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1、責(zé)任感一一青年人榮譽的標(biāo)志(21世紀(jì)杯演講稿)與責(zé)任督學(xué)培訓(xùn)心得總結(jié)合集責(zé)任感一一青年人榮譽的標(biāo)志(21世紀(jì)杯演講稿)responsibilit is a badge of honour for youth faing this audiene on the stage, i have the exiting feeling of partiipating in the marh of histor, for hat e are faing toda is more than a mere petition or ontesto it is an assembl of some of chin

2、a1s most talented and motivated people, representatives of a ounger generation that are preparing themselves for the ing of a ne enturo i'm grateful that 11ve been given this opportunit, at suh a histori moment, to stand here as a spokesman of mpast 15 cars, a ruialgeneration and to take a serio

3、us look bak at theperiod for ever one of us and for this nation asellothough it is onland onl a tin fragmentthe root of a spirit hihithin m poer to tell about m personal experiene, of it at that, it still represents, i believe, has been essential to me and to al 1 the people bred b the past 15 earso

4、in m elementar ears, there as a little girl in the lass ho orked ver hard but someho ould never do satisfatoril in her lessons0 the teaher asked meto help her, and it as obvious that she expeted a lot from meo but as a oung bo, restless, thoughtless, i alas tried to evade her so as to get more time

5、to enjo mselfo one da before the final exam, she ame up to meand said, could ou please explain this timeo " i started explaining, not to notie her still onfused ees, she again did ver badl in the examothis to me? i ant ver muh to do better and finished in a hurro pretendingi ran off quiklo nat

6、surprisingl,and to months later, at thebeginning of the ne semester, ord ame of her death of blood anero no oneever kne about the little task i failedto fulfill,but i ouldn1t forgivemselfoi simpl ouldn1t forget her ees,hih seem tobe asking, "whdidnr t ou do a little more to help me,hen it as so

7、eas for ou? wh didn'tou understand a little better the trustplaed in ou,so that i ould notregret?,r i as about eight or ninehave to leave this orld in suh pain and ears old at that time, but in a a it as the ver starting point of m life, for i began to understand the ord "responsibi1it"

8、; and to learn to alas do m duties faithfull and devotedl, for the impliations of that sared ord has daned on me: the mutual need and trust of people, the o operation and inter-reliane hih are the ver foundation of human soietolater in m life, i ontinued to experiene man failures。 but never again di

9、d i feel that regret hih struk me at the death of the girl, for it makes m heart satisfied to think that i have alas done everthing in m poer to fulfill m responsibilities as best i an。 as i gre up, hanged and improved b this inident and man other similar ones, i began to pereive the hanges taking p

10、lae around me and to find that soiet, in a a, as in its formative ears like mselfo ne buildings, ne modities and ne fashions appear ever dao ne ideas, ne information, ne tehnologieso people an talk ith eah other from an orner of the earth in a matter of seonds。soiet is being more petitiveo words lik

11、e individualit and reativit are getting more emphasis and more people are rearded for their hard ork and cffortso suh is the era in hih this generation , gros and matureso suh is the era in hih this generation ill take over the nation from our fathers and learn to run ito yet in the meantime, man pr

12、oblems still existo we learn that rimes take plae in broad dalight ith rods of people looking on and not assistingo we hear that there arc still about 1million hildren in this ountr ho an't even afford to go to elementar shools hile enormous sums of mone are being squandered * on dinner parties

13、and luxur arso we bu shodd mediines, or merel orthless junk in the name of mediines, that aggravate, rather than alleviate our diseases sine mone, man people believe, is the most important thing in the orld that must be made, even at the expense of moral it and responsibilito suh an era, therefore,

14、determines that e are a generation ith a keener senseof petition and effi ien and a greaterreadiness to think ritial1 and atreativelo suh an era, furthermore,demands, that e are a generationith a lear pereption ofour hi storialresponsibi 1it and an aggressive i11to take ation and solvethe problemsoh

15、istor has long been preparingthese qualities in thisgeneration and it is no ailing us forard to givetestimon to our patriotism and heroism toards this nation and all humanito standing here no, i think of the past 15 ears of m life as an ordinar studento probabl 1111 be an ordinar man for the rest of

16、 m life。but this doesn1t disourage me an, for i kno that ith m sense of responsibilit and devoted efforts to alas strive, for the best, it's going to be a meaningful and orthhile life that i ill be livingo standinghere no, i think of the past 15 ears of this nation, hih has ahieved greatness tha

17、t inspired millions of people of m age, most of hom ill not attain fame or prestige and onl a fe of hom ill be remembered b posterito but that doesn't disourage us an, beause e kno that the orld athes, theorld listens,the orld is aiting to sec hero thisnation ill be headingin a time of rih oppor

18、tunities and fiere petition。i an1t ever forgetthat little girl in m lass ho ouldn1t had the sameopportunitics as an ofus here to enjo a onderful life toda and a hopefulorld tomorrooit isthe sarcd responsibilit of this generation to fac up to the hallengcs ofthe ne entur and to devote our seat and bl

19、ood, our isdom and passion, to the histori ause of * this nation a greater and happier land for ever one of uso we are not going to evade that responsibilito we are going to let people don。 and people, far and near, ill hear of us。 frost ill be brought to their bakbones and tears to their ees hen ou

20、r stories are toldand retold,so let us go forth, m fello members of this lukil hosengeneration,and meet the ne entur in vitor and gloro align二enter責(zé)任感青年人榮譽的標(biāo)志站在臺上面對大家,我心情十分激動。好像是在參加一次歷 史性的長征。我們今天面對的遠(yuǎn)不只一場競賽或角逐。這是才華出眾,生氣勃勃的中 國青年的一次聚會。我們是青年一代的代表。為迎接新世紀(jì)的到來,我們正在從各方面作好準(zhǔn)備。在這一歷史時刻,能有機會代表同齡人在此認(rèn)真地回顧于國于己都至關(guān)重要的

21、過去的15年,我感激萬分。盡管只能談?wù)剛€人經(jīng)歷,而且只涉及其中一個 小小的片段,但我相信,它仍然折射出對我和在過去15年間一同成長起來的青年人 都不可缺少的一種思想基礎(chǔ)。我上小學(xué)時,班上有位小姑娘,學(xué)習(xí)非??炭喽煽?卻不盡人意。老師要我?guī)椭???吹贸觯布暮裢谖?。但我那時還是個小男孩, 坐不住,不懂事。我老是me避她。以便有更多時間自己玩。期末考試前一天,她來 求我說“請你給我講解一下行嗎?這次我很想考得好一點。”我開始給她講解,不一 會兒便草草收場,假裝沒有察覺她迷茫的眼神,一溜煙兒地跑開了。不出所料,這次 她又考砸了。兩個月后,新學(xué)期依始,傳來她死于血癌的消息。我沒有完成那項小小 的

22、任務(wù),無人知曉。但我卻不能原諒自己。她的眼睛令我難以忘懷,仿佛在責(zé)問我,“你為什么不愿多幫助我呢?這對于你來說,并不費事。你為什么不能理解我對你的 信賴,而讓我?guī)е纯嗪瓦z憾離開這個世界?”我當(dāng)時才八九歲。但從某種意義上 講,這件事成了我生活的新起點。因為我開始體會到“責(zé)任”二字的意義,并盡心盡 力地學(xué)著完成自己的義務(wù)。我也逐漸領(lǐng)會了這個神圣字眼的深刻內(nèi)含:人與人之間的 彼此需要和信任、合作和依賴正是人類社會存在的基礎(chǔ)。之后,我在生活中又經(jīng)受 過多次失敗,但那小姑娘之死所引起的懊悔,心里卻不曾再現(xiàn)。想到自己做每一件事 都能盡職盡責(zé),一種滿足之感便油然而生。此事及類似的多起事件改變了我,完善 了

23、我。當(dāng)我長大成人,我開始領(lǐng)悟周圍發(fā)生的一切變化。我發(fā)現(xiàn),從某種意義上說, 社會跟我一樣,正處在一個自我完善的時期。新建筑、新商品、新款式一天一個樣。 新思維、新信息、新技術(shù)層出不窮。即便萬里相隔,人們在轉(zhuǎn)瞬之間即可相互交談。 社會競爭越演越烈。人們越來越強調(diào)個性和創(chuàng)造性。越來越多的人因工作努力而受 到獎賞。這就是當(dāng)今的時代,一代新人由成長邁入成熟的時代。這是我們這一代人接 替父輩治國安邦的時代。然而,我們也面臨很多間題。據(jù)悉,壞人在光天化日之下 作惡,周圍的群眾居然袖手旁觀,無動于衷。我還聽說,目前我國尚有100萬兒童連 小學(xué)也上不起,而巨額資金卻拿去舉辦奢侈的宴會和購置豪華的轎車。我們常常買

24、的 是劣質(zhì)藥品,或名曰藥品實為一文不值的廢物,非但不能除病去痛,反而會使病情加 重。在某些人看來,世上金錢最寶貴,只要能賺錢,不惜犧牲道德和責(zé)任。因而, 這個時代賦予我們的是更強烈的競爭和效率意識,使我們更善于批判性地思考和創(chuàng)造 性地行動。此外,這個時代要求我們這一代人必須認(rèn)清自己肩負(fù)的歷史重任,下定 決心,采取行動,解決上述問題。長期以來,歷史一直在我們這一代人身上培養(yǎng)著這 些品質(zhì)?,F(xiàn)在,歷史呼喚我們挺身而出,以實際行動向全民族及全人類證實我們的拳 拳愛國之心和大無畏的英雄主義。此刻,我站在講臺上回顧15年來的學(xué)生生活。今 后的歲月,我很可能平平淡淡地度過。但這絲毫不會讓我心灰意冷。因為我知

25、道,憑 借強烈的責(zé)任感和精益求精的不懈奮斗,我將追求一種有意義的生活,一種不枉此生 的生活。此刻,我站在講臺上回顧過去,15年來祖國取得的巨大成就激勵著千千萬 萬的同齡人。我們之中大多數(shù)人將與名利和權(quán)力無緣。只有極少數(shù)人或許會后世留 芳。對此我們絲毫也不會在意。因為我們知道,世界在觀望,世界在傾聽。在這個大 量機遇和激烈竟?fàn)幉⒋娴臅r代,我們國家究竟去向何方,整個世界都在關(guān)注。我永 遠(yuǎn)不會忘記班上那位小姑娘。她本應(yīng)該卻沒能和在座各位一樣享受今天美好的人生和 明日充滿希望的世界。接受新世紀(jì)的挑戰(zhàn),把我們的血汙、智慧和熱情奉獻(xiàn)給建設(shè) 祖國、造福人民的偉大歷史事業(yè)。這就是我們這一代人的神圣職責(zé)。我們決

26、不逃避 責(zé)任,決不辜負(fù)人民的期望。我們的業(yè)績將四海傳揚。我們的故事將被反復(fù)講述,定 會令人驚嘆不已,以至熱淚盈眶。有幸與時代為伍的朋友們,讓我們勇往直前,以 勝利的姿態(tài)迎接光輝燦爛的新世紀(jì)的來臨!責(zé)任督學(xué)培訓(xùn)心得總結(jié)2017年11月27日我有幸參加了由材市教育局組織的責(zé)任督學(xué)高級研修班。重 慶西南大學(xué)校園優(yōu)美自然景色和深厚人文景觀給我留下了深刻的印象,那些學(xué)貫中 西、融通古今、揮灑自如、幽默詼諧的教授大師們更讓我刻骨銘心。七天的學(xué)習(xí)時間 安排緊湊而又充實,我近距離感受著專家們的教育新理念以及其親身的教育經(jīng)歷和智 慧案例。到鳳凰小學(xué)、璧山中學(xué)和珊瑚實驗小學(xué)參觀著校園,體會著學(xué)校建設(shè)和發(fā) 展,聆聽

27、著學(xué)校管理經(jīng)驗介紹,使我眼界頓開。專家們的講座內(nèi)容異彩紛呈,亮點頻 出;講座主題突出,精彩生動。重慶中小學(xué)高規(guī)格建設(shè),教育發(fā)展前景光明;校園文化 打造,教育質(zhì)量內(nèi)涵豐厚。所有這一切都讓我收獲頗豐,使我受益匪淺。一、聆聽專家智慧,靜心思考教育真諦??苿?chuàng)學(xué)院黨委書記陳志彪領(lǐng)導(dǎo)藝術(shù)與領(lǐng)導(dǎo)方法從領(lǐng)導(dǎo)方法的概念、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)方法 表現(xiàn)、領(lǐng)導(dǎo)方法運用三個方面全面闡述了領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力,要培養(yǎng)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力就要腦袋有智、眼睛 有活、嘴巴有理、心中有數(shù)、腳上有力、手上有勁、渾身有十八般武藝;就要提髙政 治素質(zhì)、思想素質(zhì)、文化素質(zhì)。作為一名好領(lǐng)導(dǎo),一定要做到真心實情以情感人,推 心置腹以誠待人,開誠布公以理服人,言行一致以信取人,令行禁

28、止以法制人,設(shè)身 處地以寬容人,揚人責(zé)己以功歸人,論功行賞以獎勵人。使我們懂得了領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者必須不 斷追求人生的高度、厚度、力度、強度和寬度,才能達(dá)到教育管理的理想境界。棊江縣教科所所長趙小平學(xué)校督導(dǎo)評估的實踐與思考探討了區(qū)域推進課程改 革到項目推進綜合改革,走出了重慶棊江教育創(chuàng)新模式。趙教授用豐富的教育案例, 詮釋了剝奪了學(xué)生的尊嚴(yán),就談不上任何教育教育要順應(yīng)自然的教育真諦,我們 必須堅持育人為本,把促進人的全面而充分、自由而和諧、獨特而富有創(chuàng)造性的發(fā) 展作為教育工作的出發(fā)點和歸宿。巴南區(qū)進修學(xué)校校長何遠(yuǎn)疆從方案到行動:創(chuàng)建全國中小學(xué)校責(zé)任督學(xué)掛牌督 導(dǎo)創(chuàng)新的探索與實踐介紹了巴南區(qū)從教育發(fā)展的實際

29、需要出發(fā),不斷從督導(dǎo)體制、督導(dǎo)制度、督導(dǎo)工作、保障機制、結(jié)果運用等方面大膽創(chuàng)新,初步形成了具有重慶特 色和巴南特點的教育督導(dǎo)模式。在不斷實踐探索中不斷創(chuàng)新督導(dǎo)體制、不斷優(yōu)化督學(xué) 隊伍、不斷健全督導(dǎo)制度、不斷健全督導(dǎo)工作、不斷落實督導(dǎo)保障、巧妙運用督導(dǎo)結(jié) 果,最終鋰亮了巴南督導(dǎo)品牌。2017年3月成為 全國中小學(xué)校責(zé)任督學(xué)掛牌督導(dǎo)創(chuàng)新區(qū)。我們感受到巴南教 育督導(dǎo)探索之路,既曲折艱辛,又充實多彩,更幸福甜美;教育督導(dǎo)探索之旅,既目 標(biāo)高遠(yuǎn),又腳踏實地,步履鏗鏘!巴南區(qū)教育督學(xué)們正信心滿滿地為實現(xiàn)江南宜學(xué) 城,品質(zhì)教育區(qū)的目標(biāo)而努力奮斗著!西南大學(xué)教授郭勇的文化視域下的人文教育從人文導(dǎo)向、人文精神、

30、人文素 養(yǎng)三個方面提出了:教育,不僅是知識本身,而是知識滲透生命后的創(chuàng)新能力;教育, 不僅是技能本身,而是技能養(yǎng)成習(xí)慣后的行為素養(yǎng);教育,不僅是思想本身,而是理 性啟蒙心智后的人文精神。教育應(yīng)該追求天人合一的自然理念,天下為公的社會 訴求,寬厚仁愛的處世原則,醇德景行的人生真諦。西南大學(xué)黨委宣傳部長鄭勁松演講口才與思維智慧從宏觀時代、社會、政治 的把控能力與微觀建構(gòu)能力出發(fā),提髙人的政治站位和主題立意;再從理性思維、感 性思維、發(fā)散思維、整合思維、正向思維、反向思維、宏觀思維與微觀思維、交叉思 維與跨界思維等進行思維整合,提出在演講者要把握好點與度,即重點、特點、難 點、疑點、熱點、角度、力度、深度、溫度。最后他希望每個人都應(yīng)該有夢想,夢 想就是黑暗的隧道中那一絲絲光亮,只要你沿著光亮走,你就有可能找到出口。那 一絲絲的光亮,就是點燃夢想的正能量!讓每個中國人點點滴滴的夢想?yún)R聚,推動偉 大中國夢前行,為美麗的中國托起一縷縷不滅的陽光!教授們風(fēng)趣幽默的語言、獨特而精彩的講座風(fēng)格,令我們深深折服;他們廣博而 深厚的學(xué)識、睿智深刻的思想,給我們以啟迪,喚醒了我們對教育的思考。二、實地考察校園,精準(zhǔn)把握教育脈搏。在進修學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的精心安排下,我們還實地參觀了三所學(xué)校。置身校園


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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