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1、產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證申請書application form for product certification申 請 a/applicant: 申請日期/date:申請認(rèn)證產(chǎn)品名稱/the name of product(s) to be certified中汽認(rèn)證中心china certification centre for automotive products以下內(nèi)容由認(rèn)證機(jī)構(gòu)填寫(the following is for ccap use only):申請書編號(application form no.): 證書編號(certificate no.): 工 廠代碼(factory code):

2、證書流水號(certificate sequential no.): 填表說明instruction for the application form1、請盡量下載此表格后用電腦輸入,若手寫請使用鋼筆或碳素筆, 字體工整字跡清楚please try best to download this form and use compute to input information. in the case of filling by hand, please complete all items with a black pen neatly and clearly.2、表欄空格不能空白,無此項(xiàng)時應(yīng)

3、劃”7”線please do not leave any items blank, fill in ”7” with the items which are not applicable3、“申請方承諾”是認(rèn)證中心根據(jù)國家產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證有關(guān)法律、規(guī)范及標(biāo) 準(zhǔn)等擬定,申請方應(yīng)盡的最基本的義務(wù)u promises from applicantis constituted by ccap according to relevant laws, criterions and standards etc. of national product certification, applicant shall d

4、o the basic duties.4、申請人應(yīng)將申請書郵寄至中汽認(rèn)證中心,地址:中國北京市西城 區(qū)宣武門西大街乙97號尚座大廈四層, 郵編:100031?;蛘咭噪?子郵件附件的形式發(fā)送到如下地址:cccapapplicant shall post the application form to ccap, the address is “4f shangzuo building,b 97 xuanwumen west street,beijing 100031, china, or send it as the attachment of an e-mail to below addres

5、s: cccap5、請用中文或英文填寫。please use chinese or english to fill in the form.6、有關(guān)產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證的公開文件可從ccap網(wǎng)上下載,網(wǎng)址為:public documents which are relevant to product certification can be downloaded from ccap web site at 1. 申請人/applicant:(請附營業(yè)執(zhí)照。please affix the business licence)1. 名稱/name: 1.2 地址和郵編/address and post cod

6、e:1.3 聯(lián)系 a/liaison person: 電話/te : 傳真/fax:電子由”件/email: 網(wǎng)址/web site: 2. 代理機(jī)構(gòu)或中國辦事處/ agent or office (china)名稱/name: 地址和郵編/address and post code:聯(lián)系人/liaison person: 電話/te : 傳真/fax:電子由”件/email: 網(wǎng)址/web site: 3. 制造商/manufacturer (請附營業(yè)執(zhí)照和組織機(jī)構(gòu)代碼證書。please affix the business licence and certificate of organi

7、zation code)2. 1 名稱/name: 地址和郵編/address and post code:聯(lián)系 a/liaison person: 電話/te : 傳真/fax:電子由卩#/e-mail: 網(wǎng)址/web site: 4. 工廠/factory(請附營業(yè)執(zhí)照和組織機(jī)構(gòu)代碼證書。please affix thebusiness licence and certificate of organization code)名稱/name: 地址、郵編/address and post code:聯(lián)系人/liaison person: 部 門及職 位/department/positio

8、n: 電話/te : 傳真/fax: 電子由卩件/e-mail : 網(wǎng)址/web site: 5. 認(rèn)證產(chǎn)品的型號名稱,請?zhí)顚懜奖碚J(rèn)證產(chǎn)品型號匯總表/the model and name of products to be certified, please fill in appendix: compile form of models to be certified6. 認(rèn)證產(chǎn)品注冊商標(biāo),請附商標(biāo)復(fù)印件。/registration trademark of the product to be certified. please affix the copy of trademark.7.

9、申請認(rèn)證產(chǎn)品所用的國家或行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)/ gb/qc standards for theproduct(s) to be certified國 家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)/gb standard 行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)/qc standard 8. 申請人希望將產(chǎn)品檢驗(yàn)時間安排在年月;將工廠質(zhì)量保證能力審查時間安排在年月為宜。applicant would like the product inspection to be carried out in(y)(m) and the factory quality assurance ability inspection to be carried out in(y)(m).申請方承諾

10、/promises from applicant1、始終遵守認(rèn)證安排及有關(guān)規(guī)定;we will comply with certification plan and relevant regulations through out the certification period.2、為進(jìn)行評價做出必要的安排,包括審查文件、進(jìn)入涉及認(rèn)證 產(chǎn)品有關(guān)的區(qū)域、審閱有關(guān)記錄(包括內(nèi)部審核報告)和為評價(例 如檢驗(yàn)、檢查、評定、監(jiān)督、復(fù)評)和解決投訴準(zhǔn)備相應(yīng)的人員;we will make necessary arrangements for assessment, involving inspecti

11、ng documents, entering all areas relevant to the products to be certified, checking relevant records (including internal auditing reports) and prepare relevant personnel for evaluation (e.g. testing, inspecting, assessing, supervising and reviewing) and solving relevant accusations.3、在獲證產(chǎn)品的范圍內(nèi)做出有關(guān)的聲

12、明;we will only make relevant announcement within the limitation of certified products.4、使用產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證結(jié)果時,不得損壞ccap的聲譽(yù)、不得做ccap 認(rèn)為可能誤導(dǎo)或未經(jīng)授權(quán)的聲明;we will not stab ccap,s reputation and make any announcement which ccap may think they are misleading or unapproved, while using the product certification results5、當(dāng)認(rèn)證

13、證書被暫停或撤銷時,應(yīng)立即停止認(rèn)證證書和認(rèn)證標(biāo) 志的使用,以及涉及認(rèn)證內(nèi)容有關(guān)的廣告,并按ccap要求交回所有 的認(rèn)證文件;we will stop using the certificate, marks and involved advertisements immediately if the certificate is suspended or withdrew. we will also return all certification documents back to ccap as required.6、認(rèn)證僅用于表明獲證的產(chǎn)品符合特定標(biāo)準(zhǔn);the certificate i

14、s only for showing that the certified products have met specified standards 7、當(dāng)產(chǎn)品設(shè)計或產(chǎn)品規(guī)范的更改對產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量產(chǎn)生嚴(yán)重影響時或 供方所有權(quán)、組織結(jié)構(gòu)、管理者、產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)場所發(fā)生變化或有信息表 明產(chǎn)品可能不再符合認(rèn)證要求的情況下應(yīng)重新進(jìn)行評價;we will go through the certification procedures again if the changes in product design and product standards seriously affect the product q

15、uality or suppliers, production rights, organizational structure, managers and producing place are changed or any information which shows the products may no longer meet the certification requirements.8、確保不采用誤導(dǎo)的方式使用或部分使用認(rèn)證證書和報告;we will make sure not to use or partly use the certificate or certificat

16、ion reports for the sake of misleading.9、在傳媒中對產(chǎn)品認(rèn)證內(nèi)容的引用,應(yīng)符合ccap的要求。we will not use any quotations which are against ccap, s requirements in media from the contents of product certification.10、我們聲明我們將遵守國家有關(guān)法律法規(guī)及ccap的規(guī)則和程 序,支付認(rèn)證所需的所有費(fèi)用。we promise that we will comply with all relevant laws and regulations established by the china government, regu


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