



1、密 封 線班級 姓名 座號2012學(xué)年第二學(xué)期五年級英語學(xué)科競賽題一、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(20分)1. The children are _ exercise in the park now. (take)2. The lady likes _very much.  (shop)3. These are the _ desks. There are about 45.  (student)4. You cant _ your bag here. Please put it over there.  (leave)5. The children usually

2、 do _ homework in the evening.  (them)6. Thursday is the _ day of a week.  (five)7. There are three _ (tomato) on the plate.8. She can _ (drive) a car.9. Please _ (not open) the door.10.

3、0;There _ (be) some milk in the glass.二、填寫恰當(dāng)?shù)囊蓡栐~(20分)1._is the toy car ? Its 100 yuan .2._do you like fruits ? Because they are healthy .3._can you do ? I can make a kite .4._flowers are there in the vase ? There are nine .5._do you like ? I like skating .6._is on

4、the wall ? There are some pictures .7._are the cakes ? They are in the fridge .8._is that man ? Hes my father .9._do you do on the weekend ? I often read books .10._season do you like best ? I like summer best .三、選擇正確的答案。(10分)(   )1. Im sorry. I cant go shopping with you. I have _ housewor

5、k to do.      A. a            B. some          C. any(   )2. A: My dog is black and white. What about _?B: Its yellow.      A. you 

6、0;       B. your       C. yours(   )3. The children _ some trees _ tomorrow afternoon.      A. are planting, on      B. plant, /         C.

7、are going to plant, /(   )4. May I _ your pen? I cant find my pen.A. use                B. going to use      C. using(   )5. Please look at the baby. He _ the apples.A. count 

8、           B. counts         C. is counting(   )6. Many people usually _ sports programme _ the evening.      A. is watching, on     B. watches, in &#

9、160;   C. watch, in(   )7. He cant _ a bike very well. He is good at _.A. ride, skating       B. rides, skate     C. riding, skate(   )8. Can you _ a story in English?   A. speak     &#

10、160;      B. say            C. tell(   )9. Bill runs very _. He cant catch up with his friend.       A. slow            B. sl

11、owly         C. fast(   )10. A: _ parents will go to Beijing this holiday?       B: Sallys.          A. Who         B. Whose  

12、;     C. Where四、閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案填空,把答案編號寫在括號內(nèi)。(10分)   1._  do you do at the weekend? Some people like   2_   at home, and some people like going for a walk   3_   playing football. My friend Jack works hard in a factory in t

13、he weekdays. At the weekend, he always   4_   the same (同樣的) thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on Sunday he goes with his family to   5_   farm. (   )1. A. Which          B. Where   &

14、#160;       C. What(   )2. A. stay            B. stays             C. staying(   )3. A. or       

15、60;      B. also             C. both(   )4. A. is doing         B. do               C. does(

16、60;  )5. A. his uncle        B. his uncles         C. him uncles五、閱讀短文,判斷句子是否符合短文內(nèi)容,如符合寫“”,否則寫“X”(8分)    One day an old man is selling(賣)a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look

17、 at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear. “Dont say anything about the elephant before I sell it, then I give you some meat.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man some meat and says, “ Now, can you tell me how you see the

18、bad ears of the elephant?” “I cant find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why do you look at the elephant slowly?” asks the old man. The young man answers, “ Because I never saw an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”(   )1. The young man buys the elephant.(   )2. The young man looks at the elephant. He wants to find some meat.(   )3. The young man knows the elephant isnt good.(   )4. The young man looks at the elephant slowly because he never saw


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