



1、2010 年河南專(zhuān)升本考試英語(yǔ)真題2010 年普通高校 專(zhuān)升本”統(tǒng)一考試英語(yǔ)試卷本試卷分第 I 卷(客觀(guān)和第 II 卷(主觀(guān)兩部分.第 I 卷 1 至 10 頁(yè),第 II 卷 11頁(yè)至 13 頁(yè).兩卷滿(mǎn) 分 150 分.考試時(shí)間 120 分鐘.第 I 卷(共 100 分注意事項(xiàng):1. 答第 1 卷前,考生務(wù)必按規(guī)定要求填涂答題卡上的姓名,準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)等項(xiàng)目2. 用鉛筆把答題卡上相應(yīng)題號(hào)中正確答案的標(biāo)號(hào)涂黑.答案不涂寫(xiě)在答題卡上成績(jī)無(wú)效.Part I Reading Comprehension 共 20 小題,每題 2 分,共 40 分Directions: In this part there a

2、re four passagesEach passage is followed by fourcomprehe nsion questio ns. Read the passage and an swer the questio ns. Then mark youran swer on the an swer sheet.Passage OneQuesti ons 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage:V egetable gardening is the relaxing art and science of turning a love f

3、or growing plants into a meanin gful activity. Havi ng vegetables in the backyard makes home gardening appeali ng for many people. In additi on, vegetable garde ning provides exerciseand fun for both urba n and suburba n families.V egetable garde ning agree that many home-grow n vegetable are superi

4、or to thosepurchased from markets. Form spri ng through late fall, a well-pla nned and well-keptgarde n can provide a supply of fresh vegetables, thus in creas ing the nu tritio n of thefamily diet.Freezers make it possible to keep some of the vegetables to be enjo yed at a later date.Other vegetabl

5、es can be stored for a few mon ths in a cool area.Although the money spe nt for a garde n may be little, one cannot escape the fact thatgarde ning requires hard work and time. Many of the garde ning tasks must beperformedat times that are most inconvenient. Not doing jobs that should be done on a re

6、gularbasis may result in failure and a n egative feeli ng toward garde ning.One should not pla nt a garde n that is too large for him to care for. A small, well-kept garde n is more enjo yable and profitable tha n a large n eglected one. Vegetablesdowell in full sun light and pla nts and few vegetab

7、les. If possible, the garde n should ben ear the house. so the garde ner can work in it whe never they are free.Soils for vegetables should be easily broken up and porou 多孑 L 的 for quick waterdrain age and good aeration 透 氣.Usually the home owner has little choice in thetypehe can choose. Fort un at

8、ely, many vegetables can be grow n on poor soils if the soilsare properly prepared.1. Many people find home gardening_ .A. expe nsive and bori ng B. in teresti ng and enjo yableC. time-consuming and inconvenient D. neither interesting nor enjoyable2. A well-pla nned and well-kept garde n can provide

9、 a supply of fresh vegetablesA. all year round B. whe never you n eed nu tritious foodC. for a greater part of the year D. throughout spri ng3. The amount of money you spe nd on your garden_A. can be largeB. must be largeC. can not be largeD. must not be small4. Which of the following statements is

10、true?A. Vegetables n eed to have as much shadi ng as possibleB. A small garde n is much better tha n a lager oneC. Homeow ners can freely choose the soil for their vegetable garde nD. Whe never possible ,the vegetable garde n should be close to your home5. Form the passage we can con clude that_ .A.

11、 vegetables n eed little care while grow ingB. vegetables can be grow n on almost any kind of soilC. vegetables garde ning is an in dispe nsable part of life for urba n and suburba npeopleD. vegetables garde ning is a good pastime for retired peoplePassage TwoQuesti on 6 to 10 are based on the follo

12、w ing passageIn old days ,whe n a glimpse of stock ing was looked upon as somethi ng so shock ingas distract the serious work of an office ,secretaries were men .The n came the First Word War and the male secretaries were replaced by wome n .Aman s secretary became his personal servant, in charge of

13、 remembering his wife sbirthday and buying her presents; taking his suits to the dry-cleaners; telling lies on thetelepho ne to keep away people he did not wish to speak to ;and ,of course ,typ ingand fili ng and tak ing shortha nd.Now aii this may be cha nging aga in .The microchip 芯片 and high tech

14、 no logy issweeping the British office ,taking with it much of the routine clerical (文書(shū) work thatsecretaries did .“ Once office tech no logy takes over gen erally, the status oetjob will rise aga inbecause it will invo Ive the high-tech work and the n men will want to do it aga in.IIThat was said by

15、 one of the executives.(male of one of the biggest secretarialagencies in this country .What he has predicted is already under way in the U.S.Once high tech no logy has made the job of secretary less routi neE(味的,will there bea male takeover ?Men should be careful of thinking that they can walk righ

16、t into thebetter jobs .There are a lot of women secretaries who will do the job as well as they -not just becausethey can buy negligee 婦女長(zhǎng)睡衣 for the boss s wife ,but because they are as efficie nt and well-tra inedto cope with word processors and computer as men .6. Before 1914 female secretaries we

17、re rare because they_.A. were less efficie nt and less trained tha n menB. were looked dow n upon by menC. would have disturbed the other office workersD. wore stock ings and were not as serious a men7. A female secretary has bee n expected ,besides other duties ,to_.A. be her boss memoryB. do every

18、th ing her boss asks her to doC. clean her boss s clothesD. telephone the boss s wife8. Secretaries, until recently, had to do a lot of work now done by_ .A. machi nes B. other staffC. serva nts D. have less works to do9. A secretary in the future will_.A. have more works to do B. be betters paidC.

19、have higher D. have less works to do10. The writer believes that before long_ .A. both men and wome n can act as secretariesB. men will be better tha n mach inesC. men will take over women s jobs as secretariesD. wome n will operate most office mach inesPassage ThreeQuesti ons 11 to 15 are based on

20、the follow ing passage :Humanity is a new experiment on plant Earth .For most of its history, life on EarthwasRestricted to the sea 丄 iving things began to populate the land slightly over 400 millio n years ago ,And humans have existed for no more than 3 million years .Ones way to represent the evol

21、ution of life is to computer the 4.6-billion-year history of earth into a1-year -long film. In such a film Earth forms as the films begi ns on January 1,a nd through all ofJanuary and February it cools and is cratered(變成坑狀 and the first ocea ns form .But those ocea ns rema in lifeless un til sometim

22、e inMarch or early April ,whe n the first liv ing things develop.The 4-billion year history of Precambrian 前寒武紀(jì) evolution lasts until the film reachesmid-November ,whe n primitive ocea n life beg ins to evolve into complex orga ni sms such as trilobites 三葉蟲(chóng).If we exam ine the land in stead of the oc

23、ea ns, we find a lifeless waste. But once our film shows plantand animal life on the land, about November 28, evolution proceeds rapidly. Dino saurs, for example,appear about December 12 and vanish by Christmas Eve, as mammals 哺乳動(dòng)物 and birds flourish.Throughout the 1-year-r un of our film there are

24、no huma ns, and eve n duri ng the last days of theyear as the mammals rise and domin ate the Ian dscape, there are no people. In the early eve ning ofDecember 31,vaguely huma n forms move through the grassla nds, and by late eve ning they beg inmaking stone tools. The Stone Age lasts un til about 11

25、:45 pm, and the first sig ns of civilizati on, tow nsand cities, do not appear un til11:54 pm. The Christmas era begi n only 14 sec onds before the New Year, and the Declaration ofIndependence is signed with 1 second to spare.11.ln comparing all of Earth s geological evolution to one calendar year,

26、the authorshows_ .A. just how recently humanity has arrived on the sceneB. just simple it is to understand the history of EarthC. just how early huma nity appears on pla net EarthD. just how difficult it is to understand the history of Earth12. Accord ing to the passage, primitive ocea n life begi n

27、s to evolve into complex organisms .A. in the middle of DecemberB. whe n Earth is crateredC. at the beg inning of NovemberD. when the land is still a lifeless waste13. It is in dicated in the passage that_.A. Earth is cool at firstB. Earth is hot at the beg inningC. there are ocea ns at the begi nni

28、ngD. there is life in the ocea n in late February14. I n the on e-year- long film dinosaurs_ .A. die out on December 25 B. appear after December 25C. die out on December 24 D. appear on December 2415. In the compressed history of Earth the Declaration of Independence issigned_ .A. a long time before

29、 the New YearB. immediately after the New Year s DayC. just one sec ond before the New YearD. right on the New Year s DayPassage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage :In ternet-addicted job seekers may be partly the cause of the fact that it is tak ingthe un employed 23% Ion ger

30、 to find a new positi on tha n it took duri ng the lastrecessi on 經(jīng)濟(jì)蕭條 ,whe n the “ ben efits ” of on li ne job search ing were un available.“ A grow ing nu mber of un employed America ns waste time brows in g 瀏覽 the estimated4,000 to 5,000 on li ne job sites, filli ng them with resumes and the n wa

31、it ing forrepliest is com mon for Ion g-time jobless ness,II argues Professor Joh n A.Challe nger .Although the Internet has the pote ntial to be very useful for job seekers and it hasbecome the primary tool for many ,Challenger believes that it should be considered sec on dary to thetraditi onal te

32、ch nique of meeti ng would-be employers in pers on .In additi on to slow ing job search efforts, the Internet is making the hiri ng processIon ger for the employer. I n a survey of 5,000hiri ng man agers by an on li ne isumeesite ,72% said that a majority of the rsumethey received in response to an

33、online jobposting did not match the position s description.“The more un related rsume ema nagers have to go through in order to select the fewto bring in for in terviews, the Ion ger it takes to fill the positi on ,II points outChalle nger .II One result of this has bee n the in creased use of scree

34、 ning software byemployers .This will make it even more difficult for job seekers to get their resumes in front of the hiri ngexecutive for an in terview .II“ All of this is not to say that the Internet has not revoluti oni zed job hun ti ng. Ithas certa in ly made it easier for some one in San Fran

35、 cisco ,for example ,to search for job ope ningsin Miami. I n additi on, the ability to con duct keyword searches hasreduced the amount of time it takes to find the type of position a person is seeking.“ Job seekers must learn how to use theehntet as a tool ,rather than just relying onit as a mea ns

36、 for submitt ing electr onic resumes.II Con eludes Challe nger. 16.Accordi ng tothe passage, the coming of on li ne job search ing brings_-A. Ion ger wait ing time for the un employedB. lo nger computer tech no logy trai ning for the job seekersC. more un employme nt throughout the U.S.AD. more job

37、opport un ities in the Internet world17. Professor Challe nger thi nks_ should be con sidered more importa nt by theun employed.A. brows ing the Internet job sitesB. sending resumes by emailC. going to a traditi onal trai ning cen terD. meeti ng the pote ntial employers in pers on18. The Internet is

38、 making the hiri ng process Ion ger for the employerbecause_ .A. the speed of the Internet is not fast eno ughB. there is a lot of false in formatio n on the NetC. the hiri ng positi on cannot be fully described on the NetD. it has drawn many unfitting r sumese19.lt can be in ferred thatscree ning s

39、oftwarein Paragraph 3 is used to_A. draw more job seekers to the websitesB. get rid of some un related r sumeseC. serve as a bridge betwee n the job seekers and employersD. provide the job seekers with more cha nces to visit the employers in pers on20. According to the passage ,the Internet has revo

40、lutionized job hunting byA. cha nging the recessi on cycleB. ope ning more cha nger for job seekersC. improvi ng the reemployme nt situati onD. reduc ing the in terview timePartnV ocabulary and Structure 共 40 小題,每題 1 分,共 40 分Direction :ln this part there are forty in complete sen ten ces .Each sente

41、nce is followed by fourchoices Choose the one that best completes the sentence and the nmark your an swer on the an swer sheet .21. The earth revolves a little more rapidly_it is closer to the sun,A. whether B. whereasD. it has drawn many unfitting r sumesec. although D. whe n22. The nu mber of memb

42、ers in the club_ to two hun dred.A. were limited B. limitsC. was limited D. limited23. On close exam in ati on, we found the sig nature not_ .A. realistic B. accurateC. exact D. genuine24. As a highly_ young desig ner, she has a promisi ng future in her field.A. orig inal B. occasi onal C. opti onal

43、 D. obedie nt 25. Let me give you a_of how the computer works. A. dem on strati on B. differe nee C. deducti on D. distinction26. An, , author must not be too_ to criticism. A. sensible B.sen sitive C. sen seless D. insen sible 27. Fu Lei is known for his_ of music andkno wledge on philosophy. A. ex

44、pla nati on B. in terpretati on C. compositi on D. in teracti on 28. Thejudge dismissed the case because there was not_ evide nee. A.adequate B. excessive C. many D. plenty 29. Much to surprise, they went away without telli ng us their_ address. A. forever B. everlast ing C. perma nent D. eternal 30

45、.In stead of going in to details about his project, he spoke_ . A. i n short B. i ngen eral C. in particular D. in com mon 31. My book is_fini shed; I have only afew changes to make in the writing. A. virtually B. violently C. vertically D. visually 32.The amount of water used in the manu facturi ng

46、 process is eno rmous, but the amount wasted is .A. the greatest B. more greater C. greatest D. eve n greater 33. The_was con ducted to find out how many people prefer butter. A. exam in ati on B.in specti on C. survey D. an alysis 34. Many uni versity courses are not really_to the n eeds of stude n

47、ts or their future employers. 35._ David expression,we say he is not in a good mood today. A. To judge by B. respective C. To be judged by D. judg ingby 36. It is not con sidered_ to litter in public. A.respectful B. respective C. respected D. respectable 37. He was_ of hispolitical rights because o

48、f the bribery. A. deprived B. acquired C. acqua in ted D. accused38. His descripti on of the ghost was so_that his little daughter screamed whe nhe came to the part of killing. A. moderate B. vividC. active D. passive 39. I thought his speech would be interesting, but it turned outthat the more he t

49、alked,_ . A. the more bored became I B. the more I becamebored C. the more bored I became D. I became the more bored 40. You have to take the_exam in ati on before an in terview can be con sidered. A. precious B.prelimi nary C. prior D. pote ntial 41. Many writers_ their childhood memoriesfor the ma

50、terials of most of their stories. A. draw on B. draw up C. draw on D. draw off42. Un less you have a good map, this place is very difficult to_. A. preserveB. dwell C. dislocate D. locate 43. In Scotla nd, as in the rest of the Un ited Kin gdom,_schooli ng begi ns at age 5 and ends at age 16. A. com

51、pelli ng B. compulsoryC. obliged D.compulsive 44._the rain, we should have had a pleasa nt trip tothe countryside. A. Because of B. Due to C. Thanks to D. But for 45.When confrontedwith such an urge ncy ,my mi nd goes_,and I can hardly remember my own dateof birth . A. Dim B. black C. faint D. vain

52、46.Horseback ridi ng_ both the skill ofhandling a horse and mastery of diverse riding styles. A. fosters B. solves C. involves D.denied 47. I was_the cha nee of going to uni versity whe n my pare nt s bus in esscollapsed and they lost everythi ng they owned . A. ig nored B. refused C. n eglected D.d

53、enied 48.The fried fish we ate at tie restaura nt yesterday is marvelousd like to have itagain even if it costs_. A. and twice much B. twice as much C. much as twice D. asmuch twice 49. There fried fish we are at the restaura nt yesterday is marvelous. Ibe con structed in a sin gle regi on ,in stead

54、 of being scattered eve nly over the wholecoun try. A. trend B. sig nal C. visio n D. curre ncy 50.The final docume nt was supposed tomend the damage_ upon the world by thewar. A. impressed B. compromised C. imposed D. conden sed 51.lf you_ your frie nds ,you may lose them. A. con ceal B. deceive C.

55、 receive D.conceive 52.I don t know whether he is_ to special treatment just because of hisrank. A. right B. bound C. due D. entitled 53._ too much to do ,they have to keepthemselves busy all day long . A. Having B. Have C. Had D. Being 54.The bank refused tohim anymoney ,so he had to postp one buyi

56、ng a house . A. credit B. borrowC. Loa n D. is caused 55.Air polluti on ,together with overpopulati on ,_manyproblems in big cities today. A. are caus ing B. is caus ing C. are caused D. is caused 56.You can hire abicycle in many places .Usually you ll have to play a_.A.fare B. fund C. deal D. depos

57、it 57.She has no idea of what the book is about .She_ have read it very carefully. A. mustn t B. can t C. shouldn t D. needn t_ 5 be n ecessary to stopin the lear ning process and go back to the difficultpoints in the less on. A. at a dista nee B. at ease C. at in tervals D. at len gth 59. I think I

58、the movie wewent to last ni ght eve n more if I had read the book. A. would enjoy B. would have enjoyed C. will enjoy D.enjo yed 60.No sooner_ beg un tospeak tha n some no ise arose form the audie nee. A. he had B. had he C. he has D. did he Part 川 Cloze(共 20 小題,每題 1 分,共 20 分 Directio ns :There are

59、twe nty bla nks in the follow ing passage .For eachbla nk there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and the n mark your an swer onthe an swer sheet . We got up early this morning and (61a long walk after breakfast .We walked throughthe bus in ess_ (62of the city .The city_ (63larger than I thought it would be .Well ,the bus in ess sect ion issmaller tha n I thou


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