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1、賽德水泥培訓(xùn)政策和程序Subject: Training Policy & Procedure主題: 培訓(xùn)政策和程序REF.編號P&P-HR-T01Initiated by: Training Officer擬稿: 培訓(xùn)主任Signature:簽名Reviewed by: HR & Administration Director審核: 人力資源及行政總監(jiān)Signature:簽名Approved by: 批準(zhǔn):Effective Date:生效日期:Purpose目的:To provide all associates with the opportunity to de

2、velop their skills and knowledge in the interests of the Company, and to meet their own personal needs and those of the owners.為所有員工提供提高自身技能和知識的機會,為公司創(chuàng)造效益,并滿足員工本人及投資者的需要。Policy 政策:All associates have equal opportunity to learn skills and knowledge relevant to their position and to career paths, as a

3、pproved by the Company.在公司允許的情況下,每個員工都有平等的機會學(xué)習(xí)與其工作和事業(yè)發(fā)展相關(guān)的知識和技能。1. The Director of Human Resources/Training Manager / Officer is responsible for coordinating the training efforts at the company.人力資源總監(jiān)/培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任負(fù)責(zé)統(tǒng)籌賽德水泥(貴州)管理有限公司和合資公司的培訓(xùn)工作。2. It is a Division/Department Head's responsibility to ens

4、ure that jobs skills and knowledge training occurs.部門主管有責(zé)任確保實施部門技能和知識培訓(xùn)。3. It is the department head duty to appoint a departmental trainer to make the inner training as well as cooperating the training manager / officer for all training work.部門主管有責(zé)任和義務(wù)確定本部門的培訓(xùn)專員以進行本部門培訓(xùn)以及協(xié)助公司統(tǒng)一的培訓(xùn)工作。4. It is each a

5、ssociates responsibility to ensure that they learn to master the requirements of their job, attend training willingly, and participate actively.員工有責(zé)任確保他們掌握工作所需技能,并自愿參加和積極參與培訓(xùn)。5. From time to time, associates will be invited to attend generic training programs in line with their job requirements and

6、career plans. The associate will be paid at their normal rate of pay during attendance, or as other wise advised by the General Manager .員工會經(jīng)常被邀請參加與其工作需求及事業(yè)計劃相一致的基礎(chǔ)培訓(xùn):新員工入職培訓(xùn),部門入職培訓(xùn),部門月度培訓(xùn),公司月度培訓(xùn)。員工參加培訓(xùn)會正常獲得工資,或者個別情況由總經(jīng)理決定。7. Management members and Department Head are expected to participate in deli

7、vering certain modules in specific trainings.公司管理層及各部門經(jīng)理有責(zé)任分擔(dān)各培訓(xùn)課程的講解。8. There must be an attendees present record and trainee surveys for every training. 培訓(xùn)人員簽到表和培訓(xùn)效果問卷調(diào)查是每次培訓(xùn)應(yīng)準(zhǔn)備的必須材料(樣表附后)。Procedures程序1. Orientation 入職培訓(xùn)Policy & Procedure 政策與程序:All new employees will attend company orientation

8、 arranged by Human Resources Department. All new employees will be welcomed in a professional & friendly manner, to be given information about Scitus, new work place and the expectations of the company.所有新員工在試用期內(nèi)都將參加由人力資源部組織的入職培訓(xùn)。所有新員工都會受到專業(yè)、友好的歡迎;并了解賽德水泥,了解新的工作崗位及公司的期望等。1. HR Clark will print o

9、ut a new employee name list at the end of each month and submit to Training Manager / Officer.人力資源文員隨時打印出新入職員工名單以及其入職時間交給培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任。2. Training Manager / Officer will work out the orientation schedule if there are more than 5 new employees.如人數(shù)超過5人或5人以上的新員工一起入職的第二天,培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任將安排入職培訓(xùn)(此條僅適用于合資公司; 集團公司不受此限制)。

10、3. HR Clerk will advice the Training Manager / Officer of any staff who has been in the company / plant for more than one month but has not attended the orientation.人事文員負(fù)責(zé)提示培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任有多少人已入職一個月以上卻還未參加入職培訓(xùn)。4. Training Manager / Officer will advise each manager/Department Head the dates and who should be

11、 attending orientation from their Dept. at least one week in advance.培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任應(yīng)至少提前一周通知各部門主管入職培訓(xùn)的時間及參加培訓(xùn)的人員名單。5. Training Manager / Officer will distribute the Training Activity Outline for orientation to all management members at least one week prior to the commencement date.培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任將在新員工入職之日至少一周前將入職培

12、訓(xùn)的培訓(xùn)活動綱要發(fā)給所有管理團隊人員。6. Training Manager / Officer works on the preparation for the orientation and makes sure everything is in place.培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任將準(zhǔn)備入職培訓(xùn),使一切準(zhǔn)備就緒:1)Prepare the PowerPoint documents, any handouts and other training resources.準(zhǔn)備幻燈材料,分發(fā)資料及其它信息資源。2)Make sure all presenters are available on the

13、day required. If not, find other alternative presenters.確保所有培訓(xùn)師可在當(dāng)天進行培訓(xùn),否則找其他人代替。3)One day before remind all by email or others what time they will do their presentations.提前一天通過電子郵件/或其它有效的方式提醒每個培訓(xùn)師其培訓(xùn)的時間。8. Training Manager / Officer to conduct the Company orientation according to the schedule.培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/

14、主任按計劃主持入職培訓(xùn)。9. Management members and Department Head are expected to participate in delivering certain modules in the Orientation.公司管理層及各部門經(jīng)理有責(zé)任分擔(dān)入職培訓(xùn)各課程的講解。10. If the associate hasnt taken the orientation after three months in the company, it will be regarded and as Absence for three days.如有員工因自身原

15、因兩個月以上未參加入職培訓(xùn),將劃屬缺席兩天。11. As a minimum Company Orientation should include 入職培訓(xùn)應(yīng)至少包含以下內(nèi)容:· An introduction to Scitus Group and the history of our investing company 賽德集團及投資公司歷史的介紹· Introduction to Management Group 公司管理團隊介紹· Introductions to Department Heads and their responsibilities 介紹

16、各部門經(jīng)理及其職責(zé)· Familiarization with facilities of the Company, including a company tour 熟悉公司設(shè)施,帶領(lǐng)參觀公司· Grooming & Personal Hygiene 儀容儀表· Telephone Manner 電話禮儀· Security & Fire Safety 安全與消防· Associates Handbook員工手冊11. Fulfill the Attendees Record and “ Trainees survey”.完善

17、培訓(xùn)簽到表和培訓(xùn)效果問卷調(diào)查。各合資公司培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任應(yīng)按照上述程序進行新員工入職培訓(xùn),并將每次培訓(xùn)計劃、進程和結(jié)果隨時報以貴州管理公司培訓(xùn)部。2. Departmental Orientation部門入職培訓(xùn)Policy & Procedure 政策與程序All new employees will attend departmental orientation arranged by each Department. All new employees will be welcomed in a professional & friendly manner, to be g

18、iven information about his own job description, his own department and its standards and procedures.所有新員工都將參加由本部門組織的部門入職培訓(xùn)。所有新員工都會受到專業(yè)、友好的歡迎;并了解自身的工作職責(zé)以及本部門的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和程序。1. Each department should appoint one associate as departmental trainer.每個部門將指派一位人員作為本部門的培訓(xùn)專員。2. Each new associate will receive a “Welco

19、ming Kit” on the first day at work. HR department and departmental trainer will assist the training manager / officer to prepare the “Welcoming Kit”. 每位新入職員工將在報到第一天獲取一份“歡迎夾”。人力資源部及行政部和各部門培訓(xùn)專員將協(xié)助培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任準(zhǔn)備“歡迎夾”?!皻g迎夾”的內(nèi)容將包括:· A Welcome Letter from the General Manager由首席執(zhí)行官/總經(jīng)理發(fā)布的歡迎信· One copy

20、 of the Organization Chart for Management Team 管理團隊組織結(jié)構(gòu)圖· One copy of the Organization Chart for their own department 本部門組織結(jié)構(gòu)圖· Company & Department introduction 公司及部門簡介· Associates Handbook員工手冊· Safety Handbook 安全手冊· Scitus Cement(Guizhou)Op. Co. Ltd. Training Policy &a

21、mp; Procedure賽德水泥(貴州)管理有限公司(合資公司)培訓(xùn)政策和程序· One copy of Job Description 崗位職責(zé)· One copy of New Associate Training Profile/Certification 新員工培訓(xùn)計劃及證書· One copy of the department Standard & Procedures file is made available 部門標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與程序檔案· House-use Tables of each department 各部門相關(guān)表格·

22、; Contact List通訊錄(如需要)· Office Phone number or SIM Card ( If its ready or needed )辦公電話和手機號碼/卡(如需要或已準(zhǔn)備好)· Guizhou and Guiyang / or the company location Information 貴州和貴陽/公司所在地的信息(如需要)· Basic Stationeries 基礎(chǔ)文具· Name cards 名片 ( 如需要)· Office Key card 辦公室鑰匙卡(如需要)· City map (

23、 If needed ) 城市地圖(如需要)3. Training Manager / Officer / Department trainer or anyone appointed by the Department Head must explain every item in the “Welcoming kit” to the new/transferred associate.部門培訓(xùn)專員必須向新入職/調(diào)部門員工解釋“歡迎夾”中的每個內(nèi)容。4. Department “Welcoming kit” is always the important part of department

24、al orientation. 部門歡迎夾將總是部門入職培訓(xùn)的其中一個重要的內(nèi)容。5. Departmental trainer should hold the departmental orientation in one week after the company orientation. The departmental orientation should include: 各個部門培訓(xùn)專員必須在由公司人力資源部組織的入職培訓(xùn)一周以內(nèi)舉行部門入職培訓(xùn)。內(nèi)容應(yīng)當(dāng) 包括但不限于:· Departmental organization chart 本部門組織結(jié)構(gòu)圖· D

25、epartmental function and its standard and procedure 本部門職能、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與程序· How to use the departmental forms本部門控制表格的運用· Job description 新員工工作職責(zé)· Professional knowledge related 涉及本部門專業(yè)知識6. Fulfill the Attendees Record and “ Trainees survey”.完善培訓(xùn)簽到表和培訓(xùn)效果問卷調(diào)查。7. Each departmental trainer should pr

26、epare the orientation materials mentioned above and make copies in company training department. If there is any amendment, it must be reported to the company trainingdepartment accordingly.各部門培訓(xùn)專員應(yīng)準(zhǔn)備上述部門入職培訓(xùn)材料并交予公司培訓(xùn)部存檔。如有變化,須及時更改并通知培訓(xùn)部。合資公司各部門應(yīng)按照上述程序進行新員工部門入職培訓(xùn),并將每次培訓(xùn)計劃、進程和結(jié)果隨時報以合資公司培訓(xùn)部,合資公司培訓(xùn)部報送貴州

27、管理公司培訓(xùn)部。3. Department Training Plan & Report部門培訓(xùn)計劃和報告 Policy & Procedure 政策與程序Each month the Dept. Head/Dept. Trainer will prepare the Monthly Training Plan and demand tailored to the department operation and submit to the Training Manager / Officer.每月部門經(jīng)理/部門培訓(xùn)專員負(fù)責(zé)按照本部門運作情況制定月度培訓(xùn)計劃&報告交給培

28、訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任。1. Training Manager /Officer will issue the Departmental Monthly Training Plan & Report on 25th of each month.每月25號培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任將發(fā)放部門月度培訓(xùn)計劃&報告 (樣表附后)。2. Dept. Head/Dept. Trainer to plan and schedule training for the following month and complete the “Planned” part of the form as well as the

29、training demand report if needed.部門主管/培訓(xùn)專員負(fù)責(zé)計劃下月培訓(xùn)并完成月度培訓(xùn)計劃和報告。3. Division Head will signe under “Reviewed By”.部門主管在“審查人”一欄簽字。7. Dept. Head/Dept. Trainer must inform Training Manager / Officer about the training date and topic by email before the 1st of next month.部門主管/培訓(xùn)專員在下月1號前將培訓(xùn)計劃電郵通知培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任。8.

30、Dept. Head/Dept. Trainer to inform the staff who will be attending the training.部門主管/培訓(xùn)專員將通知參加培訓(xùn)的員工。9. After the departmental training fulfilled, the Training Plan & Report must be returned to the training manager / officer.部門培訓(xùn)完成之后,上述部門月培訓(xùn)計劃&報告必須返還培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任。10. Training Manager / Officer will

31、 review the Training Plan & Report as well as Demand if needed and keep it in the Training Tracking System.培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任將審查培訓(xùn)計劃&報告并將其存放在培訓(xùn)跟進檔案中。11. Each month the Training Manager / Officer will choose one training session from each department to do a random check.每月培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任會從每個部門中隨意挑選一次培訓(xùn)進行抽查。12.

32、If theres any change to the Scheduled Training, the Training Manager/Officer should be advised before the commencement of the training.如計劃的培訓(xùn)有任何變化,須在培訓(xùn)之前通知培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任。4. Department Training Demand部門培訓(xùn)需求匯報 Policy & Procedure 政策與程序The Dept. Head/Dept. Trainer will prepare the Training Demand tailored

33、to the department operation and submit to the Training Manager / Officer.部門主管/培訓(xùn)專員負(fù)責(zé)按照本部門運作情況制定培訓(xùn)需求交給培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任。1. The training manager/officer will issue the Department Training Demand to each department (See attached table).培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理 /主任發(fā)放部門培訓(xùn)需求表至各部門。2. The department head/trainer will fill in the form and submit to the Training Manager/Officer in time. 部門主管/培訓(xùn)專員將填寫上述表格然后及時交至培訓(xùn)經(jīng)理/主任處。3. Department head should sign on the form mentioned above. 部門主管應(yīng)在上述表格中簽名。4. The training manager / officer should review and


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