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1、Dogs General information about dogsBreed (base on use)1.牧羊犬牧羊犬 Sheepdog/herding dog2.工作犬工作犬 Working dog3.梗犬梗犬 Terrier4.槍獵犬槍獵犬 Gundogs 5.狩獵犬狩獵犬 Hound Dogs 6.玩賞犬玩賞犬 Toy dog Toy dog traditionally refers to small-sized dog and also known as companion dogs. A Toy dog can be any dog types, including Spani

2、els, Pinschers and Terriers that have been bred down in size. Most pet lovers first choice are toy dogs. Because they are very beautiful and lovely.Maltese(馬爾濟斯犬)(馬爾濟斯犬)博美SamoyedPoodle貴賓犬貴賓犬Dalmatian Shar Pe(沙皮)(沙皮)Continental Toy Spaniel 蝴蝶犬蝴蝶犬 Schnauzer 迷你雪納瑞迷你雪納瑞PomeranianThe worlds largest dog C

3、aucasian k:keizinsheepdog 高加索犬 Origin: Russia. Type: large-sized dog Shoulder Height: 64-72 cm Weight: 45-70 kg Utilization(用途):guard and defense dogThe worlds smallest dog Chihuahuatiw:w 吉娃娃 Origin: Mexico Type:small-sized dog Height:15 23 cm Weight: 1 to 3 kg Utilization: Companion dogs The worlds

4、 smartest dog Border Collie 邊境牧羊犬 Origin: Scotland Height:43 53 cm Weight: 14 to 22 kg Utilization: herding dog As our “honest friend”, dogs play an important role in humans development, help in many aspects. They are excellent doorkeepers and close companion of children. They are also proving their

5、 worth off the field of battle by helping wounded soldiers recover, and rescue the survivors in calamity just like earthquake and fire. 1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走運的一天。大家都有走運的一天。2.He is a lucky dog. 他是個幸運兒。他是個幸運兒。3.Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏。愛屋及烏。4.Lead a dogs life 過窮困潦倒的日子過窮困潦倒的日子5. Barking dogs

6、 seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:對于高聲發(fā)出恐嚇,或慣于吠犬不咬人(意指:對于高聲發(fā)出恐嚇,或慣于大聲吼叫的人,勿須當真)。大聲吼叫的人,勿須當真)。 6. go to the dogs 每況愈下每況愈下 7. dog days 大熱天大熱天,三伏天三伏天8.Be old dog at sth. 對對有經(jīng)驗,對有經(jīng)驗,對內(nèi)行內(nèi)行12. rain cats and dogs下傾盆大雨下傾盆大雨 9. a big dog 大款,保鏢等大款,保鏢等10.a top dog 一個身居要職的人一個身居要職的人11. fight dog , fight bear 一決雌雄一決雌雄 Hachi(

7、忠犬八公的故事)(忠犬八公的故事) Its a true story happened in Japan. The distance between life and death is what a dog can never catch up with.The only thing that is believed was that one day its master would come back.Its life,just as the water,was elapsing on the cyan stone platform year after the year.導盲犬小導盲犬小Q

8、 (Quill) 導盲犬小導盲犬小Q改編自改編自日本日本作家石黑謙吾和作家石黑謙吾和秋元良平秋元良平的的小說小說再見了,可魯再見了,可魯。書。書中的可魯確實曾經(jīng)存在,生中的可魯確實曾經(jīng)存在,生卒年為卒年為1986年年6月月25日到日到1998年年7月月20日。一只聰明日。一只聰明的、一生都在工作的導盲犬,的、一生都在工作的導盲犬,在人世間走過了在人世間走過了12年的歲月,年的歲月,日后它的故事被記錄、被傳日后它的故事被記錄、被傳播。播。 Hotel for Dogs (流浪狗之家)(流浪狗之家)Hotel for Dogs follows two mischievous orphans as

9、they attempt to hide dozens of stray dogs in an abandoned hotel. Disheartened by their new guardians announcement that pets are strictly forbidden, 16-year-old Andi (Emma Roberts) and her younger brother, Bruce (Jake T. Austin), race to find a home for their loyal dog Friday. Fortunately for Friday,

10、 theres an abandoned hotel just around the corner, and Bruce possesses just the kind of mechanical smarts needed to transform the rundown inn into a four-star retreat for canines. For a while, Friday and his friends have it made, but when the neighbors start to get suspicious, Andi and Bruce resort

11、to every trick in the book in order to prevent their secret from being discovered. Lassie 靈犬萊西靈犬萊西 小男孩喬,因為家里經(jīng)濟拮小男孩喬,因為家里經(jīng)濟拮據(jù),迫于無奈必須賣掉最摯據(jù),迫于無奈必須賣掉最摯愛的牧羊犬萊西,而萊西愛的牧羊犬萊西,而萊西總是每天風雨無阻地至校門總是每天風雨無阻地至校門口接小主人返家,被迫送走口接小主人返家,被迫送走后仍不畏艱難地逃離后仍不畏艱難地逃離1200公里外的新家,就只為了回公里外的新家,就只為了回到小主人的身邊,只因他們到小主人的身邊,只因他們是彼此生命中最好的朋友。是彼此生命中最好的朋友。而小主人也同時因為經(jīng)歷與而小主人也同時因為經(jīng)歷與萊西的分別而堅強成長,變?nèi)R西的分別而堅強成長,變得更加成熟懂事。得更加成熟懂事。Eight Below(南極大冒險) 南極大冒險南極大冒險講述了八條雪橇講述了八條雪橇犬(犬(sled dog)在殘酷的大自然在殘酷的大自然中努力集體求生的故事。和以中努力集體求生的故事。和以往的動物電影不同,導演并沒往的動物電影不同,導演并沒有將狗放在


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