已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、機場指示牌中文英文中文英文機場費airport fee出站(出港、離開)departures國際機場international airport登機手續(xù)辦理check-in國內(nèi)機場domestic airport 登機牌boarding pass (card)機場候機樓airport terminal護照檢查處passport control immigration國際候機樓international terminal行李領(lǐng)取處luggage claim; baggage claim國際航班出港international departure國際航班旅客international pas

2、sengers國內(nèi)航班出站domestic departure中轉(zhuǎn)transfers衛(wèi)星樓satellite中轉(zhuǎn)旅客transfer passengers人口in中轉(zhuǎn)處transfer correspondence出口exit; out; way out過境transit進站(進港、到達)arrivals報關(guān)物品goods to declare不需報關(guān)nothing to declare貴賓室V. I. P. room海關(guān)customs購票處ticket office登機口gate; departure gate付款處cash候機室departure lounge出租車taxi航班號FLT N

3、o (flight number)出租車乘車點Taxipick-up point來自.arriving from大轎車乘車點coachpick-up point預(yù)計時間scheduled time (SCHED)航空公司汽車服務(wù)處airline coach service實際時間actual租車處(旅客自己駕車)car hire已降落landed公共汽車bus; coach service前往.departure to 公用電話public phone; telephone起飛時間departure time廁所toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room延

4、誤delayed男廁men's; gent's; gentlemen's登機boarding女廁women's; lady's由此乘電梯前往登機stairs and lifts to departures餐廳restaurant迎賓處greeting arriving酒吧bar 由此上樓up; upstairs咖啡館coffee shop; cafe由此下樓down; downstairs免稅店duty-free shop 銀行bank郵局post office貨幣兌換處money exchange; currency exchang

5、e出售火車票rail ticket訂旅館hotel reservation旅行安排tour arrangement行李暫存箱luggage locker行李牌luggage tag機票  飛機票(指限定條件) endoresement/restrictions 前往城市 to 旅客姓名name of passenger承運人(公司)carrier旅行經(jīng)停地點good for passage between航班號flight no.起點城市from座艙等級class (fare basis)起飛日期date機號plane No.起飛時間time機座號seat No.訂座情況status

6、吸煙坐位smoking seat機票確認ticket confirm非吸煙席non-smoking seat登機口gate出(入)境卡姓family name年year名First (Given) Name月month性別sex偕行人數(shù)accompanying number男male職業(yè)occupation女female專業(yè)技術(shù)人員professionals & technical國籍nationality行政管理人員legislators &administrators國籍country of citizenship辦事員clerk護照號passport No.商業(yè)人員com

7、merce (Business People)原住地country of Origin     (Country where you live)服務(wù)人員service前往目的地國destination country農(nóng)民farmer登機城市city where you boarded工人worker簽證簽發(fā)地city where visa was issued其他others簽發(fā)日期date issue無業(yè)jobless前往國家的住址address while in簽名signature街道及門牌號number and street官方填寫officia

8、l use only城市及國家city and state日day出生日期date of Birth  (Birthdate)簽 證姓surname失效日期(或必須在.日之前入境)expiry date ( 或 before)名first (given) name停留期為.for stays of性別sex10天ten days出生日期birthdate8周eight weeks國籍nationality3個月three months護照號passport No.6個月six months編號control No.1年one year簽發(fā)地Issue At3年three years簽

9、發(fā)日期Issue Date (或On)簽證種類visa type(class)日期、數(shù)字、符號一月JAN七月JUL二月FEB八月AUG三月MAR九月SEP四月APR十月OCT五月MAY十一月NOV六月JUN十二月DEC天day (s)年year (s)周week (s)1993年6月12日12 Jun. 1993月month (s)1993年6月12日Jun. 12, 1993 Traveling - ticket booking 訂機位常用語句請求對方再說一次。Could you please repeat that? 我要訂9月15號到紐約的班機。I'd like to

10、make a reservation for a flight to New York on September 15th. 408次班機何時抵達?What time does Flight 408 arrive? 機票多少錢?How much is airfare? 我想要確認我預(yù)訂的機位。I'd like to reconfirm my plane reservation please.基礎(chǔ)詞匯 國際班機  International Flight 班機號碼 Flight Number 來回機票 Round-Trip Ticket 商務(wù)客艙 Business Class

11、國內(nèi)班機 Domestic Flight 單程機票 One-Way Ticket 頭等艙 First Class 經(jīng)濟艙 Economy ClassTraveling - at airport機場報到常用語句我該到哪里辦聯(lián)合航空706次班機登機手續(xù)? Where may I check in for United flight number 706? 什么時候開始登機? What time will boarding start? 我要轉(zhuǎn)法國航空123號班機。 I'm connecting with AF123. 哪里可以詢問轉(zhuǎn)接班機的事情? W

12、here can I get information on a connecting flight? 基礎(chǔ)詞匯 護照  Passport 簽證 Visa 入境記錄卡 Embarkation Card 出境記錄卡 Disembarkation Card 入境大廳 Arrival Lobby 出境大廳 Departure Lobby 登機門號碼 Gate Number 登機證 Boarding Card 機場稅 Airport Tax 商務(wù)簽證 Business Visa 旅客登機報到處  Check in Counter 觀光簽證 Tourist Visa Traveling

13、 - on plane在飛機上常用語句盥洗室在哪里? Where is the lavatory? 你有中文報紙嗎? Do you have Chinese Newspaper? 我會冷,請給我一條毯子好嗎? I feel cool, may I have a blanket? 可不可以給我一副撲克牌? May I have a deck of playing cards? 基礎(chǔ)詞匯 盥洗室 Lavatory 使用中 Occupied 無人 Vacant女空服員 Stewardess 男空服員 Steward 機內(nèi)免稅販賣 In-Flight Sales

14、 Traveling - at customs通關(guān)時 常用語句請出示您的護照。 May I see your passport, please? 您要在美國待多久? How long are you going to stay in America? 我會留在美國一個星期。 I will stay for one week. 您此行的目的為何? What is the purpose of your visit? 您有任何東西要申報嗎? Do you have anything to declare? 我沒有東西申報。 I have

15、nothing to declare. 基礎(chǔ)詞匯 海關(guān)申報處 Customs Service Area 貨幣申報 Currency Declaration 免稅商品 Duty-Free Items 需課稅商品 Dutiable Goods 觀光 Sightseeing Traveling - luggage claim 行李提取 常用語句對不起,哪里是行李提領(lǐng)區(qū)? Excuse me, where is the baggage claim area? 行李遺失申報處在哪里? Where is the lost luggage office? 我可以在哪里找到行李推車?

16、60;Where can I get a luggage cart? 基礎(chǔ)詞匯 行李 Baggage/Luggage 托運的行李 Checked baggage 行李領(lǐng)取處 Baggage claim area 隨身行李 Carry-on baggage 行李牌 Baggage Tag 行李推車Luggage Cart Traveling - currency exchange 銀行兌換 常用語句我要把一萬元臺幣換成美金。 I'd like to change NT$10,000 into U.S. Dollars, please. 你能告訴我在哪里兌換外幣嗎?Can you

17、 tell me where to change money? 你們接受旅行支票嗎? Can you accept traveler's checks? 匯率是多少? What's the exchange rate? 我要把一萬元臺幣換成美金。 I'd like to change NT$10,000 into U.S. Dollars, please. 基礎(chǔ)詞匯 外幣兌換店 Currency Exchange Shop 匯率 Exchange rate 旅行支票 Traveler's check US$1.50 One Doll

18、ar and Fifty Cents/A buck fifty US$10.00 Ten Dollars US$200.67 Two hundred dollars and sixty seven cents US$5,000.00 Five Thousand Dollars US$10,000.00 Ten thousand dollars US$394,000.00 Three hundred and ninety four thousand dollars US$1,000,000.00 One million dollars Traveling shopping 購物 常用語句這是多少

19、錢? How much does this cost? 我喜歡這個。 I like this. 我要買這個。 I would like to take this one. 有沒有別的顏色? Do you have any other colors? 我可以試穿這個嗎? May I try this on? 你可以算便宜一點嗎? Can you cut me a deal? 我可不可以用信用卡付帳? Can I pay by credit card? 在哪里可以換錢? Where can I change money

20、? 你們幾點營業(yè)/打烊? What time do you open/close? 我要買這個禮物送給我朋友。 I'm looking for a gift for my friend. 請幫我把這個包起來。 Please wrap this for me. 謝謝,可是我只是看看。 Think you but I'm just looking. 基礎(chǔ)詞匯 大號 large 中號 medium 小號 small 紀念品 Souvenir Traveling - at hotel 在飯店 常用語句我要早上8:00設(shè)定電話叫醒。 I would like to have a morning Call at 8:00 in the morning. 退房的適合時間? When is check out time? 我要單人房。 I'd like a room of one. 我要兩張床的房間。&


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