1、課堂游戲 發(fā)音A. Mouth game T:look at my mouth, what did I say (ss will pay attention on ts mouth)e.g:cat / dog /monkey/ t:dog ,which oneB.pass the sound T:I will tell the fist student(e,g:Tom) how to read the word ,the others cant listen and see.Tom tell the sound to next one ,and one by one .the last one
2、 should tell me what he she heard.C.Do the action with me(音標(biāo)操)單詞(很多亦適用于句子)1. Up and down蘑菇蹲 For example:Lily 蹲,lily蹲,lily蹲完Echo蹲;Echo 蹲,Echo蹲,Echo蹲完Rindy 蹲; A. Magic fingerT: lets paly “magic finger”game, (e.g: cat )how many fingers can you see?If two,read the “cat”-cat catMore difficult(加大其難度):plus
3、(+) /Minus(-)1、2、3.B. Bitting the wordst:look at these, i need 2 ss come here,I say one of them and say go, you 2 go to bit the word asap.who got it first,who win!(圖片可以貼在黑板上墻上地上|椅子)C. Ball game (道具:12 ball(s)(a) catch the ball T:everyone read the word”cat”if I throw the ball to you(動作),you need to c
4、atch(動作),you should stand up, say”cat” Read after me “cat cat cat”Ss:cat cat cat(b) pass the ballT: pass the ball one by one(動作分解),you should keep reading“cat cat cat”.when I say stop,who hold my ball,stand up and say”cat”twice/three times/(罰讀逐漸加倍)(c)hiding the ballT:hide the ball and keep reading“c
5、at cat cat”,when you ok,I wii turn around to find the ball .i have twice to find it(機會根據(jù)人數(shù))If I cannt find it,everyone got one star!(獎懲可以給星星,或畫吊死鬼,吃蘋果,爬樓梯)Ps:這個游戲適合:t-s /s-s/b-g/g-g(d)wolf game(搭上小火車)T:1.I have a train,the train is coming,(火車的動作)if you read it well,you can come up ,and get on my tra
6、in, (keep reading“cat cat cat”) 2.the wolf is coming,you need to go back to your seat and sit down 3. if I catch you,read it 4 timesPs:游戲規(guī)則比較復(fù)雜,可以用適當(dāng)?shù)闹形慕忉孌. listen to my order(聽指令做動作) T:(快速說出一些祈使句) Touch your head(eye,ear,nose .) /Put up your hands/Close your eyes/ who is fastest,who is winner. ss:(
7、聽到后便做這一動作)。Ps: 這個游戲可訓(xùn)練學(xué)生聽祈使句并快速反應(yīng)的能力。1.可以用來發(fā)出指令的詞句還有:Touch your book(your pen,the desk .) Open the door(your book .)。Hold your book(pen, pencil .)。Wash your face(hands,teeth .)等。2.這個游戲也可以用競賽的形式進(jìn)行,將全班分成若干小組,每組抽一名學(xué)生,一起到前面做動作,做錯了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人(或兩人)為優(yōu)勝。給該組(或該兩組)記10分。然后各組再抽另一名學(xué)生上前繼續(xù)進(jìn)行。E. Simon says 西蒙說(Joy
8、 says)T: lets play “Simon says ”game“Simon says, touch your nose.” Just say “touch my nose”and touch your nose if“Touch your nose.”(“Simon says”,也可以不說。)Dont touch your nose。Ps:如教師說“Touch your nose.”,而學(xué)生做了摸鼻子的動作,便算錯了,要扣分。這個游戲同樣可以用競賽的形式進(jìn)行,每組抽一名學(xué)生,一起到前面做動作,做錯了就被淘汰,最后剩下的一人或兩人為獲勝。這個游戲的玩法與d差不多,不同的是教師在發(fā)出指令
9、前可以說.E. passing my words.傳話 T:I will give the last ss in the group the same card,I say begin,the last s say the words to the s in front of you,like this(動作說明) one by one,I need the fist s to tell me,which group is the fastest ,which one win!Ps:每一縱排為一組,全班分成若干組。 老師分別發(fā)給每一組最后一排的學(xué)生一張紙,上面寫一句話。在老師說“開始”后,最后
10、一排的學(xué)生即用耳語把紙上的話告訴前面的學(xué)生,這位學(xué)生再把聽到的話告訴前面的學(xué)生這樣依次進(jìn)行下去。最后第一排的學(xué)生把所傳的話寫到黑板上或說出來。傳得最快,最準(zhǔn)確的組獲勝。F .telescope.望眼鏡 T:I need a s come here.just like me ,look at the word as you like.let the others guess.if you know rise up your hand,say “l(fā)et me try”to tell me the answer.H.carpet.地毯 T:(在黑板上畫一個地毯)句子A .complete my se
11、ntence(完成句子)T:can you complete my sentence,e.g:this is train.Ss: this is train.T: this is xx.Ss: train.T: this xxSs:is trainB. clap your hands!拍手T:do whit me“this is my train”(邊說邊拍,一拍一個詞), Where did I stop?Eg: (1 2 3) this is train,Ps:一開始有出聲讀,后面就用嘴型提醒.C. Where is my chair?(搶椅子)T:game time “Where is
12、my chair?”from this one to that one ,we can sit down(比參與人數(shù)少一張).Understand?/clear? Everyone stand up,follow me ,do with me! “this is my train”O(jiān)ne two three,stop!find your chair!You dont have a chair,say it 4 times.Ps:游戲可以玩三輪,沒被淘汰的ss就有獎勵catch the finger T:Everybody put your finger under Others hand,ke
13、ep readingListen!my mother is calling me.”,when I say stop,if catch others finger,you can get the point. 或:說單詞時讓學(xué)生點老師的手掌,老師來抓high low voice T: If I say catloudly, you should say it lowly. If I say cat lowly, you should say it loudly.比手勢,亦可在黑板上畫大喇叭小喇叭,當(dāng)老師指到哪個學(xué)生就用大音量小音量讀,可分兩組PKStand on one foot T: Sta
14、nd up with one foot and keep reading My mother is calling ,too.,who stands more longer can get more point.Hold the flag舉旗子T:I will give you 2 flags, one is blue, one is red, you should hold the flag one by one and keep readingcat,when I say stop, if red on you can get one point,if blue on you can no
15、t get point.Paper scissor rock T:Paper scissor rock,read the word for 3 times.孫悟空唐僧妖怪Jumping game T:put all the word cards on the floorWhen I say cat,you should jump to the cat.亦可讓兩人PK學(xué)生2.touch gameFor example: colourT:If I say touch red ,you should touch anything red in the classroom.Such as,red ch
16、air,red wall也可用于touch身體部位等。3.Who is more quickly? T:I need 2 Ss to come here,I will give each of you one card,and you hide it.When I say One Two Three,go!Show you card to each other,and who say the word more quickly can get one point.S1&S2各拿一張卡片,背對背,教師說:“1 2 3 turn”,兩位學(xué)生迅速轉(zhuǎn)過來讀出對方卡片的單詞??斓?分,慢的1分。
17、4.London bridge is falling down 游戲玩法:兩名學(xué)生面對面用手搭橋,其他人邊說London bridge is falling down邊從橋下經(jīng)過,當(dāng)老師說stop的時候,搭橋的學(xué)生將手放下,被捉到的學(xué)生得一分,其他人得兩分。5. Throw the handkerchief丟手絹 游戲玩法:全班圍成一個圈,先決定由誰開始先丟,拿著閃卡(或是手帕)丟在一個人的背后,被丟到的人應(yīng)該立刻撿起閃卡去追丟的人,追到就拍他一下,丟的人要盡力繞一圈跑到被丟的人的位子上坐下,輸?shù)娜吮仨毜角懊孀鱿乱粋€丟閃卡的人1. spider manT:the spider man want
18、 to save people,but he need your help,if you can read the word lowly,he will save more people.2. wooden child123木頭人教師或選一名學(xué)生背對學(xué)生進(jìn)行單詞操練,當(dāng)教師或?qū)W生轉(zhuǎn)過身時其他同學(xué)保持原來的姿勢變成木頭人。3. spider man蜘蛛俠4. Pad Pad教師背對著學(xué)生站立,學(xué)生一邊讀單詞或句子一邊向前走,教師回過頭必須停下來,誰先拍到教師的后背并且沒被教師抓到就算贏。對方的單詞誰獲勝。5. Play basketball6. Whose name?來時和學(xué)生一起拍手說單詞或句
19、子,當(dāng)老師突然喊學(xué)生名字時,被喊到名字的學(xué)生馬上起立說出單詞,老師在喊名字時手指同時指向另外一個孩子,如果被知道的孩子起立就會被扣分。7. We are the same根據(jù)教師說到得數(shù)字,學(xué)生站起來并讀出來,可用骰子積分。 8. Good memory學(xué)完的單詞反扣過來放在地上,讓學(xué)生回憶。9. Left Right向左走向右走教師踏步走,當(dāng)踏左腳時男孩讀,踏右腳時女孩讀。10. Who is the best?當(dāng)給學(xué)生看的是單詞時,學(xué)生只需坐著說出單詞;當(dāng)給學(xué)生看的是單詞圖片時,學(xué)生馬上站起來說出單詞,誰最快最準(zhǔn)得分。11. Say and do 心有靈犀當(dāng)學(xué)過兩三個單詞后,兩個學(xué)生站前面
20、,在老師的指令下同時轉(zhuǎn)一圈說出單詞,若說出的是一樣的則兩人得分,否則不得分。12. Carry water小和尚挑水當(dāng)教師叫到一同學(xué)名字,與他相鄰的兩個人要說出單詞或句子具體句子或語法a. Guess game (in 10 questions十個問題)T:I need a s to guess,come here!the others j 這個游戲可以由一人出題一人猜,可以一人出題多人猜,也可以將學(xué)生編成每組10人的兩個組,在兩組間比賽。出題的人可以想出任何一樣?xùn)|西,例如一種動物、植物、一種交通工具,或一個人等,把它寫在紙上,并將紙扣放在講臺上。猜的學(xué)生可以問10個問題,但只能問一般疑問句,
21、如“Is it an animal?”“Does it have four legs?”等。出題的人只回答:“Yes.”或“No.”。如果問了10個問題還猜不出,就算輸了。如果采取兩組比賽的形式,由一組出題另一組答,則猜的組可以每人輪流問一個問題,出題的組每人輪流回答。 71排隊造句 這個游戲可以用來練習(xí)陳述句和一般疑問句的變換。教師根據(jù)句子的長短準(zhǔn)備若干卡片。如句子“This is a red pen.” 要準(zhǔn)備6張卡片,其中 “this”和“is”,要在正面大寫“This”和“Is”,反面小寫“this”和“is”,標(biāo)點符號正面寫句號“.”,反面寫問號“?”。游戲開始,教師將這六張卡片發(fā)給六位學(xué)生,然后說一句話,如“這是一枝紅色的鋼筆嗎?”(或用英語說:“Is this a red pen?”), 這6位學(xué)生聽到后應(yīng)立即按句子次序排好隊并將卡片高高舉起。拿“is”的要將大寫的一面朝外,拿“this”的要將小寫的一面朝外,拿標(biāo)點符號要將問號朝外。 這個游戲也可以在兩個組之間競賽,站隊站得快和準(zhǔn)的組獲勝。 這個游戲還可以用于these are句型、have句型、there be句型、be going to句型、以及現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時態(tài)、過去進(jìn)行時態(tài)、一般將來時態(tài)、現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)等。 72自我介紹 這個游戲可以用來練習(xí) am 和 is 的用法。教師事
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