



1、英語(yǔ)環(huán)境保護(hù)演講作文3篇英語(yǔ)環(huán)境保護(hù)演講作文范文篇【1】The quality f human life has imprved greatly ver the past few centuries, but Earth is being harmed mre and mre by human activity. As we develp ur technlgy,re frm ur planet. Eventually, this will harm peple as well.ur planet gives us everything we need, but natural resurce

2、s are nt endless. Strip mining devastates whle regins, leaving bare and useless grund. Defrestatin remves ld grwth trees that cant be replaced. T much fishing may harm fish ppulatins t the pint where they cant recver. We are t careless in taking what we want withut giving anything back.There are mre

3、 peple than ever, living lnger that ever. S is it any surprise that many areas suffer frm t much develpment? Anyne living in r near a city has eperienced urban sprawl. There is a new shpping area n every crner and new huses, twnhuses and apartments everywhere. Traffic gets wrse and wrse because plan

4、ners cant keep up with grwth. Keeping up with human demand is hard enugh.ncerns cme in last.With grwth cmes pllutin. Cmpanies and cmmunities dump waste int water. Landfills are full f trash. Emissins frm factries pllute the air. Barrels f industrial waste and wrse, radiactive waste, have n safe plac

5、e t g. If were nt careful, we can harm ur planet beynd repair.Peple need t respect the Earth and try t preserve it. If we dnt, what kind f future will we have?英語(yǔ)環(huán)境保護(hù)演講作文范文篇【2】As we all knw, plants and animals need water. S d the peples life and prductin, life culdnt g n withut water.With the rapid d

6、evelpment f agriculture and industry, mre and mre water is needed. Therefre, water is becming scarce in many places. Whats mre, a lt f rivers and lakes are beginning plluted by the waste watcr frm factries. Fish cant live in them any lnger. At the same time, thc waste water des great harm t peples h

7、ealth.In rder t make rivers and lakes clean and prevent water frm being plluted,we must d smething t stp all srts f pllutin.英語(yǔ)環(huán)境保護(hù)演講作文范文篇【3】Water is very imprtant fr living things. Withut water there can be n life n earth. All animals and plants need water. Man als needs water.Water is fund atmsteve

8、rywhere. Even in the driest part f the wrld there is sme water in the air.As we all have fund ut, water may be a slid, r a liquid r a gas.When it isa slid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, yu can pur it ut f a cntainer. When it is a gas, yu cannt see r feel it.Althugh abut 70 percent f the earths s


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