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1、基本句型基本句型 一一 此句型的句子有一個共同特此句型的句子有一個共同特點,即句子的謂語動詞都能表達點,即句子的謂語動詞都能表達完整的意思。完整的意思。 這類動詞叫做不及物動詞,這類動詞叫做不及物動詞,后面可以跟副詞、介詞短語、狀后面可以跟副詞、介詞短語、狀語從句等。語從句等。 (不及物動詞)(不及物動詞)1. Time 2. The moon 3. The man4. We all 5. Everybody 6. I 7. They 8. He 9.He10.Theyflies. rose. cooked. eat, and drink.laughed? woke. talked for h

2、alf an hour.walked yesterday is playinghave gone基本句型 二 此句型的句子有一個共同的特點:句子謂語此句型的句子有一個共同的特點:句子謂語動詞都不能表達一個完整的意思,必須加上一個動詞都不能表達一個完整的意思,必須加上一個表明主語身份或狀態(tài)的表語構成復合謂語,才能表明主語身份或狀態(tài)的表語構成復合謂語,才能表達完整的意思。這類動詞叫做連系動詞。系動表達完整的意思。這類動詞叫做連系動詞。系動詞分兩類:詞分兩類:be, look, feel,smell,taste,soundbe, look, feel,smell,taste,sound等屬一類,表示

3、情況;等屬一類,表示情況;get, grow, become, get, grow, become, turn,goturn,go等屬另一類,表示變化。等屬另一類,表示變化。be be 本身沒有什本身沒有什么意義么意義, ,只起連系主語和表的作用。其它系動詞只起連系主語和表的作用。其它系動詞仍保持其部分詞義另仍保持其部分詞義另:stay,prove,remain,stand:stay,prove,remain,stand(是系動詞)(是系動詞)(表語表語)1. This 2. The dinner3. He 4. Everything5. He 6. The book 7. The weath

4、er 8. His face is smells(聞聞)fell looks is is becameturned an English dictionary. good. happy. different. tall and strong. interesting.warmer. red. 基本句型基本句型 三三 此句型句子的共同特點是:謂此句型句子的共同特點是:謂語動詞都具有實義,都是主語產生語動詞都具有實義,都是主語產生的動作,但不能表達完整的意思,的動作,但不能表達完整的意思,必須跟有一個賓語,即動作的承受必須跟有一個賓語,即動作的承受者,才能使意思完整。這類動詞叫者,才能使意思完整。

5、這類動詞叫做及物動詞。做及物動詞。(實義動詞)(實義動詞)(賓語賓語) 1. Who 2. She 3. He 8. He 5. They 6. Danny 7. I 4. He knows laugh at understands made ate likes want said the answer? her. English. cakes. some apples. donuts.to have a cup of tea. Good morning. 基本句型基本句型 四四 此句型的句子有一個共同特點:謂語此句型的句子有一個共同特點:謂語動詞必須跟有兩個賓語才能表達完整的意動詞必須跟有兩

6、個賓語才能表達完整的意思。這兩個賓語一個是動作的直接承受者,思。這兩個賓語一個是動作的直接承受者,另一個是動作的間接承受者。另一個是動作的間接承受者。 通常這一間接承受者用一個介詞來連通常這一間接承受者用一個介詞來連接,當動作的間接承受者在動作的直接承接,當動作的間接承受者在動作的直接承受者之前時,這一介詞往往被省略。受者之前時,這一介詞往往被省略。(及(及物)物)(多(多指人)指人)(多指物)(多指物)1. She2. She 3. He 8. He 5. I 6. I 7. I 4. He passed cooked brought bought showed gave told show

7、ed himher husband you her him him mea new dress. a delicious meal. a dictionary. nothing. my pictures. a hand. how to run the machine. that the bus was late. 基本句型基本句型 五五 此句型的句子的共同特點是:此句型的句子的共同特點是:動詞雖然是及物動詞,但是只跟動詞雖然是及物動詞,但是只跟一個賓語還不能表達完整的意思,一個賓語還不能表達完整的意思,必須加上一個補充成分來補足賓必須加上一個補充成分來補足賓語,才能使意思完整。語,才能使意思完

8、整。(及物)(及物) (賓語)(賓語)(賓補)(賓補)1. We 2. They3. They 4. They5. What 6. We 7. He 8. I keep painted call found makes saw asked saw the table the door supper the house him him me them clean. green. dinner. dirty. sad? out. to come back soon. getting on the bus. (二)(二) 除了基本句型的成分不變外,通常是在這些成分的前除了基本句型的成分不變外,通常是

9、在這些成分的前面或后面增加一些修飾語而加以擴大。這些修飾語可以是面或后面增加一些修飾語而加以擴大。這些修飾語可以是單詞(主要是形容詞、副詞和數詞),也可以是各種類型單詞(主要是形容詞、副詞和數詞),也可以是各種類型的短語(主要是介詞短語、不定式短語和分詞短語)。下的短語(主要是介詞短語、不定式短語和分詞短語)。下面以基本句型五(面以基本句型五(v+o+o.c)為例:)為例: We found the hall full. 我們發(fā)現禮堂坐滿了。我們發(fā)現禮堂坐滿了。 We found the great hall full of students and teachers. 我們發(fā)現大禮堂坐滿了學

10、生和教師。我們發(fā)現大禮堂坐滿了學生和教師。 We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report.我們發(fā)現大禮堂坐滿了學生和教師,在聽一個重要報告。我們發(fā)現大禮堂坐滿了學生和教師,在聽一個重要報告。 We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report made by a comrade from the Peoples Daily on current a

11、ffairs in East Europe. 我們發(fā)現大禮堂坐滿了學生和教師,在聽人民日報的我們發(fā)現大禮堂坐滿了學生和教師,在聽人民日報的一位同志作有關東歐局勢的重要報告。一位同志作有關東歐局勢的重要報告。 不同的動詞使用的句型也不盡一樣,因此在學習動詞時,應不同的動詞使用的句型也不盡一樣,因此在學習動詞時,應掌握掌握動詞的類型動詞的類型。以。以 get 為例:為例: Hes getting angry. (S V P) He got through the window. (S V O) Youll get a surprise. (S V O) He got his shoes and s

12、ocks wet. (S V O C) He got himself into trouble. (S V O C) He got her a splendid present. (S V 0 O) 在句子中在句子中詞類和詞的位置也影響句子的句型和意思詞類和詞的位置也影響句子的句型和意思: I found the book easily. 我很容易地找到了這本書。我很容易地找到了這本書。S V O M) I found the book easy. 我覺得這本書很容易。我覺得這本書很容易。 (S V O C) I have to do something. 我得做點事。我得做點事。 I hav

13、e something to do. 我有點事做。我有點事做。 A Lebanese who had left the country for Syria during the conflict between Israel and Hizbollah, returns with her family following the ceasefire, at the Lebanon-Syria border in Magdel Anjar August 14, 2006. S + V A 53-point win over South Korea wrapped up a perfect Asi

14、an exhibition tour for a star-studded U.S. team on its way to the world championships. S + V + O Ministry: Thai bird flu did not originate in China According to the current information held by the Chinese authorities, a verdict arrived at by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

15、 and the bird flu research and test centre of Thailand was arbitrary and based on the fact that the virus found in Thailand and Laos was similar to recent finds in southern China, the ministrys statement said. s+v+p A policeman removes a check point notice from the road to the village where bird flu

16、 patient were found in Zhongwei County, northwest Ningxia Autonomous Region, August 12, 2006. XinhuaMembers of Hong Kong singing group, Gillian Chung (L) and Charlene Choi hold a banner which reads “Dignity” during a news conference entitled “Privacy and dignity: Hong Kong peoples business” in Hong

17、Kong August 28, 2006. Semi-nude(半裸半裸) photos of Chung taken with a hidden camera have sparked an uproar(騷動騷動) among fans and womens right groups. S+ V+O First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematic

18、al minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. (NMET2003.C篇)篇) 這個定理,先是由十七世紀法國數學家皮爾法特提這個定理,先是由十七世紀法國數學家皮爾法特提出,曾使一批杰出的數學大師為難,包括一位法國女科學出,曾使一批杰出的數學大師為難,包括一位法國女科學家,

19、她在解決這個難題方面取得了重大的進展,她曾女扮家,她在解決這個難題方面取得了重大的進展,她曾女扮男裝為了能夠在伊科爾理工學院學習。男裝為了能夠在伊科爾理工學院學習。 簡析:夾雜過去分詞短語,現在分詞短語,動名詞及簡析:夾雜過去分詞短語,現在分詞短語,動名詞及兩個定語從句。兩個定語從句。 Even though there may be a tendency in some rare families to live extraordinarily long, the genetic influence that emerged from the studies of twins was sig

20、nificantly less than much of the public and many scientists think it is. S+V+P Josephine Tesauro, left, active and healthy at 92, is part of a study trying to determine why some people age better than others, even when they are closely related. Washington says world powers are poised to begin discus

21、sing punitive measures next week against Iran if, as expected, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports Teheran has ignored the UN demand to stop enriching uranium by August 31. 英語句式考查英語句式考查1.Whom would you rather_ the car? My father. A. have fix B. have to fix C. had fix D. have to be

22、fixed2.Was it 8 oclock _you heard someone_ at the door? A.when;knocking B.when;knock C.that;knocking D.that;knock3.Was it in the room_ Mr. John lived_the exhibition was held? A.that;that B.where;where C.that;where D.where;that4.Is _ you want to say? Yes,_ thats all I know. A.all what;yet B.which all

23、;unless C.that all; D.all that;so5.Was it not until 1920_ regular radio broadcasts began? A.while B.which C.that D.since6._the house Mr Zhang has been broken into? A.When was it that B.When has C.Has D.Had7.Did_ she was chosen make her very happy? A.what B.that C.which D.it8.Was it at the air battle on June 8,1994,_ was led by captain Johnson,_ Peter lost his life? A.when;that B.that;who C.which;that D.which;when9.-Would you tell me _you want your tea, with sugar


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