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1、一、There be 擴展1. 構(gòu)成: There will /may/must/can, etc. be.:Eg:There will be an interesting survey on English next week. 下個星期有個關(guān)于英語方面的有趣報告。2.在There be引導(dǎo)的句子中, 謂語動詞be的人稱和數(shù)應(yīng)和它后面的主語(名詞)保持一致 There is a small river near the village. 村子附近有條小河。 There are two thousand students in our school. 我們學(xué)校有2000名學(xué)生。 There i

2、s a pen and two books on the desk. 課桌上有一枝鋼筆。3. There be句型與句型與have的區(qū)別的區(qū)別: 二者都表示漢語中的“有”。但是在用法上有區(qū)別: There be 句型表示“某處(某時)有某物”; 而have則表示“某人或某物擁有某物”, 強調(diào)主語和賓語的所屬關(guān)系。如: There are quite a few pine trees on the campus. 校園里有許多松樹。 Each super girl has her merits and faults.每個超級女生都有他的優(yōu)點和缺點。4. there be something 句型

3、后可加doing ,to do 和過去分詞(done),但情況不同用法也不同:(1).當(dāng)表示主語一直存在的狀態(tài)時當(dāng)表示主語一直存在的狀態(tài)時, 用用doing There is a girl crying in the corner. 角落里有一個女孩在哭. There is a teacher teaching them English many years. 有一個英語老師教了他們很多年.(2).表示未發(fā)生的動作或即將進(jìn)入的狀表示未發(fā)生的動作或即將進(jìn)入的狀態(tài)時態(tài)時,用不定式即用不定式即to do There is the homework to do today. 那是今天要做的作業(yè)Ther

4、e is the new teacher to teach us English. 那個是要教我們英語的新老師.(3).當(dāng)表示主語的被動語態(tài)時當(dāng)表示主語的被動語態(tài)時,修飾主語修飾主語,用過去分詞用過去分詞:There is a nice meal cooked by me . 我做了美味的一餐.There are something found by him in the box . 盒子里有一些他發(fā)現(xiàn)的東西.二、二、(1) more.than 的用法的用法1. 比多,比更He has more books than me. 他的書比我多。He is more careful than the

5、 others. 他比其他人更仔細(xì)。2. 與其不如He is more lucky than clever. 與其說他聰明,不如說他幸運。He is more (a)scholar than (a)teacher. 與其說他是位教師,不如說他是位學(xué)者。(2)no more than 最多不超過最多不超過 只有。只有。 (強調(diào)少)(強調(diào)少) not more than 不多于,不超過。不多于,不超過。 She has no more than three hats. (他只有三頂帽子) She has not more than three hats. (他至多有三頂帽子) (3) no mor

6、e.than 表示對兩者都否定,意 為“同一樣不”(=neither.nor.)。 He is no more able to read Spanish than I am. 他和我都讀不懂西班牙語。(Neither he nor I am able to read Spanish.) not more.than 是程度不同,意為“不如”“不及”(=not so. as)。 She is not more clever than he is. 她不如他聰明。(She is not so clever as he is.)(4)more than 不僅僅;多于,超出(over)rather th

7、an 而不是(前后兩端所連的詞性是一致的)He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位藝術(shù)家而不是位哲學(xué)家.other than:不同于 different from;除了exceptThe truth is quite other than what you think. 事實真相和你們想的完全不一樣。He has visited every country in Asia other than Japan. 除了日本之外,他訪問了所有的亞洲國家。no other than:正是(恰恰是)This is no other than my old

8、friend , John.這位不是別人,正是我的老朋友約翰.(5)more than one +n :“不止一個” 做主語時候,謂語動詞用單數(shù)More than one girl holds such a view in the school.在這個學(xué)校里不只一個女孩持有這樣的觀點。many a +n (許多)謂單 三、one 和 a/ana/an 同類事物中的“任何一個”one 強調(diào)數(shù)目,是“一個”,而不是兩個,三個等Can I have a pen ?Is one pen enough?四、way(1)in some ways:在某些方面,在某種程度上 = in a/one way In

9、 a/one way he was right. 在某種程度上他是對的.(2)in the/sbs way:擋路,礙事 You are in the/my way.你擋著我的路了.(3)on the/ones way:在路上,即將來(去) Spring is on the/its way.春天快到了. on the/ones way to:在去往的路上(4)by the way :順便說,順便問 By the way , do you know where Mary lives? 順便問一下,你知道瑪麗住在哪里嗎?(5)in no way :決不(位于句首時,句子部分倒裝) In no way will I give up. in this way/ by this means: 用這種方法 all the way :一直,始終 under way:在進(jìn)行中 by way of : 經(jīng)由; They are travelling to France by way of London. 他們經(jīng)過倫敦去法國。 作為的形式; lets eat out tonight, by way of a change.五. Use A as B :把A用作B


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