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1、高一英語(yǔ)新課標(biāo)導(dǎo)學(xué)案必修 4 Unit3 Period 4Unit 3 A taste of En glish humourPeriod Four Using Language ( Listening and speaking; Reading, speaking &writ in g(p22-24)整體目標(biāo)Goals:英語(yǔ)課程目標(biāo)教學(xué)目標(biāo)三維目標(biāo)領(lǐng)域語(yǔ)言技能學(xué)會(huì)通過(guò)語(yǔ)境猜測(cè)詞義;通過(guò)探究自主學(xué)習(xí)靈活運(yùn)用本單元詞匯進(jìn)行交際。完 成聽(tīng)說(shuō)讀寫(xiě)訓(xùn)練任務(wù)。Using Language部分中包括了聽(tīng)、讀、寫(xiě)三個(gè)部分的內(nèi) 容。讀的部分目的在于欣賞,同時(shí)讓學(xué)生了解到英語(yǔ)幽默也有和漢語(yǔ)有相同的 地方,

2、即都用一些雙關(guān)語(yǔ),或是同音字等“文字游戲”達(dá)到幽默的目的。聽(tīng)的部分 都是圍繞笑話(huà)和幽默故事展開(kāi)的,說(shuō)的部分則圍繞錄音中的故事,談?wù)剬?duì)這些 故事的理解并說(shuō)明喜歡或不喜歡的原因。語(yǔ)言知識(shí)Using Language分為兩部分,Reading and listening同時(shí)讀英語(yǔ)笑話(huà)和聽(tīng)英語(yǔ) 笑話(huà),讓學(xué)生進(jìn)一步體驗(yàn)幽默,培養(yǎng)語(yǔ)感。Speaking and writing部分要求學(xué)生先口頭講述笑話(huà)或幽默故事,體會(huì)其中的幽默,然后引出writing的內(nèi)容,把上述討論的故事寫(xiě)下來(lái),并按照講故事的邏輯順序組織文章結(jié)構(gòu)。這個(gè)任務(wù)不但 提供了機(jī)會(huì)讓學(xué)生親身實(shí)踐講幽默故事,并用筆頭的形式進(jìn)行強(qiáng)化,而且內(nèi)容 新穎有

3、趣,有利于調(diào)動(dòng)他們的學(xué)習(xí)積極性。知識(shí)與技能領(lǐng)域?qū)W習(xí)策略通過(guò)課前預(yù)習(xí)、課上小組討論與知識(shí)呈現(xiàn)、情景交際、幽默故事演講等小組活 動(dòng),正確理解和掌握幽默的實(shí)質(zhì)。過(guò)程與方法領(lǐng)域情感態(tài)度了解英語(yǔ)幽默,體會(huì)幽默,熱愛(ài)生活情感、態(tài)度領(lǐng)域讀前準(zhǔn)備&思考問(wèn)題Readi ng and speak ingPre-reading : Do you know what is pun ”英語(yǔ)中有趣的雙關(guān)語(yǔ)"pun ”所謂pun,通常是指利用一個(gè)單詞的兩個(gè)含義,或者利用兩個(gè)特定的單詞,達(dá)到“一語(yǔ)雙關(guān)”的目的。Read the two puns and enjoy play ing on words.A b

4、icycle can ' t stand on its own because it is twotired.A small boy went to the coun ter to pay for his lunch but he was a little short. How to expla in the two puns?1) Two-tired, when spoken, can have two meanings: a. with two tires; b. too tired.2) Short, whe n spoke n, can have two meanin gs:

5、a. small in height; b. not havi ng eno ugh mon ey.Readi ngEn glish jokesThere are thousa nds of joke which use “ play on words amtise us. Now read some of these customer and waiterjokes.Can you match the joke with the expla nati on below on page 22?Role play : Read the funny story on page 22.TipsShe

6、rlock Holmes is a character created by the En glish writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Sherlock Holmes became the prototype ( 原型)for the modern mastermind detective. Doylein troduced Holmes in 1887 in the short s tory A Study in Scarlet. Doctor Wats on is Sherlock' sbest friend and partner.Read a sho

7、rt, funny story on Page 22 about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes and hisfriend Doctor Wats on.Then cha nge the story into a short dialogue. Act it in groups of three Holmes, Wats on anda n arrator.精聽(tīng)提高Pre-listening : You are going to listen to a funny story about jam. Before you listen, look at

8、 the exercises below. Try and predict the story. Tell your part ner what you think will happe n.While-Liste ningI. Liste n to Part 1 and write dow n the main idea.2. Liste n to Part 1 aga in and an swer the follow ing questi ons:1. What was Mary going to do with the cooked plums in the pan?2. What d

9、id Joh n think Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?3. What do you think Mary is going to say whe n she finds out what has happe ned?4. How do you think John will react to her?3. Before you listen to Part 2, try to put these sentences below in order. Then listen again andcheck if you were

10、right.Mary got angry with Joh n.Mary saw the chicke ns behavi ng stra ngely.Joh n was sorry.The chicke ns enjoyed the jam.Joh n said he thought the jam was porridge.Mary looked at the red mess on the ground.Joh n said the chicke ns were drunk.Mary came home.4. Fill in the bla nks while liste ning to

11、 Part 2 a sec ond time.“ Youmy jam, ” she shouted. “ Oh,what it was, ” he said. "I ' mbuthought it waswhich had gone bad in the hot weather. Thechickens havethe jam, but it made sthem. ”Speak ing and writ ingDiscuss with your partner whether you think the story you listened to is funny. Giv

12、e yourreas ons. Use these words and expressi ons below to help you.How won derful!I ' m pleased we both like I felt happy becauseWhat fun!It surprises me thatI (don ' t) laugh at that kind of thingbecause It is (not) very amus ing/funny thatI (don ' t) enjoy this very much becauseWriting

13、1) Use a logical order: explain the situation, what happened and then give the punchline.2) Read it through whe n you have fini shed check ing for mistakes.3) Read it to your part ner and ask for advice.4) Rewrite your story and put it into a class collect ion of funny stories.Collocatio ns from NON

14、VERBAL HUMOURslide on 在上滑行,bump into 不期而遇;偶然碰見(jiàn);邂逅und a corner在拐角處,在近處,fall down掉進(jìn),in the road 在路面上,see other people ' s bad I看別人倒霉(遭到不幸) ,at times時(shí)不時(shí);經(jīng)常地, content with 對(duì)感到滿(mǎn)意be worse off情況更壞;處境更糟;經(jīng)濟(jì)情況更不好,astonishwith以方吃驚,in spire deep feel in gs in sb. for因?yàn)榧ぐl(fā)人內(nèi)心深處的感情a character 扮演一個(gè)角色,be bornpov

15、erty 出生窮困,become famous for 因?yàn)槎雒?use a particular form of acting 用獨(dú)特的表演方entertaining silent movie 令人愉快的無(wú)聲影片 ,a charming character 令人愉快的角色,有趣的角色,be well knothroughout the world 世界聞名,play a poor and homeless person扮演一個(gè)貧困而無(wú)家可歸的人,carry a walkstick拄著拐杖,a social failure 社會(huì)生活中的失敗者,be loved by被愛(ài)戴(熱愛(ài)),overc

16、ome difficulties克困難,be unkind to 對(duì)不友好 ,make entertai使ing -令人愉快,a sad situation 悲哀的境況,a boiled shoe只煮沸的鞋,make- fu nny使滑稽可笑,use non verbal humour不用語(yǔ)言表達(dá)的幽默,in the middle ofnineteenth century 在十九世紀(jì)中葉,in search of搜尋,尋找n for gold 用淘金盤(pán)淘金,wash sand洗沙(以得至U金子),in a pan of water 在淘金盤(pán)中,expect to do sth.期待做某事,pi

17、ck up 得至U,淘至山be fortunate enou 足夠幸運(yùn),be caught in a snowstorm遭遇至U暴風(fēng)雪 , on the edge of 在的邊緣n a small wooden house 在座小木屋,have nothing to eat 沒(méi)有可吃的東西,sothat如此以至于;boil a pair of leather shoes 煮一雙鞋,sit down at the table 坐在桌邊,pick out 挑選,選出cut off切下;割下;砍下 ,treat as if 像 eat every mouthful with enjoyment快樂(lè)地

18、享受每一口 ,make it seem as if使它顯得(好象)direct a movie導(dǎo)一部影片,star in在中擔(dān)任主角,givea special Oscar授予奧斯卡特別獎(jiǎng) ,one' lifetime 某人的一outstanding work 杰出的工作 ,live one ' s life in 在度過(guò)一生課后鞏固一、單詞運(yùn)用。1. Today the Chin ese teacher bega n the class with an amus ingshow.2. I kept a diary at times whe n there was someth

19、 ingto keep dow n.3. The class were cheered up by herperforma nee.4. We like to stay with him , for he ' s a mwith a prettyof humour.5. The woma n sat there,(chew) a piece of gum.6. He will n ever forget that experie nee of his.7. Sheit to me so as not to be heard by others.8. It will do you goo

20、d to have ple nty of(boil) water every day.9. We really had pity on the poorgirl and took her to our house.10. Cold-blooded ani mal will sleepthe win ter without eat ing anything.二、詞語(yǔ)派生1. As a result of their impatie nee, that pla n en ded in(fail).2. (fort un e), we two were selected for the Olympi

21、c torch bearers in Guan gdo ng.3. Besides the point, the accide nt happe ned for some other(direct) reasons.4. You are expected to spend an entertain) evening in this place ofpublic(en tertai n).5. The gover nment is tryi ng to stop the strike in a(viole nt) way.6. I won dered all the time why mothe

22、r had n ever throw n away those clothes already(wear) out.7. I ' m so full I can ' t have another(mouth).8. She(joy) play ing the pia no every day, for it is a great(enjoy) to her.9. He was(se nse) of the trouble he had caused.10. Mobil phones may not work so well in(mountain) areas.三、單項(xiàng)選擇1.

23、 Don' t leave the waterwhile you brush your teeth.A. runB. runningC. being runD. to run2. Tell Mary that there' s some onefor her at the door.A. wait ingB. waitedC. waits D. to wait3. A phone call sent himto the hospital.D. hurriedA. hurryB. hurryi ngC. to hurry4. Do you know the boyun der t

24、he big tree?A. lay B. la in C. layi ngD. lyi ngin our city.5. There are lots of places of in terestA. n eeds repairi ng repairedB. n eedi ng repairedC. n eeded repairi ngD. n eedi ng to be6. The drunken husband knocked against the table and sent the bowls in alldirecti ons before he was sentby his w

25、ife.A. flying; to sleepB. flying; sleepingC. to fly; to sleepingD. to fly; tosleep7. As is known to us all, traveli ng is , but we ofte n feelwhe n we are back fromtravels.A. in terest ing; tired tiredB. in terested; tiri ngC. interesting; tiringD. i nterested;8. The woma n found it no goodher daughter too much money.A. givi ngB. being give n C. give n D. gave9. As the stone was too heavy to move, I left it on the ground.A. layi ngB. layC. lyi ngD. la in10.


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