



1、assembly line 組裝線layout布置圖conveyer流水線物料板rivet table 拉釘機(jī) rivet gun拉釘槍 screw driver 起子 pneumatic screw driver 氣動起 f worktable t.作桌 ooba開箱檢查 fit together組裝在一起 fasten鎖緊(螺絲) fixture夾具(治具) pallet棧板 barcode 條碼 barcode scanner 條碼扌_|描器 fuse together 熔合 fuse machine 熱熔機(jī) repaii修理 operator作業(yè)員 qc品管 supervisor 課長

2、 me制造工程師 mt制造生技 cosmetic inspect 外觀檢杳 inner parts inspect 內(nèi)部檢査 thumb screw大頭螺絲 lbs. inch鎊、英寸 emi gasket導(dǎo)電條 front plate 前板 rear plate 后板 chassis 基座 bezel panel 而板 power button電源按鍵 reset button 重'邑鍵 hi-pot test of sps高源高壓測試 voltage switch of sps電源電壓接拉鍵 sheet metal parts 沖件 pkistic parts 塑膠件 sop制造作

3、業(yè)程序 material check list 物料檢查表 work cell _l作間 trolley 臺車 carton紙箱 sub-line 支線left fork 叉車personnel resource department 人力資源部 production department 牛產(chǎn)部門 planning department 企劃 部qc section品管科 stamping factory 沖壓廠 painting factory 烤漆廠 molding factory 成型廠 common equipment 常用設(shè)備 uncoiler and straightener 整

4、平機(jī) punching machine 沖床 robot機(jī)械手 hydraulic machine 油壓機(jī) lathe車床 planer ipleinl刨床 miller銃床 giinder 磨床 linear cutting 線切割 electrical sparkle 電火花 welder電焊機(jī) staker=reviting machine 挪合機(jī) position 職務(wù) president董爭長 general manager 總經(jīng)理 special assistant manager 特助 factory director) ik department director 咅節(jié)長 de

5、puty manager i =vice manager 副理 section supervisor 課長 deputy section supervisor =vice section superisor 副課長 group leader/supervisor 組長 line supervisor 線長 assistant manager 助理 to move, to carry, to handle 搬運(yùn) be put in storage 入庫 pack packing 包裝 to apply oil 擦汕 to file burr 鋰毛刺 final inspection 終檢 to

6、connect material 接料 to reverse material 翻料 wet station 沾濕臺 tiana天那水 cleaning cloth 抹布to load material 上料 to unload material 卸$4 to return material/stock to 退料 scraped l'skr?pidl報(bào)廢 scrape .v刮;肖!j deficient purchase 來料不良 manufacture procedure 制程 deficient manufacturing procedure 制程不 良 oxidation l&

7、#39; ksi'dei?nl氧化 scratch 刮傷 dents壓痕 defective upsiding down 抽芽不 良 defective to staking 釧合不良 embedded lump 鑲塊 feeding is not in place 送料不到位 stamping-missing 漏沖 production capacity 生產(chǎn)力 education and training 教育與訓(xùn)練 proposal improvement 提案改善 spare parts=buffei備件 forklift 叉車 trailer=long vehicle 拖板車

8、 compound die 合模 die locker鎖模器 pressure plate=plate pinch 壓板 bolt螺栓 administration/general affairs dept,總務(wù)咅 automatic screwdriver 電動啟 了 thickness gauge 厚薄規(guī) gauge(orjig)治具 power wire電源線 buzzle蜂鳴器 defective product label 不良標(biāo)簽 identifying sheet list 標(biāo)示單 location 地點(diǎn) present members 出席人員 subject 主題 concl

9、usion 結(jié)論 decision items 決議爭項(xiàng) responsible department 負(fù)責(zé)單位 pre-fixed finishing date 預(yù)定完成 h approved by / checked by / prepared by 核準(zhǔn)/審核/承辦 pce assembly production schedule sheet pce 組裝廠生產(chǎn)排配表 model機(jī)錘work order 工令revision 版次remark備注production control confirmation 生產(chǎn):確認(rèn)checked by 初審approved by 核準(zhǔn)departme

10、nt 部門stock age analysis sheet庫存貨齡分析表on-hand inventory 現(xiàn)有庫存available material 良品可使用obsolete material良 品 己呆滯to be inspected or reworked 待驗(yàn)或重工total合計(jì)cause description 原因說明part number/ p/n 料號type形態(tài)item/group/class 類另uquality 品質(zhì)prepared by 制表 notes 說明year-end physical inventory difference analysis sheet

11、年終盤點(diǎn)差界分析表 physical inventory 盤點(diǎn)數(shù)量 physical count quantity 帳而數(shù)量 difference quantity 差異量 cause analysis 原因分析raw materials 原料materials 物料finished product 成卅isemi-finished product 半成品packing materials 包材good product/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good parts 良品defective product/non-good parts 不良品disposed

12、 goods 處理品warehouse/hub 倉庫on way location 在途倉oversea location 海外倉spare parts physical inventory list 備品盤點(diǎn)清單spare molds location 模具備品倉skid/pallet 棧板tox machine 口釧機(jī)wire edm 線割edm放電機(jī)coil stock 卷料sheet stock 片料tolerance 工差score=groove 丿衣線 cam block 滑塊 pilot導(dǎo)正筒 trim剪外邊 pierce剪內(nèi)邊 drag form壓鍛差 pocket for t

13、he punch head 掛鉤槽 slug hole廢料孔 feature die 公母模 expansion dwg 展開圖 radius半徑 shim( wedge)楔子 torch-flame cut 火焰切割 set screw止付螺絲 form block 折刀 stop pin定位銷 round pierce punch=die button 圓沖子 shape punch=die insert 界形子 stock locater block 定位塊 under cut=scrap choppci清角 active plate 活動板 baffle plate 扌肖塊 cover

14、 plate 蓋板 male die 公模 female die 母模 groove punch壓線沖子 air-cushion eject-rod 氣墊頂桿 spring-box eject-plate 彈簧箱頂板 bushing block 襯套 insert入塊 club car高爾夫球車 capability 能力 parameter 參數(shù) factor系數(shù) phosphate皮膜化成 viscosity涂料粘度 alkalidipping 脫脂 main manifold主集流脈 bezel斜視規(guī) blanking穿落模 dejecting頂固模 demagnetization 去磁

15、;消磁 high-speed transmission 高速傳遞 heat dissipation 熱傳 rack 上料degrease 脫脂 rinse力洗 alkaline etch 齡咬 desmut剝黑膜 d.i. rinse純水次 chromate餡酸處理 anodize陽性處理 seal封孔 revision 版次 part number/p/n 料號 good products 良 nn scraped products 報(bào)放心品 defective products 不 cl 品 finished products 成品 disposed products 處理品 barcod

16、e 條碼 flow chart流程表單 assembly 組裝 stamping 沖壓molding 成型 spare parts=buffer 備品 coordinate 座標(biāo) dismantle the die 折模 auxiliary fuction 輔助功能 poly-line多義線 heater band 加熱片 thermocouple 熱電偶 sand blasting 噴沙 grit砂礫 derusting machine 除銹機(jī) degate 打澆口 dryer 烘 i 機(jī) induction 感應(yīng) induction light 感應(yīng)光 response=reaction=

17、interaction 感應(yīng) ram連桿 edge finder 巡邊器 concave iui convex 卩 short射料不足 nick 缺口 speck 瑕?? shine亮班 splay銀紋 gas mark 焦痕 delamination 起鱗 cold slug 冷塊 blush導(dǎo)色 gouge溝槽;鑿槽 satin texture段而咬花 witness line till示線 patent 利 giit沙礫 granu le=pe uet=gra i n 細(xì)粒 grit makei抽粒機(jī) cushion 緩沖 magnalium 鎂鋁 a金 magnesium 鎂金 metal plate 飯金 lathe 車 mill 鋰 plane 刨 grind 磨 diill 鋁 boring纟堂 blinster 氣泡 fillet鑲;嵌邊 through-hole form 通孔形式 voller pin formality 滾針形式 cam driver 釧楔 shank摸柄 crank shaft llll 柄軸 augular offset 角度偏差 velocity 速度 production tem


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