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1、精品資料Unitl Can you play the guitar重難點精講Unit 1 Talk about abilitiesKey words:musical instrumentsabilities clubsSentences: talk about abilitiesPassage:an ad.( wanted) for help ;Join clubsplay chess play basketball play volleyball play soccer play tennis play the guitar speak English tell stories clubs

2、swimming club music club chess club basketball club dancing club art club English club singing club -Can you/he/she play the guitar?-Yes, I /he /she can.-No, I/ he/ she can ' t.- -What can you do?- -I can dance ./I can ' t sing.- -What club do you want to join?- -I want to join the chess clu

3、b.You are very good at telling stories. Y ou can join the story telling club. Talk about abilities 談論能力 重要詞組be good at make friends help sb. with sth. Grammar情態(tài)動詞can的用法play + the + 樂器play +運動器材Writing假如彳是Lily,你們學校需要招聘音樂志愿者教師去幫助小學生,請你寫一篇招聘廣告,以吸引更多的志愿者加入。參考詞匯:be good at; like doing sth. ; enjoy doing

4、sth.; be good with ; help sb. with sth.; Music Volunteer Teachers WantedDo you like music? Are you good at singing? Do you enjoy playing the violin, the piano or the guitar? Are you interested in dancing? Are you good with children? We need some music volunteer teachers to help children with singing

5、 after school. It' s relaxing and meaningful.Please call Lily at 88687688, or send Lily an email 12356 .題一:I want to (力口入)the music club.He r can (游泳),but I can 't.He is in the (象棋)club.Can you play the (車W琴)?Can you d some pictures for me?I hope we can m friends.Are you g with old people?Mi

6、ke likes d Chinese Kongfu.Can you help kids with(dance) ?They want (join) the basketball club.Can he(sing)?I think he is(England).Do you know that famous _ -(music)?題二:I like playing football while my sister likesplaying piano.A. the;/B. /; theC. the; theD. /;/It ' s an English class. Please try

7、 not to Chinese.A. SayB. talkC. tellD. speak題三:-Can you paint?-. But I can sing.A. Yes, I do.B. No, I donC. Yes, I canD. No, I canDo you like singing? Please come and join.A. weB.ourC. usD.they題四:My mother is a nurse and she is good kids.A. toB. forC. withD. atI like drawing very much, and I am good

8、 it, too.A. toC. withB. forD. at題五:I can ' t singdance.A. andB. orC. butD. /Please call me898-9763.A. inB. atC. aboutD. with題六:我想加入游泳俱樂部。-你能寫故事嗎?-不,我不能。但是我能講故事。你能幫助孩子們學習游泳嗎?讓我們放學后踢足球吧!我擅長唱歌,所以我想加入音樂俱樂部。我們需要幫助去教音樂。 題七:Tom and Kate are brother and sister. They like music. Kate can play the piano.

9、But she can play the violin. Tom can ' teppiyinio, but he can play the violin. Today they want to carry a piano to Kate ' s bedroom. The piano is big. They can' t carry it. Kate and Tom' s parents arenThey can ' t help them to carry the piano. But they have two cousin s isters he

10、re today. They ask them to help them.Tom and Kate are.Kate can play the. can play the violin.Their help them carry the piano.Why do their parents not help them carry the piano?Unitl Can you play the guitar講義參考答案題一 :join; swim; chess; piano; draw; make; good; doing; dancing; to join; sing; English; m

11、usicianD Q B D 一二 題題題四:CD題五:BB題六:1. I want to join the swimming club.2. Can you write stories? No, I can't. But I can tell stories.3. Can you help the children learn to swim?4. Let's play football after school.5. I ' m good at singing, so I want to join the music club.6. We need help tea

12、ch music.題七:brother and sister; piano; Tom; two cousin sisters; Because they aren 't at home.Unit1 Can you play the guitar課后練習主講教師:朱文娟北大附中英語教師題一 :1.What club would you like to (加入)?2 .He often (游泳)in the river (河流).3 .John likes playing (象棋)with Tom.4 .The boy can 't play the (車W琴).5 .The gi

13、rl often d at three in the afternoon.6 .He m many friends in China.7 .Eating healthy food is g for your health.8 .He likes d morning exercises.9 .He want(dance) with his friends after dinner.10 . Because he is very young, he can 't (join)the story telling club.11 .He would like(sing) with you.12

14、 .He is from England and he can speak(England).13 .He is famous as a(music).題二: 1. Would you like to (加入)us in a walk?2 .Mary likes (游泳).3 .Do you want to join the (象棋)club?4 .Today he has a (鋼琴 )lesson.5 .He has a d lesson on Tuesday.6 .She often m birthday cakes for her friends.7 .He is g at drawi

15、ng.8 .Mary likes d her homework after dinner.9 . His favorite sport is d.10 .He doesn 't want (join) the army.11 .She likes(sing) with her friends.12 .He often helps his sister with her(England).13 .He is a(music)from England.題三: 1.He likes playing violin while his brother likes playing basketba

16、ll.A. the;/B. /; theC. the; theD. /;/2.The English-speaking students can Chinese well.A. SayB. talkC. tellD. speak題四:1. Some like playing guitar while others like playing soccer.A. the;/B. /; theC. the; theD. /;/2.The boy can stories.A. SayB. talkC. tellD.speak題五:1.-Canhe swim?-.Buthe can dance.A. Y

17、es, he do.B. No,he doesn'tC. Yes, he canD.No,hecan 't2.Please call at 239-2678.A. weB. ourC. usD. they題六: 1.-Can you play the piano?-. Please let me play the piano for you.A. Yes, I do.B. No,Idon'tC. Yes, I canD.No,Ican't2.Do you play games with?A. weB. ourC. themD. they題七:1. He is g

18、ood his classmates in the class.A. toB.forC. withD. at2.Mary is good dancing.A. toB.forC. withD. at題八: 1.Doing exercise is good your health.A. toB.forC. withD. at2. He likes swimming very much, and he is good it.A. toB.forC. withD. at題九: 1.He doesn't like tomatoes carrots.A. andB. orC. butD. /2.

19、 Please call her 234-6754.A. inB. atC. aboutD.with題十: 1.He can't play football play the piano.A. andB. orC. butD. /2. Don't speak class.A. inB. atC. aboutD. with1 .我想加入藝術(shù)俱樂部。2 .你能唱歌嗎?我不會。但是我會跳舞。3 .他經(jīng)常幫助吉姆學習唱歌。4 .讓我們放學后一起回家吧。5 .他喜歡下棋,所以他想加入象棋俱樂部。6 .我們需要你幫助搬一下箱子。題十二:1.你可以加入足球俱樂部。7 .他會打排球嗎?他不會,

20、但是他會敲鼓。8 .你能幫助你的弟弟學畫畫嗎?9 .讓他們和我們一起打網(wǎng)球吧。10 他喜歡吃蘋果,所以他的媽媽經(jīng)常給他買了一些。11 他們需要你幫忙打掃房間。題十三:In England, people often talk about the weather because they can experience (經(jīng)歷)four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come and then it rains hard.

21、The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be sunny, the sun will begin to shine, and it will be summer at this time of a day.In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should

22、 take warm clothes.When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or araincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them.If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret (后悔)later in the day.1. The people in England often

23、 talk about.2. In England, people usually take.3. Does it often rain in England?4. What' s the best title (標題)for this passage?題十四:Shlander is a man from space (太空).He thinks the people and things on the earth arevery strange. He is now writing a letter to his friend at home. Here is part of his

24、 letter. Read it and answer the questions.Now I am in a strange world. It is very nice. There are many new things here. There are many earth monsters (怪物) here, too. The earth monsters look very funny. They have just one head , two arms and two legs. They have thin black strings on their heads. Some

25、 earth monster s have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face. Every day , they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole, too. The earth monsters do not walk very fast. They move from place to pace in tin boxes (鐵盒)Atrnight, t

26、he earth monsters like to look at a square (方形的)window box. This box has verysmall earth monsters in it.1. Shlander thinks the people and things on the earth are very .2. Shlander thinks man on the earth is.3. The earth monsters put on their holes.4. The square window box is.Unitl Can you play the g

27、uitar課后練習參考答案題一 :1. join 2. swims 3. chess 4. piano 5. draws 6. makes 7.good 8.doing9. to dance 10. join 11. to sing 12. English 13. musician解析:1.句意:你想要加入什么俱樂部?2 .句意:他經(jīng)常在這條河里游泳。in the river在這條河里。3 .句意:約翰喜歡和湯姆在一起下棋。play chess with sb.和某人一起下棋。4 .句意:這個小男孩不會彈鋼琴。play the piano彈鋼琴。5 .句意:這個小女孩經(jīng)常在下午三點畫畫。6 .

28、句意:他在中國交了許多朋友。make friends交朋友。7 .句意:吃健康的食物對你的身體健康是有好處的。be good for對有益。8 .句意:他喜歡做早操。like doing sth.喜歡做早操。9 .句意:他想晚飯后和他的朋友一起跳舞。10 .句意:因為他很小,他不能參加講故事俱樂部。the story telling club 講故事俱樂部。11 .句意:他想喝你們一起唱歌。12 .句意:他來自英國他會講英語。13 .句意:他作為一個音樂家而出名。題二: 1. join 2. swimming 3. chess 4. piano 5.drawing 6. makes 7.goo

29、d8.doing 9. dancing 10.to join 11. singing 12. English 13. musician解析:1.句意:你想要加入我們一塊散步嗎?join sb.加入某人一起做某事。2 .句意:瑪麗喜歡游泳。like + doing喜歡做某事。3 .句意:你想加入象棋俱樂部嗎?join+俱樂部,表示成為其中的一員。4 .句意:今天有節(jié)鋼琴課。have a piano lesson 上鋼琴課。5 .句意:在周二有一節(jié)繪畫課。have a drawing lesson上繪畫課。6 .句意:她經(jīng)常為她的朋友做生日蛋糕。make birthday cakes for sb

30、.為某人做生日蛋糕。7 .句意:他擅長畫畫。 be good at擅長。8 .句意:瑪麗喜歡在晚飯后做作業(yè)。do one's homework做作業(yè)。9 .句意:他最喜歡的運動是跳舞。10 .句意:他不想?yún)④?。join the army 參軍。11 .句意:他喜歡和他的朋友一起唱歌。like doing喜歡做某事。12 .句意:他經(jīng)常幫助他的妹妹學習英語。13 .句意:他是來自英國的音樂家。題三:1.A 2.D解析:1.句意:他喜歡拉小提琴而她的弟弟喜歡打籃球。球類運動的前面沒有冠詞,樂器前面需加定冠詞。2.句意:說英語的,學生講的漢語很好。講某種語言應該用speako題四:1.A 2

31、.C解析:1.句意:一些人喜歡彈吉他而另外一些人喜歡踢足球。球類運動的前面沒有冠詞,樂器前面需加定冠詞。2.句意:這個小男孩會講故事了。tell stories講故事。題五:1.D 2.C解析:1.句意:一他會游泳嗎?-不會,但是他會跳舞。上句的謂語動詞用的是情態(tài)動詞can,下句的答語還是用 can來回答。2.句意:請給我們打這個電話。call sb at+電話號碼“給某人打這個電話”題六:1.C 2.C解析:1.句意:-你會彈鋼琴嗎?-是的,我會。請讓我給你彈一曲吧。2 .句意:你經(jīng)常和他們玩游戲嗎?這里作介詞的賓語應該用賓格。題七:1.C 2.D解析:1.句意:他和他班級里的同學相處的很好

32、。be good with與相處得好。3 .句意:瑪麗擅長跳舞。be good at擅長題八:1.B 2.D解析:1.句意:做運動對于你的健康是有好處的。be good for對有益。4 .句意:他非常喜歡游泳并且他還擅長它。be good at擅長題九:1.B 2.B解析:1.句意:他不喜歡西紅柿和胡羅卜。在否定句中用or表示兩者都否定了。5 .句意:請給她打這個電話234-6754。題十:1.B 2.A解析:1.句意:他不會踢足球也不會彈鋼琴。在否r定句中用or表示兩者都否定了6 .句意:不要在課堂上說話。in class在課堂上。題 H-:1. I want to join the ar

33、t club.7 . Can you sing? No, I can't. But I can dance.8 .He often helps Jim (to )learn to sing.9 . Let's go home after school.10 He likes playing chess, so he wants to join the chess club.11 We need you to help carry the box.解析:1. join the art club 加入藝術(shù)俱樂部。2. 這里考查can的用法。can表示能,會。3. help sb.

34、to do sth.幫助某人做某事。4. after school 放學后。5. join the chess club加入象棋俱樂部。6. need to do需要某人做某事。題十二: 1.You can join the art club.2. tan he play volleyball?-No, he can't. But he can play the drums.3. Can you help your brother to learn to draw?4. Let them play tennis with us.5. He likes apples, so his mo

35、ther often buys some for him.6. They need you to help clean the room.解析:1. join the art club 足球俱樂部。2. play volleyball 打排球;play the drums 敲鼓。3. help sb. to do sth.幫助某人做某事。這里的 to可以省略。4. play tennis 打網(wǎng)球。5. buy sth. for sb.給某人買某物。6. clean the room 打掃房間。題十三: 1.The weather.2 .An umbrella or a raincoat.3 .Yes, it does.4 .The Weather in England解析:短文大意:本文敘述了英國的天氣變化,在英國呆一天有可能人們經(jīng)歷四季的天氣,在冬天也可以感受到夏天


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