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1、倒裝句講解與練習(xí)倒裝句講解與練習(xí)英語的基本句型是主語+謂語。如果將主語與謂語調(diào)換,稱倒裝句。裝句分全倒裝句和半倒裝句。一、三種情況:全倒裝主語與謂語交換位置不需任何助動(dòng)詞叫全倒裝。全倒裝有以下1、當(dāng) here, there, out, in, up, down等副詞放在句首時(shí),句子需全倒裝 :There goes the bell!鈴響了!There lived an old man.Here comesthe bus.注意 :在這種情況下倒裝僅限于不及物動(dòng)詞或be 動(dòng)詞 ,像 go, come,mush等。主語如果是代詞時(shí)不需倒裝如Away he went.他走遠(yuǎn)了。2、方位狀語在句首,如

2、:In front of the house stopped a police car.Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.Under the tree sat a boy.3 、直接引語在句首,這種情況可倒裝也可不倒裝"What does it mean?" asked the boy或 the boy asked.二、半倒裝 :主語與謂語的助動(dòng)詞交換位置稱半倒裝,有以下數(shù)種情況 :1, 否定意義的詞在句首,句子半倒裝 ,例如 : little, never, not, no, hardl

3、y,rarely,seldomNever shall I forget you.At no time was the man aware of what washappening.Little did I understand what he said to me at that time.2、幾對(duì)并列連詞如not only ,but also,hardly ,when 等連接兩個(gè)并列句,連詞在句首 ,前句半倒裝 ,后句不倒裝 :Not only was everything he had taker away from him, but also his German citizenship

4、 was taken away.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.注意 : not only , but also 連接兩個(gè)并列主語時(shí)不需倒裝 , 如 :Not only you but also I like playing chess. neither , nor 在句首時(shí) , 前后兩句都需倒裝 ,Neither do I have a sister nor does my husband.3、only 在句首強(qiáng)調(diào)狀語,主句半倒裝 :Only then did I realize that I was wron

5、g.Only in this way can I learn from my fault.Only when the war was over in 1918, was he able to get back to work.注意 : only強(qiáng)調(diào)主語不倒裝:Only the teachers can use the room.4、so,that句型 , so在句首時(shí),主句倒裝, that從句不倒裝:So easy is itthat a clild canlearnit.Soharddid he workthat he finallywon the fame.I saw the film,

6、so did he.5. 省略了 if 的虛擬條件句HadIbeeninformed earlier,Icouldhave done something.Were she here,she would support the motion.1.Hismother had talkedto him formany minuteswhile he was watchingTV,but .A.alittledidhe hearB.littledidhe hearC.littleheardheD.a little heard he2. Hello,Zhu Hua.I ll have to return

7、 to Canada because Ive workedhere for a year. !A.What tim?fliesB.How time fliesC.What does time flyD.Howdoes time fly3.During the war, but also he lost his wife and his child.A.not was his job in the lab taken awayB.not only was his job inthe lab taken awayC.not merely his job in the lab was taken a

8、wayD.not just was taken awayhis job in the lab4. We have to stop talking here outside.Listen, ! Hurryup, or we ll be late.A.There goes the bellB.There does the bell goC.There the bellgoesD.Goes the bell there5.I think this is the first time that we have met. anywhere.A.Beforehave we neverseen each o

9、therB.Never beforewe have seen eachotherC.Each other have we seen never beforeD.Never before have we seeneach other6. ! You should take this chance to attend it.A.HowimportantconferenceisitB.Howanimportantconference it isC.What an important conference isitD.Whatan important conferenceit is7.She didn

10、 t come to the party last Sunday. ,she must have made theparty more exciting.A.If she cameB.Would she comeC.Had she comeD.Did she come8.They finally managed to climb to the top,but then.A.went the childrendown the hillB.down the hilldidthe childrengoC.down the hill went the childrenD.down the hill t

11、he children went9.I received his mother s telephone call at eleven. that he was badlyhurt in an accident yesterday.A.Then did I knowB.Only then I knewC.Only then did I knowD.Onlythen knew I10. What sport do you like best? Springboard diving(跳板跳水 ). to dive into water from high board!A.What a fun isi

12、tB.How fun itisC.How a fun isitD.What funit is11. The old man wouldn t stay at home for a rest even if it rained. .He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day.A.So would my grandpaB.So wouldn t my grandpaC.Neither would my grandpaD.Nor wouldn t my grandpa12. for us to surf(沖浪 ) on the sea in su

13、mmer!A.WhatexcitingisitB.How excitingisitC.WhatexcitingitisD.How exciting it is13.By no meansA.will she agreeshe to our plan for the trip.B.she will agreeC.agrees sheD.will agree14.The child tiptoed( 翹起腳尖走 ) quietly to the bird. into the forest when he was about to catch it.A.Flew it awayB.Away flew

14、 itC.Away it flewD.Flew away it15.Little Tom is an orphan. ,he has to make a living by himself.A.A childas he isB.Childas he isC.Childas isheD.A childthough he is16. he gave that we should take more exercise in our spare time!A.WhatagoodadviceB.HowagoodadviceC.WhatgoodadviceD.How good advice17.Hardl

15、y had she walked out of the woods she heard the strangescream coming from behind a tree.A.thanB.untilC.sinceD.when18. that we couldn t catch up with him.A.So fast he ranB.So fast did he runC.So fast ran heD.Suchfast did he run19.We have been on duty for four hours and .A.nowcomes yourturnB.nowdoesyo

16、urturncome C.nowyourturncomesD.comes now your turn20.We haven t seen each other for many months. !A.What I missed youB.What did I miss youC.How I missed youD.Howdid I miss you21. can you find out how many chickens there are!A.CountingthemB.BycountingthemC.OnlybycountingthemD.Only have you counted th

17、em22.Between the two mounts and they decide to build a ropeway(索道 ).A.lies a very deep valleyB.does a very deep valley lieC.a very deep valley liesD.a very deep valley lays23.They went into a small house but .A.no persons did they findB.not a person found theyC.not a person did they findD.not a pers

18、on they found24. My motherdoes a lot ofhousework before goingto work,butshe hasnever been late. .A.So does my motherB.Neitherdoes my motherC.Nor has my motherD.Soit is with my mother25.Everyone has arrived at eight and.A.then does the meetingbeginB.then begins the meetingC.begins the meeting thenD.d

19、oes the meeting begin then26. it is for us to see that he does his work so well!A.WhatsurpriseB.How surpriseC.Whata surpriseD.How asurprise27.Look over there. !A.Around the corner is walking a policemanB.Around the corner is apoliceman walkingC.Around the corner a policeman is walkingD.Is around the

20、 cornerwalking a policeman28. ,we could forgive him for his mistakes!A.Were he still a childB.If he is still a childC.Is he still achildD.He were still a child29.Henry often helps look after Granny Wang,but .A.seldom is GeorgeB.seldom George doesC.seldom does GeorgeD.seldom looks George after Granny

21、 Wang30. The water changes intothickice coveringriversand lakesin winterin Harbin. A.So is itin Urumqi and children go skating on it then. B.So it does C.So it isD.So doesit31.Iremember thatan oldchurch on the top of the hillmany yearsago.A.usedtobethereB.thereusedtobeC.thereusedtohaveD.there had32.

22、Could you write me a letter ?A.when will you get homeB.when do you get home C.when you will gethomeD.when you get home33.Mother told Rose to buy some sugar in the supermarket and .A.shedidsoB.soshedidC.sodidsheD.she did such34. shortly after it stopped raining.A.There appeared a colorfulrainbow in t

23、he skyB.In the sky did a colorfulrainbow appearC.There a colorful rainbow appeared in the skyD.There in the sky acolorful rainbow appeared35.After the patients went into the office, working.A.only a doctor did they seeB.only a doctor saw theyC.only a doctor they sawD.only a doctor had they seen36.We

24、 have looked for the lost sheep almost everywhere,but nowhere .A.we can find itB.can we find itC.can find we itcan it find37.Only since they gave up that good chance to show their inventionagain.A.have they had no chanceB.they have had no chanceC.they have no chanceD.have they no chance38.You can se

25、e a large signal on the wall: !A.LonglivesthePRCB.LonglivethePRCC.LongdoestheliveD.Long do the PRC liveD.wePRCshe39. ,she may not catch up with her sister Lisa.A.HardthoughsheworksB.HardalthoughsheworksC.HardD.Hard even if she works40. these ancient buildings in this city are!A.What perfectly protec

26、tedB.How perfect protectedC.How perfectly protectedD.What perfect protected41.Nothing but two ancient Chinese coins after they took out theworksjar.A.didtheyfindinitB.theyfoundinitC.initdidfindD.in it found they42.He is strict in everything and strict with everyone. .A.My father is always suchB.My f

27、ather is always so a strict manC.Such is my fatherD.So a strict man is my father43.If you dont go to his birthday party next Friday, .A.so do IB.so will IC.nor do ID.nor will I44.Since everyone has come back here, .A.on goes our discussionB.goes on our discussionC.on does our discussion goD.does on

28、our discussion go45. when we passed by its nest.A.Up into the blue sky did the bird flyB.Up into the blue skythe bird flewC.Up intothe blue sky flewthe birdD.Flew up intothesky the bird1.B 。具有否定意義的副詞如:little,seldom,never,hardly,scarcely,rarelytheyblue等位于句首時(shí),句子的主謂部分倒裝。2.B 。 how time flieshow fast tim

29、e flies“時(shí)間過得真快”。因?yàn)楸桓袊@的部分是副詞fast,因此感嘆詞用how,感嘆句需用陳述語序。3.B 。 not only.but also連接兩個(gè)并列分句,且not only位于句首時(shí),該分句主謂部分倒裝。4.A 。在以here,there,up,down,in,on,out,away,off等副詞開頭的句子里,主語是名詞時(shí),句子主謂全部倒裝,以示強(qiáng)調(diào)。但主語是人稱代詞時(shí),不倒裝。5.D。否定副詞never before提前到句首時(shí),句子用部分倒裝。6.D。由于被感嘆的部分是可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) conference ,所以感嘆詞用 what,感嘆句需用陳述語序。7.C。 Had she

30、come If she had come。 if中或非正式場(chǎng)合可以把if省略掉而改用部分倒裝。引導(dǎo)虛擬語氣條件狀語從句,在口語8.C。介詞短語位于句首,且謂語為不及物動(dòng)詞的句子,句子的主謂全部倒裝。9.C。only 修飾句子的狀語(副詞、介詞短語、狀語從句)位于句首時(shí),句子的主謂部分倒裝。10.D。句子中fun是不可數(shù)名詞,感嘆詞需要用what 。11.C。 Neither would my grandparest,either.否定副詞 neither,norMy grandpa wouldn t stay at home for a提前到句首,句子用部分倒裝。12.D。形容詞excitin

31、g前用感嘆詞how,感嘆句用陳述語序。13.A 。表示否定意義的介詞短語在句中作狀語置于句首時(shí),句子的主謂部分倒裝。這樣的介詞短語有:by no means,at no time,in no way,not in the least等。14.C。參見注 4。15.B 。 Child as he isAlthough he is a child。 as引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句時(shí),通常要把作表語的形容詞或名詞、作狀語的副詞或動(dòng)詞原形提前到句首,同時(shí)注意,作表語的單數(shù)名詞前無形容詞時(shí)要把不定冠詞去掉。16.C。名詞 advice 用感嘆詞 what,advice是一個(gè)不可數(shù)名詞。17.D。 hardly.when.表示“一 , 就”。注意,主句主謂要用部分倒裝。18.B 。在 so.that的句型中“ so 形容詞或副詞”提前到句首時(shí),主句主謂部分倒裝。 19.A 。時(shí)間副詞now then置于句首,其謂語又是come,go,begin等,這時(shí)應(yīng)該用全部倒裝語序。20.C。 how 修飾句子的謂語動(dòng)詞,句子表示“我是多么想念你??!”21.C。參見注 9。22.A 。參見注 8。23.C。“ not a (an)可數(shù)名詞的單數(shù)形式”提前到句首時(shí),句子要用部分倒裝。24.D。如果前面提


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