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1、Module 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit 1 My abilitiesI . Vocabulary:1. Basic words and expressi ons:dance read sing draw2. Exte nding words and expressi ons:write flower house draw a flower/house/book II. Sentence patter ns:1 . Basic senten ces:(1) I can sing.1) dance 2) read3) draw 4) write5) see a

2、 book(2) - What can you do?-I can dance.1) read 2) sing 3) draw 4) write 5) draw a flower(3) - Goodbye, Be n.- Goodbye, Alice. Hello, I'm Dann y.2. Exte nding senten ces:-What can you do?-I can dance.III. Dialogues:-Look, Kitty! I can dance. What can you do?-I can draw. I can draw a flower. Look

3、, this is a flower.-Oh, how nice!IV . Functions:Describing one's abilitiesPeriod 1ExercisesI. Look and say (看圖,說單詞)1.II. Look and read (正確朗讀單詞):4. sing5. read1 . nose2. draw3. danceIII. Quick responses (快速反響):1. Nice to see you.2. Thank you.3. Touch your mouth.4. Give me your book, please.5. Her

4、e you are.IV. Read a rhyme (朗誦一首兒歌)A book, a pen cil I can see. A book, a pencil for you and me!V. Listen and circle 聽錄音,圈出正確的圖片6. A.B. readB. drawB. eyeVI. Listen and circle (聽錄音,圈出聽到的單詞):1 . A. singB.nice2.A. draw3. A. faceB.dance4.A.flower5. A. canB.eye6.A. earVII. Listen and number (聽錄音,給圖片正確編號(hào))

5、: WII.Listen and choose 聽錄音,選擇聽到的句子B. This is my nose.()1. A. This is my face.()2. A. Touch your bag.B. That's your bag.()3. A. I can see a pen cil.B. I can draw a pen cil.()4. A. What can you read?B. What can you see?()5. A. I can sing a song.B. I can read ABC.IX. Read and match (看一看,連一連)1. rea

6、d2. dance3. sing4. drawX. Read and choose 讀一讀,選擇正確的單詞()1.1 can. A. read()2. This is a. A. pencil()3. Touch your. A. face()4. What can you? A. si ngIX. Read and choose選出不同類的單詞()l. A. readB. si ng()2. A. earB. nose()3. A. faceB. pencil()4. A. morningB. seeC. rulerD. drawC. touchD. mouthC. rubberD. pen

7、C. after noonD. eveningPeriod 2ExercisesI. Look and say (看圖,說單詞)II. Look and read1 .book正確朗讀單詞2. read3. evening4. dance5. drawIII. Look and say看圖,用所給句型說話4. That's aIV. Quick responses (快速反響):1 . Hello!2. Nice to see you!3. Touch your book.4. Give me a pen cil, please.5. What can you do?V. Listen

8、 and circle (看圖,圈出聽到的單詞)3- A.5A.9B.B.ILVI. Listen and numberdancedraw()(VII. Listen and judge4. A.6. A.(聽錄音,給單詞正確編號(hào)):facesing) () ()(聽錄音,判斷聽到的內(nèi)容是否與圖片2.)read()E.rubber()“/或“x表示)4.用(WII.Listen and choose (聽錄音,選擇聽到的句子):B. I can see a bag.)1 . A. I can see a book. )2. A. What can you do?B. What can you

9、draw?B. Touch your head.B. This is my eye.B. Give me your pen.()3. A. Touch your hair.()4. A. This is my no se.()5. A. Give me your pen cil.IX. Read and match (將圖片與單詞正確連線)A. danceB. bagC. faceD. bookX. Read and choose 選出不同類的單詞()l. A. bagB. rulerC. danceD. pen()2. A. pencilB. helloC. knifeD. ruler()3

10、. A. eyeB. noseC. hairD. hi()4. A. rubberB. readC. si ngD. drawXI. Read and circle看一看,圈出與例詞相同的詞1 . dancedrsda nc eaw2. singthbds ingzvPeriod 3ExercisesI. Look and say (看圖,說單詞)II. Look and read (正確朗讀單詞):5. ear1 . draw2. sing3. afternoon4. pen cilIII. Quick responses (快速反響):1 . Touch your no se.2. Giv

11、e me your bag.1 . A. readB. draw2. A. mouthB3. A. bagB.book4. A. helloB5 . A. JohnB. Peter6. A. youB聽錄音圈出聽到的單詞nosehime聽錄音,給圖片正確編號(hào)3. Nice to see you.4. Thank you.5. Goodbye.IV. Read a rhyme (有感情地朗讀兒歌"I can draw ).V. Listen and circle (聽錄音,1. A*圈出正確的圖片5* A.2. A.116. A.B,B.VI. Listen and circleVII

12、. Listen and number町£VIII. Listen and choose聽錄音,選擇聽到的句子()1 . A. This is your eye.()2. A. Touch your pen cil.()3. A. Good morni ng.()4. A. What can you do?()5. A. I can see a flower.B. This is your ear.B. Touch your rubber.B. Good after noon.B. I can draw a house.B. I can draw a flowerIX. Read a

13、nd choose 看圖,選擇正確的單詞()1.1 can draw aA. flowerB. house()2. -What can you do? -I canA. singB.dance()3.and. I can see.A. Eye, noseB. Ear, nose()4. Give me a.A. rubberB. ruler()1.A. youB.singC. danceD. draw()2.A. rubberB.rulerC. meD. pencil()3.A. mouthB.morni ngC. noseD. head()4.A. morni ngB.after noonC

14、. houseD. evenXI. Read and circle (看u壬看B ,圈出與例詞相同的詞:1 .readfv re a d me g h2.(drawdr aw s w erawX. Read and choose 選出不同類的單詞Revision for Module 2 Unit 1SpeakingI . Look and say (看圖,說單詞):10%II. Look and read (正確朗讀以下詞組):10%1 . read a book 2. my mouth 3.- your bag 4. draw a house5. tha nk youIII. Quick

15、responses (快速反響):10%1. Nice to see you.2. A ruler for you.3. What can you do?4. Here you are.5. Touch your no se.IV. Look and say (看圖,用所給句子說話):10%1. -What can you do? - I ca n 2. Give me a 5. Good V. Introduce yourself 用所給句子介紹自己 ,至少5句話:5%rm This is my I can VI. Sing a song 唱一首英語歌曲" My face : 5%

16、ListeningI. Listen and circle 聽錄音,圈出正確的圖片:10%II . Listen and match聽錄音,將人物與圖片正確連線;10%III. Listen and judge 聽錄音,判斷聽到的內(nèi)容是否與圖片一致,用"V或"x表示10%1V. Listen and choose 聽錄音,選擇聽到的句子:10%()I. A. Good afternoon.B. Good evening.()2. A. Here you are.B. Thank you.B. Can you see a book?B. Touch your face.B.

17、Give me a ruler.Alice can dance.()3. A. What can you do?()4. A. This is my face.()5. A. Give me a rubber.WritingI. Read and judge 看圖,判斷句子是否與圖片內(nèi)容相符,用“/或“ x表示:3%II. Read and tick(看句子,勾出你能做的事:4%1. I can dan ce.()2. I can sing.()3. I can read.()4. I can draw.()III. Read and circle (看看,圈出與例詞相同的詞:3%1. nos

18、epna n o se 1hw2. si ngwhu s i ng zpq3. drawdra w s ok 1mn2-Peter can read.I can see a flower.Module 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit 1 My abilitiesPeriod 1ExercisesV. Listen and circle(聽錄音,圈出正確的圖片):1. draw (B)2. dance (B) 3. n ose (A)4. book (B)5. rubber (A)6. hair (A)VI. Listen and circle (聽錄音,圈出聽到

19、的單詞):l. sing (A)2. draw (A) 3. dance (B)4. flower (A)5. can (A)6. eye(B)VII. Listen and number(聽錄音,給圖片正確編號(hào)):dance, draw, read, sing (2, 1,3,4)VIII. Listen and choose (聽錄音,選擇聽到的句子):1. This is my no se. (B) 2. Touch your bag. (A)3. I can draw a pen cil. (B)4. What can you read? (A)5. I ca n read ABC.

20、(B)IX. 略X. 1.B2.B3.A4.AXI. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. BPeriod 2ExercisesV. Listen and circle (看圖,圈出聽到的單詞):l. sing (A) 2. dance (B)3. head (B) 4. bag (A)5. hair (A)6. draw (B)VI. Listen and number (聽錄音,給單詞正確編號(hào)):draw, sing, read, dan ce, face, rubber (4, 1,5, 2, 3, 6)表示VII. Listen and judge (聽錄音,判斷聽到的內(nèi)容是否與圖片一致

21、,用或"x1. -What can you do? - can read. (x )2. Touch your face. ( x )3. That's a ruler. (V) 4. Good evening. (V)VIII. Listen and circle (聽錄音 , 選擇聽到的句子) :1. I can see a bag. (B) 2. What can you do? (A)3. Touch your hair. (A)4. This is my eye. (B) 5. Give me your pen. (B)IX. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C

22、X. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. AXI. 略Period 3ExercisesV. Listen and circle (聽錄音 , 圈出正確的圖片) :l. ruler (B) 2. eye (A)3. hair (B)4. dance (B) 5. rubber (A)6. morning (B)VI. Listen and circle (聽錄音 , 圈出聽到的單詞) :1. draw(B) 2. mouth (A)3. book (B)4. hello (A)5. John (B)6. you (A)VII. Listen and number (聽錄音 , 給圖片正確編號(hào)) :dance, read, draw, sing (2,4, 1,3)VIII. Listen and choose (聽錄音 , 選擇聽到的句子) :1. This is your ear. (B)2. Touch your pencil. (A)3. Good morning. (A)4. What can you do? (A)5. I can draw a flower. (B)IX. 1.B2.B 3.B 4.BX. l


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