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1、武漢大學(xué)畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計(jì))題 目淺析rtk技術(shù)在地形圖測(cè)繪中的應(yīng)用專(zhuān) 業(yè) 工程測(cè)量院 部測(cè)繪學(xué)院學(xué) 號(hào)姓 名指導(dǎo)教師答辯時(shí)間二一二年三月 論文工作時(shí)間:2012年1月至2012年3月武漢大學(xué)2011屆畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計(jì))淺析rtk技術(shù)在地形圖測(cè)繪中的應(yīng)用學(xué)生姓名: 指導(dǎo)老師: 摘 要: gps 新技術(shù)的出現(xiàn),特別是利用rtk快速定位和實(shí)時(shí)得到坐標(biāo)結(jié)果的特點(diǎn),可以用來(lái)進(jìn)行地物的碎部測(cè)量來(lái)代替常規(guī)的數(shù)字化測(cè)圖,能很好地彌補(bǔ)測(cè)站點(diǎn)控制范圍的局限性,減少工作量,提高作業(yè)效率。本論文研究目的是在理論上預(yù)期可以對(duì)rtk測(cè)量成果進(jìn)行精度估計(jì)和質(zhì)量控制,同時(shí)結(jié)合一些實(shí)踐,介紹了rtk技術(shù)的工作原理以及優(yōu)缺點(diǎn),且根據(jù)

2、平常在操作中所遇問(wèn)題提出一些解決方法和參考。關(guān)鍵詞:rtk;實(shí)踐應(yīng)用;問(wèn)題解決內(nèi)容1. 引言.12. rtk系統(tǒng)的概述22.1 rtk系統(tǒng)組成部分22.1.1 基準(zhǔn)站.22.1.2 流動(dòng)站.22.1.3 軟件系統(tǒng).22.2 rtk定位技術(shù)22.2.1 修正法22.2.2 差分法32.3 rtk實(shí)時(shí)相對(duì)定位原理43. rtk在實(shí)踐作業(yè)中的優(yōu)點(diǎn)與缺點(diǎn)43.1 rtk的優(yōu)點(diǎn)43.2 rtk的缺點(diǎn)54. rtk在地形圖測(cè)繪中的應(yīng)用54.1 rtk的作業(yè)流程64.1.1 準(zhǔn)備工作64.1.2 架設(shè)基準(zhǔn)站64.1.3 啟動(dòng)移動(dòng)站64.1.4 rtk作業(yè)前的檢查74.2 利用rtk技術(shù)測(cè)圖的方法74.3 在

3、實(shí)踐作業(yè)中rtk的應(yīng)用以及所遇問(wèn)題74.3.1 在實(shí)踐作業(yè)中所遇問(wèn)題84.3.2 如何解決這些問(wèn)題95. 總結(jié)13參考文獻(xiàn)14致謝151. 引言隨著測(cè)繪技術(shù)的發(fā)展,計(jì)算機(jī)的普及,高精度測(cè)繪儀器的出現(xiàn),地形圖的測(cè)繪方法發(fā)生了質(zhì)的改變。數(shù)字化測(cè)圖技術(shù)的應(yīng)用發(fā)展,極大的促進(jìn)了測(cè)繪行業(yè)的自動(dòng)化和現(xiàn)代化進(jìn)程,使測(cè)量的成果不僅有繪在紙上的地圖,還有精度高、美觀(guān)實(shí)用,易于二存儲(chǔ)和查詢(xún)的數(shù)字地圖。gps新技術(shù)的出現(xiàn),特別是利用rtk快速定位和實(shí)時(shí)得到坐標(biāo)結(jié)果的特點(diǎn),可以用來(lái)進(jìn)行地形、地物的碎部測(cè)量來(lái)代替常規(guī)的數(shù)字化測(cè)圖,可以很好地彌補(bǔ)測(cè)站點(diǎn)控制范圍的局限性,大幅度地提高測(cè)量速度,減少工作量,提高作業(yè)效率。本文

4、將就rtk技術(shù)在地形圖測(cè)繪中的應(yīng)用,結(jié)合測(cè)區(qū)情況做一介紹。2. the sino-africa cultural differences in business negoti- ationrtk技術(shù)原理。rtk(real time kinematic)實(shí)時(shí)動(dòng)態(tài)定位技術(shù)是一項(xiàng)以載波相位觀(guān)測(cè)為基礎(chǔ)的實(shí)時(shí)差分gps測(cè)量技術(shù),是利用兩臺(tái)或兩臺(tái)以上gps接收機(jī)同時(shí)接收衛(wèi)星信號(hào),其中一臺(tái)安置在已知坐標(biāo)點(diǎn)上作為基準(zhǔn)站,其它作為移動(dòng)站。在 rtk作業(yè)模式下基準(zhǔn)站移動(dòng)站保持同時(shí)跟蹤至少一顆以上衛(wèi)星,基準(zhǔn)站不斷地對(duì)可見(jiàn)衛(wèi)星進(jìn)行觀(guān)測(cè),并把帶有已知點(diǎn)位置的數(shù)據(jù),借助電臺(tái)將其觀(guān)測(cè)值坐標(biāo)信息,發(fā)送給移動(dòng)站接收機(jī),移動(dòng)站接

5、收機(jī)將自己采集的gps觀(guān)測(cè)值數(shù)據(jù)和接收來(lái)自基準(zhǔn)站的數(shù)據(jù),組成差分觀(guān)測(cè)值進(jìn)行實(shí)時(shí)處理,求得三維坐標(biāo)。rtk技術(shù)受外界條件限制小,只要滿(mǎn)足工作條件,就能快速、高精度地定位作業(yè)。as the thesis illustrates the sino-africa cultural differences and doing business with african, firstly its necessary to know what cultural differences are and what business negotiation is. knowing the definitions

6、of them can make us better understand the influence of cultural differences on sino-africa business negotiation. in the following parts, the thesis will be written from two parts. they are the definitions of culture and business negotiation. and the more important one: what are the cultural differen

7、ces between china and africa? the thesis is believed that it is very helpful for the businessmen to do business with african.2.1 the definition of culture and business negotiationculture is a complicated matter which include beliefs, knowledge, custom, moral consciousness, art and so on. thats almos

8、t including every aspect in the social life. people learn culture by communicating with other people who surrounding them. every person learns culture when they are born. whats more, the culture will exist along their lifetime. culture is the unique character of a social group. it encompasses the va

9、lues and norms shared by members of that group. its the economic, social, political, and religious institutions that direct and control current group members and socialize new members. hofstede defines culture as “a value system shared by a group of people” (hofstede, 1991:16).when it comes to busin

10、ess negotiation, it seems that it takes place only between people who have the same interest and only when negotiating parties trust each other to some extent. besides, it takes place only between when negotiators are interested not only in taking but also in giving. business negotiation is a form o

11、f social interaction. it is the process by which two or more parties try to resolve perceived incompatible goals. 2.2 the cultural differences in the sino-africa business negotiationit is known that china is one of the cradles of human civilization. when it comes to african culture, its famous with

12、its distinct personality in the world. there is no doubt that africa and africans make a big contribution to the human history and civilization. as one of the cradles of human civilization, the “mother” conceived and created the brilliant early civilizationthe civilization of ancient egypt. african

13、civilization is the important source in the formation of greek civilization which is the source of western civilization. because of suppression by colonial and post-colonial regimes, in recent years, traditional african culture has become synonymous with rural poverty and subsistence farming. in thi

14、s thesis, it will analyze five parts of culture which is associated with the business, including concept of time, social etiquette, habits of purchase, consumption habits and religion. having known the definition of culture, next, the cultural differences in the sino-africa business negotiation will

15、 be shown. 2.2.1 the differences in the concept of timein africa, the view of time is very indifferent. regardless of peoples position and education level, the concept of punctuality is generally weak. it is mainly because the african countries, in general, are still at an early stage of the agricul

16、tural society; the pace of life is slow; the transportation is inconvenient, and the people are full of inert. the modern concept of “time is money, efficiency is life” almost does not exist in africa. full mental preparations should be made if the negotiators appoint with african clients to meet or

17、 discuss at 9:00, because they usually come at 9:30 or much latter. if they are agreed to attend the reception or dinner, the delay maybe surpass your expectations. when the african is told that time is limited or it will cause losses if they dont deal with it as soon as possible, they often tell yo

18、u: “be patient, everything will be ok.” it is common that the african are late for work. likewise, its important and necessary for the negotiators to have enough patience to negotiation with african businessmen. if it is not very formal negotiations on a large scale, negotiators had better not serio

19、usly believe they will come tomorrow when they are saying “see you tomorrow”. when they say “see you latter”, the “l(fā)atter” means maybe a few days, maybe one month, maybe one year. all in all, if not written language conventions, its credibility is very low. as what has said above, time has different

20、 meaning and importance in different cultures. in china “time is money, efficiency is life”, while it is not true in africa. time influences the pace of negotiations and punctually in meetings. for negotiators, its important to have advance information on the opposite partys behavior regarding time.

21、 this will help them to plan their time as well as to have practice and not to get irrigated during the process.2.2.2 the differences in social etiquettemost of the african are honest, frank, tolerant and friendly. when they meet for the first time, handshake is a sign of friendly. although the etiq

22、uette is the same with china, it is frequently used exceeding china. because the african countries are in long-term economic backwardness and political independence, people in african have strong self-esteem and sensitivity. if the negotiators are showing disdain or boredom to their frequent handsha

23、ke and embrace, their self-esteem will be harmed, consequently the atmosphere of the negotiation may be undermined because of this small mistake. in africa, if the strength of the handshake is not enough, they will think you are not polite and sincere. they will feel angry. in many african countries

24、, people attach great importance to the standard form. for example, they will send letter of thanks or congratulations to thank or congratulate someone; they even will write a farewell letter to farewell. these letters request decent appellation and formal specifications and so on. no matter whether

25、 the company is big or small, there is a secretary or receptionist basically. when doing business with the company in africa, the negotiators had better arrange a good translator to deal with their wide range of letter writings. sometimes in order to improve the efficiency, the negotiators need prep

26、are a small gift for the secretary to win her favor, which will help the negotiators. in their subconscious, as long as they are not to steal or rob, to ask people for gifts is not shameful. they often call a spade a spade. if the negotiators refuse their demands, they dont feel shameful either. thi

27、s is also different with chinese. the chinese wouldnt ask for gifts, unless they are good friends and having known each other for a long time. the chinese are shy to express the internal wants.2.2.3 the differences in the habit of purchasebusiness in africa can be characterized by: small orders, div

28、erse styles. however, the chinese do business based on their condition, size of their companies. in addition, the african always confirm an order upon actual samples checking. african businessmen generally have poor credit. for example, negotiators have agreement with the conditions: 30% deposit, th

29、e balance 70% of cash on delivery. however, when the goods are reached, the african businessmen maybe have no money to pay. once this happens, it would cause destruction to both sides. hence, in the initial negotiation, negotiators must have the customers credit fully investigated; do not trust thei

30、r verbal elaboration. in general, when people do business with africans, theyd better neither stay in their country nor through the network by e-mail on the final deal. the best way to do business with africans is to set up a company in africa and send the goods to african countries directly, then d

31、o business in wholesale or retail. as to investment, the africans do things with low efficiency, together with a huge difference in the ways of thinking, values, business idea. our companies take the form of wholly-owned is much better than the form of joint co-operation. 2.2.4 the differences in co

32、nsumption habitsmost of the africans have not the habit of savings. as the saying goes “we should enjoy the time at this moment in spite of tomorrow”, they dont seem to have many worries and fears about the future. this is quite different with chinese. almost every chinese have the habit of savings.

33、 they deposit their money for future consideration, such as buying a house, a car, for healthy care and so on. nowadays, the advanced information and the quickening pace of life have made many people feel great pressure. nevertheless, the performance of africans is optimistic and cheerful. every nig

34、ht singing and dance can be heard. because of their personality, the people who have purchasing power will not haggle over every ounce and repeat bargaining in the sales process. in their mind, the loss will be gotten one day.2.2.5 the differences in religionafricans profess a wide variety of religi

35、ous beliefs. the statistics on religious affiliation is difficult to come by since they are too sensitive a topic for governments with mixed populations. according to the world book encyclopedia, islam is the largest religion in africa, followed by christianity. however, according to encyclopedia br

36、itannica, 45% of the populations are christians, 40% are muslims and less than 15% continue to follow traditional african religions. a small number of africans are hindu, bahai, or have beliefs from the judaic tradition. there is just a small minority of africans who are non-religious.for china, the

37、re are 56 ethnic minorities. they have different life styles and manners. there are two opinions about how many chinese are religious. according to the statistics which disclosed by the official, there are over 100 million believers in china. however, some learners dont agree with it. after doing re

38、searches, they hold that there are surpass 300 million believers. no matter whose research is right, the point we can see is that there are few chinese are religious, compared with 1.3 billion chinese. the topic of religion should be avoided in a conversation with the african. most of the african do

39、nt like talking about the region and politics, especially on africas political problems. if the negotiators do so, they would feel you blaspheme their god and not respect them.3. the impact of the cultural differences on the business negotiationthe behavior of negotiators is linked to their respecti

40、ve cultural backgrounds. culture, in general, plays the role of restricting the negotiators behavior. therefore, cultural differences or different cultural backgrounds have become the basis to explain the different behavior of negotiators. it can be said that when negotiators are in a particular cul

41、tural context, we can have certain predictability to their behaviors. behaviors of the negotiators under their cultural backgrounds, such as the strategy of negotiation, the communication process, the interpersonal relationship and the way of making decision, will be presented for the relevance of c

42、ulture.3.1 the impact on the strategies of negotiationbecause of the influence of different culture, the negotiation style in every country is various. the strategy of negotiation is along with the whole negotiation. when two parties negotiate,both bring culture to the table with their interests and

43、 priorities and their negotiation strategiescultures may affect why the negotiators have taken the position they have or why one issue is of high or priority than anothera negotiation strategy is an integrated set of behaviors chosen because they are thought to be the means of accomplishing the goal

44、 of negotiationnegotiators interests, priorities and use of strategies are affected by culture. the followings are the three fundamental business negotiation strategies, which are related with cultural differences. in the process of the negotiation, its better for the negotiators to understand their

45、 counterparts strategies related to cultures according to different cultural background. for example, the implicit nature of chinese culture decides the chinese negotiators use the implicit strategy to express their needs. its much different from africans, they always express themselves directly. wh

46、en they cant accept the negotiators requirements, they would call a spade a spade.3.1.1 face-to-face strategiesface-to-face strategies are concerned with negotiating with person in the way of face to face rather than by the mail, fax, telegraph, or through lawyers or other intermediaries. in this wa

47、y, people negotiate with each other face to face. many european countries tend to apply strategies of face-to-face. most of the africans have low credit and their concept of time is quite different from our chinese, so negotiators had better do business with african face to face and sign the contrac

48、t. because the africa has been controlled by the europeans for a long time, it has some characteristics of this kind of strategies.3.1.2 group oriented strategiesgroup orientation ends with a solution that is good for each group, since all points of view are supposedly taken into accounts. people ar

49、e regarded as a part of the group. the group would have to reach an agreement on any decision, and this probably would not be done during the negotiation sessions. the members in the group would avoid making an individual decision. besides, group oriented cultures tend to view contracts as flexible,

50、 such as the chinese, who are an oriented cultural group. the chinese negotiation group is a symbolic group oriented, which prefers to take group-decision instead of individual-decision. 3.1.3 individual oriented strategiesin the way of individual-oriented cultures, people will be concerned with the

51、 best contract for their company and may not be concerned about whether the agreement is good for the company they negotiate with. if there is more than one member in the team, only one person will probably control the negotiations and make the final decision. before the negotiation meeting, the com

52、position of the team is stable. the persons with individually oriented culture tend to interpret the contract very severely. for example, the america is a typical individual-oriented nation.3.2 the impact on the communication processthe means of communication is including verbal communication and no

53、n-verbal communication which directly effect the business negotiation. language is a major source of negotiation. no matter in what kind of negotiation, language is the determining factor to achieve the success of negotiation. people on earth use more than 3000 languages. because few people can be g

54、ood command of more than one language, problems of communication are bound to occur in international business communication. one reason for such differences is that languages are based on the concepts, experiences, and views and so on. proper use of the language is a sensitive cultural issue. human

55、communication is an involvement of vocalizations and movement. speech acts and nonverbal acts, as two modes of communication, are inextricably related. these behaviors are seen as organizers of social systems. next, the two factors will be presented and discussed in the following paragraphs.3.2.1 ve

56、rbal communicationpeople from diverse cultures vary in expressing their thoughts and opinions. under the same cultural backgrounds, there are some errors in the talking of speech. its conceivable that when a person speaks a second language, certainly, the error will be much more. different languages

57、 have their unique mode of construction of information. in international business negotiation, it usually requires a good translator who is not only proficient in both languages, but also has the corresponding technical expertise. in the exchange of language process, they have to adjust their logic

58、and thought to adapt to the language used.3.2.2 non-verbal communicationnonverbal communication,like verbal language, is also a part of culture. but not all body language means the same thing in different cultures. different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. burgoon and saine define nonverbal language as follows: nonverbal communication is all the communication movements except the language behavior. nonverbal communication r


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