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1、第1頁/共37頁orangeapplemelon第2頁/共37頁carrottomatoonion第3頁/共37頁 chickenn. 雞, 雞肉fishn. 魚, 魚肉beefn. 牛肉第4頁/共37頁juicen. 果汁milkn. 牛奶watern. 水第5頁/共37頁hamburgern. 漢堡breadn. 面包ricen. 大米第6頁/共37頁would v. (will的過去式)或表推測、可 能、打算e.g. I knew she would be angry. 我知道她會不高興的。yourself pron. (you的反身代詞) 你自己e.g. Did you come he

2、re by yourself? 你自己一個人到的這里嗎?第7頁/共37頁drink 作動詞,意為“喝”。如:I want to drink some orange. 作名詞,意為“飲料”。如:Can I have a drink? 第8頁/共37頁【運用】寫出劃線單詞的詞性及漢語意思。(1) My sister often drinks a glass of juice in the morning. _ _(2) I want to buy some drinks. _ _動詞 喝名詞 飲料第9頁/共37頁 1. Help oneself to “請隨便吃/喝” e.g. Help your

3、self, Mr. Green. 格林先生,請隨便吃。 Help yourself to the fish. 請吃魚。第10頁/共37頁2. fish, chicken意為“魚肉”,“雞肉”時,是不可數(shù)名詞。意為“魚”,“小雞”時,是可數(shù)名詞,其中fish單復(fù)數(shù)同形。 e.g. Would you like some fish? 你想吃一些魚肉嗎? There is a big fish in the small pool. 那個小池塘里有一條大魚。第11頁/共37頁3. idea n. 想法;主意 e.g. It would be a good idea to call before we

4、leave. 我們出發(fā)之前打個電話是個好主意。 The party is Janes idea. 那次聚會是簡的主意。第12頁/共37頁4. some和any都可修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)和不可數(shù)名詞,表示“一些”,some通常用于肯定句,或表示請求、建議的疑問句中,any一般用于否定句或疑問句中。 e.g. There are some books on the desk. 桌子上有一些書。 Do you have any pencils? 你有一些鉛筆嗎?第13頁/共37頁May I/ Can I/Could I have some apples?我可以吃一些蘋果嗎?What /How about

5、some coffee? 來點咖啡吧?Would/Could/Will you give me some help? 你能幫幫我嗎?第14頁/共37頁當(dāng)any表示“任何”時可用于肯定句中,修飾單數(shù)名詞。e.g. Any kid can do it. 任何小孩都能做這件事。第15頁/共37頁4. would like意為“愿意;想要”,與want同義,但比want更委婉,用來禮貌地表達意愿,其后可接名詞(短語)、代詞或動詞不定式作賓語,也可構(gòu)成would like sb. to do sth.結(jié)構(gòu),意為“想要某人做某事”。would沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,如果主語為人稱代詞,它可以縮寫為d。如:Ja

6、ck would like some oranges and bananas. Mary would like some tea (茶) and I also would like it. 第16頁/共37頁Hed like to buy a new bike. My father would like me to try it again. 句型“Would you like sth.?”用來詢問對方是否想要某物。其肯定答語常為“Yes, please.”等,否定答語常為“No, thanks.”等。如:Would you like some fish?Yes, please. / No,

7、thanks. (注意:在該句型中,用some表示問話人想要得到對方肯定的回答。)第17頁/共37頁 句型“Would you like to do sth.?”用來詢問對方是否愿意做某事。其肯定答語常為“Yes, Id like / love to.”,否定答語常為“Id like / love to, but .”,but后面的句子常用來說明拒絕的理由。如:Would you like to have dinner with me?Yes, Id like / love to.Id like / love to, but Im busy (忙碌的) today.第18頁/共37頁 句型“W

8、hat would sb. like (to do)?”用來詢問對方或別人想要(做)什么。其答語常為“Id / Shed / Hed / Wed / Theyd like (to do) .”。如:What would you like to do after school?Wed like to go to the old peoples home.第19頁/共37頁【運用】. 將下列漢語句子翻譯成英語。(1) 你想要一支紅色的鋼筆嗎?_(2) 湯姆(Tom)不愿意和我玩。_(3) 媽媽想讓我早點(early)回家。_Would you like a red pen?Tom would no

9、t like play with me.Mom would like me to go home early.第20頁/共37頁. 根據(jù)各題后括號內(nèi)的要求,完成下列 各題。(1) The girl would like some apple juice. (對劃線部分提問)_(2) I would like to live with my parents. (改為一般疑問句并作肯定回答)_What would the girl like?Would you like to live with your parents? No, I would like to.第21頁/共37頁有些名詞既有單數(shù)

10、形式又有復(fù)數(shù)形式,如 a hamburger 或 two/ some hamburgers。這樣的名詞稱之為可數(shù)名詞。有的名詞沒有復(fù)數(shù)形式,比如juice,只能說a glass of juice或some juice。這樣的名詞我們稱之為不可數(shù)名詞。第22頁/共37頁觀察表格中的內(nèi)容,找出可數(shù)名詞和不可數(shù)名詞的不同點,補全結(jié)論部分。 可數(shù)名詞可數(shù)名詞an egg, a caketwo eggs, two cakessome eggs, some cakes, many eggs,many cakes不可數(shù)名詞不可數(shù)名詞a glass of juice,two glasses of juice,

11、some juice,much juice第23頁/共37頁【結(jié)論】a.可數(shù)名詞可直接和不定冠詞a /an或1_詞連用來表示具體的數(shù)量;而不可數(shù)名詞要用“不定冠詞a / an或2_詞+量詞(有單數(shù)、復(fù)數(shù)形式變化)+ 3_+不可數(shù)名詞”結(jié)構(gòu)來表示具體的數(shù)量。 數(shù)數(shù)of第24頁/共37頁b. some意為“一些”,可以修飾可數(shù) 名詞,4_ (也可以 / 不可以) 修飾不可數(shù)名詞。c. 表示“許多”時,5_只能修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),6_只能修飾不可數(shù)名詞。 much也可以many第25頁/共37頁【運用】 將下列短語翻譯成英語。1. 一些蘋果 _ 2. 許多面包 _ 3. 許多香蕉 _ 4. 一盒牛奶

12、_ 5. 兩杯水 _ 6. 三袋大米 _ some apples much bread many bananas a box of milk two glasses of water three bags of rice第26頁/共37頁What would like?Id like第27頁/共37頁發(fā) 的字母或組合:a: late gate ai: paint ay: may way ea: great break ey: they grey第28頁/共37頁發(fā) 的字母組合:a: happy bad black back glad flag man stand fat第29頁/共37頁發(fā) 的

13、字母組合:ar: arm star a: class last are: are第30頁/共37頁1. 可數(shù)名詞:_2. 不可數(shù)名詞:_. 把下面方框中的名詞按要求進行分類。 woman cap egg bike photo jacket bus boxbanana cat rice milk juice bread water woman, cap, rice, egg, bike, photo, jacket, milk, juice, bread, bus, water, banana, box, cat 第31頁/共37頁1. What would you like to drink?

14、 Apple _, please. 2. Anna likes _ very much. 3. What do you often have for lunch? Two _. vegetablesjuicehamburgers. 根據(jù)句子或?qū)υ捯馑技八o圖片提示寫 出句中所缺單詞。 第32頁/共37頁4. Lets have some _? OK.5. Id like some _. Here you are. chickenrice第33頁/共37頁. 根據(jù)句子或?qū)υ捯馑加美ㄌ杻?nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1. I have some _ (bread) and eggs for breakfast. 2. Would you like some _ (milk)?3. My son wants _ (drink) some water. 4. Can you give me some good _ (idea) about m


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