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1、I play basketball well. you?No, I . ButI swim fast.第1頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第一頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。I sing beautiful songs. you?No, I . ButI play konfu. you?No, I . 第2頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。A can and cannotWe use and to say we are able or not able to do things.We use electricity to do many things.We electricity. you think of an example?Ye

2、s, I ./ No, I .第3頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第三頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。第4頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第四頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。1.Hi _ play football.2.Lo _ paint pictures.3.Hi _ speak as many languages as Lo.4.Both Hi and Lo_ dance.5.Lo _ drive a car, but he _play chess.6.Hi _ swim, but he _ play the guitar.第5頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第五頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。Yes, you . I sit down?第6頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第六頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。_I come in?Yes

3、,you No, you /第7頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第七頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。B may and may notWe use may and may not to ask for and Give permission(許可(xk)). We also use can and cannot (cant) for the same purpose. I use you mobile phone?Yes, you . No,you 第8頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第八頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。 How are you feeling,Daisy ?Not very well.第9頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第九頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。 _I get you a ch

4、air? Yes, thanksMay第10頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。Im going out. _ I borrow your new bicycle?Yes,you may.Before you go to meet your friends,can you come and see the doctor with me?第11頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十一頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。Yes, I_._I carry your bag for you? Yes,thats very kind of you, Benny. I m ready to go._you open the door for me? Ye

5、s,I canThanks第12頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十二頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。We save water.We not waste water.You smoke.第13頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十三頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。Must you do homework now?Yes, I must. Must you do your homework?No, I neednt.Can you play with me?Sorry, I cant.You may/can play with Jim.第14頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十四頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。C must and must notWe use and to tell people what

6、 to do or what not to do. You do that Benny!We always be careful with electricity.They play near the heater.第15頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十五頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。drink more water go to bed earlyeat cold food share cups with othersgo out alone take the medicine on time1.I must drink more water.2._3._4.I must not_5._6._The doctor told

7、what to do and what not to doI must go to bed early.I must take the medicine on time.eat cold food.I must not share cups with others.I must not go our alone.第16頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十六頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。情態(tài)動(dòng)詞(modal verbs):表示說(shuō)話(shu hu)人的語(yǔ)氣或情態(tài),如請(qǐng)求、命令、愿望、能力以及可能性等。英語(yǔ)的情態(tài)動(dòng)詞有:第17頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十七頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。 can/could may/might must ought to shal

8、l/should will/would dare/dared need have to 能夠(nnggu)可能必須應(yīng)該應(yīng)該意愿敢需要不得不+ 動(dòng)詞(dngc)原形第18頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十八頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。 can/could能,能夠(nnggu),會(huì),可以We can speak Chinese.He can draw pictures.許可(xk)You can (=may) go home now.表懷疑(huiy),難以置信He couldnt(cant) be her father, For hes too young.第19頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第十九頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。注意:could為can的過(guò)去式

9、外,could還有表示(biosh)語(yǔ)氣婉轉(zhuǎn)之義。Could I come in?比Can I come in?更有禮貌。但答語(yǔ)還用Yes, you can. No, you cant.第20頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。 may/ might允許(ynx);請(qǐng)求May I have a glass of water?May you borrow me your pen?可能;也許(yx) (may比might語(yǔ)氣強(qiáng))They may be in the library now.He might be at home.表示(biosh)祝愿May you always be young.第2

10、1頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十一頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。注意:might為may的過(guò)去式外,might還有表示語(yǔ)氣婉轉(zhuǎn)之義。Might I have a look?比May I have a look?更有禮貌(lmo)。但答語(yǔ)還用Yes, you may. No, you may not.第22頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十二頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。 must必須(bx);應(yīng)該We must work harder.Must not意為不應(yīng)該(ynggi);不許;We must not be afraid of difficulties.You mustnt smoke here.第23頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十三頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。注意:mus

11、t的提問(wèn)肯定回答(hud)用must,否定用 neednt-Must I return the book?-Yes, you must.-No, you neednt.第24頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十四頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。情態(tài)動(dòng)詞記憶(jy)口訣情態(tài)動(dòng)詞兩要點(diǎn); 動(dòng)詞原形跟后面,could/might說(shuō)話語(yǔ)氣較委婉,can表能力 may許可,must 責(zé)任或義務(wù), 否定回答(hud)neednt換;should/ought to應(yīng)該, will/would 愿,have to 被迫 ,表客觀. 第25頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十五頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。第26頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十六頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。1.-_I download th

12、e article again? -No, you neednt. A.Shall B.Will C. Must D. Can2.-Must I stay at home, Mum? -No, you _. A.neednt. B.mustnt C. dont D.may not第27頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十七頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。3.-May I go out to play basketball, Dad? -No, you _. You must finish your homework first. A.mustnt B may not C. couldnt D. might not第28頁(yè)/共31

13、頁(yè)第二十八頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。4.A computer _ think for itself. It must be told what to do. A.cant B. couldnt C. may not D. should5.-Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, you _.A. might B. must C. can D. should第29頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第二十九頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。6.-_ the man there be our new teacher? -He _ be, but Im not sure.A.May, mustnt B.Can; mayC.Must; cant D. Can; cant 7.You _ be more careful next time.A.may B. must C. could D. might 8.Students _ smoke.A.cant B. mustnt C. might not BBB第30頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第三十頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。謝謝您的觀看(gunkn)!第31頁(yè)/共31頁(yè)第三十一頁(yè),共32頁(yè)。NoImage內(nèi)容(


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