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1、外研版英語八年級上Module 3 Journey to Mars全模塊教案I. Teaching objectives 教學目標技能目標聽Listen for the sentence stressesListen for finding out about a news broadcast說Talk about recent events讀Read a dialogue and a passage about space travelRead and choose the best title寫Write a narrative storyWrite a poster about spac

2、e travel語言目標 功能句式Talk about recent eventsI/ You/ We/ They have just heard the news.He/ She /It has already I/ You/ We/ They haven't yet.He/ She/It hasn't yet.Have you/ we/ they yet? Yes, we/ you/ they have. No, we/ you/ they haven't.Has it/he/she reached Mars yet? Yes, it/he/she has. No,

3、 it/he/she hasn't.Astronauts have already been to the Moon.Astronauts have already gone to the Moon.They haven't discovered life on Mars yet.詞匯1. 重點詞匯Earth, already, just, model, station, latest, several, month, discover, recently, show, over, planet, also, none, environment, air, grow, part

4、, light, beyond, alone, cost, prefer, diary, even, secret, real, twice, explore2. 認讀詞匯Mars, panic, solar, grown, galzxy, billion, universe, entrance, Jupiter, mission, unmanned3. 短語space station, space shuttle語法The Present Perfect Tense with already, just, yet話題Journey to Mars. Teaching materials an

5、alyzing 教材分析本模塊以Journey to Mars為話題,設計了三個單元的內容。旨在通過模塊教學使學生了解太空的有關知識,學會運用現在完成時做事情,學會制作關于太空旅行的海報。Unit 1 學習和太空科學有關的詞匯;聽和太空旅行有關的對話;接觸含有just, already的現在完成時;聽句子,并標明重讀詞匯。Unit 2 讀關于外星生命的文章,選擇最佳題目;看圖作句子并寫故事;學習本模塊新詞匯與短語。Unit 3 通過練習復現本單元重點詞匯、句型和語法;了解planets and days的有關知識;制作一份關于太空旅行的海報。IIIClass types and periods

6、 課型設計與課時分配 Period 1 Listening and speaking (Unit 1)Period 2 Reading and writing (Unit 2)Period 3 Language in use (Unit 3) . Teaching plans for each period分課時教案 Period 1 Listening and speakingTarget language 目標語言1. Words & phrases生詞和短語message, Earth, just, hear, hear about, several, month, discov

7、er, recently, 2. Key sentences重點句子 I've just heard the news on the radio.Have the scientists spoken to the astronauts? Yes, they have. No, they haven't.Has it reached Mars yet? Yes, it has. No, it hadn't. We haven't discovered if there is life on Mars yet. Ability goals 能力目標Enable st

8、udents to listen to and talk about space travel.Learning ability goals學能目標Help students to learn how to listen to and talk about space travel, using the Present Perfect Tense. Teaching important/difficult points 教學重難點How to listen to and talk about space travel, using the Present Perfect Tense. Teac

9、hing aids教具準備A projector or some pictures about space travel, a tape recorder .Teaching procedures and ways教學過程與方式 StepWarming up and lead-inIn this procedure, ask students to look at the projector or some pictures about space travel. Learn the words about it. Learn to ask and talk about the space t

10、ravel, using the Present Perfect Tense.T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Do you know Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nei Haisheng? This class well begin with a projector about space travel. Are you interested in it? Please look carefully. Can you say some words about it?Show the following

11、. Write down the words and help them learn the words related to space travel. T: This is a projector about space travel. Do you know something about space travel? Please talk about it in groups.After a few minutes, ask students to report the discussion result. While the students report the result, w

12、rite down the important words as follows. Earth, Mars, moon, scientist, spacecraft, space station, astronauts, space shuttle Encourage or help the students to say something about the words.e.g: T: Do you know "Mars"?S: Yes, it is a small red planet. S: The fourth in order from the sun. S:

13、The first planet outside the Earths orbit. Go on with the others in the same way. Step II Listening and readingT: Next let's listen to a passage. In this passage Daming and Tony are talking about space travel. Please listen carefully and answer two questions. Show the following. 1. Has the space

14、craft read Mars yet? 2. Have we discovered if there is life on Mars yet?Play the tape for the first time. Ask students to answer. Sample answers: 1. Yes, it has. 2. No, we haven't. T: Now listen again. This time please underline the new words of this passage. After listening, ask students to dis

15、cuss in groups and try to explain them in English. Sample words: Mars: a planet in solar system mission: taskdiscover: to findT: Please listen to the recording for the last time and answer the questions in 4.Play the recording. Then check the answers. After this, ask students to repeat after the rec

16、ording. Then read in pairs.Then ask students to finish activities 5 and 6. Check the answers. Sample answers to activity 6: Something youve borrowed this week: Ive borrowed some books about space travel this week. Ive borrowed a map of the world this week.Something youve done recently: Ive finish re

17、ading a novel about an astronaut recently. Ive received three letters from my friends recently. A model of something you have seen: Ive seen a model of Zhang Hengs seismograph. Ive seen a model of spacecraft in Science Museum. Something scientists have discovered: American scientists have discovered

18、 that some plants are able to correct mistakes in their own genetic (遺傳的) material.Then show the following and tell students something about the present perfect tense. 1. I've just heard the news on the radio about the space mission to Mars.2. I haven't heard about this yet.3. Has it reached

19、 Mars yet?T: In these sentences we can find the structure: have / has +pp. Can you find more sentences like these in the passage? We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. Show the following.     

20、EXAMPLES:I have seen that movie twenty times.I think I have met him once before.There have been many earthquakes in California.Has there ever been a war in the United States?People have traveled to the moon.Step III Pronunciation and speaking Play the recording. Ask students to underline the words t

21、he speaker stresses. Then check the answers. Then ask students to read after the recording and repeat the sentences. Speaking T: We have known much about space travel in this class. Can you write down things we've done and the things we haven't done yet about space travel? Check the answers

22、with the class. Sample answers: We've sent astronauts to the Moon. We haven't sent astronauts to Mars. Then ask students to exchange the things they wrote and check who has the longest list. Step IV Homework1. Ask students to learn the new words and expressions in this unit.2. Ask students t

23、o write a short passage to introduce space travel.Period 2 Reading and writingTarget language目標語言1. Word &phrasesplanet, alone, also, part, light, beyond, 2. Key sentences重點句子 just (already) have/ has +p.p haven't/ hasn't + p.pyet. Have/ Has + +p.p +yet?Ability goals能力目標Enable students t

24、o read and write a story about space travel.Learning ability goals學能目標Help students learn how to read and write a story about space travel.Teaching important/difficult points教學重難點How to read and write a story about space travel.Teaching aids教具準備Some pictures or a projector. Teaching procedures and w

25、ays教學過程與方式Step I Revision and lead-inCheck the homework. Talk about space travel.T: Looking up the sky, we can see the sun, the moon and stars in the sky. But what is the sky like? We didnt know until we have traveled in space. With the development of science, our dream of space travel has come true

26、.T: Please look at the picture on page 20. What can you see?S: A spacecraft.T: Yes, we have sent some spacecraft into universe. What is in the universe? Help to answer and write down some important words.S: The sun, the earth, the moon, and some stars.S: And 9 planets. They are called the solar syst

27、em.S: Galaxy. T: Well done. We have known so many words about the space. Please write them down. Show the following. galaxy, planet, solar system, star, universe T: Can you put these words and expressions in order: from small to large?Check the answers and ask students to read the words. StepReading

28、 T: Boys and girls. Well read a passage about the life on other planets. First please look at Part 2. There are four titles. (Go through with students) Please read the passage and choose the best title. Then ask students to read the passage again and check the true statements in part 4.Check the ans

29、wers. After that, ask students to work in groups and discuss the questions in part 5. Sample answers to part 5:1. Living things needs air. 2. Most often. 3. Some stores. 4. About 3 inches. 5. A spacecraft. 6. About 2 hours by plane. Step Writing (4: P21)T: Have we found any life on other planets? Pl

30、ease look at the cartoon picture. What happened?Ask students to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions. Then ask them to to write a story "Life on Mars" according to the answers in part 6. Sample version: We've just had some news about the mission to explore Mars. Scientists ha

31、ve just heard a message from a spacecraft. It has landed Mars. And it has discovered people there. But they haven't sent us a message because they can't hear us. They prefer life on Mars, so they haven't visited us on Earth. They also made TVs, radios, cars and so on with the other space

32、craft. I think they are having a good time.StepHomeworkAsk students to try to find more information about space. Period 3 Language in use Target language目標語言1. Words & phrases生詞和短語even, secret2. Key sentences重點句子I've just heard the news. Has it reached Mars yet?Astronauts have already been t

33、o the Moon.They haven't discovered life on Mars yet.Ability goals能力目標Enable students to use the Present Perfect Tense.Learning ability goals學能目標Help students learn how to talk about and write something using the Present Perfect Tense.Teaching important/difficult points教學重難點How to use the Present

34、 Perfect Tense.Teaching procedures and ways教學過程與方式Step Revision 1. Check the homework.2. Ask students to retell the passage in Unit 2.Step GrammarMake some explanation about the present perfect tense. (1) just, already, yetT: Now weve learned how to use the present perfect tense. Theres something mo

35、re we should pay attention to. Now please finish parts 1 and 2 on page 22 first. The help students to make a conclusion about the use of just / already and yet. S: Just /already is usually used in affirmative sentences after have/has.S: Yet is usually used in the end of negative sentences. Then chec

36、k the answers with the class. (2) Help students sum the grammar: the present perfect tense. Show the following. 動詞構成: have/ has +p.p 句子構成:肯 定 句否定句S +have/has +p.pS +have/has+not +p.p特殊疑問句回 答 What Who When have/has +p.p? Where Why How S +have/has+p.p一般疑問句回 答Have/Has+ S+p.p?Yes, S+ have/has. No, S +ha

37、ven't/hasn't.(3) have/has been, have/has goneCreate a situation as follows to help students make clear about the different usage of have/has been, have/has gone.T: Liu Mei, will you please go to the office to bring my book here? (Liu Mei goes to the office.) Class, where is Liu Mei?S: She ha

38、s gone to the office.(After a while Liu Mei comes back with a book.) T: Thank you, Liu Mei. OK. Has Liu Mei been to the office? S: Yes, she has.T: Now, do you know the differences between have/has gone and have/has been?S: Yes. have/has gone: 去了某地,還沒回來。have/has been: 去過某地,已經回來T: Great. Let's fin

39、ish activities 3 and 4.Ask them to do them one by one. Then check the answers. (4) The forms of the verbsAsk students to complete the passage in parts 5 and 6 and summarize the building ways of past form, and past participle.Check the answers and then show the following. 一般在動詞原形末尾直接加上-ed。如:look-look

40、ed。以不發(fā)音的字母e結尾的動詞,去e再加-ed。如:live-lived。末尾只有一個輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié),先雙寫這個輔音字母,再加-ed。如:stop-stopped。末尾是輔音字母+y結尾的動詞,先變y為i,然后再加-ed。如:study-studied。Step III Practice Ask students to read the letter in activity 7 and complete the letter. T: Boys and girls, do you want to know more about space? Well read Mary's le

41、tter. I'll give you 3 minutes to complete it. If you finish it, please put up your hands and read it to us, OK?Ask one of the students to read it to the class. The others check the answers.Then ask students to listen to an interview and finish activity 8.Word competition T: Now let's have a

42、competition between the boys and the girls. Let's see who can write more words about space. I'll give you two small boards and boys write on Board A, girls Board B. Begin!Then go through Around the world with students.Step IV Module taskT: Do you know the first Moon landing or China's fi

43、rst manned space travel? Please work in groups and make a poster about space travel. You can look for more photos and information on the Internet. A sample poster:Making History: China's First Human SpaceflightOct. 15, 2003, China launched an astronaut into Earth orbit. Shenzhou V takes offChina

44、 Prepares for Second Piloted Space Mission China Launches Experimental SatelliteStep V Homework1. Ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit and preview the next unit.2. Ask students to finish the exercises in the workbook.Teaching resources教學資源庫I. 重點知識講解(1) 現在完成時的含義現在完成時敘述現在已

45、經做過的事情或已有過的經驗,所表示的動作在說話前已經完成,但對現在有影響,即在以過去發(fā)生的事情的基礎上暗示現在的狀況,至于事情何時發(fā)生的并不重要。The lift has broken down. 電梯壞了。I have seen you wife. 我見過你太太。Never in my life have I felt so excited. 我這一生從來沒覺得這樣興奮?,F在完成時可用來表示若干時間以前直到現在一再重復的動作或屢有的經驗,每次發(fā)生的時間并不重要,所以不提??梢院鸵恍┎淮_定的過去時間狀語連用,如already, yet, just, before, recently, late

46、ly等。 I have already finished my homework. 我早把作業(yè)做完了。 He has just run out. 他剛跑出去。(2) be up to的含義:up to意為“達到”,表示達到某一數量。I can take up to four people in my car. 我的汽車最多能帶四個人。 up to表示“由某人負責”。 Whether we go or not is up to you. 我們去不去你說了算。up to表示“勝任”。 He is not up to the job. 他不勝任這個工作。 表示“正在做某事”。 What is he

47、up to? 他在搞什么名堂。 II. 補充練習 (1) 根據句意填單詞 The teacher was a_ in the room when I arrived. All this year's new m_ are at the car show.Columbus d_ America.Many people are worried about the pollution (污染) of the e_.He wanted to keep it s_ from his family.They've r_ bought a new car.Rice does not g_ i

48、n a cold climate.He's written s_ books about India.(2) 根據對話內容,填入所缺的詞Daniel: Joe, have you heard of Guilin? Its a city of China. Joe: Oh, I havent heard of it before.Daniel: A lot of travelers like Guilin. Its famous for its _ and _.Joe: Have you ever been to Guilin?Daniel: Yes, I have. I went th

49、ere last summer with my parents. I had a great time there.Joe: Do you like _?Daniel: Of course .How about you?Joe: Me, too. I have been to several countries except China.Daniel: So you _ visit the country one day. Its a beautiful country. And Chinese people are very _. I like Guilin and China. I sta

50、y in Guilin for ten days. I have never _ in a city for _ than a week _ Guilin.Joe: I dont _ with you. I have been _ in a city for more than ten years!Daniel: Really? Which city?Joe: Here!New York.Key: (1) already models discovered environment secret recently grow several(2) water mountains traveling

51、 should friendly stayed more except agree stayingIII. Space TravelIf you look at the title “Space Travel”, you must think that I am talking about real space travel. But here I am really telling you about a very good show that you shouldnt miss, “the Space Travel Theme Park”.Yesterday was a rainy day and my mother and I went to the Space Travel Theme Park in Haidian Exhibition Hall.The Entrance Hall is very big. I looked upwards and saw a blue ceiling dotted with stars. I was starting to feel that I was traveling in space!Suddenly, a statue of an ancient caught my eyes. Its ey


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