



1、.actions using rules, and in the process of the concentration of disciplinary ruling, not convergence, not pull back as heavy or heavier punishment. "Discipline focused discipline process" at least 18 since the five-year, five years is to pay close attention to the Central implementation e

2、ight provisions and anti-"four winds". Fourth chapter to suspected illegal party disciplinary actions and distinguish between five different circumstances, provides for specific provisions respectively, effective cohesion to achieve party discipline and State Law 9. One is the 27th article

3、 of the Ordinance provides that party members found in the disciplinary review of corruption bribery, dereliction of duty and other alleged offences under criminal law, should be given to withdraw party posts, expelled from or placed on probation within the party disciplinary action. Second, article

4、 28th of the regulations in the discipline of the party organization . Disciplinary punishment against life ", Chapter 6. 3, annex "Annex" part of supplementary provisions, such as the permission, interpretation of the regulations, as well as the timing and retroactive, and so on. 11

5、(three) learning understanding Ordinance need grasp of several focus problem first a problem-on violation political discipline behavior new Ordinance sixth chapter put political discipline as six big discipline of first, is main on opposition of led and opposition of basic theory, and line, and basi

6、c programme of, and basic experience, and basic requirements of disciplinary behavior made disposition provides, especially will 18 big yilai Central proposed strict political discipline and political rules of requirements and practice results into for discipline provisions, Added jump on the centra

7、l policy, clique, fight reviews, without principles and disregard the disciplinary provisions. These are the party's 18 since the comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party in the process of combining the rich content. (1) jump on the central policy violate the party's centra

8、lized and unified this issue is made under provisions of the party Constitution. Party Constitution stipulated in master uphold democratic centralism is the party building must adhere to one of the four basic requirements. This items principles is party of fundamental Organization principles, is mas

9、s line in party of life in the of using, it requirements must full develop party democratic, respect members of subject status, guarantees members of democratic right, full play levels party and members of enthusiasm and creative, while, also must implemented right of concentrated, guarantee party o

10、f solidarity unified and action consistent, guarantee party of decided get quickly and effective of implementation. Central in developed major approach policy Shi, through different of channel and way, full heard about party and members of views recommends, but 12 is some people "face to face n

11、ot said, and behind blather" "will Shang not said, and will Hou blather" "stage not said, and Taiwan Xia blather", actually not only disrupt has people thought, some caused serious consequences, damage has party of concentrated unified, hamper has central approach policy of

12、implement implementation, also serious violation has democratic centralism of principles. No doubt, shall, in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the 46th of appropriate sanctions. Without serious consequences, the criticism should be given education or the appropriate organization. (2) vi

13、olate the party's solidarity and unity to the new section 48th淺談滬杭鐵路客運(yùn)專線 CRTS型板式無砟軌道箱梁梁面平整度控制技術(shù)陳柏屾 (土木學(xué)院 學(xué)號;20141603042 作者曾任該項(xiàng)目技術(shù)主管)摘要:CRTS型板式無砟軌道技術(shù)對橋面平整度要求非常嚴(yán)格,通過對滬杭鐵路客運(yùn)專線松江 制梁場橋面平整度控制的具體措施的論述,為推廣CRTS型板式無砟軌道技術(shù),減少梁面打磨工作量提供參考。關(guān)鍵詞:客運(yùn)專線CRTS型板式無砟軌道梁面平整度3 mm/4 m1工程概況滬杭鐵路客運(yùn)專線東起我國經(jīng)濟(jì)中心,西到浙江省省會(huì)杭州,是中國“四縱四

14、橫”客運(yùn)專線網(wǎng)絡(luò)中滬昆客運(yùn)專線的一個(gè)組成部分。設(shè)計(jì)時(shí)速為 350 km/h,采用 CRTS型板式無砟軌道技術(shù)。松江制梁場負(fù)責(zé)滬杭客專 HHKZ-3 標(biāo)段正線橫潦涇特大橋標(biāo)準(zhǔn)跨度簡支箱梁的預(yù)制架設(shè)施工任務(wù)。 CRTS型板式無砟軌道對預(yù)制梁的整體平整度要求非常高。因?yàn)槠淦秸群脡闹苯佑绊懞罄m(xù)防 水層、底座板、軌道鋪設(shè)等一系列施工,是整個(gè)橋面系施工的基礎(chǔ)。2CRTS型板式無砟軌道梁面驗(yàn)收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和方法2.1 橋面絕對高程橋面絕對高程按照 CP高程上橋方法引測水準(zhǔn)點(diǎn),使用水準(zhǔn)儀進(jìn)行測量。橋面高程測量 14 點(diǎn),分別在左右線的中心線上,其中梁端 1.45 m 彈簧板區(qū)域 8 個(gè)點(diǎn),分別距梁端 5 cm 和

15、135 cm 處;梁面底座板區(qū)域 6 個(gè)點(diǎn),分布在固定端距梁端 235 cm 處、活動(dòng)端距梁端 155 cm 處和跨中。 在梁面底座板域高程允許偏差為±7 mm,梁端 1.45 m 彈簧板區(qū)域高程允許偏差為 0,20 mm(如 圖 1 所示)。2.2 相鄰兩孔梁端高差用 0.5 m 水平尺配合直尺進(jìn)行量測,要綜合考慮梁面絕對高程,架設(shè)后相鄰兩孔梁端高差小于10 mm。2.3 梁面平整度(1)底座板區(qū)域梁面平整度底座板區(qū)域梁面平整度檢測流程見圖 2 預(yù)制梁平整度檢測流程圖。梁面平整度要求在橫向 3 100 mm范圍內(nèi),底座板區(qū)域?yàn)?3 mm/4m 或 8 mm/4 m 且滿足 2 mm

16、/1 m。檢查方法為使用 4 m 靠尺沿縱向(每1.;to 52nd of the Ordinance, to violate the party's solidarity and unity, such as punishment of violations of political discipline as specified. The 52nd new "missions Gang gang, clique, cliques within the party, cultivating private power interests or by Exchange, cr

17、eating a momentum for their activities, such as fishing for political capital, punishment imposed serious warnings or withdrawal of party posts in serious cases, punishment imposed or placed on probation within the expelled. "(3) on the rival groups review provisions of the party Constitution,

18、must comply with the obligations of the party faithful are party members. Party members must obey decided shall not contravene the Organization decided to have problems to find organizations, relying on the Organization, a deception organization, against the organization. For example . Female countr

19、y (territory) outside, such as employment, income, property and investment matters, for failing to report, not truthfully report, undeclared, and so on, depending on the seriousness, give criticism and education, within a time limit, shall be ordered to make checks and commands his conversation, cri

20、ticized or adjustment of status, removal and so on, constitutes a disciplinary offence, disciplinary action in accordance with the relevant provisions. But since the original was not appropriate in the specific provisions of the regulations, for violations of the provisions do not report, report the

21、 matters related to the personal behavior does not correspond to the discipline of sanction, in practice it is difficult to operate. On this, for solution not report, and not truthfully report personal about matters 15 asked blamed of problem, new Ordinance increased has 67th article, on violation p

22、ersonal about matters report provides, not report, and not truthfully report of behavior proposed has clear of disposition according to, makes this class disciplinary behavior no longer has empty can drill, for carried out personal about matters checks verified, and cadres supervision, and disciplin

23、e review, work provides has powerful of discipline guarantees. (2) with regard to illegal organizations, will participate in the fellow and alumni, to comrades 68th of the regulations provides that the party cadres violating relevant regulations, participation in spontaneous fellow, alumni, friends,

24、 etc, to be punished according to the seriousness of it. Of particular note here is three things: first, this article is merely "cadres", reflects the high requirements for leading party cadres; the other is in violation of the 2002 Central Commission for discipline inspection, the Central

25、 Organization Department and the general political Department jointly issued the circular on leading cadres should not participate in the voluntary establishment of "villagers" and "alumni" and "ally" organization notice of the relevant provisions. That is organized, vi

26、llagers participating in the established clubs, alumni, comrades will constitute a disciplinary offence is contrary to the premise of this rule. Specified in the notice, leading cadres should not participate in the up's compatriot, alumni, various organizations such as the association between co

27、mrades, sponsors and organizers of the exclusion of such association shall in such association in corresponding positions; not the opportunity to weave "network", Pro-close drain, Gang gang, but not the "Alliance", "Jin LAN sworn", and so on. Third, there no organizatio

28、n was established with the participation of fellow clubs, alumni, and friends. Breaking個(gè)加高平臺四條線)連續(xù)量測平整度(兩尺之間重疊 1 m),如果平整度滿足 3 mm/4 m 要求時(shí),判 定合格。當(dāng)梁面某處平整度不能滿足 3 mm/4 m 但在 8 mm/4 m 范圍以內(nèi)時(shí),可用 1 m 靠尺進(jìn)行復(fù)檢, 如滿足 2 mm/1 m 要求,可判定該處合格;如不滿足 2 mm/1 m 要求的,則判定該處不合格。當(dāng)梁面 平整度超出 8 mm/4 m 時(shí),直接判定不合格。梁面平整度整體合格的判定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)為每條線上的平整

29、度全部達(dá)到合格標(biāo)準(zhǔn),且梁面其他部位基本 平順、無明顯不平整現(xiàn)象,則判定該梁面整體平整度合格。梁頂平面布置圖圖 1 預(yù)制梁頂面布置圖(高程測量點(diǎn))(2)梁端 1.45 m 彈簧板區(qū)域平整度圖 2 預(yù)制梁平整度檢測流程圖梁端 1.45 m 彈簧板區(qū)域橫向 3 100 mm 范圍內(nèi)平整度要求為 2 mm/1 m,采用 1 m 靠尺檢查。2.4 彈簧板安裝預(yù)留加高平臺高度彈簧板安裝預(yù)留加高平臺高度為 50±2 mm,使用鋼直尺進(jìn)行檢查。2.5 無砟軌道體系預(yù)埋件 與軌道體系相接的預(yù)埋件(剪力齒槽和側(cè)向擋塊)位置符合要求,使用水準(zhǔn)儀和卷尺檢查。 剪力齒槽和側(cè)向擋塊預(yù)埋套筒必須垂直梁面。剪力齒槽

30、和側(cè)向擋塊預(yù)埋套筒平面位置允許偏差±5 mm,高度允許偏差 0,10 mm。剪力齒槽和側(cè)向擋塊齒槽深度允許偏差±10 mm。2.6 梁面排水系統(tǒng)滿足排水需要 梁面排水坡滿足設(shè)計(jì)要求,不允許出現(xiàn)反向排水坡或積水現(xiàn)象。2.7 梁面修補(bǔ)部位檢查 梁面二次修補(bǔ)部位不得出現(xiàn)空鼓現(xiàn)象,采用鐵錘敲擊或鐵鏈在梁面拖拉的方式檢查修補(bǔ)部位是2否存在空鼓現(xiàn)象。3平整度控制主要措施3.1 混凝土澆筑前準(zhǔn)備工作 (1)校正檢查 梁體尺寸是一切標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的基礎(chǔ),如果梁體尺寸超差,就會(huì)造成后期一系列的問題。正定梁場采用固定式外模,每次箱梁提出后及時(shí)校正模板,確保梁體尺寸不超差。檢查提漿整平機(jī)軌道和提漿整 平機(jī)

31、走行輪于整平滾輪之間相對標(biāo)高。檢查梁端 1.45m 彈簧板區(qū)域加高平臺模板及剪力齒槽和側(cè)向 擋塊預(yù)埋件。(2) 提漿整平機(jī) 提漿整平機(jī)采用滾輪式,優(yōu)點(diǎn)為整平過程可將多余混凝土推向前方,并可以前后往返滾動(dòng),同時(shí)提漿壓平,一次性形成六面坡。應(yīng)經(jīng)常檢查提漿整平機(jī)滾輪不圓度,并及時(shí)維修。3.2 澆筑過程(1) 頂板澆筑程序 混凝土澆筑過程中嚴(yán)格控制坍落度。澆筑頂板時(shí)混凝土從梁體一端順序澆筑至另一端,頂板防護(hù)墻以外部分可超前中部 23 m 澆筑。當(dāng)先澆筑端完成 23 m 澆筑后,將提漿整平機(jī)吊至梁頂。 梁端 1.45 m 凹槽范圍內(nèi)采用人工抹平,抹平后采用 1 m 靠尺進(jìn)行檢查。除梁端 1.45 m 凹

32、槽以外部分, 采用提漿整平機(jī)整平,并人工收面。先澆筑端 1.45 m 凹槽抹平后將收面用活動(dòng)架吊至梁頂,4 人在 活動(dòng)架上收面。提漿整平機(jī)工作前應(yīng)保證混凝土已用插入式振搗器振搗完成,表面基本平整并呈現(xiàn) 水泥漿,混凝土表面略高出設(shè)計(jì)梁面。提漿整平機(jī)開機(jī)后滾輪轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)將表面水泥漿推至前方并整平。 如出現(xiàn)滾輪前混凝土過多情況時(shí),應(yīng)人工清除堆積的混凝土;如出現(xiàn)滾輪下緣離開混凝土表面現(xiàn)象 時(shí),應(yīng)人工填補(bǔ)混凝土至低洼處。提漿整平機(jī)可往返振搗滾壓,當(dāng)混凝土表面均勻平整,無明顯突 出和凹陷時(shí)即可停止?jié)L壓,到下一區(qū)段進(jìn)行工作。經(jīng)滾壓完成的區(qū)段進(jìn)行人工收面,收面時(shí)隨時(shí)使 用 4 m 靠尺檢查平整度情況,對偏差較大部位

33、及時(shí)修整處理。一般情況下,提漿整平機(jī)與收面活動(dòng) 架間距控制在 5 m 左右(如圖 3 所示)。圖 3 提漿整平機(jī)作業(yè)圖 4 人工收面和檢查(2)混凝土坍落度嚴(yán)格控制混凝土坍落度,頂板混凝土坍落度控制在 160180 mm?;炷撂涠忍?,不利于混3凝土收面,無法控制形成六面坡,另外表面浮漿不均勻造成混凝土收縮后表面平整度超標(biāo);混凝土 坍落度太小易造成表面水泥漿無法包裹粗骨料,形成具備坑洼或骨料堆磊現(xiàn)象。(3) 人工收面 人工收面是表面平整度控制的最后一道工序,也是最關(guān)鍵的部分。提漿整平機(jī)滾壓過以后的混凝土表面基本平整,但還是要人工收面后方可保證平整度。提漿整平機(jī)滾壓過后的混凝土表面,先 用木

34、抹子收一下,待混凝土表面可放住靠尺時(shí),使用靠尺檢查平整度情況,由于混凝土還未初凝, 無法使用塞尺,目測平整即可,如目測有明顯坑洼或突起,應(yīng)立即對突起部分按壓或?qū)油莶糠帜?灰(如圖 4 所示)。3.3 檢查及改進(jìn) 混凝土澆筑完成后根據(jù)要求進(jìn)行蒸汽養(yǎng)護(hù)和覆蓋灑水養(yǎng)護(hù),避免梁體因早期失水或溫差過大而出現(xiàn)龜裂。箱梁完成蒸汽養(yǎng)護(hù)后,對橋面平整度及各部位尺寸進(jìn)行檢查,對存在問題進(jìn)行分析總結(jié), 通過改進(jìn)工藝不斷提高平整度水平。(1) 梁面橫向凸起或凹陷 梁面出現(xiàn)橫向凸起或凹陷的主要原因是提漿整平機(jī)滾輪失圓,發(fā)現(xiàn)后應(yīng)及時(shí)修整提漿整平機(jī)滾輪,或更換新滾輪。(2) 梁面局部低洼 梁面局部低洼主要原因是混凝土坍落

35、度太大導(dǎo)致局部水泥漿過厚,收縮形成。也可能是提漿整平機(jī)滾輪壓過時(shí)滾輪下緣離開混凝土面所致。主要通過控制混凝土坍落度和加強(qiáng)操作人員責(zé)任心來 避免問題的出現(xiàn)。(3) 梁面骨料凸起 梁面骨料凸起主要原因是混凝土坍落度太小或提漿整平機(jī)作業(yè)時(shí)間太晚。4 梁面整修按照梁面驗(yàn)收方法對梁面各項(xiàng)指標(biāo)進(jìn)行檢查,如超出規(guī)定的偏差值時(shí),需對梁面進(jìn)行整修。梁 面主要通過打磨和修補(bǔ)兩種方式進(jìn)行整修。4.1 打磨 對于梁面平整度不滿足要求且經(jīng)打磨后絕對高程不超出允許偏差范圍的點(diǎn)位進(jìn)行打磨處理。打磨主要采用銑刨機(jī)、研磨機(jī)和小型角磨機(jī),根據(jù)前期檢測情況,對不合格點(diǎn)相對高點(diǎn)進(jìn)行打磨。打 磨過程要不斷進(jìn)行平整度跟蹤檢測,達(dá)標(biāo)后立即

36、停止打磨,防止出現(xiàn)打磨過度的現(xiàn)象(如圖 5 所示)。 4.2 修補(bǔ) 對于梁面平整度不滿足要求且經(jīng)過打磨后絕對高程低于允許負(fù)誤差的點(diǎn)位修補(bǔ)處理。修補(bǔ)時(shí)首先確定待修補(bǔ)范圍,用記號筆標(biāo)出規(guī)則的形狀;之后對待修補(bǔ)范圍進(jìn)行鑿毛處理,露出堅(jiān)硬的混凝 土界面,深度不小于 7 mm,同時(shí)在修補(bǔ)范圍四周用切割機(jī)切出深度不小于 20 mm 的凹槽;然后將 鑿毛后的混凝土界面清理干凈,根據(jù)修補(bǔ)砂漿的性能要求,對界面進(jìn)行畢要的處理,并用修補(bǔ)砂漿 將低洼處補(bǔ)平,略高于修補(bǔ)周圍混凝土表面;最后,待修補(bǔ)砂漿強(qiáng)度達(dá)到 20 MPa 以上后,采用研磨 機(jī)將修補(bǔ)表面磨平,復(fù)檢平整度(如圖 6 所示)。 4.2.1加高平臺及梁端1

37、.45米凹槽修補(bǔ) 圖4-2 修補(bǔ)面切割鑿毛 對在初磨后仍不符合驗(yàn)收標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的地方,用小型砼切割機(jī)切出深不小于15mm的凹槽,凹槽盡量做到規(guī)則,切槽邊緣范圍要大于實(shí)際需要修補(bǔ)范圍5cm;然后用銑刨機(jī)進(jìn)行銑刨作業(yè),確保銑刨的深度不小于15mm且須露出新鮮骨料的要求,對銑刨不到的地方用電鎬進(jìn)行鑿毛處理,用高壓風(fēng)把粘結(jié)面的浮塵清理干凈。修補(bǔ)材料采用專用修補(bǔ)砂漿,拌料嚴(yán)格按照廠家的配合比在桶內(nèi)用電動(dòng)攪拌設(shè)備攪拌均勻。修補(bǔ)的頂面需比周邊平面高出1-2mm。 4.3 剪力齒槽修補(bǔ) 剪力齒槽和側(cè)向擋塊的損壞或深度不滿足設(shè)計(jì)要求,對其進(jìn)行修復(fù),先將修補(bǔ)表面鑿毛,露出新鮮骨料,然后使用模具,采用修補(bǔ)砂漿對其進(jìn)行修補(bǔ),待強(qiáng)度達(dá)到30MPa時(shí),然后采用角磨機(jī)對其進(jìn)行精磨處理;當(dāng)剪力齒槽及側(cè)向擋塊深度不滿足設(shè)計(jì)要求時(shí),采用電鎬鑿至滿足設(shè)計(jì)要求的深度。 4.4 相鄰梁端高差超限處理 根據(jù)測量的數(shù)據(jù),綜合考慮這兩片梁凹槽的平整度和深度范圍要求,原則上采用高磨低補(bǔ)。修補(bǔ) 方法同4.5.1,待強(qiáng)度達(dá)到30MPa時(shí),采用小型打磨


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