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1、淺談高考英語(yǔ)書(shū)面表達(dá)策略不論是記敘文還是說(shuō)明文,不論是議論文還是應(yīng)用文,高考書(shū)面表達(dá)的要求是:內(nèi)容充 實(shí),要點(diǎn)全面;語(yǔ)言豐富,文字優(yōu)美;行文連貫,思路清晰,過(guò)渡自然。筆者曾兩次參加過(guò) 北京地區(qū)英語(yǔ)高考閱卷工作。從閱卷的情況來(lái)看,教師們更多地是從整體上或者說(shuō)從宏觀匕 把握整篇文章,比較側(cè)重于語(yǔ)言文字的運(yùn)用??荚囌f(shuō)明要求考生用淺顯、通俗易懂的文 字來(lái)表達(dá)自己的意思??梢赃@么說(shuō),考生只需要把平時(shí)自己在課本上出現(xiàn)的(尤其是每一個(gè) 單元的對(duì)話),課堂上老師講過(guò)的,加上白己課外獲得的知識(shí)反映出來(lái)就達(dá)到了要求。筆者 認(rèn)為,考生只需要把相當(dāng)于小學(xué)三四年級(jí)的漢語(yǔ)作文翻譯成英文就可以了! !英語(yǔ)作文畢競(jìng) 與漢語(yǔ)作

2、文不同,無(wú)論從深度廣度上說(shuō),還是從難度上說(shuō),前者與后者是不可比擬的。要在 寫(xiě)作中獲取一個(gè)比較理想的分?jǐn)?shù),考生應(yīng)該從以下兒個(gè)方面入手(重點(diǎn)討論行文和文字的運(yùn) ffl):首先,考牛要明確考試的寫(xiě)作要求(主要是文字型、圖畫(huà)型和圖表型三種類(lèi)型),對(duì)寫(xiě)什 么(作文內(nèi)容或要點(diǎn)),怎么寫(xiě)(彳亍文和語(yǔ)言)有一個(gè)清醒的思路(have a clear picture in mind) o從閱卷的情況來(lái)看,很多考生在沒(méi)有認(rèn)真思考的情況下,就動(dòng)筆寫(xiě),在寫(xiě)作過(guò)程中 或者在檢杏的時(shí)候發(fā)現(xiàn)一些錯(cuò)課,不得不進(jìn)行修改,由于考試屮禁止使用涂改液和膠條,于 是多處用圓珠筆或鋼筆涂改,嚴(yán)重影響卷而整潔,并因此影響到考生的最后得分。其

3、次,考牛應(yīng)該從譴詞造句角度多下功夫。從詞語(yǔ)上,盡可能地運(yùn)用己經(jīng)學(xué)過(guò)的而且比 較熟練的詞組、短語(yǔ)或成語(yǔ);考生可以在使用動(dòng)詞、非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞、副詞和詞語(yǔ)活用等方而多 用筆黑;從句式上,力求變換各種句式,如強(qiáng)調(diào)句、倒裝句、省略句、感嘆句、各種從句和 固定句型等,長(zhǎng)句和短句交錯(cuò)使用。英語(yǔ)和漢語(yǔ)中都有一詞多義的現(xiàn)彖,對(duì)于同樣的一個(gè)漢語(yǔ)句子,我們也可以用“一句多譯” 的方式處理。具體地說(shuō),在寫(xiě)作的時(shí)候,對(duì)于一個(gè)具體的中文句了考生應(yīng)該在盡可能短的時(shí) 間內(nèi)盡快地把相應(yīng)的英語(yǔ)句子用多種方法翻譯出來(lái)(brainstorming),然丿匸從這若t個(gè)句子 中找出考生木人認(rèn)為最佳句子來(lái)表達(dá)自己的意思。其實(shí),這種句了別的考生

4、也許學(xué)過(guò),只是 在當(dāng)時(shí)沒(méi)冇回憶起或想起來(lái)罷了,誰(shuí)能夠在這里“求新求異”,誰(shuí)就能夠獲得一個(gè)滿意的分 數(shù)。另外,這樣做,可能冇些句了別的同學(xué)根本就沒(méi)冇見(jiàn)到過(guò),那么,相比z下冇這種語(yǔ)言 駕馭能力的考生自然就獲得高分。請(qǐng)看下面四個(gè)例子。例一:比較各組句子的表達(dá)效果。 i went to school by bike yesterday.1 biked to school yesterday. i did n,t go to the con cert yesterday eve ning because of the heavy rai n.the heavy rain prevented me fro

5、m going to the concert yesterday evening.(3)mozart liked music very much when he was young.when very young, mozart devoted most of time to music. it rained hard on our way home.the heavy rain kissed us on our way home.例二 使用多種表達(dá)方式?!八蛉挛缥妩c(diǎn)鐘才來(lái)?!県e came here at 5 p. m. yesterday.(一般句式)he did not come h

6、ere until/ till 5 p. m. yesterday.(否定句式)not until 5 p- m. did he come here yesterday.(倒裝句)it was not until/ till 5 p. m. that he came here yesterday.(強(qiáng)調(diào)句)it was not until/ till it was 5 p. m that he came here yesterday.(強(qiáng)調(diào)仙例三:使用多種表達(dá)方式?!白蛱焖×?,沒(méi)有上學(xué)?!保?)使用并列句和復(fù)合句he was ill so he didt go to school yest

7、erday.(并列句)he was not quite himself yesterday so he didt attend the class.(并歹u句)he fell ill and therefore he failed to attend the class yesterday.(并列句)he was so badly sick that he fai led to go to school yesterday.(結(jié)果狀從)he suffered from such an illness that he didt come to class yesterday.(結(jié)果 狀從)he

8、was absent from class yesterday because he got sick(原因狀從)as he was ill yesterday, he failed to go to school-(原因狀從)that he dicin' t attend the class yesterday resulted from his 訂 in ess.(主語(yǔ)從句)his illness showed/ suggested that he couldn" t go to school yesterday.(賓語(yǔ)從 句)the reason why he was

9、absent from class yesterday was that he fel 1 ill.(定從/ 表從)the reason that he was absent from class yesterday was because he fell ill-(同 位從/表從)the fact that he failed to attend the class yesterday was because he was sick(同 位從/表從)(2)使川非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞he was too sick to attend the class yesterday.(動(dòng)詞不定式)his being

10、 sick led to his absence from class yesterday.(動(dòng)名詞)his not attending the class was in that he was ill.(動(dòng)名詞)his being unable to attend the class yesterday was due to his illness.(動(dòng)名詞)being sick/ ill, he was absent from class yesterday.(現(xiàn)在分詞)(3)短語(yǔ)、詞紐、固定搭配his illness prevented/ kept/ stopped him from a

11、ttending the class yesterday.his being sick led to his absence from class yesterday-his absenee from class yesterday resulted from his being ill-that he missed his class yesterday came/ derived from his ailment.his illness resulted in his failing to attend the class yesterday.he attributed his absen

12、ee from class to his i1iness yesterday.he missed his class yesterday for his illness.he failed to come to class yesterday was due to his 訂iness.because of/ on account of/ owing to his ailment, he failed to attend the class.his illness/ ailment cost him not to come to class yesterday.but for his sick

13、ness, he would have attended the class yesterday.he suffered from such an 訂iness that he didt come to class yesterday.(4)特殊句型it was his illness that cost him not to attend the class yesterday.(強(qiáng)調(diào)句)it was because he was in poor health that he failed to go to school yesterday.(強(qiáng) 調(diào)句)had he not been 訂 1

14、, he would have attended the class yesterday.(倒裝/虛擬)but for his having been sick, he would have attended the class yesterday.(虛擬)but that he had been ill, he would have not missed the class yesterday.(虛擬)(5)具他表達(dá)方式badly/ very ill, he didn, t go to school yesterday.(形容詞短語(yǔ)作原狀)with his sickness/ ailment

15、, he failed to go to school yesterday.(介詞短語(yǔ)作原狀)例四:使用多種表達(dá)方式。“下班以后,他匆匆忙忙回家。”he hurried to leave his office for his home after work.(動(dòng)詞作謂語(yǔ))after work, he left his office, hurrying home.(現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀語(yǔ))as soon as he finished his work, he left his office and hurried home.(動(dòng)詞作謂 語(yǔ))the moment he finished his tas

16、k, he went home in a hurry.(名詞做介詞賓語(yǔ))having accomplished his task, he arrived home hurriedly.(副詞作狀語(yǔ))after he completed his task, he got home in a hurried way.(形容詞作定語(yǔ))必須指出的是,考牛一定不要片面追求花哨文字,弄巧成拙,拼湊一些連外國(guó)人都看不 懂的英語(yǔ)詞句,結(jié)果口然是錯(cuò)誤百出,使自己的實(shí)際成績(jī)?nèi)舜蛘劭?。建議考生在平吋有意識(shí) 地作一些針對(duì)性的練習(xí)。再次,行文連貫是閱卷教師比較看重的一個(gè)方而。為了使文章結(jié)構(gòu)嚴(yán)密和行文連貫, 考生應(yīng)該在句

17、子與句子z間,甚至段落與段落z間,恰當(dāng)?shù)厥褂靡恍┻^(guò)渡性詞語(yǔ)。常見(jiàn)的類(lèi) 型有:表并歹u或遞進(jìn):and-, also, as well as-, -as well, bothand: either-or- not only-but(also) , not merely -but (also) ,neither-nor- etc.表歹ij舉:for example, for instance, that is, that is to say, so to say, take-for example,take for instanee, such -as; first,second, -and thi

18、rd,;for one thing,for an other, ;on the one hand-, on the other hand-; first, then/next, -afterthat, and finally, ;etc.表補(bǔ)充:besides, moreover, furthermore, another, also, what' s more/worse, worse still,apart from-, in addition, in particular, additionally, particularly, especially, etc.表比較: in s

19、imilar to-, equal to,the sameas, in contrast, compared to/with-, justlike,just as-, similarly, equal ly, etc表原因:because: now that-, as-, since-, when = since-, because of*-, thanksto-,due to-, owing to-, on account of-, on the ground of/that,for that reason, forthat account, for that ground, etc.表結(jié)果

20、:therefore, and therefore, thus, as a result, as a result of,so, so that-, sothat-, such-that-, as a con sequence, conseque ntly, etc.表結(jié)論:to con elude, in conclusion, in a word, in summery, in short, in brief, all in all,at last, on the whole, to sum up, to summarize-, to make a long story short, to

21、 makeit short, finally, very briefly, etc.表車(chē)專折:but, however, nevertheless, none the less, yet, on the contrary, on the other hand,contrary to the fact, contrary to the truth, etc.表對(duì)比:while, whereas, on the contrary, in contrast, in comparison, compared with/to: onthe one hand-on the other hand-, etc

22、.表次序:for one t hing,for another (thin g) -; first, seco nd, third, and finally-;first of all, - next/then,last but not the least important,;firstly,secondly, thirdly, and finally, etc. 表讓步:though, although, when/whi lo= though, wh-word-ever, no matter-wh-word, in spiteof-, despite ,despite the fact

23、that-, eve n though, even if, in stead, after all,etc.表?xiàng)l件:on condition that-, so 1 ong as-, as long as-, if, ifnot,notunless, whatif?,if only,etc.表承啟:as far as i know, as far as t m concerned, to the best of one' s knowledge, in one"s opinion, in one" s view, in one" s point of vi

24、ew, in one" s viewpoint, as we allknow, as is often the case, as is known to (us) all, as can be seen from the picture,as is shown/revealed in the chart, as has been stated, as mentioned above, of course,generally speaking, frankly speaking, honestly speaking, etc.表強(qiáng)調(diào):in fact, indeed, rather, t

25、hat much, that far, as a matter of fact, above all, toemphasize-, in the long run, truly, obviously, etc.表事實(shí):in truth, in reality, in fact, as a matter of fact, in practice, in actuality, innature, , in essence, truly, actually, practically, etc.表時(shí)序:now, at present, for the time being, for the momen

26、t, right now, at once, from nowon, from then on, at the same time, in the meantime, in the meanwhile, onceupon a time,the other day, later, later on, after a while, in short while, as soon as possible,after that, hereafter, thereafter, in a few days, in a couple of days, at first, in thebeginning, i

27、n the end, at last, at long last, at that time, at that moment, to beginwith, to start with, all of a sudden, at intervals, of late, of recent, recently,lately, fin ally, eve ntually, suclde nly, shortly whe n, shortly after, shortly before,before that, ahead of time, ahead of the schedule, in advance, etc表目 的:for this reason, for this purpose, for the


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