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1、會計學1教學目標教學目標1 知識目標 : 1) 詞匯: 掌握 1-12 月份的表達和序數(shù)詞 第1-31 2)日常交際用語: When is your birthday ? My birthday is 3)語法日期表達法 2能力目標 : 在連慣的聽說讀寫活動中,訓練學生的邏輯思維,快速反應能力和實踐能力 , 使學生能熟練應用: When is your birthday? 句型及其回答。 3 德育目標 : 通過關注他人的“birthday”使學生之間相互增進關心,進而增進友誼。第1頁/共45頁Calendar(Calendar(日歷日歷) )第2頁/共45頁year month day sss

2、There are 12 months in a year.There are 30 days in a month.There are 31 days in a month.There are 29 days in a month.How many How many 第3頁/共45頁 months of the year1a Listen and repeat第4頁/共45頁第5頁/共45頁1.1.Spring Festival (Spring Festival (春節(jié)春節(jié))is in _ or _. )is in _ or _. 2.2.Tree Planting Day (Tree Pl

3、anting Day (植樹節(jié)植樹節(jié))is in _.)is in _.3.3.Mothers Day is in _. Mothers Day is in _. 4.4.National Day (National Day (國慶節(jié)國慶節(jié))is in _. )is in _. 5.5.Teachers Day is in _.Teachers Day is in _.January FebruaryMarch MayOctober September Christmas DayChristmas Day(圣誕節(jié))(圣誕節(jié)) is in _. is in _. April Fools Day

4、(April Fools Day (愚人節(jié)愚人節(jié))is in _. )is in _. Childrens Day (Childrens Day (兒童節(jié)兒童節(jié)) is in _. ) is in _. Students have summer holiday(Students have summer holiday(暑假暑假) in _ and _.) in _ and _.Thanksgiving(Thanksgiving(感恩節(jié)感恩節(jié)) is in _.) is in _.December April June JuneJuly November 第6頁/共45頁基數(shù)詞 序數(shù)詞 序數(shù)詞縮

5、寫 基數(shù)詞 序數(shù)詞 序數(shù)詞縮寫 one first 1st sixteen sixteenth 16th two second 2nd seventeen seventeenth 17th three third 3rd eighteen eighteenth 18th four fourth 4th nineteen nineteenth 19th five fifth 5th twenty twentieth 20th six sixth 6th twenty-one twenty-first 21st seven seventh 7th twenty-two twenty-second

6、22nd eight eighth 8th twenty-three twenty-third 23rd nine ninth 9th twenty-four twenty-fourth 24th ten tenth 10th twenty-five twenty-fifth 25th eleven eleventh 11th twelve twelfth 12th thirty thirtieth 30th thirteen thirteenth 13th thirty-one thirty-first 31st fourteen fourteenth 14th forty fortieth

7、 40th fifteen fifteenth 15th fifty fiftieth 50th 一起找規(guī)律吧第7頁/共45頁基變序有規(guī)律,多數(shù)詞尾基變序有規(guī)律,多數(shù)詞尾th.th.一、二、三特殊記。詞尾字母一、二、三特殊記。詞尾字母tdd.tdd.八去八去t t,九減,九減e e,f f來把來把veve替,然后再加替,然后再加th.th.整十變化需注意,整十變化需注意,tyty變成變成tietie,然后再加,然后再加th.th.假若遇到幾十幾,只變各位就可以。假若遇到幾十幾,只變各位就可以。序數(shù)詞表順序,一般需用定冠詞。序數(shù)詞表順序,一般需用定冠詞。順口溜順口溜第8頁/共45頁1st2nd3

8、rd4th5th6th7th8th9th 10th14th11th 12th 13th15th 16th17th 18th 19th 20th21st22nd23rd24th 25th 26th 27th28th 29th 30th 31st2b Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.Lets Lets listen.listen.Ear training第9頁/共45頁Can you read the dates?Writing(寫法)寫法) Reading (讀法)(讀法)January 1stMarch 8thAugust 2ndSep

9、tember 10thJuly 3rdFebruary 12thOctober 20thDecember 25thJanuary the firstMarch the eighthAugust the secondSeptember the tenthJuly the thirdFebruary the twelfthOctober the twentiethDecember the twenty-fifth第10頁/共45頁When is your birthday?My birthday is _ the _.六月一日六月一日When _ your birthday?My birthday

10、 is _the _.1月日月日When _ your birthday?It is _ the _. 3月月29日日June firstisDecember eighthis May twenty-ninth第11頁/共45頁When is your birthday, Vera?My birthday is October tenth.1When is your birthday, Mary?My birthday is January fifteenth.23When is your birthday, Jeff?My birthday is June fourth.1b第12頁/共45

11、頁Name:John MillerDate of birth:March 21stAge:15Name:William BrownDate of birth:November 12thAge:13Name:Tina JohnsonDate of birth:June 3rdAge:173a Pair workA:When is your birthday?B:Its A:How old are you?B:Im 第13頁/共45頁JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember SummaryS

12、ummary第14頁/共45頁SummarySummary第15頁/共45頁SummarySummary第16頁/共45頁課堂檢測課堂檢測一、寫出下列基數(shù)詞的序數(shù)詞。1one_2two_3three_ 4five_5eight_ 6nine_ 7twelve_ 8twenty_9twenty-one_10thirty-two_二、根據(jù)句意提示補全單詞。1_ _is the first month of the year.2_is the second month of the year.3_ _is the ninth month of the year.4_ _is the tenth mo

13、nth of the year.5_ _is the eleventh month of the year. 6_ _is the twelfth month of the year.first secondthirdfiftheighthninthtwelfthtwentieth twenty-firsttwenty-secondJanuaryFebruarySeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember第17頁/共45頁基礎訓練基礎訓練三、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1My birthday is September twenty-first.( 就劃線部分提問)_2Nick is thi

14、rteen. (就劃線部分提問)_3My fathers birthday is January twelfth. ( 變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧洌4His birthday is November third. (變?yōu)榉穸ň洌5Lucys birthday is October fifth. (就劃線部分提問)_When is your birthday?How old is he ?Is your fathers birthday January twelfth?His birthday isnt November third.When is Lucys birthday ?第18頁/共45頁Wh

15、en is your When is your fathersfathers birthday? birthday?His birthday is His birthday is When is your When is your mothersmothers birthday? birthday?Her birthday is Her birthday is When is your When is your friendsfriends birthday? birthday?Her/ His birthday isHer/ His birthday isHomework: 編寫一段對話編寫

16、一段對話第19頁/共45頁第20頁/共45頁January is the_ month of a year.March is the _month of a year.April is the _month of a year.June is the _month of a year.July is the _month of a year. first third fourth sixth seventh基礎訓練基礎訓練第21頁/共45頁_ is the 1st month of the year._ is the 2nd month of the year._is the 5th mont

17、h of the year.August is the _ month of the year.October is the_ month of the year.January FebruaryMay eighth基礎訓練基礎訓練第22頁/共45頁1、把下列基數(shù)詞變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞。、把下列基數(shù)詞變?yōu)樾驍?shù)詞。two_ three_ nine_ twelve_ twenty_ eight_five_ thirty-one_secondthirdninthtwelfthtwentietheighth2、按要求變換句子。、按要求變換句子。1、My birthday is August fourth(提問)

18、提問) is birthday?2、Nick is thirteen(提問)提問)_ _ is Nick?3、My fathers birthday is January 10th.(一般疑問句并做否定回答)一般疑問句并做否定回答) _ _ fathers birthday January 10th? No,_ _WhenyourHow oldIs yourfifththirty-firstit isnt能力訓練能力訓練第23頁/共45頁1.1.Spring Festival (Spring Festival (春節(jié)春節(jié))is in _ or _. )is in _ or _. 2.2.Tre

19、e Planting Day (Tree Planting Day (植樹節(jié)植樹節(jié))is in _.)is in _.3.3.Mothers Day is in _. Mothers Day is in _. 4.4.National Day (National Day (國慶節(jié)國慶節(jié))is in _. )is in _. 5.5.Teachers Day is in _.Teachers Day is in _.January FebruaryMarch MayOctober September Christmas DayChristmas Day(圣誕節(jié))(圣誕節(jié)) is in _. is

20、 in _. April Fools Day (April Fools Day (愚人節(jié)愚人節(jié))is in _. )is in _. Childrens Day (Childrens Day (兒童節(jié)兒童節(jié)) is in _. ) is in _. Students have summer holiday(Students have summer holiday(暑假暑假) in _ and _.) in _ and _.Thanksgiving(Thanksgiving(感恩節(jié)感恩節(jié)) is in _.) is in _.December April June JuneJuly Novemb

21、er 第24頁/共45頁Name B MonthDate Mary June secondNAMEBIRTHDAYMONTHDATEMake a class birthday calendar with four friends.第25頁/共45頁section BUnit 8第26頁/共45頁Sunday 星期天星期天Monday 星期一星期一Tuesday 星期二星期二Wednesday 星期三星期三Thursday星期四星期四Friday 星期五星期五Saturday 星期六星期六What day is today? Its第27頁/共45頁Numbers 基數(shù)詞基數(shù)詞OneTwo Th

22、reeFourFive SixSevenEightNineTen ElevenTwelveThirteenFourteenFifteenSixteenSeventeenEighteenNineteen Twenty Twenty-oneTwenty-twoThirtyFortyFiftySixtySeventyEightyNinety A hundred 第28頁/共45頁Can you read these numbers?2nd11th5th30th21st44th12th63rd9th18th72nd13th19th56th87th15th31st10th93rd第29頁/共45頁Lil

23、ys birthday is July 20th.Her birthday is July the 20th. LilyWhen is Lilys birthday?第30頁/共45頁party晚會,聚會晚會,聚會Birthday party 生日晚會生日晚會Christmas party 圣誕晚會圣誕晚會Marys第31頁/共45頁speech contest演講比賽演講比賽English contest Chinese contestMath contest第32頁/共45頁a school trip學校組織的觀光、郊游學校組織的觀光、郊游第33頁/共45頁an Art Festival一

24、次藝術節(jié)一次藝術節(jié) a Music Festival一次音樂盛典一次音樂盛典第34頁/共45頁basketball game籃球比賽籃球比賽volleyball game排球比賽排球比賽第35頁/共45頁第36頁/共45頁Joe: Sally.Can you help me fill in my calendar?Sally:Sure, Joe.Joe: When is your birthday party?Sally:My birthday party is October 5th. Joe: OK,and when is the basketball game?Sally: The ba

25、sketball game? Oh,its October 2nd.Joe: Good. And ,um,how about the school trip?Sally: The school trip is September26th and 27th.Joe: And when is the speech contest?Sally: Oh thats Friday, September 29 th.Joe: Great.第37頁/共45頁a speech contesta school tripA A:Do you have a/ an?Do you have a/ an?B B:Yes

26、, We do.Yes, We do.A A:WhenWhen is it? is it?B B:ItsItsA A:Do you have a/ an?Do you have a/ an?B B:No, we dont.No, we dont.第38頁/共45頁an art festivala basketball game2004.5.9A A:Do you have a/ an?Do you have a/ an?B B:Yes, We do.Yes, We do.A A:WhenWhen is it? is it?B B:ItsItsA A:Do you have a/ an?Do you have a/ an?B B:No, we dont.No, we dont.第39頁/共45頁an English partyan English Christmas partya music festival2005.12.25A A:Do you have a/ an?Do you have a/ an?B B:Yes, We do.Yes, We do.A A:WhenWhen is it? is it?B B:


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