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1、 Ernest Hemingway (July 21, 1899 July 2, 1961) The Lost Generation Lost Generation refers to the generation after the World War I. Significant members included Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sherwood Anderson, Waldo Peirce, and Gertrude Stein herself. The Lost Generation Because most of his

2、works take the war as background, describe the pains and hurt the war brings to human being, and reflect a younger generations aimlessness and loss of the beliefs after the World War I, these works immediately won the responses from many people who survived the war physically but were afterwards spi

3、ritually and morally adrift ( without direction or purpose). Then, Hemingway became the spokesman for what was called “The Lost Generation”.The Lost Generation The Lost Generation is also called the Sad Young Man by F. Scott Fitzgerald in his book which describes the disillusioned younger generation

4、 after the First World War. Life born in a small town called Oak Park in Illinois near Chicago father: a successful physician, middle class, love fishing and hunting; mother: music teacher a happy childhood; a lover of brutal sports, such as boxing and football in middle school *the second child, an

5、d first son ; *raised in Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago ; *music lessons were useful in his writing and a lifelong passion for outdoor adventure and for living in remote or isolated areas; *attended Oak Park and River Forest High School and excelled both academically and athletically; *firs

6、t writing experience was for the schools newspaper and yearbook;Hemingway at the time of his graduation from high school, 1917 *worked as a reporter for The Kansas City Star( 堪薩斯星報) before World War I for only six months ;joined the Red Cross AmbulanceCorps(紅十字會戰(zhàn)場服務(wù)隊);*on July 8, 1918, wounded butca

7、rried an Italian soldier to safety, received the Italian Silver Medal of Bravery; when in the hospital, met and fell in love with Agnesgnis , a Red Cross nurse but was dumped soon after he was back his country The Sun Also Rises (1926) A Farewell to Arms (1929) 妖女妖女 Agnesgnis puppy love *began as a

8、freelancer(自由職業(yè))and foreign correspondent for the Toronto Star Weekly;*also worked as an associate editor of the Co-operative Commonwealth, a monthly journal;*met Hadley Richardson, the first wife,and married in 1921; Hadley Richardson 上個世紀(jì)20年代末,被稱為美國的“爵士時代的桂冠作家”司各脫菲茲杰拉德曾經(jīng)說過這樣一句話:“海明威每寫一部小說都要換一位太太。”

9、 世人公認(rèn)海明威有四大小說,即太陽照常升起、永別了,武器、喪鐘為誰而鳴和老人與海。在時間上對應(yīng)這四部小說,他的確先后娶過四位太太。 *settled in Paris and covered the Greco-Turkish War for the Toronto Star;*made friends with James Joyce, F. Scott Fitzgerald ;*His marriage to Hadley broke up because of his affair with Pauline PfeifferThe 2nd wife*In 1928,they moved

10、to Key West, Florida, to begin their new life together;*his father committed suicide; *During the early 1930s Hemingway were busy with hunting, fishing, bullfighting, traveling and writing;Hemingway house*in 1937 he reported on the war for the North American Newspaper Alliance (NANA) *he used this e

11、xperience in Spain as the background for For Whom the Bell Tolls ; After the war, Hemingway divorced with Pauline married Martha Gellhorn, his third wife in 1940 wrote the famous novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize;*involved in the war activities as a war corresp

12、ondent and in 1947 awarded a Bronze Star for his bravery during WW II;*He left Martha in 1945 and he had asked Mary Welsh, Time magazine correspondent, to marry him on their third meeting;* had a series of accidents and health problems after the war ;*When he traveled to the site of WW I and began t

13、o work on Across the River and Into the Trees(過河入林);*The next year wrote Old Man and the Sea and won the Pulitzer Prize in May 1952 and In October 1954 received the Nobel Prize in Literature; Discouraged by a troubled family background, illness and the belief that he was losing his gift for writing,

14、 he quite deliberately shot himself with his favorite shotgun in the early morning hours of July 2, 1961;Novels The Torrents of Spring (1925) 春潮春潮 The Sun Also Rises (1926) 太陽照常升起太陽照常升起 A Farewell to Arms (1929) 永別了,武器永別了,武器 To Have and Have Not (1937) 富有與貧窮富有與貧窮 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) 喪鐘為誰喪

15、鐘為誰而鳴而鳴 Across the River and Into the Trees (1950) 過河入林過河入林 The Old Man and the Sea (1952) 老人與老人與海海Works (1)“The Sun Also Rises” 1926 (Deep illusion of the whole generation after the WWI; the characters indulged themselves in depraved life to make themselves numb) (2)“A Farewell to Arms” 1928 (a tra

16、gic story about war and love) (Hero and heroine: Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley) (3)“For Whom the Bell Tolls” 1940 (Spanish civil war) (also a story about war and love) (the title of the novel: from John Donnes sermons )Works (4)The Old Man and the Sea” 1952 (In 1954, Hemingway got the Nobel P

17、rize) a quite special novel in all his novels symbolism Santiago mankind; sea nature and environment; marlin purpose of life; shark the evil force which control humans fate theme: the importance of life lies in the process of searching and resistanceNonfiction Death in the Afternoon (1932) 午后之死午后之死 Green Hills of Africa (1935) 非洲的青山非洲的青山Short Stories collection Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923)三個故事和三個故事和十首詩十


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