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1、literature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz11 information on refugees / migration in germany21.1migration refugees21.2migration21.3reasons for migration to germany (2003)21.4structural details on foreign population in germany, 200321.5eu context: trends & problems31.6immigratio

2、n in european countries31.7political issues to integration in germany32 theoretical views on migration and integration52.1acculturation/integration52.2prejudices62.3development72.4hypotheses73 research into “intercultural empathy” and “intercultural competence”83.1 basics83.2 definition and factors

3、that influence intercultural empathy83.3 problems83.4 intercultural competence in social work with children and adolescents93.5 culture as a system of symbolic meaning103.6 training of intercultural competence103.7 trainings114 conclusions regarding orient113.1 open questions113.2 methodology113.3 m

4、essages11sources of information12appendix14i) background information on migration in germany14ii) institutions14literature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz21 information on refugees / migration in germany1.1 migration refugees migration = individuals relocating for the purpose

5、of changing their main sphere of life; involves the crossing of international bordersun: at least for 1 yearbackground migration theory: explaining new migration flows into western affluent societies (during last 2-3 decades) immigration crises“, controlling migration refugee: asylum seekers, geneva

6、 conventionpersecution due to race, religion, nationality, affiliation to social/political groupviolation of human rights (torture) can or does not want to be protected by home country1.2 migration nationalities moving to germany, 2003 (statistisches bundesamt: http:/www.destatis.de): 768.975polish1

7、1%turkish6%russian4%romanian3%serb3%italian3%ukrainian2%chinese2%us2% 13.6% younger than 181.3 reasons for migration to germany (2003) migration within the eu: 98.709 (italy, france, and greece, etc.) subsequent immigration of family members: 76.077 (turkey, etc.) “re-settlers”: 72.885 (former sovie

8、t union, etc.) asylum seekers and refugees according to geneva convention: 50.564 (turkey, serbia, etc.)migration of jewish people from former soviet union (15.442) refugees from war and civil war areas: 416.000 (kosovo, etc.) foreign-/guest-workers it-experts students from abroad germans moving bac

9、k to the country1.4 structural details on foreign population in germany, 2003 includes people with foreign nationalities & offspring, even when born in germany ( migration!) 8.9% of total population (7.334.765) bavaria: 9.5% mainly from turkey (26%), italy (8%), serbia (8%), greece (5%), and poland

10、(4%) 25.2% from euliterature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz3 61% live in germany for more than 10 years, 30% for more than 20 years, 19% for more than 30 years 18.3% are younger than 18 69% of people younger than 18 were born in germany (differs between nationalities)1.5 eu c

11、ontext: trends & problems different traditions, laws, definitions, etc. common trends:active recruitment of immigrants (1960s): germany, switzerland, austria, netherlands currently immigration from turkey, former yugoslavia, moroccocountries with former colonies: france, uk currently immigration fro

12、m former colonies (north africa, india, pakistan)southern european countries: portugal, spain, italy, greece currently immigration from albania, north africa, south americaeastern european countries: transition from transit area to destination country currently immigration from russia, slovakia, ukr

13、aine, rumania problems:methodology: data base, quality and time of data collection germany: residence (de-)registration, not duration!concept: asylum seekers migrants1.6 immigration in european countries1.7 political issues to integration in germany 14 million people with migration background in ger

14、many (immigrants or children of immigrants born in germany) every third youth in western germany has migration background migration population has differentiated: different social-economic backgrounds, same amount of freelancers, unemployment and bad financial conditions are true for first migration

15、 generation and “re-settlers”literature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz4 aspects of integration: regards all public institutions: kindergarten, schools, vocational education, employment market, hospitals, etc aims: oequal chances to participate in society for all (education, e

16、mployment, living status, political engagement, etc.)oinvesting in language, cultural, social, and vocational competence of the individual action line educationoalmost 10% of students at german (vocational) schools are of foreign nationalities20% of those leave school without graduation50% attend “h

17、auptschule” (lower educational track)10% graduate from gymnasium (higher educational track)o1/3 with migration backgroundoresults of the pisa study (programme for international student assessment) for germany (2003: 13,000 youth with migration background) presentation by o. walter, ipn, leipniz-inst

18、itut fuer die paedagogik der naturwissenschaften, uni kielyouth with migration background show significantly lower competencies than youth without migration backgroundlowest competencies: youth that were born in germany with parents both coming from abroadproblem-solving competencies: differences ar

19、e smaller potential that needs to be developeddifferences can not solely be attributed to differences in ses!oreasons for minor success in german school system: lack of the systems intercultural sensibility role of discrimination:omain areas: apartment and employment market refugees:osince the begin

20、ning of the 90s the number of asylum seekers constantly decreased, arriving at an all-time low in 2004 (50.000 applications)ogermany does not yet engage in a resettlement program, as other european countries do (approx. 5000 refugees p.a.)oexceptional leave to remain: 200.000 (sometimes for more tha

21、n 10 years!) naturalisation is procrastinated by politicians, integration destroyed by deportationliterature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz52 theoretical views on migration and integration2.1 acculturation/integration-determinants of integration: context variables in the new

22、society, group characteristics of the migrants, individual characteristics-long-term process of acculturation with the aim of participation in the society of origin-complex, multidimensional process that is initiated when individuals and groups are in permanent contact with another culture (stephens

23、on, 2000)-leads to a change of the original cultural pattern of both groups as a consequence of persisting contact between groups (berry, 1990, 1997)ostrategies: assimilation, integration, separation, marginalisationovariables that influence acculturation:(presentation by titzmann & helbig, uni jena

24、) moderating factors prior to acculturation: age, gender, education, motives for migration, cultural distance moderating factors during acculturation: language skills, attitudes, coping resources, social support/discrimination, prejudices-bipolar model: individual is related to culture of origin (no

25、t acculturated) or culture of settlement (acculturated)oseen as problematic; aim should be to focus on a dynamic bicultural identity interpreted as a resource rather than to think one cultural background should be replaced by another-other models focus on learning through social networks (bochner et

26、 al., 1977; mok et al. in press); or identity (schnpflug, 2002; phinney, 1992, 2001)-bennet, m. (1993): developmental model of intercultural sensitivityointercultural learning: orientation irritation differentiation/reflection transfer conflict resolution acquisition of new competenciesodenial of di

27、fferences: inability to think of cultural differences in the own society, live and let live-attitudesoblocking of differences: differences are recognised and negatively evaluated, negative stereotypesominimisation of differences: acceptance of superficial differences (eating habit), all humans are c

28、ommon in basic values and normsoacceptance of differences: recognising and appreciation of another culture and acceptance of cultural differences as adaptive strategies for human existence, culture as relativeoassimilation to differences: empathic understanding of other cultures, communication skill

29、s, cultural frames of referenceliterature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz6ointegration of differences: internalisation of bi- or multicultural frames of reference, identities, self-reflection on identity and its formation in a life-long process with cultural influenceslevels:o

30、recognize cultural differences (cognitive level)oappreciate these differences (emotional level)ogenerate concrete behaviours (behavioural level)-youth: school can be a motor for acculturation fosters contact among the cultural groupsproject “migration & bildung” at the fu berlin, financed by the vol

31、kswagen stiftungovariables that influence youth integration:context (family, school, society)moderator variables (gender, attitudes, self-concept, acculturation strategies, )opossible criteria to assess integration success: achievement in school-cultural competence (over): common use of symbols, mea

32、ning, norms, rules which determine behaviour (vester, 1998) ointer-cultural competence: use of such symbols in another culture by use of self-reflection and empathyopreconditions: certain resistance to stress / uncertainty / ambiguityoreflection on prejudices, conflicts, skills deficits (language)2.

33、2 prejudices(work of u. wagner, university of marburg)-prejudices tend to be stable over time in the individual-prejudices decrease with higher number of foreigners in the district (wagner, christ, pettigrew, stellmacher & wolf, under editorial review)-friends from other cultures, even indirect cont

34、act with foreigners (friends of friends) can reduce prejudicesoalso influences life satisfaction through language skills-positive correlation between prejudices and intended use of violence (“if others take too much space, one should show them by the use of violence who is master in ones house”, wag

35、ner et al., in prep.)-influence of social context: the more often discrimination of turkish migrants is witnessed, the less sympathy is felt-effectiveness of existing programs to enhance inter-ethnic friendship in the classroom (lemmer & wagner, in prep.) from elementary school to grade 82.3 develop

36、ment-migration experiences and individual development are intrinsically intertwinedliterature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz7-development = cultural solution of universal developmental tasks in socio-cultural contexts (historical change)-socialization and enculturation develo

37、pment & acquisition of cultural identity-co-existence of autonomy and relatedness (youth that come from collectivistic societies to individualistic societies) autonomous-related model (keller, 2006)-schnpflug:childhood: acculturation can hinder mother-child bonding (working situation, stress (fracas

38、so et al., 1994)adulthood: social and emotional backup fosters acculturation, familiy backup hinders acculturation (lubben et al., 1987)-dealing with multicultural society and diversity in a positive way as a new developmental task (reinders, 2006) bullying in austria (strohmeyer et al., 2003, 2005,

39、 2006): research on verbal and physical attacks as well as social isolation among youth with different mother tongues aged 10-17 elementary and lower secondary school children with migration background from turkey and former yugoslavia when differences were found, german speaking children were more

40、often bullies and victims than children with migration background children with migration background are equally or less often involved in bullying incidents! role of intercultural friendship: reduces ethnic prejudices (pettigrew, 1998), fosters process of social integration (acculturation models, e

41、.g., berry 1980) oinfluence of similarity, prejudices measures:ofriendship quality questionnaire (fqq, grotpeter & crick, 1996)2.4 hypotheses-the immigrants desire to be nationalised in germany is hindered by a lack public acceptance-religion may be an important factor in building up life satisfacti

42、on in immigrants secure sector in life, certainty-bicultural socialisation as a resource for the individualobilingual upbringing is beneficial, if the languages are tied to a stable person-self-reported social self-efficacy may be crucial to get into contact with people from other culturesoculture-s

43、ensitive questionnaire developed by thomas-identification with none of the cultural groups fosters depressionliterature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz83 research into “intercultural empathy” and “intercultural competence”3.1 basicsintercultural life and communication are inte

44、gral to modern society (see challenges connected to globalisation and immigration). this leads to reciprocal influences of different ways of life and cultures (acculturation) and thus to a continuing change within the society.premises for development of intercultural empathy1) (cultural) self-reflec

45、tion: being aware of own (cultural) identity, self-conception ability to secondary representation2) tolerance for ambiguity rash evaluation and judgement, denial of differences3) empathy and perspective-taking: interest in experiences of others4) flexibility and openness: temporal suppression of own

46、 experiences, norms, values, etc.; acceptance of relativeness of cultural norms5) (communicative skills)aim:-society level: equality, no stigmatising, no prejudices, natural coexistence of people of different origin and appearance without denying differences-on the side of migrants: development of a

47、 “differentiated self-concept of multiple belongings” (hamburger, 1999)3.2 definition and factors that influence intercultural empathy -ability to understand thoughts and feelings of members of other culturesoemotionally: empathic concernocognitively: knowledge of other cultures, similarities and di

48、fferences, language, understandingobehavioural: empathic (nonverbal) communication and actions-research interest orient1analysing components of (intercultural) empathy: emotional, cognitive, behavioural (communicative) component2fostering (intercultural) empathy: avoidance of stress, supporting empa

49、thic concern3research into cultural differences in the variability and stability of (intercultural) empathy with regard to different situational and personal variablessituation: gender, social state & ethnic belonging of the interaction partner, content of the interaction, perceived distance / simil

50、arity to partnerpersonality: level of (intercultural) empathy3.3 problems-expectations: egocentric bias when it comes to assessing others reactions (feelings, thoughts, behaviours), esp. when they have different cultural background misinterpretations due to judgements on the basis of own norms, valu

51、es, reactionsocultural influence on norms and expectations, what behaviour is appropriate in a certain situationocultural influence on goals and motives-prejudices: they hinder the understanding and learning in an intercultural contextliterature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz

52、9opurpose: reducing uncertainty judgements relate to all members of a groupocharacteristics: stable over time within the individual-rash adoption of general commonalities that are valid across culturesoneeds detailed examination!aim: cultural relativityacknowledgement of norms and values of other cu

53、ltures without presuming that some cultures are superior to others.communication skills-no interruptions-ask questions to secure comprehension and to avoid misinterpretation-offer explanations-repeat and summarise3.4 intercultural competence in social work with children and adolescents(joachim schuc

54、h)definitionschuch (2003) suggests a variety of competences that can be summarised under the term “: readiness and ability to empathise ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of other people.ability to perspective-taking ability to judge behaviours and situations not only from a personal pi

55、nt of view, but to take over the perspective of othersreadiness to self-reflectionchallenge own attitudes and bliefs, make them transparent get into contact with other people and new situationsreadiness to tolerate ambiguity ability to deal with uncertaintyflexibility adaptation to new situations an

56、d circumstancesfhigkeit zur openness interest in otherscommunication- und conflict resolution skills(schuch, j. (2003). interkulturelle kompetenz die kr der kinder- und jugendarbeit? in: jugendsozialarbeit news)background-intercultural competence as key resource for vocational training and preparati

57、on for youth with migration background-array of competencies that allow for appropriate action in intercultural relationships on a personal (friends, familiy) as well as on a structural (school, job) level-legal basis in germany: 11 (3) sgb viii; 13 sgb viii-tasks: initiating novel intercultural edu

58、cation processes and international meetings-recent developments: more emphasis on evaluation, integration of program into experiential settings-attitude: intercultural orientation as a resourceliterature review on integration problems (in germany)sibylle enz103.5 culture as a system of symbolic mean

59、ing- members of a culture constitute and share a system of meanings in order to communicate (auernheimer, 1988)- intercultural competence understanding the system of meaning of other cultures- components: see abovecorresponding educational goals (leiprecht, 2001; ensinger & graf, 1984)-empathy: inte

60、rest in other cultures, openness, understanding-solidarity instead of rivalry: cooperation while accepting differences-conflict resolution strategies: handling conflict between different needs and interests-consciousness and respect towards other cultures-secure social fairness and equal chances for


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