考點必記(1)in ones defence=in defence of sb為某人辯護(2)defend v.為辯護;保衛(wèi)defend.from/against保護使不受,為辯護defend oneself自衛(wèi);自行辯護2.expose vt.使接觸使接觸,使體驗使體驗,使面臨使面臨;暴露暴露,顯露顯露,揭露揭露教材原句redford has acted in and directed many big hollywo

3、od films,but wanted to expose the public to films made outside of the hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise.redford演出和導演過許多好萊塢大制作電影,但是卻想要讓普通人能看到本來看不到的好萊塢之外的電影。(p50)語境巧練單句填空 (expose)to light while sleeping can increase a persons chances of getting cancer.句式升級being ex

4、posed to the sunlight for too long will be harmful to your skin.= the sunlight for too long will be harmful to your skin.(v.-ing的主動形式作主語)= the sunlight for too long,you will get your skin harmed.(if省略句)exposureexposing yourself toif exposed to完成句子外國學生接觸到中國茶館,獨特的茶具與茶杯給他們留下了深刻印象。,the foreign students

5、were impressed by the unique tea pots and tea cups.being exposed to the tea house考點必記(1)expose sth/sb to.把暴露在之下expose oneself to sth使面臨,使遭受expose a secret/a plan泄露秘密/計劃(2)exposed adj.無遮蔽的be exposed to.置身于;暴露于(3)exposure n.面臨;揭露3.there be句型句型教材原句nowadays,if a film wins an award at sundance,there is a

6、 good chance it will become famous!現(xiàn)在,如果一部電影在圣丹斯電影節(jié)上獲獎,出名的機會就會很大!(p51)語境巧練單句填空in 1812,the year charles dickens was born,there were 66 novels (publish) in britain.(2018浙江卷)yet there is evidence (suggest)that the trend is growing.publishedsuggesting翻譯句子我們身邊有很多值得尊敬的人。他們可能是我們的老師、父母或者長輩。(2020全國卷)there ar

7、e many respectable people around us.they may be our teachers,parents or our elders.考點必記(1)句型there be+n.+v.-ing/v.-ed結構中v.-ing,v.-ed作后置定語。如果名詞與后面的分詞存在邏輯上的主動關系,用v.-ing形式,如果是邏輯上的被動關系,則用v.-ed形式。(2)there be之后如果有幾個并列主語時,be動詞的單復數(shù)要取決于第一個主語是單數(shù)還是復數(shù),即遵循就近原則。 4.contradict vt.&vi.反駁反駁,駁斥駁斥;與與相矛盾相矛盾,相反相反教材原句i hat

8、e to contradict you,but in recent years,the cannes film festival has shown special favour to american films.我無意冒犯您,但是,最近幾年,戛納電影節(jié)格外青睞美國電影。(p51)語境巧練單句填空the poems may not make sense and even seem (contradict),but they are easy to learn and recite.his private actions are in direct contradiction his publ

9、icly expressed opinions.contradictoryto小話題寫作不可否認,這樣的評級可能會給消費者帶來方便。然而,它們有時會自相矛盾,因為它們常常誤導人,也不可靠。 such ratings might bring convenience to consumers.however,they sometimes ,for they are often misleading and unreliable.there is no denying thatcontradict themselves考點必記(1)contradict oneself自相矛盾(2)contradic

10、tion n.反駁,駁斥in contradiction to與相矛盾/對立contradiction between a and ba和b之間的矛盾(3)contradictory adj.相互矛盾的,對立的寫作佳句all evening her husband contradicted everything she said.整個晚上她說什么丈夫都跟她拌嘴。5.overlook vt.忽略忽略,未注意到未注意到;不予理會不予理會;俯視俯視教材原句.while films that are likely to be overlooked at other festivals,for exam

11、ple at cannes,have a real chance of becoming champions.而在其他電影節(jié)上(比如戛納電影節(jié))可能被忽視的電影,卻大有奪魁的機會。(p51)語境巧練用overlook,ignore填空it was our home,small and charming, a quiet lake.tom greeted her,but she him and carried on with her work.an experienced and responsible teacher never the slower students.overlookingi

12、gnoredoverlooks完成句子這是個不容錯過的地方。it is a place that .should not be overlooked考點必記overlook sb/sth 忽視某人/事overlook the fact that.忽略的事實overlook sp俯視某地易混辨析overlook與ignoreoverlook常指由于匆忙或沒注意到而忽視ignore指故意不理睬某人、某物6.preference n.偏愛偏愛,偏好偏好教材原句at the academy awards,the preference is to reward top-ranking american

13、films.奧斯卡金像獎特別鐘愛頂級美國電影。(p53)語境巧練單句填空unlike fast-food places,fine dining shops prefer customers (stay)longer and spend.you prefer healthy food fast food.(2018全國卷)but that didnt necessarily mean people (prefer) positive news.rather than watch tv,i prefer ( go)to the cinema.the parents have a strong pr

14、eference their youngest child.when talking about my reading ,i think i to science books.(prefer)to staytopreferredto goforpreferenceprefer完成句子根據(jù)調(diào)查,用人單位會更青睞那些畢業(yè)于“985”和“211”的學生。according to surveys,employers will in project 985 and 211. give a preference to the students who have graduated from univers

15、ities 考點必記(1)have a preference for更喜歡give(a)preference to給以優(yōu)惠/優(yōu)待in preference to優(yōu)先于(2) prefer v.偏愛,偏好prefer sth to sth 與相比更喜歡prefer doing sth to doing sth與做相比更喜歡做prefer to do sth/ doing sth更喜歡做某事prefer to do.rather than do.寧可做也不做prefer + that從句(從句中常用should+動詞原形) 更喜歡做注意:由于prefer本身含有比較含義,故不可與比較級連用;pre

16、fer (doing) sth to (doing) sth中的to是介詞,to前后分別用平行的名詞、代詞或動詞-ing形式。7.whether.or.無論是無論是還是還是教材原句whether you think the academy awards really resemble a film festival or not,everyone agrees that the oscar is the best-known award a film can receive.不論你是否認為奧斯卡金像獎真的像電影節(jié),人人都贊同奧斯卡金像獎是電影能獲得的最著名的獎項。(p53)語境巧練單句填空 y

17、oure looking at wallpaper or paint,the time,effort and relative expense put into it are significant.(2018全國卷)we were left to decide to have a picnic in a park or go to visit a museum.whetherwhether完成句子不管我是否忙于功課,我都會設法找時間和朋友們出去玩。,ill manage to find time to hang out with my friends.whether im busy with

18、 the lessons or not考點必記(1)whether.or.“無論是還是,不管是還是”常引導讓步狀語從句。(2)whether.or.也可引導名詞性從句作主語或賓語。(3)whether可以和or not連用。(4)帶疑問詞的動詞不定式前只能用whether,不能用if。8.代詞代詞+of+關系代詞關系代詞教材原句however,he later finds out that his father was a wizard and that his mother was a witch,both of whom were murdered by an evil wizardthe

19、 same wizard who gave harry the scar.但是后來哈利發(fā)現(xiàn)他的父親是巫師,母親是女巫,他們都被一個邪惡的巫師殺害也就是給哈利留下傷疤的那個巫師。(p62)語境巧練單句填空there are three tables in the room,all of are covered with cloth.which一句多譯那間教室,它的門壞了,將會很快被修好。the classroom, is broken,will soon be repaired.(名詞+介詞+關系代詞)the classroom, is broken,will soon be repaired.

20、(介詞+關系代詞+名詞)the classroom, is broken,will soon be repaired.(關系代詞+名詞)the door of whichof which the doorwhose door考點必記both of whom屬于“代詞(或數(shù)詞)+of+關系代詞(whom/which)”結構。(1)both/neither/all/none/some/most/many/several/a few/.+of+關系代詞(whom/which)(2)the+名詞+of+關系代詞(whom/which)(3)數(shù)詞+of+關系代詞(whom/which)(4)形容詞的最高

21、級+of+關系代詞(whom/which)9.show off炫耀炫耀,賣弄賣弄教材原句i think this is more to show off the special effects than to help the films plot.我想,與其說這有助于故事情節(jié)的發(fā)展,倒不如說更多的是為了炫耀特技。(p63)語境巧練單句填空the child danced around the room,showingto everybody.i think the faith that everyone has shown him has touched him.(2018北京卷)i sin

22、cerely hope your dream will come true and its my pleasure to show you in beijing when that day comes.offinaround考點必記show.out帶出去show faith in sb/sth表示對某人(物)有信心show sb around帶領某人參觀show.in帶或領進來show/turn up出現(xiàn);露面;到場寫作佳句mike has only driven to the pub to show off his new car.邁克開車來酒吧的目的是炫耀他的新車。10.disappoin

23、t vt.使失望使失望,使掃興使掃興教材原句also,it disappoints me that several interesting scenes are not shown in the film.另外,使我失望的是,有些有趣的情節(jié)沒有在電影中展現(xiàn)。(p63)語境巧練用disappoint的適當形式填空the next day,we got a message that another buyer had offered a much higher price.if you think ill agree to that,youre going to be sadly.he left

24、the station in great,for she wasnt on the train.disappointingdisappointeddisappointment完成句子學生對學校的自行車存車處很失望,因為它的入口窄,經(jīng)常擁堵。the students the parking place for bikes in our school,because it was small and always blocked.were disappointed at/with考點必記(1) disappoint sb使某人失望(2)disappointment n.失望;沮喪;令人失望的人或事

25、物to ones disappointment令某人感到失望的是(3)disappointed adj.對感到失望的disappointing adj.令人失望的be disappointed at/by sth因感到失望be disappointed at/with sb/sth對失望11.give thought to認真考慮認真考慮,思考思考教材原句this shows that the film-makers did not give enough thought to who the audience of the film would be.這表明電影制片人根本沒有考慮潛在的觀眾。

26、(p63)語境巧練完成句子take it easy.our leaders are sure to (認真考慮你的問題).please dont (在乎她說什么).i hope youll (再考慮考慮).alice had been so (陷入深深的思考之中) that she walked past her car without even seeing it.give enough thought to your problemgive much thought to what she saidgive a second thought to itdeep in thought小情境寫

27、作我發(fā)現(xiàn)媽媽感到不舒服。她感冒了。我立即去給她買了藥,然后為她準備了面條。i found my mother wasnt feeling well.she had a cold.,i went to get her some medicine and then prepared some noodles for her.without a second thought考點必記be lost in thought 陷入沉思thought for.對的體諒/關懷second thought經(jīng)過重新考慮,在仔細考慮后deep in thought陷入沉思at first thought乍一想at t

28、he thought of一想到(就)on second thought(s) 經(jīng)仔細考慮后without a second thought 立即,馬上;不假思索read sbs thoughts 看出某人的心思寫作佳句we should give enough thought to noise of speaking loud.我們應該好好地想一想大聲講話所產(chǎn)生的噪聲。隨堂隨堂鞏固鞏固 遷移遷移運用運用.單句填空1.i couldnt be present myself,but i sent my (represent) to the meeting.2.some astronauts fe

29、el sick on the station during the first few days because their brains receive (contradict) messages.3.it would be fatal for the nation (overlook) the urgency of the situation.4.this year,25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their (enter) until next y

30、ear.representativecontradictoryto overlookentry5.through the first two games,her team did not get one serious (shoot) on goal.6.i(sincere) wish you a pleasant time with us.7.art is all about the slow (accumulate) over time.8.it will be extremely (disappoint) if this does not happen.9.he may win the

31、competition,in case he is likely to get into the national team.10. (expose) to nuclear radiation,even for a short time,may influence genes in human bodies.shotsincerelyaccumulationdisappointingwhichbeing exposed.短語填空 in the minority,in defence of,be aware of,give thought of,show off 1.when visiting another country,you should those differences


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