



1、2021國家開放大學(xué)電大??粕虅?wù)英語2期末試題及答案(試卷號:3936)盜傳必究一. 女際用宙(每小 2分,共10分)正的儡句完成下列對話,并將答*序母葛在答1>which edition would you like your nclvcrtincmcnt to apprnr in?a. fhe co tiling edition tn rcmly next i humday.h. how much du you plan to spend on advertisement?c. we would like to get in with the lull publirnttont i(

2、 ponniblc>2. ccrtoinly> wr should rrgi»trr within 30 dayn after we receive our buktrimn licmmr.a. in there any time requirrmcnl feir rr|imration?b. huw lonw will you rrrrivr your buninrn licence?c. h 30 <lmy» ennuxh lor you to *cnd the 耳網(wǎng)上 to s?3. you nirnttoned »hc term monl

3、ine banking" )ui«t now* i don 1 t qiittr get it.online computer syatrnin help un proviih uprrdy bunk wervicr fu customrfa<a. whnt do you learn aboui the lerni? b. why du you mention the word? ( whnt do you menn by that?4. mr. wtljum. your request for comprnwntion aurprim nic< wlmt ha

4、ppened?a. is tonn of xcodii enn f t amply dimappciir into tliin airb< khc intiic in n uhonngv of wetghr.(l ifm afraid ihftt it rcnlly him nothing to do with iik5. 一 h there mark*i am very opiimintic about the market opporruntiiea in china.a. they hnvc the rnom need (or cornpikeriub our current ag

5、ent mgrcertirnir «re broken up into regiomuc what arc your initial thoughtb on our computers in chiiiu”二、逸胃堵空(小it 2分.共30分)620:閱讀下面的句子.從a.h.(.三個逸項中出一個能填入空白處的是住選項.并將答6. what a案序號將在答峨上.! i didn't expect to meet you here.b. accidenta. incidencec cotncidcncrr enclose7. we the receipt for the dra

6、ft, and be good enough 10 overlook our request for a remitunce<a> encirclec ennehb. friends& in view of our longmanding busmen we can consider a price reduction-a. cuntactkc. relations9. i know prrannnl srlling miao a very effective <ool forbuyrrs" confidencea, nettinx upk buildin&

7、#171; upc. hrinking upio< it i nnwjidwys very rngy for proplr totheir money nt atm,.a. depoftith devote(:. clrttimhd1 l the *ialeb volunit i. the volume of mile* thnt nctunlly will entu biiaineam themom prohua. pr«ctioilr profcnsionalc. prufitnlilc12. rrmctnbrr wr wnnt to create n forward lo

8、oking itnngc wo uh to inrrrnnr thr ol our hrand.a. conndouiinearel awarenem( brcwdncak13. cotimunipdon and invemtmrnt rnrnnwhikt4. 5 «n<l 1. 2 percent«kr pommof firm qiurtrr growth respectively.a applied forh appealed to accounted for14» our bank ojnsim of many dcpartnirntbt meh of

9、 ir rcaponmible fur n particulnr aren of businessa. whichk thatc. what16. we'll accept thr goadu lhr rrjiuhi from the two intpcctionm rrc idcnticula. i( onlyk only i(c even i(16. the only thing for you to do isthe form nnd 5ign it.a. to fill inb. fill inc filling in17. we are dis&atifificd w

10、ith the servicesyour bnnk-a. provided thatb> to provide forc. provided by18. corporate advertising conies three different typeji:advertisingopinion advertising and investment advertisings»a. inb. withc. out19. our inconir is* tax we should pay.a. the high函.(he momb. higher# morec the higher,

11、 the more20a l*he fininhcd product in comparable to one lhal .a. ha» renlly been pushedb. hit been pro/cssionally edited(l did really push三, 閱讀理解(嬲小蛇4分.共4。分)2125 |«:擢據(jù)短文內(nèi)8判斷給出的語句是否正瓊.正確的寫*t”,鏢誤的酩“f”,并將答案耳 在答h紙上.hene ethicsnnwad«ys. more and more nttention is being paid to buainrss eth

12、ics”. but what dot-s it mean? whot is the imponance o( ethics in busincm?biuuncim ethicti is not ubout per tonality« though good personality is valuable* ethic* the primary clement and prerequinitr for a huccesaful bu&inc»s< no mutter what you do. you should think of business as n f

13、nzjtler of inickrity> nowadays> the slip in ethics and the nhsence of social responbibtlity ebpectnlly intcgnty> have led io n crisis in business> seriously influencing sodul developmentevents rei»uliin|( from a iom of lru«t arc bcttik seen now nnd then a nd thry affcci m7ciriy

14、 in many unforiunate wny虬 moat people know the imparlance of bu&htefifl cthicft* but ntill name people donf t honor thcm« wt often henr me<iia rcfxjrts on problernb in busincsiii ftuch 0 adding harmful matcrtbla to productil thcuc behaviorv enusc much damage to consumorst who spend money

15、 hut do no! get quality gnoth» wprciidly when thrne commoditiei do great harm fo tbelr heahh. k ib difficult (of proplr to forget thr oim hi which omr children con»ufticd unhfe rntlk powder produced by n hrw irnmornl buimeakrn and ihrir hridih kuf/ercd seriou* datnnu as a rehulb people car

16、 1 t bear (his kind of behavior and thr businmw mpansible munt be clo»ed down and the related personnel be punished.2l lark of buaincns ethic* g 心iomily indurnced souinl development.22. biimncmb ia to br treated with aocdul renponnibility and integrity23. people who don*! honor business rtlncn

17、arr likely to makr a profit24. people can easily lorgrt thobe bnd iwhrtviorn by bad hubinrftsr«,2&« recentlyt people nrc paying icba atteniion to prolesaiunal cthk* the bimincm world. 26-30h:w«ffl文,從a.h.c三個逸璜中選出一個正答*.并將答*序號寫在答獨建上.electronic hankingelectronic bunkinx. or c-bunking*

18、 iuk rndically rhangrcl rhr way customern c«n do hnnkinff. lirforr c-bnnking* if you wahted to check an accuunt h«lance. you physically had tu gu to the imnk brunch.now there art ninny bankmg mtfthod* uvailhhlce atm* imvr bewnir very uwcfu) bechum- they allow you to check hnlitncest make d

19、cpositnt withdraw funds nnd rrnnftkr money. telrphohc uiliking enables you to conduci elertrnnir (undj» trrn»(cr< check imldficr* and pay hiih. mobile banking (unctions ncftrly the i»nme « tclephonr bunking, except thut tnformrion is carried by short mes*nge service, online ba

20、nking provides you with many more services. they include changing account dmils like address and password# arranging hill paymcnfxt viewing transaettoru and transferring money between accountsit h important to protect your personal information when hanking online you should clcnr your cook心 after ea

21、ch bankingand make sure that your password 10 lungenough to prevrnl it iram being easily hacked.36. i low did people check how murh mnney they had in their b<mk recount before e banking?a. they telephoned thr bank.el they wrote tn thr bank.( whey went to a hunk to check iu27. i hcrc «rrbonki

22、nm rncthodn mrntionrrl in tht- passagea. 3.h. 4.c. 5,28. /xcctirdink to the 四土you von throuuh telephone bankinga. chnnge account dctniln11 make dcpanitji(' conduct clectromr (und)i trnnnlcr29. mubilr bankiny prnvidrm unlinr blinking*a. more services than11 hr mnny nervicra mhc. thr name ncrvirrn

23、 mu30. how enn wr proirrt our prrwnnl information when wr conduct online banking?a. wr enn rkun the cornpufrr whenever wr use it.k wr only rhrek our own necuunt hulantx、c wc cafi net longer pnnaword to thnkc it difficult far hnrkcra.四、境附每小4分,共為分)3135 1«:英爆漢,從a.h、c三個誼項中堆出一個佳答零,并將答富序號寫在ffrm上.3l o

24、ur ndvcrlining ratnn are lulled on niir and locationa. 我們的廣aww據(jù)大小尺寸rbtji位宣決蹬b. 我們的廣傳收暇是禁于版而大小和位置來決定的.c.我們根ftf尺寸太小和地理位置來決建收取廣告餅用32. wr liavr to hamtnrr out their rlriniu by thr l&th of thi» month nt thea. 我們j»i8要在本月15弓之前聚定這些搐|黃b. 我們需要推廄送舛蜘。,戰(zhàn)晚在這個月15號前.c. 本月lb 9113.ft們需要射打這些向18蝴節(jié).33. in order tu succeed in bummrm. i hr following twn prtnciplo al marketing thnuld be kept in mintl2倫業(yè)ifffijfcffl成功.必須軍蛆以下原刪.h.為r取招ift業(yè)成功,兩¥巾場1«物應(yīng)當(dāng)kb1腦淹中.c. 為r在商業(yè)i取得成功.以下m條汗鉗原岫應(yīng)該牢圮在心.34. cou


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