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1、True or false 判斷題:Linguisticscan be defined as the scientific study of a particular Ianguage.()Language is arbitrary by nature but it is not completely arbitrary. ()3 It is gen erally believed that moder n lin guistics is mostly descriptive,diachr onic, and emphatic on writi ng.()4 Ani mals are born

2、 with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiarto their species, while huma n beings don not have this gen etic basis.()、 Ani mals cannot talk about the things except those about food, dan ger, en emy, etc. because the com mun icative sig nals of ani mals don not have the propertyof displace

3、me nt.()3 Wecan use the word “word” to talk about a word, we can talk about “talk ” , we can think about “ thinking ” , this shows that language has a metalingual fun ctio n.()7 When some one breaks a bowl or a plate on a special occasi on in China thepeople present are likely to say“sui sui ping &#

4、39; an” (every year be safe andhappy) as a means of con troll ing the magic forces which the believers feel itmight affect their lives. This shows that Ianguage has an interpersonalfunction.()Lan guage is the in strume nt of thought, record of facts, and people ofte nfeel n eed to speak their though

5、ts aloud. This in dicates that Ian guage has an expressive function.()- A baby ' s babbling, widespread use of verbal dueling, poetry writing aswell as self-s inging all show that la nguage can be used to amuse the speakers.()The dichotomy “ etic ” and “emic ” is by nature in a contrast of being

6、con crete and abstract, and can be gen eralized into a wider use of lin guisticresearch in a compleme ntary way in terms of methodology.()1. F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.F 9.T 10.T1. Phonetics studies the phonic medium of a particular Ianguage.()2. Phono logy aims to discover how speech sounds of all

7、 huma nlan guages form patter ns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in lin guistic com muni catio n.()3. In En glish, pill and bill form a mini mal pair, and so do life and knife, pinand ping.()4. The En glish liquids are w and j, while the En glish glides are l and r.()5. The English v

8、owel u: can be describe as central, close, rounded, and long,and u cen tral, close, roun ded, and short.()6. The phon eme /t/ and /d/ can occur in the same positi on and they disti nguishmeaning, therefore they are said to be in compleme ntary distributi on.()7. The disti nctive features in En glish

9、 can apply to the other Ian guages, too. Forin sta nee, voici ng dist in guishes meaning in both En glish and Chin ese.()8. In En glish,n asalizati onof a sound is not a phono logicalfeature, for in sta nee,kAn and kA n, that is to say, it can not tell one word from ano ther.()9. In Chinese, the ass

10、imilation rule also works as in the words"奔” and "賓”()10. In a sta ndardized En glish syllable, the on set, the n ueleus and the coda, allthe three parts are compulsory.()1.F2.F3.T4.F5.F6.F7.F8.T9.T10.F1. A morpheme must convey a lexical meaning.()2. All words can be said to contain a root

11、 morpheme.()3. Free morphemes can be further classified into in flect ional and derivati onalmorphemes.()4. Morphological rulesconsistof word-formation rules and adjustmentrules.()5. All words have morphs but not n ecessarily allomorphs.()6. The word“ moder ni zati ons ” is made up of three morpheme

12、s.()7. Derivati onal morphemes n ever cha nge the class of the words to which they areattached.()8. I nflectio ns mani fest various grammatical relatio ns and lexical relati ons, suchas nu mber, ten se, aspect, pers on and case, etc.9. The morphological rules can be generalizedin spite of some excep

13、tions.()10. It is hard to believe that there is an in terfacebetwee n phono logy and morphology.()1. F2. T3. F4. T5. T6. F7. F8. F9. T10. F1. The part of a sentence which comprises an infin ite verb or an infin ite verb phrase is grammatically called a clause.()2. Grammatical sentences are formed by

14、 followinga set of unlimitedsyntacticrules.()3. The syn tactic rules of a Ian guage are fin ite in nu mber, yet there is no limitto the nu mber of sentences which can be produced.()4. Constituents which can be substituted for one another with loss of grammaticality bel ong to the same syn tactic cat

15、egory.()5. Language is both linearlyand hierarchically structuredaccordingto thestructuralist Ian guage view.()6. Phrase structure rules provide expla natio ns on how syn tactic categories areformed and sentences gen erated.()7. Wh-moveme nt is always obligatory in Ian guagewhe n it is inten ded toc

16、ha nge froman affirmative to an in terrogative.()8. X-bar theory is a typical instanee of principle in terms of Chomsky' s UG.9. UG is a system of lin guistic kno wledge and a huma n species-specific gift whichexists in the mind of a no rmal huma n being.()10. I nformatio n theory also plays a r

17、ole in the Systemic-F un ctio nal Grammar ()1. F2.F 3.T4.F5.T6.T 7.F8.T9.T10.T1. In the classic semantic triangle,the symbol is directly related to the referent.()2. Stylistic synonyms differ in style because they come from differe nt regi ons.()3. Homographs are words which are pronoun ced alike.()

18、4. The superord in ate term is more in clusive in meaning tha n its hyp ony ms.()5. In a pair of compleme ntary antony ms, there exist some in termediate forms betwee n the two extremes.()6. Antonyms contrast each other only on a single dimension, such as“ hot ” vs.“ cold ” .()7. All the grammatical

19、ly well-formed senten ces are not n ecessarily sema ntically well-formed.()8. Oneadvantage of componential analysis is that by specifyingthe semantic featuresof words, it will be possible to show how these words are related in meaning.()9. A predicate is someth ing said about an argume nt.()10. The

20、pursuit of both propositi onlogic and predicate logic is truth value.()1. F2.F3.F4.T5.F6.F7.T8.T9.T10.T二。填空1. La nguage is a system ofsymbols used for huma n com muni cati on.2. L in guistics is gen erally defi ned as thestudy of.3f a lin guistic study describes and an alyzes the Ian guage people ac

21、tuallyuse, it is said to be; if it aims to lay down rules for “ correct ” behavior,it is said to be.4n moder n lin guistics,study seems to enjoy priority overstudy.The reas on is that successful studies of various states of a Ian guage wouldbe the foun dati ons of a historical study.5. La ngue refer

22、s to thelin guistic system shared by all the members ofa speech com mun ity; and parole refers to theof Ian gue in actual use.6. Chomsky defi nes compete nee as the ideal user' sof the rules of hisIan guage, and performa nee, the actualof this kno wledge in lin guisticcom mun icatio n.7. “ A ros

23、e by any other name would smell as sweet ” . This famous quotation fromShakespeare illustrates that la nguage has the desig n feature of.8. The property ofof Ian guage provides a speaker with an opport unity totalk about a wide range of thin gs, free from barriers caused by separati on in time and p

24、lace.9. La nguage is a system, which con sists of two sets of structures, one of,and the other of. This double articulati on of Ian guage en ables its usersto talk about any thi ng with in their kno wledge.10. An English speaker and a Chinese speaker are both able to use Ianguage, but they are not m

25、utually intelligible,which shows that Ianguage is culturally .1. arbitrary, vocaI2. scie ntific, la nguage3. descriptive, prescriptive4. synchronic, diachr oni c5. abstract, realizati on6. kno wledge, realizati on7. arbitrari ness8. displaceme nt9. soun ds, words10. tra nsmitted1. The study of sound

26、s is divided into three main branches:andphon etics, each deali ng with one part of the process of speechproducti on and percepti on.2. The articulatory apparatus of a huma n being are embedded in three importa ntcavities. These three cavities areand.cavity3. The differe nee betwee n a consonant and

27、 a vowel lies in whether there is air in the product ion of them.4. Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called ,which is a feature of all vowels and some consonan ts. When the vocal cords docause vibration,the sounds produced are; otherwise they are namedsounds5. Two w

28、ays to tran scribe speech sounds are available, broad tran scripti on andnarrow transcription. The major differenee between them is with or without.6. When the obstruct ion is partial and the air is forced through a narrow passagein the mouth so as to cause defi nite local friction at the point, the

29、 speech sound thus produced is a.7. The basic un it of phono logy is a phon eme. It is an abstract collecti on of 8. When pho nemic con trast is men ti oned we realize that the two sounds bel ong tophon eme(s), whe n compleme ntary distributi on is discussed, the allopho nes come fromphon eme(s); an

30、d fin ally whe n free variati on is talked about,we un dersta nd that the sounds are derived fromphon eme(s).9. In En glish, compleme ntary distributi on of alloph ones is required to meet twocon diti ons, one con diti on is that they n ever occur in the; theother is that they should share.10. In En

31、 glish, the study of phono logy has so far mainly found three phono logicalrules. They areandrule.1. articulatory,auditory,acoustic2.pharyngeal,oral,nasal3.obstruction4. voicing,voiced,voiceless5.diacritics6.fricative7.distinctive,features8.two,one,one9.same position,phonetic,similarity10.sequential

32、,assimilation,deletion1. Morphology is a branch of grammar which studies theof words andtheby which words are formed.2. Morphology can be subdivided into two branches:morphology andormorphology.3. The phono logicaland orthographical realizati ons of a morphemeare termed .4. -t、-d、-id areof the morph

33、eme -ed.5. “ Careless ” is theof the word“ carelessness ” .6. “ Gentle ” is theof the word“gentlemanliness” .7. A morphemecan convey two kinds of meanings: meaning andmeaning.8. affixes,affixes, androots are all bound morphemes.9. Compared with a free phrase, a compo und has differentfeatures.10. Th

34、e allomorphs -s and -iz of the morphemepluralindicatesthe applicationsof therule andrule.1. internal structure rules2. inflectional derivational3. morphs4. allomorphs5. Stem6.root7. lexicalgrammatical.inflectional derivational bound9. semantic orthographicsyntactic phonetic10. epenthesis assimilatio

35、n1. The system of intern alized lin guistic kno wledge of a Ian guage speaker is knownas lin guistic c.2. For any n atural la nguage, a set of srules are capable of yield ing anen dless nu mber of senten ces.3. Normally a sentence consists of at least a subject and a predicate which containsa fverb

36、or a verb phrase.4. The seque ntial order of words in a sentence suggests that the structure of asentence is l.5. The subord in atesentence in a complex is called an eclause and the clauseinto which it is in serted is called a mclause.6. I n con duct ing a tree diagram an alysis, the prin ciple we h

37、ave to stick to iscalled bdivisio n.7. The r property captures the ability of Ian guage to gen eratemorecon stitue nts to a senten ce.8. The pstructure rules allow us to better understand how phrases and clausesare gen erated.9. The start ing point of an uttera nee which is known in the give n situa

38、ti on andfrom which the speaker proceeds is n amed t.10. J. Firbas thinks that the exte nt to which the sentence eleme nt con tributesto the developme nt of the com mun icatio n is called com muni cative d.pete nce2.s yn nite 4.lin ear5.embeddedmatrix6.b in ary7.recursive8.phrase9.theme10

39、.dy namism1. Srestrictio ns are con stra ints on what lexical items can go with others.2. There are ofte n in termediate forms betwee n the two members of a pair of gantony ms.3. The various meanings of a pword are related to some exte nt.4. Lin guistic forms hav ing the same sense may have differe

40、nt rin differe ntsituati ons.5. Accord ing to Wittge nstei n, for a large class of cases, the meaning of a wordis in its uin the Ian guage.6. Hyponymy is the relati on of en tailme nt, a superord in ate en tails all h.7. “ Buy” and “ sell ” are a pair of ropposites.8. In sema ntic an alysis of a sen

41、tence, the basic unit is called p.9. There is an importa nt differe nee betwee n en tailme nt and presuppositi on, thatis, presuppositi on un like en tailme nt, in not vuln erable to n.10. A sema ntically asentence is absurd in the sense that it presupposesa con tradict ion.1. selection2.gradable3.p

42、olysemic4.reference5.use6.hyponyms7.relational8.predication9.negationIO.anomalous三.名詞解釋。1. Design features: Refer to the defining properties of human Ianguage that dist in guish it from any ani mal system of com muni cati on.2. Syn chr onic: The descripti on of a Ian guage at some point in time is a

43、 synchronic study, also called syn chr onic lin guistics.3. Diachr onic: The descripti on of a Ian guage as it cha nges through time is a diachr onic study, also called diachr onic lin guistics.4. Prescriptive: If it aims to lay down rules for” correct ” behavior, in otherwords, to tell people what

44、they should say and what they should not say, it issaid to be prescriptive.5. Descriptive: If a lin guistic study describes and an alyzes the Ian guage people actually use, it is said to be descriptive.6. Arbitrar in ess: It means that there is no logical connection betwee n meanings and soun ds.7.

45、Duality: It means that Ian guage is a system, which con sists of two levels of structures, at the lower level there is the structure of soun ds; at the higher level there is the structure of words.8. Displaceme nt: Lan guage can be used to refer to thi ngs that are not prese nt: real or imagi ned ma

46、tters in that past, prese nt, or future or in faraway places.9. Compete nee: It refers to the ideal user' s kno wledge of the rules of his Ian guage.10. Performanee: It refers to the actual realization of the ideal user' s knowledge of the rules of his Ian guage in lin guistic com muni cati

47、on.11. Lan gue: It refers to the abstract lin guistic system shared by all the membersof a speech com muni ty.12. Parole: It refers to the realizati on of Ian gue in actual use.13. Culturaltransmission:It refers to, on the one hand, humanlanguage has a geneticbasis, in other words, we are born with

48、the capacity to acquire human Ianguage; on the other hand, the details of any huma n Ian guage are passed from one gen erati on to the n ext by teachi ng and lear ning, rather tha n by gene.14. Etic: It refers to the linguistic units containing“-etic ” , for instanee,phon etic, morph etic, which are

49、 used to describe lin guistic facts in detailwithout dist in ctive features, are first used to describe soun ds.15. Emic: It refers to the linguistic units containing“-emic ” , for instanee,phon emic, morphemic, which are used to describe abstract lin guistic rules withdisti nctive features, are fir

50、st used describe phon emes.16. Phatic: It refers to Ianguage used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social con tact rather tha n for excha nging in formatio n or ideas. For in sta nee,greetings,farewells,talkingabout weather are allinstancesof platicfun cti on.1. phonetics:Itis the scien

51、ce which studies the characteristics of humansound-making,especiallythose sounds used in speech,and provides methods for their description,classificationandtranscription.2. places of articulation:The different vocal organs,or more exactly,the different parts of thevocal organs,which are involved in

52、the production of consonants are known as places of articulation.3. manners of articulation:In the production of consonants,the degrees of vocal organs 'obstruction,complete,partial,or a mere narrowing,are known as manners of articulation.4. broad transcription:The way to transcribe speech sound

53、s with letter-symbols only is calledbroad transcription.5. narrow transcription:The way to transcribe speech sounds with letter-symbols and the diacriticsis called narrow transcription.6. phoneme: As a basic unit of phonological study,is an abstract collection of phoneme featureswhich can distinguis

54、h meaning.7. minimal pairs: When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment in the same place in the strings,the two words are said to form a minimal pair.8. phonemic contrast: It refers to two phonemes in a minimal pair occur in the same place andcan distinguish mea

55、ning,these two phonemes are said to be in phonemic contrast.9. devoicing epenthesis: Devoicing is a process by which voiced sounds become voiceless usuallyin normal,connected speech,for example, ” five past ” faivpa:st can be devoiced into faivpa:st.Epenthesis is a technical term for the process of

56、insertion of a sound in certain phoneticenvironment,as in the case of“ an apple ” ,the nasal n is inserted in the phrase for the lackof a consonant between a and apple.10. diacritics:It is a set of small symbols with which the IPA provides its users.They are usuallyadded to the letter-symbols to ind

57、icate finer phonetic qualities in narrow transcription.11. suprasegmental features: The features that occur above the level of the segments,such asthe syllable,the word,and the sentence,and can distinguish meaning are called suprasegmental features,which include stress,intonation,and tone.1. morpheme形態(tài)學:Is the branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.2. morph 形素:The phono logical and orthographic forms thar represe nt a morpheme are calledmorphs.For example,the morphem


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