



1、  2010年信息科學(xué)與管理工程國(guó)際學(xué)術(shù)會(huì)議(isme 2010)   2010年圖像處理與模式識(shí)別在工業(yè)工程中的應(yīng)用國(guó)際學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì)(ipprie 2010) 將于8月7日在中國(guó)西安召開(kāi)。會(huì)議由香港信息技術(shù)與工業(yè)工程研究中心和陜西科技大學(xué)聯(lián)合主辦。會(huì)議論文集將由國(guó)際光學(xué)工程學(xué)會(huì)spie出版,所有錄用的論文將提交ei與istp檢索(該出版社此前出版的論文集100% 被ei, istp檢索)。本次會(huì)議將推薦優(yōu)秀論文到以下ei檢索的國(guó)際期刊發(fā)表:pattern recognition and image analysis. ipprie延期至4月15

2、日截稿       2010 international conference on image processing and pattern recognition in industrial engineering (ipprie 2010) will be held from august 7, 2010 in xi'an, china. this conference is co-sponsored by shaanxi university of science & technology and inform

3、ation technology & industrial engineering research center. all accepted papers will be published by spie (the international society for optical engineering) and included in spie digital library, which will be indexed by ei compendex and istp.         selec

4、ted excellent papers will be published by the issues for the following journals:         優(yōu)秀論文推薦至以下期刊發(fā)表:         sensor review     ( sci & ei compendex) pattern recognition and image analysis&

5、#160;  (ei compendex).        information technologies such as image processing, photonics, pattern recognition, gis and so on are becoming more and more important for commercial crop and industrial engineering. all commercial crop are potential users for inte

6、lligent information technology products. many intelligent information technology systems have been applied in industrial engineering. intelligent information technology will provide powerful means for the transformation of industrial engineering. many countries established association or research ce

7、nters for information technology in industrial engineering. it is necessary for experts from developed and developing countries to exchange ideas. 本次會(huì)議論文集的論文不得少于6頁(yè)。在8頁(yè)內(nèi)收版面費(fèi)2200元rmb/篇,若論文超過(guò)8頁(yè)將按每頁(yè)200元的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)增收版面費(fèi)。對(duì)于同一第一作者刊發(fā)多篇論文的情況,將給予每篇版面費(fèi)減少200元優(yōu)惠(第一篇不變)。       

8、0;   accepted papers must have at least 6 pages and no more than 8 pages. the registration fee is rmb2200 that includes the publication of one accepted paper of up to 8 pages in the conference proceeding. for papers of more than 8 pages, the page charge is rmb200 per additional page. 

9、相關(guān)鏈接 :陜西科技大學(xué)科技處     陜西科技大學(xué)電信學(xué)院  請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊此處上傳您的論文 (click here to submit your paper)       topics of interest include, but are not limited to:session  1:     image acquisition and processing in industrial engineeringsession

10、0; 2:    photonics in industrial engineering         session  3:    gis, gps, rs in industrial engineering                  sessio

11、n  4:    wireless and optical communications in industrial engineering session  5:    industrial decision support and simulation system           session  6:    intelligent monitor

12、ing and control/ict applications in industrial  engineering       session  7:    sensor technology in industrial engineering    session  8:    pattern recognition and computer vision in industrial eng

13、ineering    session  9:    other related information technology in industrial engineering                             &#

14、160;     we hope to see you in xian.sponsored byinformation technology & industrial engineering research centershaanxi university of science & technology published by the international society for optical engineering版權(quán) © 2009 information technology and industria

15、l engineering research centers 保留所有權(quán)利 長(zhǎng)期辦理ei檢索會(huì)議論文指導(dǎo)修改翻譯發(fā)表內(nèi)容:計(jì)算機(jī)類(lèi)、體育、通訊、檔案、規(guī)劃、教育、電子商務(wù)、嵌入式、控制、圖像、圍巖、水利工程、經(jīng)濟(jì)、建筑、地質(zhì)、電子等專(zhuān)業(yè)均可,只要您需要,都可以聯(lián)系我們咨詢(xún),眾多專(zhuān)業(yè)刊物可以操作。會(huì)議:都是百分百ei檢索會(huì)議,如果到時(shí)不能檢索,退全款。時(shí)間:我們推薦最快的ei檢索會(huì)議。ei檢索周期:一般是會(huì)后3-9個(gè)月,沒(méi)法確定準(zhǔn)確時(shí)間。  本站有眾多專(zhuān)業(yè)博士、碩士親自指導(dǎo)、修改、翻譯,如果您有論文就直接發(fā)來(lái)我們加工發(fā)表,如果沒(méi)有論文,我們可以指導(dǎo)發(fā)表,詳情請(qǐng)咨詢(xún)本站客服。本站客戶(hù)聯(lián)系方式:張老師:在線(xiàn)qq:759325 


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