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1、優(yōu)質(zhì)教案教 案2021年人教版五年級優(yōu)秀英語教案學校:xxxx年級:xxxx教師:xxxx日期:2021年xx月xx日優(yōu)質(zhì)教案2021年人教版五年級優(yōu)秀英語教案英語作為小學階段重要的學科之一,它不僅僅需要教師作為學科知識將其傳授于學生,更需要學生作為交流工具將其掌握和運用。今天在這給大家整理了一些人教版五年級優(yōu)秀英語教案,我們一起來看看吧!人教版五年級優(yōu)秀英語教案1一、教學重點本課時的教學重點是lets learn部分的單詞:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。要求學生能聽懂句型,并結(jié)合這些句子表達的情境,學會恰當?shù)靥鎿Q句中的單詞。逐

2、步學會聽、說、讀、寫單詞:old,short,thin,tall,strong。二、教學難點本課時的教學難點是如何利用所提供的對話和情景,以舊引新,讓學生進入學習狀態(tài)。lets start部分在學生用書當中首次出現(xiàn),教師應正確理解此部分的輔墊作用,可根據(jù)實際教學需要進行使用,并幫助學生熟悉教材內(nèi)容的變化。三、課前準備1.教師準備教學過程中所需要的圖片、聲音、課件,以及本課時的八張單詞卡。2.準備一些教師的照片或圖片。3.教師準備錄音機及錄音帶。四、教學過程1.warm-up(熱身)(l) 教師播放lets start下面歌謠的錄音,讓學生聽歌謠猜單元話題,激發(fā)學生對新學期第一單元英語學習的興趣

3、。還可以使用四年級上冊第三單元學過的句型:“i have a new friend. hes tall. hes strong, too.”并結(jié)合相關(guān)人物的圖片,引導學生復習 strong, tall, short,thin等詞,為本課時聽、說、讀、寫這些單詞做好準備。(2)日??谡Z練習,內(nèi)容可參考如下:t:hello, everyone! welcome back to school! nice to see you!ss: nice to meet you!(3) 問學生幾個問題,引出本課重點內(nèi)容。具體會話可參考如下:t:hi,everyone!nice to see you again.

4、what grade are you in now?ss:were in grade 5.t:do you like your new english books(new classroom, new teacher)?ss:yes!t: what are we going to talk about in unit 1?guess!whats the topic of unit 1?2. presentation(新課呈現(xiàn))(l)教師出示lets start部分圖片,介紹說: rabbit has many new teachers in her school. do you have ne

5、w teachers? 引導學生根據(jù)情景圖的提示描述新教師。然后教師說:“今天我們將學習怎樣描述新教師。sarah將為大家介紹幾位新教師,大家在先看一看有哪些是新教師?(2)出示lets learn部分的圖片,向?qū)W生介紹說: they are sarahs teachers. describe these teachers.引導學生結(jié)合預習部分回答出 strong, tall, short, thin等舊詞,然后結(jié)合圖卡向?qū)W生呈現(xiàn)新詞:youny,kind old,funny。教師可利用簡筆畫、單詞卡片或?qū)嵨飯D片等一教授新詞,使學生正確理解、認讀。(3)教師可播放單詞的聲音,讓學生在聽過一遍后

6、跟讀單詞,逐步掌握正確的讀音。(4)教師根據(jù)以下信息請學生判斷會話中描述的教師是 lets learn配圖中的哪一位: mr hu is the art teacher. whats he like?hes short and thin.完成前面鋪墊的學習任務,讓學 生猜出哪位是sarah的新教師。教師再引導學生利用 lets learn部分所提供的替換句型,描述sarah的其他兩位新教師,練習鞏固所學新詞。(4)試著寫單詞。教師范寫四會單詞,讓學生跟寫或在單詞卡片背面仿寫,達到聽、說、讀、寫 四會掌握新詞的目的。3.lets play (趣味操練)(1)lets find out (找一找)

7、教師指導學生用所學新詞和句型描述lets find out部分幾位教師的體貌特征,然后找出正確的圖片。完成這項活動后,教師引導學生充分利用八張新詞卡片繼續(xù)進行結(jié)對或小組活動,如: my new chinese teacher is tall and strong. who is he? 讓其他學生選出正確的圖片。(2)lets sing (唱一唱)教師放歌曲“my new teacher”的錄音,學生跟唱,進一步在音樂節(jié)奏中感知新詞。4.consolidation and extension(鞏固與擴展)(l)讓學生做本單元 a lets learn部分的活動手冊配套練習。(2)讓學生模仿le

8、ts find out部分的錄音,讀給朋友或家長聽。展示不同教師的圖片,讓學生猜出是教哪個科目的教師,然后用所學新詞描述這些教師的外貌特征。(3)讓學生參照 lets find out部分設計一些謎語讓大家清一猜??梢詤⒖家韵抡Z言: she is tall. shes beautiful. shes very young. we all like her. whos she?(4)讓學生把新學的歌曲唱給家長或朋友聽。5. 小結(jié)單詞:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind教案點評:提供第一課時教案示例。本課時lets learn部分主要是通過

9、情景會話,談論美術(shù)教師的樣子,來讓學生學習單詞:old,short thin,tall,strong, young, funny, kind等。教學設計適合與學生身邊的人物相聯(lián)系,尤其是新老師??梢龑W生復習已學過的tall, short, thin, strong等詞匯,再進一步學習本課新生詞。達到描述不同圖片人物的要求。利用一些活動來鞏固知識。教師引導學生充分利用事先準備好的人物圖片,進行結(jié)對或小組活動,如: my new chinese teacher is tall and strong. who is he? 讓其他學生選出正確的圖片。人教版五年級優(yōu)秀英語教案2一、教學目標知識目標:

10、1. 學會使用句型“what did you do at the weekend?”和“where did you go?”并懂得使用相應的過去式進行對話。2. 能有感情地朗讀課文,并進行角色扮演。3. 能用動詞過去式詢問上周末的活動情況。能力目標:1.會用“what did you do at the weekend?”和 “where did you go?”詢問過去發(fā)生的事情。2.通過活動體驗,在交流中學會談論上周末從事的活動,談論不久前發(fā)生的事情,發(fā)展綜合語言運用能力。提高學生跨文化交際意識。情感目標:培養(yǎng)學生學習興趣,鼓勵學生積極合作,引導學生了解西方文化古跡,樹立旅游意識。二、教學

11、重點與難點教學重點:1. 能聽懂、會說并能熟練使用單詞weekend, place, trip, along, river, twenty, minute, hour, best以及詞組the british museum, bus ride.2. 能聽懂、會說并能熟練使用句子what did you do at the weekend? 和where did you go?教學難點:能夠在真實情境中對單詞、詞匯及句型進行綜合的運用。三、教學方法1. 通過教師引導示范,學生自主識記,小組合作,朗讀合作等多種形式,使學生讀懂文章并掌握重難句的實際運用。2. 通過兩兩對話提高學生學習英語策略及口語

12、交際能力。3. 通過“爭當小記者”活動激發(fā)并保持學生學習英語興趣。四、教學準備課件,flash視頻,詞卡,daming和amy頭像,記者證五、教學過程step1: warming-up1) greet to the students.2) listen a song“where did you go?”唱關(guān)于旅游的歌曲,為新課做鋪墊。step2: lead-in1)教師出示自己的旅游照。t: class, i went to jinan this weekend. i took lots of photos and ate delicious food. so i had a happy we

13、ekend. do you know weekend?新授weekend,講解其含義。2)t:i had a happy weekend. our friends amy, lingling and sam had a happy weekend too. what did amy, lingling and sam do at the weekend?導入課文教學。step 3: presention.1) 學生觀看整課的flash 視頻,整體感知文本。找出 what did amy, lingling and sam do at the weekend?2) 根據(jù)文本的具體情況,分段聽文本

14、。采用任務型教學法,每一個段落設置相應問題,讓學生帶著問題找答案。對于文本第二段,教師設置的問題:where did amy, lingling and sam go? ss: they went to the british museum. they visited big ben and the london eye.教師講授the british museum.對于文本第三段,讓學生跟讀flash并且找出what did lingling like best? ss: she liked the bus ride best. 教師講解本段中出現(xiàn)的新詞匯。3)學生整體跟讀一遍文本,注意模仿

15、語音語調(diào)。4)學生自讀,遇到不會的單詞及不懂的句子可以尋求老師的幫助。5)學生齊讀課文。step 4: practice.1) 教師借用amy 和daming頭像,和學生一起提煉文本重點句,形成一組新的對話,并板書。daming: what did you do at the weekend?amy: we visited lots of places.daming: where did you go?amy: we went to the british museum, big ben and the london eye.同桌兩人對話,男女生讀操練對話。2) 你問我答:travel aro

16、und dezhou.教師準備一張圖片,上面選取德州的幾個景點,如:長河公園,新湖風景區(qū),減河濕地等,每個景點下面對應相應的活動,如:did taijiquan, took photos, played chess,etc. 教師示范后,同桌兩人一組,自主練習。step5: extension.( talk about our travel.)t: we all had a happy weekend. we went to lots of places and did many things. but i think in our holiday, we were happy too. no

17、w look at this photo. this is me. who can ask me some questions?s1: where did you go?t: i went to tianjin. other questions?s2: what did you do?t: i visited my friend. you must have happy holiday too. now 4 ss a group. ask and answer.學生小組討論。選取小記者,隨機提問班里的同學。最后教師總結(jié):you went to lots of places. now lets

18、enjoy our classs travel(教師課前收集學生旅游照,自制學生旅游視頻)。 the world is a wonderful book and those who do not travel can see only a page of it.step6: homework.describe your travel to your friends.板書設計:unit1 where did you go?daming: what did you do at the weekend?amy: we visited lots of places.daming: where did

19、you go?amy: we went to the british museum, big ben and the london eye.人教版五年級優(yōu)秀英語教案3一、teachingmaterial :unit 3 b read and write ,lets play ,lets check二、teaching objectives1、to master the four skills sentences :whats the date ?june 9th.is her birthday in june ?yes.2、to understand the dialogue ,make su

20、re the students can answer the questions of the dialogue and can write out the keys.3、make sure the students can play the game : bingo.4、to finish “l(fā)ets check” .三、teaching points :1、main points : to master the four skills sentences.whats the date? june 9th. is her birthday in june? yes.2、difficult p

21、oints : to understand the dialogue.四、vision aids :1、the picture of “read and write”.2、video tape, slides and some birthday cards.五、teaching procedures :(一)、warm-up1、全班吟唱p26 lets chant , 說做結(jié)合,營造活躍的課堂氣氛。2、聽歌猜節(jié)日:教師放節(jié)日歌曲 :“jingle bell”、“happy teachers day”、“happy new year” 每放一段歌曲,提問:what festival? whats

22、 the date? 學生用英語回答。(二)、preview1、free talk: talk about your birthday.eg)t : when is your birthday?s1 : my birthday is in june.t : whats the date?s1 : its june 1st2、play game: wheres my friend?把十二個月份的完全形式和縮寫形式寫在卡片上,分別發(fā)給24位學生,然后進行游戲。eg) s1 : im january. wheres my friend?s2 : here. im your friend, im ja

23、n .(三)、presentation1、read and write.1、the teacher shows a birthday card and asks: whats this?the students answer in chinese. then the teacher asks:whats “生日卡片”in english? listen to the tape, please.the students listen to the tape of “birthday card” several times, and repeat.2、show a slide.(一個女孩正在制作生

24、日卡片)問:whats the girl doing? 幫助學生回答:shes making a birthday card. 然后教師用卡紙做出制作生日卡片的動作,并說:look! im making a birthday card, too.然后投影出示句子 “im making a birthday card.” 并帶讀句子。問:who has a birthday today?一位學生回答:“i am”教師拿著一張生日卡片對該學生說:“happy birthday to you. its for you. do you like it? 學生回答“yes”。(在學生說“yes”時,教師

25、告訴學生,在接受別人禮物時,應先說“thank you”)教師再說:yes. i think everyone likes to get a birthday card. 投影出示:everyone likes to get a birthday card. 并學說。再問全體學生:is her /his birthday in april? (學生回答并學說句子)。4、在畫有birthday card 的幻燈上添上電腦邊框,并說“l(fā)ook! the card is in the computer. oh , its an e-card.”(學說e-card 并解釋)再出示一個小女孩在發(fā)送電子卡

26、片的投影片,問:what is she doing? 幫助學生回答:“she is sending an e-card.” 投影出示答語并學說。5、watch the video of the dialogue, then answer the questions. (投影出示下列問題,看錄像后指名口頭回答)a、what is zoom doing? why?b、is grandmas birthday in june?c、does grandma have a computer?d、can grandma get the e-card?e、do they make a birthday ca

27、rd?f、does everyone like to get a birthday card?6、listen to the tape and repeat.7、to practice the dialogue.8、to act out the dialogue (in group)9、group work: to make a birthday card.2、lets play: bingo教師講解游戲規(guī)則,然后做游戲,并評獎。3、lets check教師放lets check 部分的錄音,學生完成。1、boy: when is your birthday?girl: its step 8t

28、h .woman: circle the girls birthday.2、girl: when is grandmas birthday, mom?woman: its april 10th.woman: circle grandmas birthday.4、sum up:1、how do we ask the date? we can ask like this: “whats the date?” and answer like: “its june 1st .2、to tell “whats the date?” and “what day is it?”(四)、consolidati

29、on and extension1、to finish the wb of part b:2、to listen to the tape of “read and write”, and read to your parents.3、to recite and write the four skills words and sentences.人教版五年級優(yōu)秀英語教案4單元教學目標:1、 能力目標:(1) 能夠簡單描述自己教師的體貌特征及性格特點,如:we have a newenglish teacher. hes tall and strong. hes very funny.(2) 能夠詢問并介紹學校里教師的情況,如:who


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